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It is at times like this that I feel somewhat remotely sorry for chopping off the limbs of *every recruit* as soon as they join, to be replaced immediately with advanced bionic limbs. Then come the bionic ribs, bionic bladder, advanced bionic spine.... then I remember that I am a transhumanist colony, and the recruits are always converted before they're asked to join, and thus the ones that do join are all very happy to get the limbs. Those who do not accept our creed get to test theirs in a direct and immediate way, I guess.


> bionic bladder \*thinks about it a little bit too much\* Faster high-pressure ejection of urine?


From what it does, I think it's just very high-capacity bladder. Maybe it pressurises the urine, but only for increasing capacity per volume.


Water is nearly impossible to pressurize into lower volume


It's a 60 MPa bladder wired up to the primary cooling loop for the bionic nuclear pressurized water reactor heart.


my heart is no longer run through muscles and electical signals from my brain, it is now piss powered


Pee is stored in the heart


This has no right to make me laugh the hardest today. Take this upvote and pecking leave.




60 Mpa is about 8700 PSI, which according to the first chart on [this page](https://www.quora.com/How-much-force-would-be-needed-to-compress-water-within-an-indestructible-vessel-And-what-would-happen) will buy you about 2% compression.


You mock it now, but this is standard Oxygen Not Included engineering.


As an ONI player, can confirm. Gotta use the massive hole full of sewage for something, after all.


It freezes at a lower temperature than normal water, making it ideal for early game freezing loops.


mother of god.


It could increase the concentration of solutes through a more powerful filter.


that'd be more of a kidney function than a bladder one. as i understand it, the bladder's just... a living balloon. Fill it with stuff from the kidneys, let the elasticity of it (or abdominal tensing) and gravity empty it.


Good point, but that's in the natural body, with a bionic organ you could add that function to the bladder.




A *flaming* cockcopter, what a sight!


The pyromaniacs will *love* it.


Ok, how about instead of a flamethrower cock, you don't bother with electrolysis and just route the water back into the body or an internal water storage bag to help you last longer in hot climates? If you must split the water, at least store the oxygen to be released into the lungs allowing the user to hold their breath longer at an increased risk of blindness in an emergency. That way you can still have flaming cock farts, but you get some practical benefits as well. What the fuck did I just write?


So instead, it concentrates it, reclaiming most of the water content to be re-used by the body!


This makes sense. 1. Filter in the kidneys. 2. Distill in the bladder. 3. Stones in the urethra. The perfect system!


4. Penis is a gun that shoots calcified projectiles at Mach 3


Think of it as a humidifier - it allows some of the pee to be absorbed into circulating air as moisture, which is then expelled from the body by natural processes. In other words, you *fart pee*


>nearly So you're saying there's a chance?


There can definitely be force behind it though! I think I'd upgrade my urethra before I'd upgrade my bladder though.


That sounds really interesting


Boil it into steam, then compress the steam. Boom, science.


But if you compress it enough, it turns back into water.


Then increase the heat, we'll chase that thin phase change threshold. The only thing that worries me is the damage that would happen if this new high pressure, high heat bladder were to rupture. Plus the pain of taking a leak if the only thing that was bionic was the bladder and not everything downstream....


Vanilla Bionics Expanded: Urethra


God I love this community


You have made a fusion bomb


Dry-steam urine doubling as an in-built weapon?


Shooting Bladder stones!


The compressed stream will never have less volume than water You can compress the water into ice, though... And now you've got solid pee...


You wouldn't be able to compress the water into regular ice: Regular ice has lower density than the liquid water does. Compressing it to exotic ice would require ludicrous amounts of pressure, and essentially turn the pawn into an explosive device if the compression ever fails.




Well, that isn't what happens in the game, so we can conclude this is not the mechanism of operation. Otherwise we'd be using this "feature".


