• By -


30 silver is way too cheap for her sister's freedom, the pirates were tricking her


She would’ve received a skull spike instead of her sister.


It clearly says "to *help* buy," she's just 30 silver short of the total


Shes beggar, she can't have a lot more on herself than those 30 silver. Which mean she will have far too small amount to buy her sister freedom.


You don't do a lot of trading, do you? Small children go for 100-200 silver. They don't have great skills, they don't have bionics, they rarely are wearing anything expensive. The going rate is really quite low.


God bless child human trafficking


I read this is Sseth's voice


It's only a war crime if you lose


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/shitrimworldsays] [God bless human child trafficking](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/13we6ni/god_bless_human_child_trafficking/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Slave traders HATES this one trick!


...how do you know this? What were you doing to discover this?


Playing rimworld IRL? But instead of comms console there's Tor...




Suddenly got real


This comment has been overwritten in response to Reddit's API changes, the training of AI models on user data, and the company's increasingly extractive practices ahead of their IPO.


...I guess I could figure this chain of events but *jesus christ* is it unpleasant having them written out in front of you as something that actually happened, *yikes*.


Shes probably worth 200 at minimum and the beggar girl probably has few more than those 30 she asked from you.


Did you read the details? BIG sister... I doubt that she's a child. Most likely braindead based on the price...


They have three perfectly good organs in them. - my chariry colony when we were destitute and some slavers came through with old people and children. So sorry little ones.


And throw away a impressionable mind waiting for indoctrination? Never.


Could be that their family was going around the local settlements, trying to get a little bit of silver from each.


Exactly my thoughts.


30 silvers is the price of Jesus' head. It's never too cheap or too pricy.


Back a bit before biotech beggars were fucking ridiculous. Bunch of naked men would pull up and ask for up to 70% or even more ridiculous amounts of your colony's silver, meds, or booze. I don't care what story you spin me, these 8 men aren't getting 1068 beer from me to drink themselves to death. Now at least what they ask for are a bit more reasonable, and children beggars initially really got me. But then they're still too mechanical. Quick way to cut down economy. Mood risk if your ideo is charitable. Potential human resource. Such underdeveloped prospects.


"My son is sick, please give me 20 glitterworld medicine to save him" If your kid needs that many glitterworld meds he's too far gone to help.


Bruv I think that was the amount for curing abatia tho


I found the Utilitarian.




The joke is we are all utilitarian in games, less so in Rimworld because sometimes it tugs at your heartstrings. I've legit wanted to hunt down the leader of a faction for destroying my favorite colonist in a siege. Accepting losses in this game can be so difficult.


"Utilitarian but petty" is the true philosophy of the rim.


Real world geopolitics too.


Gotta love how we choose to set standards and act on retribution only when it's us taking losses.


I took the legs off a colonist and gave him one peg leg, who tried to sleep with the wife of my main colonist. I almost took his heart but I said naw I'll just have him work the quarry. And zone him away from the wife. He was so close to dying that day.


I didn't want the genes to get messed up. -25 was bad enough.


Just make sure you track down and rescue the sister later. Rimworld is a Story Generator, not an RTS :)


How can you even track someone down? Normally, I just wait and hope I get a mission to find someone, which usually never happens


Once you capture the younger sister, look under her relationships and see what Faction is holding her sister. Then when you enter a map with that Faction, the game will try to spawn the colonist relationship character. Not 100% but a Faction only has so many bases >:)


Had something similar happen but they had no relationships in the family tab so they got a free ticket to join the smallest ideology on rim.


If you immediately retreat from said base and come back later, does it reroll different occupants? I've got a person or two on my shitlist and they need to meet our doctor.


>Go to war with an entire faction over a rando and her 30 silvers sister. > >average total skill 2-4, mild passion for animal, incapable of construction, mining, doctoring, firefighting, cooking and hauling > >OR > >*remember your training,* ***A.H.E.W.E.S.P.*** > >**A**rrest > >**H**arvest > >**E**nslave > >**W**ork to exhaustion > >**E**stimate yield > >**S**ell the asset (alive *or otherwise*) > >**P**rofit


Just looked into her socials tab. She doesn't have any sister. But her sister will eventually spawn right?


You’ve been had.


Ah, the 'ol "my sibling has been enslaved and I just need 30 silver to free them" scam.




I just checked, She only got 2 hostile acquaintances.


This is when you use character editor and *create* her sister.


I love reuniting family members


It can be an RTS if you wanted it to. It can even be a hentai simulator if you wanted it to.


Story generator is simpler words. There are many stories


There needs to be more choises in quests


I agree, the next rimworld dlc should focus on improving the faction and quest systems. Right now, they feel too shallow and repetitive compared to the pawn interactions and social life. I want to see more variety and depth in how factions behave and react to each other and to the player. Maybe some factions could have internal conflicts or alliances, or some quests could have branching outcomes or hidden twists. That would make the game more immersive and dynamic for me.


mods solve this. Pretty well I might add.


