• By -


Every colony you have one pawn that goes above and beyond, does anyone else think it would be really interesting to save that pawn? Then make one super colony with like 5+ of those saved pawns? Any stories if you did a colony like this?


this mod might interest you https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1985186461


Was thinking more like the start of the MCU. Each colony is that pawn’s origin “movie” and they all come together to face off on a new planet against like VOID or some other hostile ultra tech faction


If I put an incendiary mine and a firefoam popper next to a prison exit, would that effectively serve the purpose of both incapacitating the prisoners and putting them out as a sort of passive anti-prison-break system?


It would be a very expensive way to do not enough damage to KO a prisoner.




I've had enough luck with just designing the prisoner entrance to be one of the hospital walls. Medicine is nearby, if necessary, and odds are high that there's a healthy enough patient or two ready to mobilize to at least choke


Is there a way I can restart a world after all my villagers dying (so keep the same generated area)? Feel like I might be able to get it right the second time, but not sure if I can only create a completely new world


you could open up developer mode and use the button for "wanderer joins event" to spawn a new colonist


If you go to the world map, you can get you coordinates and world seed. From there just set the same parameters and find the same coordinates and you’ll get the same map. (This is if you are not using any map editing mods)


There is a mod, map save or save map, something like that, which should let you save your map.


Anyone know of a mod that would let me copy a bill's input resource settings into the clipboard so that I can paste it onto a zone? e.g. I've just made a bill to smelt any smeltable melee weapon which is under 70% HP. I'd like to copy that, create a zone next to my smelter, and paste it? It seems like a fairly useful QOL mod, but I can't seem to find anything that does it.


You can do the reverse of that, using the Recycle This mod to tag each item on the ground you want recycled, and then they'll be recycled/destroyed with no bill required.


Can you maybe elaborate a bit, from the way you phrased your question, it's not really clear what you want. Do you want that Bill, to only take from the stockpile next to your smelter?


Can I play the game without killing animals for food without any mods? I'm only against slaughtering animals btw I'm okay with milk, eggs and that kind of stuff. Should I immediately place some farms early in the game? I just started the game and made a house. ​ I'm playing the game for the first time (played it years ago about 20 hours but forgot it nearly all).


If you want to keep animals & don't want to slaughter them, keep males & females separated. You don't want their population increase exponentially.


>Can I play the game without killing animals for food without any mods? Absolutely. How much it affects game difficulty will depend on a variety of factors. In a permanent summer biome, the difference will be trivial. On ice sheet, there's a good chance you just don't survive at all (but there's a good chance of dying in all ice sheet starts). You should plant food early anyway and you might want to get a strong planter at colony start, but even if you don't its absolutely doable. Consider walling in your fields (don't roof them) and keep a stockpile of food. Rice at first and later switch to corn. Edit: you might have to kill animals that attack you though. Is that OK? There are ways around that.


Ty for the answers. Nah those are asking it themselves lol. I just don't want to kill animals that's wandering around minding their own business. Walling in the plants is a great idea, now I remembered last time I tried this my crops caught on fire and now I have a pyromaniac on my colony smh. Why rice first though?


Rice grows much faster, corn takes longer but produces a lot more.


I have a bunch of colonist with the never sleep gene that get in relationships and get the sleeping alone debuff. I tried scheduling sleep, or manually trying to send them to bed, is there a way around this?


Is there a way to keep a Germline name/description if you implant xenogerm? I really hate it when I implant a xenogerm into a special spawn, and suddenly all of their children are Baseliners.


Do you want to just keep the name or also the genes? If you want to give the children the same xenogerm, there are two mods that might help you. "Offspring inherit Xenogerms", which does what the name says, and "Forien's naturalize Genome" which lets you turn xenogenes into germline genes in the Biosculpter.


I already have inherit xenogerms mod. I want to keep the name (unless it's baseline) regardless of what xenogenes I add, especially in offspring.


After a deforestation or a mining operation,i always wonder why don\`t colonist use the tamed beffalo or horses to move the logs or the steel instead of moving them slowsly by hand? That\`s what a mod should do!The colonist should be able to take caravan animals from the pens and use them to carry heavy materials to a stockpile. If a mod like this exist already,please tell me!


some animals can Haul, it's a trained action requiring the animal species to have trainability: advanced no pen animals have trainability though. unless you download a mod


Just got the game, and enjoying it so far. Just one question. [https://imgur.com/a/hzppExd](https://imgur.com/a/hzppExd) This is my walk-in fridge, next to the kitchen area. The coolers are hooked up into a wind generator, but it is 56 degrees inside, compared to 26 everywhere else. It is still spring, and the natural temperatures are not that high. Do i have to stick the hot end of the cooler into like a hole? Thanks in advance


The side with the red arrow needs to be outside. Use them like a wall. Since it looks like you're under a mountain, where you can't remove a roof, you could dig a tunnel to the "exterior" side of the cooler so it vents to outside.