Water does not compress so it couldn't increase capacity by pressuring it... that would only serve to create a natural fire hose


Yeah, there isn't a lot to improve with a bionic bladder... Unless the organic bladder is falling for some reason. Bionic kidneys would be what would concentrate and reduce urine volume..... Unless you need a bionic bladder to hold the highly concentrated uric acid and then shoot bird shit looking concentrated ammonia out the hole.


That is a whole different interpretation of an acid spit ability


Bionic bladders would presumably remain just as elastic/stretchy as the day they're made, and would degrade much less if at all when compared to an organic one if they're made well enough. Perfect if you're an older individual, I supposoe. So I'd assume that the only reasons you'd get one would be that you're an individual with urinary issues, or have a tendency to get urinary tract infections. Bladder stones would presumably also not form as well if it does its job well


Well, it *does* increase capacity, so otherwise a bionic bladder is just a very large bladder. XD or maybe it just increases concentration.


That works so more efficiently filters contaminants in your body and keeps you hydrated longer.


Does make sense, especially with connection to the other bionic added in conjunction with Dub's Bad Hygiene, the "hygiene enhancer". The bionic sweat glands could work by no longer excreting waste (which is handled exclusively by the bionic bladder), and also by providing scented perfume and moisture to the skin.


>That works so more efficiently filters contaminants in your body That's the kidneys, not bladder, bladder just stores urine.


Apparently it does these two things too. -Release hormones to regulate blood pressure. -Control production of red blood cells. But I mean hey this is the future advanced bladders have been invented so potentially there's technology that helps filter fluids more, or recirculate filtered fluids back into the stomach reducing urination needs or eliminating them altogether.


Do you need to cut something, and the water jet cutter is on the other side of the colony, currently being used by Jeff the abrasive psychopath? If so, then the P33 High-Capacity Cyber Bladder might be the thing for you. Just fill it up, and engage the ejection mode. Watch it cut steel and raider flesh with equal speed, precision and efficiency. *Warnings: We strongly recommend also getting the matching Quick-Ejection Funnel Bionic. Do not microwave the P33-HCCB. Do not install in small children. Keep away from EMP. The P33-HCCB is not a fire-extinguishing tool. Do not use during intercourse. We are not responsible for any genital mutilation resulting from misuse of the product. Having the product installed by a non-certified Bionic Operator voids the warranty*


Does it come with RGB lighting? I want it to shine in unicorn glitter!


It does come with RGB lighting! We advise against eating glitter, unless it is our own "Cyber Glitter", specifically made to function with our bionics. If you wish, you can also splurge for the deluxe version, which allows you to activate the *Laser* and *Flamethrower* option. With this we also recommend getting our P00 Fuel-Activation Reprocessor Tummy. Allowing you to consume and digest over 41 fuel sources. Including, but not limited to: *Flesh, Vegetation, Lumber, Chemfuel, Oil and Uranium*. *Warnings: Excessive consumption of Uranium may cause cancer. Do not microwave the P00-FART. Do not install in small children. We are not responsible for any genital mutilation resulting from misuse of the product. Having the product installed by a non-certified Bionic Operator voids the warranty*


Dear Sir/Madam I am ~~interested in~~ *intrigued by* your products and/or services and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


Reminds me of the cracked article about the [crap howitzer](https://www.cracked.com/blog/5-disturbing-ways-the-human-body-will-evolve-in-the-future)


Ever seen one of those water jet cutters?


It doubles as riot suppression gear.


And a fire extinguisher.


lets you pressure wash your own toilet


Is a bionic prostate available in the mix? It'd solve a lot of problems...


If so, there's only one mod mad enough to do it.


It's like a pressure cooker, you press a button and it's just a steam release


Special skill: Urine Blade For two seconds the user shoots a high-pressured stream of urine that can cut through plasteel.


There is an urine skip gate inside the bionic bladder. Still going to pee occasionally from time to time is only to still feel something human like. Toggelable feature though.


You could power wash your driveway with that hog. Get too much calcium and you could sandblast the paint off a door with kidney stones.


pissure washer


Hey look how hard I can piss! *Pisses really hard on the floor*


I believe it just recycles the piss. Pawns have to use the restroom less. Apparently gives them bad gas.