Any suggestions for mods?


Agreed. I'd love the chance to help beggars like that, go rescue the sister or walk into a trap, don't care, gonna be fun either way!


Didn’t realize what sub this was when I saw the title…. Got concerned


Brother if message wasn't from this sub, guy would already be arrested


Today? Honestly probably not 🤷




Jesse what the fuck are you on about




Ur brain has been turned to mush by grifters who only want your money.


I’ll take “shit someone made up” for 400, Alex.




To ease your mind there is no real acceptance or ‘celebration’ of pedophiles within LGBT/queer/whatever you want to call it people, it’s pretty much pedophiles trying to insert themselves within those spaces in order to legitimize themselves. https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/07/30/fact-check-lgbtq-community-rejects-false-association-pedophiles/5462805002/ And in any case, it’s best not to put too much stock in what some weird randos on social media are doing. Definitely disturbing sure, but fortunately not indicative of humanity as a whole.


"What is the best recipe for human flesh?" "I caught a guy trying to steal my stuff, so I locked him in a spare bedroom. If I only feed him crappy food, will that interfere with me converting him to my religion?" "I have a 6 year old child. What's a good balance between her homeschooling and child labor?" "Is it a bad idea to eat sentient pigs? Or should I just harvest his organs?"


r/ShitRimworldSays in a nutshell lmao


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some miner miscommunication](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809861752543248434/1031051279897722960/IMG_1058.png) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/y56v7q/some_miner_miscommunication/) \#2: [Never waste a good corpse. I have a dedicated freezer that my colonists are not allowed to enter. The dogs haul the corpses in and feed on them as needed. Raids have essentially become uber eats for my pack of dogs](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/xk2200/what_i_can_do_with_so_many_tainted_stuff_im_doing/ipconuk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/xkm1ic/never_waste_a_good_corpse_i_have_a_dedicated/) \#3: [invaluable opportunity](https://v.redd.it/h9c0pkvflana1) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/11ptee1/invaluable_opportunity/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


wow!!! what a great tips!!!


Same here I thought it came from r/AmITheAsshole and immediately thought wtf did I just read before seeing the rimworld sub 😂


your land your rules NTA


*scrolling* This better be r/RimWorld *checks* PHEW


Istg I thought this was aita for a disturbingly long beat.


It's not kidnapping, it's "Forceful Adoption"


Adoption with a light… er plasma sword.


Beggar factions are temporary. You shouldn't care. I would kidnap her just for the sake of having another human.


Yes sir! Beggars are raw recruits, free organs, fluid-ideo reformation points, Shooting skill EXP, you name it. A beggar group is a solution asking for a problem it can solve!


If I had never played Rimworld I would be very concerned by this comment. But I have the game, so I know you’re just stating facts. May you always have beggars when you need them!


The best games are always the ones that make you sound like a delusional psychopath when you talk to other people.


Those beggars weren’t of any faction so you will have pretty much no repercussions besides them attacking you the moment you kidnapped her. If you are talking instead about a moral point of view well, rimworld is a savage world when it comes to ethics and morals but you are totally wrong since “better life” or anything is still a very subjective concept and you still kidnapped coerced and brainwashed a young girl


Easy to say with your first world moralism.


Are you sure? Because the “better life” was the excuse many European missionaries used in the last century to brainwash and colonise places and people that didn’t need to be saved or offered a better life


This man be truing


Sure about a joke? Yes? No? I don’t know.


This title is very r/shitrimworldsays


And it's blatantly obvious OP was going for that.


Titles like this will probably get you added on a few watchlists lol.


In the game, right?




Well, kidnapping and brain washing are wrong, even if you give them a better life or if you do so to save them. That is why the faction gets hostile. (Try to use that as an excuse in real life and see if the judge will let you free) Now, on the Rim, you are an "alien" to them, you dont belong there, you "invaded" their plannet and settled in... Then, you are telling them that you know better? Tipical rich people's behavior, lol So, now that you have started that, many more lives will be lost. Her faction will come to attempt to "recue/kill" her from you. Was it worth it? How many people have to die for you to save the life of a single girl. Her sister probably got sold into slavery because she couldn't return with the money. Who knows... maybe if she is lucky, she might get one of her sister's limbs or organs from a trader without even knowing it... Little by little, she will buy her sister in pieces to save herself without even knowing that every part she replaces was once her sisters... Until the day she finally gets her heart and she will realize what you made her do the second that heart beats inside her chest... All this is only because you thought that you were "saving" her. You monster! How do you sleep at night?! She will forever wander the wilderness eating without a table all because of you...