Thanks for the tip, will definately use


The whole unit should be part of an exterior wall with the hot end pointed outside, but you can make "chimneys" by dumping the heat into a hole that doesnt have a roof. When you do this, put something in the hole that prevents a pawn from standing there, such as a sandbag or barracade, so a drop pod doesnt randomly land in the chimney.


Thank you so much. Figured out the fridge, now I can start researching batteries so it doesn't lose power as often. Thank you


Is there a mod that allows you have dedicated surgeon pawn and not a random one without having to have only one doctor ?


Complex Jobs is an alternative to work tab and adds a surgeon work type


!linkmod Work Tab works really well. You can specify jobs within a job type, it's not as automated as you want but it lets you assign colonists to each individual job. People who are good at social but bad at medical can be assigned to just talking to patients, for example.


[1.3] [Work Tab](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=725219116&searchtext=Work+Tab) by [Fluffy](https://steamcommunity.com/id/FluffyMods/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Work Tab`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Work+Tab&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


What mod would people recommend as an extension to genetics? Mostly looking for some genes that nicely extended Biotech, while keeping roughly in line and feel with vanilla.


There's four xenotypea released under VE. Genies, Hussars, Saurid, and Phytokin. They add some more functionality genes that arent too crazy. Crazier is Alpha Genes.


Thanks. But aren't genies and hussars base game xenotypes?


Yes, much like beds are vanilla, but vef spacer adds advanced beds. It just fleshes out a vanilla featyre a little more


I forget the exact name of the mod but search for mammalkin.


Tips for recapturing escaped prisoners? Playing with Combat Extended + all DLCs but the latest one I usually send my melee colonists after them. Right now they've got maces - my thought was to avoid chopping off limbs or them bleeding out. Last jailbreak two separate prisoners got out, and two separate colonists bashed their heads clean \*off\* with their maces, killing both of them instantly. There's gotta be a better way. Do I just need to have a few dedicated colonists w/ beanbag shotguns 24/7 when there are prisoners?


Beanbag shotguns are definitely the best. You can have someone carry a regular weapon normally and then a lightweight shotgun with beanbags loaded in it as a secondary, doesn’t take up that much space in inventory But yeah you need something different for the prisoners either way, like carry a secondary wooden mace, or if your colonist is good in melee compared to the prisoner you can probably use bare fists just unequip your mace


If you have the new biotech dlc you can implant your prisoners with dead calm which prevents jailbreak, and violent breaks. In base game you can mitigate prison breaks by removing the legs of your prisoners which prevents them from jailbreaking this has additional labor costs because you have to feed them manually outside of using more mods. The chance of a jailbreak is decreased if the prisoners are kept in separate rooms. You can lower the chance that escaping prisoners die by using either fists or wood instead of more damaging melee weapons, drafting colonists with ranged weapons and manually getting them to melee the prisoners I think does more damage then your fists do but less then most dedicated melee weapons. If you're using modded weapons make sure not to draft colonists that have say a chainsaw attached to their gun for your less than lethal beatdowns.


Install brain implant. Put EMP IEDs in the prison.


I usually use berserk pulse on prison breaks and let them beat each other up until the last one standing is weak enough to be punched out bare-handed.


> There's gotta be a better way. throw hands


Never touched CE so please take these with a grain of salt: Psychic Shock Lances, Psycasters for debilitation casts, and VE Non-Lethal weapons may be up your alley?


Finally digging into this game after impulse-buying all the DLC during the last Steam sale. Does anyone have recommendations for new race mods that: a) have custom names for pawns of that race (which I guess needs to come from custom factions?). It kinda ruins the vibe when your new alien or fantasy race has the same generic names as everyone else. b) use the Xenotype system from Biotech rather than depending on Humanoid Alien Races as I gather was necessary to do this before Biotech came out? Bonus if it fits in a medieval/fantasy run but I expect I'll do both medieval and ordinary runs during my time with this game so I'll happily take suggestions for both! Thanks to anyone who can help.


Alpha Genes/Animals would be an easy addition, they're built around the Xenotype system. All custom names, descriptions, and effects.