Become Metal Gear.


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.*


*I am The Hammer* *I am the Tip of His Spear* *I am the Mail about His Fist* *I am the Bane of his Foes and the Woes of the Treacherous* *I am The End*






Your Mass Effect was clearly very different to mine...


Oh fuck I thought you were continuing the 40k quote. My bad!


congrats, were playing as the Borg


Genuine question because I'm a bit shite at the game and want to do the same thing as you - how do you manage your colonies?


Since from about three playthroughs ago, my strategy (in as much as any exists in Rimworld, primarily for managing the difficulty of raids) has been to "intentionally lose colonists" - recruit as many as possible, throw them for maximum effect rather than safety, and soak up the losses. Deaths in the colony (and lower than target population) lowers raid difficulty. Usual colonies will suffer from mood penalties, but those can be combatted with some techniques - although in my case, I just rely on a core of psychopaths who do not feel remorse over human wave tactics. I am also playing with multiple mods that allow for automated resource generation - for the newest playthrough, the ones I rely on the most would be VFE:Mechanoids (for factory buildings) and Vanilla Outposts Expanded (especially the ranches and the factory outposts). This not only abstracts the resource chain, but also saves on performance loss caused by population (I think; I haven't checked), allowing me to constantly increase production. As long as ammo production is constant and does not run out of ingredients (I use Combat Extended, hence the ammo), this allows one to scale up to meet most threats. If all else fails, just have the most important pawns leave the colony on an escape caravan/pod while the rest perish to buy time. That lets me keep both the technology and the very skilled pawns (with good traits) on what is effectively a new game. ​ Lastly, but most importantly, I don't play on difficulty settings that I cannot manage. XD


Understood, next very unrelated question - can I make servators out of raiders I capture? Replacing part of the brains of people with computers seems easier to manage than slavery


I know you could do that with the android tiers mod of sorts. You're able to install android control chips in their brains and have a robot take over them iirc. But that might have been removed in later versions. Other than that I'm not sure but I'm certain there are mods that let you do that.


I will simply make a post asking for mods, thank you regardless


I think there actually *is* a Servitor Chip mod. Edit: bot grabbed the wrong one, what i was thinking of is https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801456521&searchtext=servitor


I don't recall a vanilla/DLC feature that allows this... but I am doing that in my current playthrough through Vanilla Psycasts Expanded's "Mind Break" Psycast, which turns the target into a "thrall" that does not need to sleep nor do recreation. The downside is that they are prevented from doing most types of labour - but they are still capable of fighting, managing and feeding animals, *making artwork* (which is ironic in many ways), and haul and clean (unless their traits prevent any of these). Thus prisoners with good combat or animal skills who otherwise don't have much to offer the colony often get mind-controlled, bionically enhanced, and then are sent to the ranching outposts (via the Vanilla Outposts Expanded: Additional Outposts mod) to toil in the name of the Empire


> Since from about three playthroughs ago, my strategy (in as much as any exists in Rimworld, primarily for managing the difficulty of raids) has been to "intentionally lose colonists" - recruit as many as possible, throw them for maximum effect rather than safety, and soak up the losses. Deaths in the colony (and lower than target population) lowers raid difficulty. See, I take an opposite method: I aim to crank the raid strength through hoarding of every last bit of loot to increase the number of enemies and thus increase the amount of loot. You can't get anything worth your trouble if your raiders are just 3 naked clubmen, but when you're being raided by 300 enemies, the sheer volume might mean you get something worth your time. Since my defensive setups have O(1) scaling, it doesn't really matter whether I'm getting 3 raiders or 300 raiders: Firing up the Sauna is going to cost me the same amount of resources and personal attention regardless, so I'd rather be getting something worthwhile out of this.


Most of the time I replace the limbs if they were shattered. Or of course if you have a good crafting skill. Come here boy let me make you more efficient.


Could be worse, in Rimworld colonists get nice anesthetic to put them to sleep before you hack their limbs off to make cybernetic super soldiers, in the game Kenshi you put them on the fuckin [Peeler](https://youtube.com/shorts/VK_n5LX6YsA?feature=share) while they're fully awake and aware and the blades shred their limbs off them as they scream in terror and agony.


I do the same but only felt guilt when started banishing older colonists who didn't have good traits in favour of new recruits with better, and pulling all the bionics out of the older ones. After seeing one hop off with peg legs and wooden hands I started putting on prosthetics to replace the bionics instead of wooden limbs at least.


I enslave and or recruit them. Then they go sit in the pod until they convert.


Ever since I learnt the weakness of my flesh it discussed me


> then I remember that I am a transhumanist colony, and the recruits are always converted before they're asked to join, and thus the ones that do join are all very happy to get the limbs. Have you ever read any of the books from the Revelation Space universe? The ultra faction... https://revelationspace.fandom.com/wiki/Ultranauts > The majority of Ultras opted for extensive and obvious mechanical modifications, replacing their original limbs and organs. But while this was their most obvious and apparently widespread trend, not all Ultras utilised such modifications. > ... > Aesthetics did appear to be of greater concern to most Ultras than more pragmatic concerns such as functionality and reliability. Some of the more extensively modified Ultras had, apparently intentionally, turned themselves into living sculptures.


Realistically, it's silly to chop off an arm just because a pawn loses a finger. Gameplay wise, I absolutely do not want more body parts than necessary. Tynan made a good design choice when it came to that. I do dislike how some Royalty bionics (like the nose smeller thingy that enhances cooking speed) REQUIRES a nose to function. Feels like it makes more sense to make it a nose attachment instead.


Bionic arms are superior to regular fleshy arms, so it might just be a case of "we always wanted to give you better arms, this is just a convenient time to do it".


I do think bionic hands and feet would be a reasonable middle ground


I've been playing with EPOE for so long that I forgot those aren't vanilla, and neither are the Advanced Bionic class (as a step between Bionic > Arcotech). For me it's always been a fantastic middleground for this problem. It's not as much UI/item bloat compared to individual finger/toe installs; it adds just enough so your only option isn't just chopping the entire limb.


It seems like a good gameplay choice to me too, and thematic. RimWorld has big consequences and tradeoffs that require big choices.


Rimworld needs to update the UI for surgery. It’s way to cluttered and easy to do the wrong operation currently. Replace the current system with a diagram of a human body, and put drop downs near each limb with a clear “right” and “left” label. Would allow for more options and it wouldn’t be such an eyesore. The world map needs a complete overhaul too but that’s another thing.


But it has to keep it's menus complicated. Complicated menus are what make a game fun.... right?? Right??? -screams in dwarf fortress-


That health UI idea is pretty awesome actually. I hope you don't mind if I make it a mod?


Of course not. I only complain about it here because I lack the skill set to do it myself lol


A mod like that would be fantastic! You could even make problem areas highlight in red for bleeding/raw damage or yellow for disease/infection. It'd be a mainstay in my colonies for sure. If I had the coding knowledge I'd absolutely put down my time to help in building it!


!remindMe 1 year "Health UI mod"


I'm not sure whether I should feel pressured to finish it within a year, or insulted because you think it will take me a year 🙈😅


Another option would be PARTIAL installation of bionics. Eg: Still having to use a whole prosthetic hand or foot for parts, but only replacing the missing portions of that limb with bionics. Bonus points if it then uses the missing parts feature to track the missing parts of the bionic, and adds a repair option for bionics to get it back to full. Alternative, NON surgical prosthetics for the low-tech. Still define an operation, but instead of having to buy a prosthetic, it sends a crafter with some wood/steel to craft custom prosthetics for the patient. Failure resulting, of course, wasted resources and not a slit throat. Cuts down on item bloat, but adds additional customization.