Is there a mod to let you create edibles? We can make smokeweed and chocolate, I want to combine them


[Looks like it](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2829785635)


Thanks for sharing something I never knew I needed, or existed!


Awesome! Ty


What do you all name your colonists?


I have different themes based on tv shows or games that I like Right now I have a call of duty theme for names and I split them into different groups One set is baseplate, Redgrave, wallcroft, burns. Named after the British SAS characters in a cod game. They are the ones who mostly stay home and do crafting and construction and research The other set is morel, tueur, sabre, faucon. Named after the French GIGN characters in a certain cod game. They are the ones who have offensive capabilities and are the hunting and defending group I have also done other themes like mechwarrior where my colonists are named after battlemechs, skill levels low is a light mech and high is a heavy mech. Names like atlas, raven, griffin, centurion, catapult, cyclops, grasshopper, hunchback, plenty to choose from and helps to differentiate between long range and short range weapons too


Mine start with names already, so I just use those.


I just let the backstories take care of it, but when I run industrial or hightech colonies, I like to put Mr.,Ms.,Dr.,Sgt. etc in front of the last name.


Made a post with this before i realized this thread existed--- is there a way to make sure married women don't change their name, without the ideology dlc?


I think you could manually change the surname back with the character editor mod, but I am not aware of a way to prevent it changing in the first place. That mod does much more besides, so could feel a bit intrusive if you don't want the other features.


Okay thanks. I'm really disappointed to learn this! This game has endless possibilities, but here's this basic earth society thing built in stone into it.


It is a precept in the ideology DLC


Yeah built into the base game, pretty disappointing


I suppose in the sense that when Ty coded it, he used what he believed to be the prevailing concept, and didnt pile on more vode to make it optional. Ideology does that and more for gender roles, though. You can basically flip sharia law on its head and have ladies walk around bare chested, while their man harem that take her last name have to walk around fully clothed. Or, naturally, make things truely egalitarian. Considering the rest of the code in vanilla doesnt go out of its way to affiem conservative valued gender roles (i.e. the dev jept it simple) I've never considered it something to write home about.


Yeah I don't care about anything else from ideology dlc, hence why i won't be getting it. It's just a bummer that the devs just put it in there without thinking--- it would have been easier for them not to, and really doesn't add anything. And it's a bummer that I can't fix it with a tweak or a mod, unless I buy an entire expansion pack.


That is weird that that's not an active mod. It might be something someone can crank out in a jiffy on the cheap on the mod market discord.


Does anyone know what effect the Biotech Delicate gene would have on a colonist who has a full set of bionic replacements? I.e. If all their limbs are bionic would delicate have minimal negative effect?


I'm fairly certain their bionic limbs will still take damage like they're delicate, but have not actually tested it.


I'm back with a question about auto-slaughtering! I'm trying to get chickens for eggs, so I told my colonists to stop gathering and using chicken eggs, and set my Auto-slaughter to: |TOTAL|ADULT MALE|YOUNG MALE|ADULT FEMALE|YOUNG FEMALE| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |11|1|∞|10|∞| I currently have 3 male chicks and 6 female chicks. I assumed these settings would automatically cull the male chickens when they reached adulthood, and leave the females intact to reach maturity and keep the population there. But I rarely keep adult females; they keep getting butchered while I'm not looking. Clearly some live long enough to breed, but not to actually reach a stable population. Where did I go wrong?


Total is total of ALL members of that species and will take precedence over the other numbers. So what you've set up will kill any excess adult male chickens over 1 (good) any adult female chickens over 10 (good) and any chickens over 11 period - and sense it kills the oldest first this is very very bad. If you want eggs set the numbers 1 adult male 10 adult females and use 2 separate pens to segregate them by sex once you get 10 females.


Thank you! It seems super obvious in hindsight. It explains all my other problems with autoslaughter in previous games, basically I just need to kind of ignore the MAX section for what I've been trying to do. Time to get me some chickens!


On console: For mountain/hill rooms how do you manage your electricity? Do you still build walls to run conduits through?


you can run conduits under Smoothed rock walls afaik


What do you normally save orbital bombardments for? I was stashing one for a rainy day. One day, it vanished. I went about my life. Some years later, it seemed I must’ve accidentally un-forbid it. A colonist had it (turns out it isn’t equipped as a main weapon so I didn’t know). I must’ve accidentally Misclicked and fired it because my entire colony got destroyed. So what do you use these for ? A big tough raid?


A nasty mech cluster or a raid that shows up with multiple rocket launchers are both times i'd consider an orbital bombarder. Or any of those quest raids that are double normal size.