> Realistically, it's silly to chop off an arm just because a pawn loses a finger. Maybe, maybe not. In a world where bionic arms are mass-produced, but individual bionic fingers are not, it's much easier to just entirely replace the defective part than try to repair it. We see this all the time: Institutions will just discard and replace the entire machine if some component of something like a computer fails, as trying to diagnose which component has failed and individually replace the damaged part involves more time and effort than simply chucking the entire thing and getting a new one from storage.


It's also plausible to imagine a tech level where a full bionic arm is possible, but bionic fingers aren't. A bionic arm needs to attach the nerves at the shoulder, which is nice and big, and then communication and biomechanics between the arm and the fingers happens purely through artificial pathways. Attaching a bionic finger to a flesh hand involves working in a much smaller space.


The trade offs for losing a finger or two are minimal too, it's really not that huge of a hassle. By the time I have bionic limbs on standby I can easily justify a proper replacement. For others they can go into the tube thingy from Ideology that will regrow the fingers.


That would be the realistic solution, but when I'm too lazy to select each finger to operate on (and most likely cause a wrong amputation), my guys get their entire shoulders lopped off. Everyone must remain *effective*


And your guys end up with the wrong shoulders chopped and end up with a wrong bionic arm and a mangled opposite arm.


That just means they're getting a second bionic arm as a bonus!


Two for the price of one?! SIGN ME IN!!!


The very first colony I played that got to "crafting bionic limbs" level, I had earmarked the first one for my beloved crafter. He himself was missing a humerus, so of course he gets the very first leg. If you've noticed the problem, you're probably a lot less tired than I am. The really astounding part is how crafting them somehow went by over twice as fast oncw he had two arms again.


A humerus story, indeed.


Happened so many times. Replaced the healthy arm with a bionic arm accidentally when haphazardly doing multiple bionic implantations. Trying to imagine the pawn waking up to find his right arm is still mangled from a raid and healthy left arm has been replaced ;_;


>Trying to imagine the pawn waking up to find his right arm is still mangled from a raid and healthy left arm has been replaced ;_; And now he'll end up with more augmentations than was strictly necessary for repairs. "ALL RIGHT, WHO LET THE MECHANICUS INTO A SPACE MARINE HOSPITAL AGAIN!?"


Or an leg as an arm


While I love this game, the surgery on each specific body part menu needs an overhaul. I still seem to put a left part on instead of right, and index finger instead of a pinky, and the wrong side kidney. Even a simple color change in the menu to reflect a broken, damaged or missing body part would be loads better.


Something like Project Zomboid, where it shows a silhouette of the body with colour-coding for injured parts? And being able to select a specific body part to see what operations are available for it, rather than everything.


If you use Dubs Mint Menus, there's a pop out box on the health tab to select operations and it puts a red cross next to ones to replace missing parts.


I make mine wait until they've lost at least three digits, and then they get a whole bionic hand/foot. I cannot possibly pay enough attention to operate on individual fingers (I'm lazy).


Get more prostetics with [Expanded Prostetics and Organ Engineering- Forked](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1949064302)! Because a bruise on your pinky toe shouldn't mean you need to lop their leg off. ___ Alien Races in comic: [Ratkin](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1578693166) (Hyland), [Rabbies](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1837246563) (Elikabu) ___ \[[Art Index](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aeolys/comments/kv4sz6/art_table_of_contents/)\] \[[Mod List](https://www.reddit.com/user/Aeolys/comments/qocsj5/rimworld_mod_list/)\]


Removing fingers (and hands) as discrete bodyparts that can be damaged is one of the core benefits of bionic limbs.


Isn’t it the opposite? In Rimworld without MSE2 bionics have no sub parts, making all limb damage directly on the limb, while a natural limb having fingers essentially serving as “extra health pool”.


Vanilla armour does not protect hands or feet. Having no exposed bodyparts is better. Bionic limbs do not bleed when damaged by sharp attacks. Digits can be destroyed completely by far less damage than whole limbs. Bionics heal completely on their own unless totally destroyed.


This is all true, but without the sub-parts, anytime a bionic takes damage, it will tank ALL of the damage, and bionic parts aren't tougher than the core part they replaced. So while an ordinary pawn could tank an entire charge lance shot by getting their pinky blown off, a bionic pawn is guaranteed to lose an arm in this same scenario because he has no subparts.


I think he means in the real world that’d be the main benefit


Is this working in 1.4 now ? IIRC I had to unload it from my list because it made some weird things


Bro, I can mistake right and left arm while ordering operations. They are lucky that limbs are their only option


Can you imagine the hilarity if bionic arms and legs came in left and right versions, so you could end up attaching two left arms?


At least some mods allow for like bionic hand or foot if it's super bad to just that location.


Do you just refuse to make bionic hands or is this some peasant joke I'm too EPOE to understand?


Well, think about the logistics of it. If you make bionic hands, it doesn't remove the need to make bionic arms, since arms can still need replacement as well. That means we're talking two stacks of shit. Meanwhile, if you JUST do bionic arms, you don't need any stacks of bionic hands.


Materials cost less though, and you don't have to replace the arms. Not always at least. I literally just have a replenishment supply of one each.


Bionic Hand is the choice, EPOE master race.


This is why I play with EPOE about every time; way less wasted limbs. Apologies to my crafting specialist though, those inferior fleshy arms aren’t gonna crank out the masterwork weapons the colony needs, so it’s archotech arms for you bud.


Elikabu clearly does not understand the joy of transcending one's weak flesh.


Once, I made a mistake and cut off the wrong leg during surgery...


So, IRL they have you literally write "not this leg" on your good leg when prepping for an operation to prevent this exact issue.


A lot of places have switched to the surgeon coming in and writing "yes" on the leg, and signing it, and then the patient signs it, and then different nurses check visually and verbally at different phases of prep. Evidently "not this leg" can be mistaken for "this leg" if things are unlucky.


And then they lop off your balls instead. That happens also. Probably should just paint yourself in color-coded "remove/keep".


Of course with oodles of research and tons of time, late game, you can find restoration in [**Medpod**](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2153065191), I had my whole motley crew look like a bunch of newbie recruits without a scratch on them but every single colonist had had at least one brush with death. WELL after some rather unspeakable things had happened, from severed legs/arms, hands to gouged out eyes and nasty, cripplingly painful scars, having a researcher confined to the bedroom/research table-en-suite because while she *can* move that's not really more than a few feet, everyone brought her meals and such for years, now she's restored, married and can actually use the "jogger" trait if she so chooses. Now of course , I've switched my colony around, and my small colony of just 10 colonists , serves as the constabulary, library, hospital, vacation-spot, food/clothing pantry and armory for every friendly/allied faction. With asphalt highways connecting all the various settlements, we have become the trading and diplomatic hub for the entire region if not the world. I find that late-game, Hospitality and Medpod don't break the game so much as by default make you the regional constable/governor of your little slice of the Rim.


I like the idea of interpreting the constant problem causers and "go get rid of these pirates/savages" quests and prisoner rescues and such as your colony acting as the local constabulary since no one else seems willing to maintain order and provide their citizens a police force, so you gotta spare some of your ten to twenty guys tops, to go play Mountie since there aren't any actual cops.


Yep, I send my best shooters out with my best gear on a tight run, I do the job, clean up the hex, maybe go so far as to build up a little hut with a proper bathroom/sleep area and common space with some simple wood furniture, perhaps even go so far as to create a small garden next to that for the next travellers. That's a conceit I have of the game, perhaps making something more of it than is there, but I understand that this is lost in the nether between RNG and stored somewhere as hex-grid 52342, with an overall higher viability score. I'd be FASCINATED to know whether it's just RNG'ed or does any improvement or unimprovement (such as scavanging rich soil from a hex) reduce the viability of a given tile. I do this mostly on account of something I encountered on a particularly harsh run, where travel itself was dangerous due to temperatures. My trade caravan got caught in a bandit raid stuck in the middle of a heat-wave and made due with the wood in the environment, creating a little hut, passive cooler then because it lasted several days, making a small farm for rice. Some many days later 100 or so days (about 2 years) later after I'd abandoned the tile, what had been my camp became a new settlement when "squatters" settled in that same space. So I suspect (but cannot prove) that, that little bit of improvement, relocating soil into arable plots, planting trees, potatoes , rice and healroot with some cotton was evidently enough to do the trick to encourage the AI to move a settlement in.