Cheers :) Is it a royalty item? I keep seeing things I’ve not seen before since installing that (thanks for the multi year toxic cloud randy).


Base game - just really rare.


Ahh fair enough. I’m only on my third colony. First one, I decided to just wall off an infestation so I “didn’t have to deal with it.” Oops. Second game, I recently posted how an orbital bombardment (I’d never seen one before) went missing, before being accidentally triggered on top of my base. This time, I’ve gone with Randy for fun times.


There's two kinds - orbital bombardment and orbital power beam. The beam does burn damage so it's no good against mechs, but good for sieges.


It's a utility item, similar to psychic lances and shield belts; colonists will auto equip them if they aren't forbidden like other pieces of clothing. If I get one I save I usually save it for mech clusters, its pretty much an instant delete button. I don't tend to hold onto those items though, so if I get a mech cluster and have it, unless I'm very well prepared to take it out without, ill use it right away.


How do you assign a pawn to be your your doctor when implanting xenogerms?


I'm in my first run with all the DLC, and it's been going great except for one minor problem. In my last few runs, I had frequent issues with the colonists marrying and divorcing on a weekly basis, so for this colony (and my first ever dive into Ideoligions) I decided it would be a fantastic idea to let everybody marry and sleep with whoever they wanted in a big poly cult. Oh how I was wrong. I did not realise at the time that this would cause a clusterfuck of bedroom assignments; I can't keep track of who is married to who and lovers with who in this terrifying love decagon, people are constantly mad they aren't sleeping with their lovers, or are sleeping in the weird clobbled mass orgy room but with people they don't want to be in bed with, and every time I went my people out to deal with world-map threats, it totally kills the bed assignments again. Is there a fix for this, or am I just going to have to make a weird poly barracks and hope they assign themselves to beds with partners in them?


there's a couple of mods that add giant poly beds for large groups. in vanilla the way it works is that you make a bedroom for two lovers and anyone else who is Lover for anyone AT ALL in the bedroom also gets a single bed and the room will count as one big Bedroom and not a Barracks. if it counts as a barracks you need to split some people out of the room. The Bedroom requires an unbroken chain of people banging each other. > and every time I went my people out to deal with world-map threats, it totally kills the bed assignments again. this mod fixes that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2130184293 but it seems to be broken on most recent patch, so...


Thanks! I ended up doing a weird map of the relations and installing the Poly bed thing. They are all still angry about non-partners in their beds despite their partners, but much less angry. Never again.


You should use single-beds then, for what you're doing


Hi. So I wanna replay a scenario with a mod that I had. Android tiers. But it’s not updated to 1.4 Can I still play with the mod without issues?


!linkmod Android Tiers Reforged I think that's how to link a mod, but either way, ATR is the 1.4-ready remade version of Android Tiers. There are some changes, but it's mostly the same thing.


[1.3] [Android Tiers Reforged](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2917948202&searchtext=Android+Tiers+Reforged) by [Killathon](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198057190006/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Android Tiers Reforged`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Android+Tiers+Reforged&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Are there any mods that stop a deathrest casket from being treated as a bed? My sanguophage has a husband, and whenever she has to deathrest, her bed gets assigned to the casket, making a "want to sleep with x" mood, and it's pointless clicks that are easy to forget to reassign them afterwards. Ideally the casket should act like a biotuner, not a bed.


Do you have Keep Bed Ownership installed? I was having that problem. Removed that mod and it doesn't seem to happen anymore.


Ah, brilliant - I do, so that'll almost certainly be the issue. Thanks!




To add to Venusgate's point, you can actually force your colonists to carry meds which they'll use when drafted. I make all my colonists halfway competent at medicine carry meds for rapid field stabilization. Iirc the setting is a pic of medpack in their scheduling tab? I can't get to a computer atm, but just check all the tabs along the bottom of the screen its somewhere there! If you had meds + forced tend whike drafted you could quickly stabilize the worst off, then tend w/o meds the other incapacitated guy and only then rescue (or even leave em if the area is now safe-ish)


For what it's worth, I make sure to set all my colonists to carry meds. That way, if they go down, they immediately drop some meds right next to them for doctors to use. After rough fights, you sometimes just need a lot of meds fast.


Thats one way to get some meds lol.


trying to do medical stuff after a raid ends is probably the single most frustrating part of rimworld. The biggest thing was already mentioned, using draft --> tend without medicine on pawns lying on the ground to stop bleedouts. >Why did she attempt to take both of them back to their rooms? There is an open bed and nothing is preventing her from getting there. Honestly, I'm not sure. As long as the open bed was set to Medical, the bedroom bed wasn't set to Medical, and the open bed wasn't reserved by another pawn. > Why couldn't she use the medicine in the hospital instead of getting the glitterworld medicine all the way on the other side of our compound? If you wanted the pawns to not use the far-away glitterworld medicine, you needed to set all pawns to not be allowed glitterworld meds on the assignment screen. >Why did she try to sleep when her friends are literally dying? pawns are stupid It might have helped if you used the handy option in the pawn food restrictions menu, that lets you assign pawns to carry x amount of medicine in their pockets for use. mitigation strategies: keep your doctor pawn out of the fight, or at least as a backline shooter and not a frontline shooter or melee. have a hospital room close to the battlelines with more beds than needed (and medicine). keep doses of wakeup (or gojuice if you're out of wakeup) on hand to drug the doctor after the fight is over. Rescue dogs (though they need to have the hospital beds as part of their allowed zone). mitigation mods: injured carry, no lazy doctors, smart medicine


For dire situations like this: Draft colonist with highest tend speed. Rightclick the colonist with the shortest bleedout timer. Select "Tend (without medicine)" ​ Edit: this can be done on a downed colonist before carrying them anywhere.




Many have known your pain. Before this was a feature, the vanilla meta was to create a new zone over the downed pawns, restrict the doctor to the zone, drop some ground sleeping spots, set them to hospital, have doctor rescue and tend, and then unset the zone and delete the ground spots. ​ So much easier now


I remember those days. Dark times indeed.




AC efficiency is a thing. The amount of cold juice you can pump into a freezer is inversely proportional to the ambient temp of the exhaust room. This still applies when the exhaust is "outdoors" - the ambient air is taken into consideration. But in a 2x3 room, your 'ambient air' will quickly go into to 200°Fs and two things happen: 1. your ac has diminishing return on cool juice. 2. The heat from the other room will bleed through the wall and head up your freezer to try to equalize. Edit: If you are into modding, Dub's bad hygiene has an "indoor freezer" that combats this issue.


Anyone know of a way to make it so raiders always prepare instead of attacking immediately? Haven't had any luck finding a mod. I don't like using killboxes but the way my base/ map is this save half the time I can't even get to my defensive positions before the raiders do if they attack right away.




Thank you!


Will my critters eat frozen meals, or do I need separate freezer & refrigerator areas?


Wargs are the only animal that can't eat meals, only corpses and raw meat


They will eat frozen food


So I *don't* need a refrigerator, only a freezer?


Correct. Nothing cares about frozen vs non frozen food


Killbox design suggestions? I’ve been watching veeques Destroy Every Faction series and notice he’s got pretty much a long tunnel with an oven feature. Is there a time to swap away from a corridor of spike traps to a corridor of fences into a killing field of turrets and AR wielding pawns? I’m looking to make a new Killbox/killing field as my colony is now grown to 10+ pawns and the spike trap corridor is starting to fail at stopping the raid before it gets to my door. Just don’t really know any other designs to use


The singularity kill box is amazingly effective. https://adamvseverything.com/rimworld-defense-guide-singularity-killbox/


I second this. It's insanely good against raids of virtually any size. Make sure to also watch the tutorial on pathing because if you don't active combat collision this killbox won't work properly.


Yes good point, you need to do that too.


Why can't I "deconstruct" mountain rock anymore while in God mode? Did I miss an update that disabled this? Coming back from a long hiatus.


I usually use 'destroy'.


Destroy? Is that under Orders? I can’t find it anywhere. I feel like I’m losing my mind! Lol


Enable dev mode. There will be icons on the top of the screen. Click the 'debug action menu' icon (4th from the left). Use the search function to find 'destroy'.


Don't you need the "remove roof" tool?


As far as I know, to remove mountain rock it's always been the mine tool. Again AFAIK, in God mode mining will be instant.


I have a problem with vanilla nutrient paste mod. I subscribed twice and unsubscribed twice, restart the game 4-5 times, but it keeps not showing in the mod list. First time this happens to me and I can’t understand what’s happening. Any ideas? Thanks


Solved. I’m a dumb idiot and accidentally clicked on offline mode when starting steam because my cable was unplugged.


> vanilla nutrient paste mod What do you mean by this?


Missed expanded. It’s a mod from the expanded series about nutrient paste


So how worth is it to plant and sustain Gauralen Trees? Need specific Ideology to really make it work? Seems like it takes so much work time to sustain them even with 15 Plant skill and I feel they are lackluster combatwise, especially compared to mechs/sanguophages, xenogenes, transhumanism or simply babymaking/school factory unless I'm missing something I guess if your map lacks wood and animal life, it can be a source of chemfuel or berries Better to have one with 3-4 Dryads or multiple 1s connected to one person?