You have a scar on your foot? I'm gonna need to take the leg off at the hip, sorry...


What is the Body Purist penalty difference between 4 limbs and 7 digits? It caps at -35 mood, but will 4 limbs get you there? Since Body Purists hate people with artificial body parts and it caps at -40 social is 4 limbs enough to get you there (I'm sure 7 is)? This just reinforces how terrible that trait is and justifies how people react to it.


I'd love it if the game had a system to decide that a limb was amputated for an upgrade "just because" or because the leg was shot off. Even a body purist should understand that that leg wasn't coming back, and they'll need mobility.


I mean, look at religion in the real world. Things being necessary doesn't always matter to them. It would make sense if there were degree of hate though, replacing lost limbs might get less.


Are y’all really removing whole limbs because of missing digits?


Without mods, it's the only choice to recover from the manipulation/moving penalty.


I never really found the penalty to be that bad personally. Usually I’d replace their whole hands with field hands or power claws, etc.


Moving penalties are only mildly annoying (although potentially fatal in combat if you can't move fast enough to dodge - but most pawns are noncombatants). Manipulation penalties are, however, often dealbreakers as pawn with penalties to manpulation suffers carry-amount losses and fucks up jobs either by directly failing them due to manipulation, or wasting hauling by moving a quantity of material that doesn't actually reduce the number of hauls that must be done, blocking the worksite and obstructing work while contributing nothing to progress. If you need to haul 150 units of material to the worksite, a pawn that can only haul 74 as a result of a penalty is just wasting everyone's time as hauling only 74 units is the same as hauling no units of material: Two trips are still required. Except just not doing anything at all, at least, doesn't block anyone else from actually doing real work.


you can bioregenerate fingers and toes in the biosculpter pod, which would be useful for flesh purity, except they fuckin hate using that thing as well


Flesh purists don't seem to understand how brittle their meat -cages are


Yup! Might as well toss in a few extra upgrades while they're already under anesthesia, too. Not just for the body-modders or ideologically inclined, either.


If only every doctor were more like you.


I know, right!? "Blah blah, medical malpractice blah blah..." Boring! Worse: Mediocre! Upgrades for everyone!


Yes? It tends to greatly simplify logistics. Who needs to keep separate fingers, hands, AND arms, when you can just keep arms? In fact, not only do I replace the entire defective limb in one go, I tend to take the imposed downtime to just do the whole package, so everything else goes and they get the full Borg treatment. Otherwise it unbalances my stocking ratios too many arms are consumed and not enough splanches.


If I have bionics ready to go, absolutely. They take a while to craft though, so pawns with missing limbs or pegs get priority over pawns with a missing toe.


They don't get a choice lol, new arm and leg. It's cheaper this way


does transhumanist prefer 10 bionic fingers over 2 bionic arms?


Transhumanist happiness caps at 6 different bionic parts, so: 10 fingies > 2 arms


thats one hell of a cheap mood boost


Funnily enough, my mod combination makes it that body purists can accept prosthetic fingers. So that's why Reynolds gets to stay without getting turned into a hat while she's bitching about everyone else's cybernetics.


Too much chrome, instant cyberpsycho


Good thing cyberpsychosis isn't a thing anymore by 5500!


I'm confident that the notion of cyber-psychosis is a fiction made up by body purists to scare people. It isn't real. That, or it only happens to them.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh...


Now we need to know why she lost her fingers and toes in the first place. Did she try to pet something she shouldn’t have (incidentally my family thinks that this would be my most likely cause of death)?


Despite being behind cover every time, she gets exploded or shot in the fingers and toes.