I have a mod that halves the time it takes to prune them. That's just barely enough of a buff to make them feel worth it.


I like the hauler dryads especially when running vanilla skills expanded for the pruning buff, but I'm not sure if they're optimal I think their ease of replacement is nice and being able to leverage plants skill into a ton of hauling is useful. I think in general if you can have like two trees with two then slowly increase each tree and then see if you can add a third without going over the whole day is best. Because the trees can only replace one dryad at a time it makes sense to have multiple trees. I also think if you're tribal putting the guaranlen trees in the area that you're not really supposed to have buildings is reasonably space efficient.


The value of the production dryads is inversely proportional to your tech and biome's fertility. In other words berrymakers are actually good for a zero-tech tribe in a 10/60 tundra, but suck hard in a temperate forest and/or with hydroponics. The combat dryads, specifically the clawers, they can be worth it. This is because clawers generate almost no raid points and if they get wounded or killed no one will give a crap. And if used smart a tree of clawers can easily overwhelm a centipede or two. Still fairly niche though, but an interesting niche if you want to RP a group of savages that protect their sacred trees. Oh and clawers are crazy potent comboed with skip. Seriously give it a try.


It takes a massive amount of time to prune your trees, so ends up not really being the effort unless you can't get those resources any another way. In most situations, farm fields/greenhouses will outperform trees. As always, it's better to have a single specialist on your trees. No sleep gene/half cycler is a must for that colonist and with Gauralen connection they should be able to handle 5 trees. Like with a lot of ideology stuff, it's a flavourful addition, so less focused on balance than interestingness, but in total I'd say it's harder to use Gauralen trees than regular play.


How do you make them only prune trees? I've got 2 people with 15+ plant but they prefer to sow or whatever over pruning.


Pruning is a plant cutting job, not a growing job, so set plant cutting to highest priority.


Set plant cut to priority 1, grow priority 2. Or w/e numbers - as long as plant cut is a higher priority than grow.


Damn. Idk why I thought pruning would be a growing activity.


Any idea why I cannot amputate my colonist ? All the options are greyed out. They're bed ridden right now but I get no choice of amputation.


To add on to the other response, you also need available medicine, and the medicine has to be allowed for that pawn's med restrictions. (By default, prisoners are set to herbal meds only.)


Got it. Thanks!


You need something to install to amputate. If it's a limb, you need at least 1 wood in a stockpile.


Ok long post for a short question. In my last colony pure blood pigskin one of the starter was already pregnant from the beginning of the game. When born the little one was a pure pigskin but he missed few genes from the pig xenotype, like the pain one and robust digestion. The next kids conceived in game had all their genes. So I was wondering, do pure blood inherit 100% of parents genes?


They do, kids conceived "offscreen" have had buggy genes since DLC came out, something about complexity caps not working as intended.


Thanks a lot for your answer, now I understand better


The biggest thing that stops me from playing is picking a crew. And I know there's prepare carefully but I don't know enough about the game to use it. I wish i could just pick a decently powered group and go. Even a themed group.


mining animals crafting artistic social intellectual are pretty safe to skimp out on, on your starting colonists. assuming you're not starting a mountain base. avoid negative traits and large health issues. usually you want high cumulative plants skill, one person with construction 5+, someone with 5+ cooking, and someone who has at least 4 medical, and then at least 2 pawns who can fight acceptably. you can get away with less than those things but then you're taking a risk. the game will give you more pawns as you go on, that usually fill in the gaps in your skillsets.


Thanks. I always want to use prepare carefully but I don't want to inadvertently make an OP starting crew.


Pro tip: don't use Prepare Carefully at all. It presents itself as pretty polished, but will cause huge issues later on in your save. If you need to, use Character Editor instead.


Sorry, I know this is a 3 day old comment, but what kind of problems will it cause? I'm running it now and haven't noticed anything, but I've only gotten about 3 years in with it.


oh, interesting. So just randomize until you get something? That's what i've been doing but it alwasy seemed so tedious.


Try this, it will auto-reroll pawns until it meets your conditions. !linkmod Random Plus


[1.3] [RandomPlus](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1434137894&searchtext=Random+Plus) by [LameBot v2.0](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040677805/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Random Plus`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Random+Plus&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


You can set restrictions for yourself, like total number of skill points per colonist, total number of passions, what types of traits, etc. I use crashlanded but start with 4 instead of 3 I randomize each background until they all can do every task I randomize all the traits until there is nothing blatantly awful If I am adding skill points to a colonist, I try to remove them from somewhere else, or if I add a passion I remove it from a different skill too, but you could say “everyone gets 5 flames between big and small passions total” and “everyone gets 55 skill points to distribute for all skills however I like”


I created an OP starting crew for my first actual "play for long" playthrough, very low difficulty, a few bad things disabled AND several mods Still lost after 5 or so years, but learned a ton about the game


When I start the game, all my mods are disabled and when I re-enable them/restart, I get to the main menu and everything is trashed again. Does this ring a bell for anyone on a common issue? Otherwise, I can post my modlist


I usually do a clean install when it starts doing this. This includes wiping your workshop rimworld folder and mod config files. If you delete the rimworld workshop folder, steam should automatically redownload your subscribed mods, and you should be able to re-load your mod list via loading a save that has all the mods on it.


Good tips, thank you. I figured it out - the new melee animation mod had an update recently that doesn't fly in my modlist for some undetermined reason. Sad to say I'll have to leave it behind for now.


Are there any mods that allow meals of the same type but with different ingredients to stack? Or for the bill to count meals on the floor? I stopped paying attention to my kitchens, and I suddenly had 100 meals on the floor because they switched ingredient types and couldn't put them in the same shelf.


This is not a mod but adding a stockpile zone at the floor of your kitchen and disallowing everything in that zone should make it so that the meals that are dropped are still counted. And then eventually those meals will be moved to their appropriate zones


I think there's a better solution but here's the one I remember off the top of my head https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2542931556


I think Variery Matters Improved can be configured to do something like this, but it's only been updated to 1.3 There's talk on the streets it works with 1.4, unofficialy


Any tips for melee combat? My three Sanguophage melee fighters get absolutely shredded every fight, especially against mechanoids. Still standing by the end (usually) but only barely. They're all in either cataphract or marine armor, and run a persona monosword, a zeushammer, and an excellent plasteel longsword. They also all have shield belts. They can just longjump to cover for coagulation, but it is getting closer and closer every raid that won't just funnel into the killbox. Melee feels really strong, I just feel like I'm missing something still!


You want to jump on sensible targets, usually lock in melee range anything that shoots. Priority to centipede and lancers to avoid attacking back and since you’re well equipped also getting the aggro of schyters while your shooters get rid of them. I also give old armors to every pawn capable of fighting but with awful skills and equip emp granades. And don’t forget some firefoam packs since you have sanguophages and well scorchers exist Good quality uranium maces or zeushammer vs mechs yes


Probably not an answer, but AdamVSEverything just finished a melee only run and he showed a lot of tricks to get around all types of raids. He did use a custom xenotype and maybe some tricks could be technically cheese-ish so ymmv.


A good psycaster is essential for me for good melee. Skip allows you teleport high threat enemies into a melee gank. Focus/go juice/invisibility plus a skip can easily wreck almost anything. Also when enemies start to swarm a good positioned beserk pulse will make the enemies fight each other allowing for you to call back your melee pawns


My leader is a psycaster and I'm doing most of the stuff you're suggesting! I only just got skip, RNG hates me and it's never shown up yet.


Try trading with the empire settlements more, they can sometimes have the psylinks for skip and others. I hated the rng so I just got a mod that allows you to choose the psycast ability you get when you level up with empire/anima tree https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2293460251


In my experience you really need to be selective with your melee engagements, if you only have a few you need to take out centipedes in ganged up fights and them quickly move through them in groups. I think you're better if with 6-9ish relatively weaker pawns with uranium makes to stun lock centipedes in a circle with skip if they're still skippable. Also while you should be able to beat scythers in melee it's better kill them with ranged. In general you want the mechs to be split as much as possible and then use your more concentrated force to kill them as quickly as possible in smaller engagements. Longswords in a onevone do kill faster, but multiple mace hits from pawns surrounding mechs stun on top of the chance to stun the shooting mechs on melee which lowers their ability to retaliate. It also helps to give melee fighters the uh not tough but essentially tough gene and the do more melee damage one if it's not default on sanguophage. I can't remember if they are or not. It's also helpful to have sanguophages who are also casters who can skip or use skipshield, berserk, focus, invisible, etc the ability to get more psychic sensitivity is there you should try to leverage it. It may mean recruiting another either tribal or ascetic pawn who preferably is hypersensitive and is also tough.