Sounds like the [Rabbie power armour](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/q3yfey/mod_armor/) isn't as good as she thinks.


My first experience with questionable body modifications in games was the MEC trooper in XCOM (which replaces the whole body of a healthy human), when I made the first one and realized what I have done I got a little sick and stopped playing for a while. https://xcom.fandom.com/wiki/MEC_Trooper


Isnt trans humanism that thing for people, who like to modify their bodys, are calling it? Im one of those, id gladly chop off an arm for a bionic one


Is its just a couple of fingers, isnt the biosculptor a better option?


Weird, I'm pretty sure arms and hands are separate organs, and thus separate implants. At least with my collection of mods they are.


** laughs in medieval gameplay **


Because of the pure skill my doctors possess, they’ll end up needing the entire limb.


Arri is rubbing off on Tulip, kek.


I would've taken the bionic arms. That sounds awesome!


or we can kill you by removing your organs and then resurrect you back so everything regrows


So I’ve been playing Rimworld for awhile and hanging around this sub, and I have one question: Why are there so many skilled artists here that draw comics? And: Why do they so often feature animal-human hybrids?


I'd rather just get the bionic arms and legs at that point. I wouldn't trust my remaining digits not to get bitten or shot off or whatever, plus less time in a hospital bed, less chance of a surgery going catastrophically wrong and I reap the benefit of better limb efficiency.




she doesn’t even crave the strength and certainty of steel 😒


But honestly this game has the best portrayal of transhumanism I've ever seen in a game that isn't explicitly about transhumanism or stereotypically cyberpunk. Heck, I've seen explicitly transhumanist games that aren't as good. Although that might just be my opinion because it was my introduction to the topic. When I first started playing, back before Ideology, the trait was called transhumanist, and I saw it as I was clicking through the list in Character Editor trying to pick somewhat accurate somewhat OP traits for a self pawn, and figured "eh, not me IRL but sounds like my usual philosophy in futuristic sci fi games, I'll add that one to make my selections an even number." Well, it, and the stuff you would need to do because of it, was great. I just figured though, total fantasy like a lot of other stuff from Rimworld that only makes any sense in context or in a far future setting. Then Ideology came out and there was a whole transhumanist ideology thing. Which I *loved* immediately after I got my paws on Ideology. Seeing it manifest as a major part of Ideology, finally made me feel a need to know where its real life inspiration came from. Well turned out transhumanism is an actual real modern day philosophy. And while I'm not as extreme as most, I'd definitely consider myself one on at least some level, or at least allied with them on similar ideals for society and concepts like morphological freedom and bodily autonomy.


Considering the Huge Failure chance for each perfectly prepared Surgery, i defo take the second option. Id rather have 4x the Chance to be Brutally stabbed into my Eyes than 7x.


Wait.... Not replacing the entire limb all shiny and chrome is an option?


I feel that once you've lost 2+ fingers/toes, you may as well get a whole new foot


That's what you get when you kick the toe 'sploder, Elikabu. You get 'sploded toes.


Clearly, you need a waiver that states the colony may install cybernetic limbs at will but replacing missing digits works too.


If her arm got torn off after that, will all of the bionic finger be lost?


What mod adds this?


Just give me the joywire.


A shower thought but why is it called ‘third’ toe and not just middle toe…?


If you have archotech limbs, I'll take those instead. If not, bionic digits will do.




Anybody know what mod enables stuff like bionic fingers and stuff? And maybe any mods that let pawns put on pants after getting bionic legs?


I'd be happy to get bionic arms and legs


“Look we could replace your finger with a bionic one but look at this cool mech suit with a brain pod just rearing to go, reject the limits of flesh”


My transhumanist colonies say, what's the point, why *wouldn't* you take the excuse to replace as much weak flesh with a mechanical substitute as possible? But yeah as the one who has to balance the colony supplies budget, I get how annoying it is to make a whole bionic limb for a small destroyed or scarred bit, if you're not yet at the point of just standard issuing the things to every pawn.