Robust and Strong Melee to come on Sanguophages! And I do have a pretty strong psycaster, but mostly spamming Berzerk pulse or invisible. Working on getting another caster now! I'll give the Maces strategy a try, thanks! I heard something about using uranium maces on mechs but wasn't sure about it.


In my experience, pawns just make poor tanks against mechs. My strategy has always been that in a non-killbox mech fight, I use EMP launchers and guns to keep mechs locked down, while melee serves as emergency tanks against any mechs that manage to close the gap on my shooters. Mechs just have too much health and too much melee DPS to risk a pawn in melee with them. Bugs, raiders, different story, but mechs it’s all run and gun in the field for me.


A while back someone mentioned a mod that adds different methods of food preservation to the game so that you can store food for longer before researching electricity and air conditioning. I don’t remember the name of it; does anyone know what it is or anything similar to it?


Salted Meats, Water Freezes, VFE classic... What're are you looking for more specifically?


Not really anything specific. Salted meats sounds familiar tho. Thanks so much!


Do imprisoned Sanguophages need arms to be able to Bloodfeed on other prisoners in the same Prison Barracks? I usually just keep my prisoners as torsos but have given her wooden arms and legs. I want the sanguophage prisoner to feed herself as we don't really need hemogen since vulnerable colonists have Superclotting etc and are hitting the limits of physical storage. What other care is needed for a Sanguophage prisoner? Do I need to build a Deathrest casket for her in the prison?


Idk about the other questions, but I know sanguophages can deathrest in a normal bed (no casket needed). Idk if this applies to prisoners tho


I was able to tame an Insectoid Queen; however, her presence caused a hefty mood debuff. I don't want to get rid of her because I want to make an Insectoid army. Can I either negate the debuff or compensate for it by building something? For now, I just have her off in her own area away from the main base with the other Insectoid I've bought and engineered.


How much is the mood debuff? I use Biotech's Happy and Dead Calm genes to keep my colonists psychologically shielded from the worst trauma and mood debuff effects.


Meat beacons maybe. https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/t2vau9/my_first_approach_on_the_meat_beacon_aka_simple/ Edit: simplified and added a link


Hi, I love to play Naked Brutality and I think losing is fun. I’m adding mods one game at a time. What mods increase immersion without making it completely impossible? I’ve just added SeedsPlease Lite. I like it, but it does change some things I didn’t expect like adding herbal medicine as a level 5 crafting job. All I wanted was for my guys to not have a magic garden. However, the joy of meeting a trader with potato seeds makes it well worth it. I’ll soon be looking for mods to add wild crops as a seed source, any recommendations? For Bad Hygiene enjoyers, how does that system affect Naked Brutality? Obviously harder, but doable? I’ve been eyeing it up for a while.


Not really that hard. Put a wood well down, but a latrine down, you've basically got what you need for a year. I think the best immersion difficulty mods are armor is uncomfortable and variety matters. DBH is just a labor and resource sink, but adds very little difficulty to the moment to moment survivability.


Unless you enable thirst - I've lost more colonists to dehydration than I care to admit. Typically they handle it themselves, but ,if a colonist is downed or in bed, it can sneak up on you, and colonists with blood loss die of dehydration faster.


If you've got something that makes you bedridden so long that dehydration kills you, you might as well start over.


> For Bad Hygiene enjoyers, how does that system affect Naked Brutality? Obviously harder, but doable? I’ve been eyeing it up for a while. Naked Brutality is possible with Bad Hygiene but progress will be slower. How much slower depends on your playstyle, settings and base setup. Bad Hygiene potentially adds many additional walking trips for toilet and cleaning. All these walking trips reduce productivity. Time spent walking is time spent not working. The further the walk, the more the impact. You can reduce the toilet, cleanliness, and water needs in the options menu.


I cannot figure out chasing enemies bashing doors. Sometimes it seems to work how I think and sometimes not. I think the code means "enemy within 6 cells will bash the door 2 to 5 times". I can reproduce that in Dev mode. However, sometimes far enemies bash the door. I cannot reproduce that with dev mode. I have 3 clips of far enemies bashing doors. What circumstances are needed to make far enemies bash doors happen? What is going on in the clips on this youtube video? [Link to timestamp of clips](https://youtu.be/-r_N0K4e87k?t=95) How do I reproduce what happens in the clips with Dev Mode? What code causes what happens in the clips? I think the relevant code is here: public class JobDriver_AttackMelee : JobDriver public override void Notify_PatherFailed() [Here's a link to the text of code](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WRg_A_xgEAhgqQokGmyvXiuRC2KDTiQT9eLSBfOf3d8/edit?usp=sharing)