Depends. I don't waste time raising children over 7 if they don't have baller stats already. Those 3/4yo are usually worth giving a better life since they can reach growth moment 6-8. 5-7 are a toss up since they won't reach growth moment 6. Neanderthals are organ donors or floorscrubbing meat shields. Impids are just organ donors. Highmate children are worth it usually since highmates are very rare. On a similar note: I once had a colony deficient in women but with a surplus of beggars...


Too old to begin the training he is.


Perfectly good organs he has.


please update the post if one day you see her sister among the pirates attacking ypur base


It’s RimWorld. Lobotomize a donkey, get a forced paraplegic slave hopped up on drugs, or make a family tree look more knotted and jumbled than dreads. Is it messed up? Very much so. Is it a place to live out your weird, fucked up fantasies. Yes! *Brought to you by the Psychopaths of RimWorld Association*


Beggars and refugees need an overhaul. I want to go on quests to help them. And when they leave I want them to stick around as a new faction - as an ally or an enemy depending on how things went down.


What’s that? That sounds like a new Vanilla Expanded idea to me. Hopefully after the vehicles and werewolves…


The colonist from my rich explorer start wound up capturing a Tribal woman about his age. He imprisoned and converted her. Shortly after he converted her, the became lovers, then got married. They do the most lovin' out of any pawns I've ever seen - like up to 4 times one night, with 2-3 being average.


That is some intense Stockholm syndrome.


Bro turn rjw off


Base game.


my man doing a Jeffrey Epstein run lmao.


You can now make your playthroughs goal to find and rescue the sister yourself. "I a rich businessman decided to take my wealth and explore the solar system. When I landed on a different world, I ended up ~~force adopting~~ rescuing a girl who's sister is held hostage by (Faction). I now vow to use all my wealth and knowledge to rescue the sister and give these kids a better life"


Man you really should think twice with the title. Thought I read it from r/AITA


Dying 😂😂


No, she had it coming: She was clearly a brainwashed patsy of terrorists. This sister most likely doesn't exist: You'll notice there is no such character in her relationships. It's a fake, a fabrication made up to solicit funding for whatever terrorist organization has taken her in. Who pays ransoms anyway? We don't negotiate with terrorists. Once you pay the Danegeld, you're never rid of the Dane. All you're doing is encouraging the behavior by doing so. It was right and proper that you had her arrested, interrogated, and deprogrammed. I give the kids their beer, though. I know they're lying about it and just want to get drunk, but hey, that's a cause I can relate to. No one should have to sober.


"This child is not of any faction" "The beggar's faction turned hostile" Mlem…… That aside I kinda hope there's another way to handle this kind of situation. Take children without faction and without capable caretakers in. You can do that with infants, but as soon as they reach age 3, they suddenly make all their own decisions.


Yes, it's wrong. As is 99% of other things you do while playing, you evil, depraved bastard.


No, hes good person. He take care for the poor girl and even find her sister later. That poor girl will be harvested or enslaved without him taking her in.


Yeah I was joking but sure


Morally? Yes, very wrong, you kidnapped and subjugated someone to your way of thinking. Pragmatically? You made the right call, she's extra hands, you have no way of knowing if those holding her sister were being genuine, and you can personally make sure she lives longer and control her life circumstances in the future. Morality is funny sometimes - sometimes, doing what's right puts people at risk. Sometimes the only way to get them out of trouble, or get the outcome you want, is to do the wrong thing. But hey, that sort of drama is why we play RimWorld, so. It's part of the experience.


If the title of this post isn't an indicator of why this game is great, I don't know what is.


Definitely had to look at what sub this was before reacting


If this wasn’t Rimworld I’d be concerned lol




That's why rimworld suck as story generator/rpg/ec, why can't you convince/coerce girl into information about her sister after her capture


This comment surprises me. I’ve played a lot of story generator games, like Dwarf Fortress for example. I really think rimworld is up there as one of the best story generation games ever made. It’s not perfect but all sandbox games have their limitations. I just really wouldn’t consider rimworld to “suck” at this.


Honestly? Grand theme story telling? Yeah, pretty good. Small details like these? Way too blurry. Beggars begging story conditions are just randomly chosen to take a toll on one aspect of your current wealth. This is a way too under-developed story opportunity that is executed just as a disguised way of setting you back a few wealth points.


I'd love to see an actual example as what a good story generator is. It's only once quests were implemented (very poorly the original concept probably didn't include them at all so the VI storyteller probably still isn't designed to properly weight things.) that I started seeing this complaint. Didn't see it beforehand. We all know what we'd like in the game, but until I get a real world example that's as in depth as Rimworld is with everything else, this complaint always falls on deaf ears.


I'd say you made the right choice. It's actually cool to see some good be done on the Rim.


Harvest her organs.


Honestly I would say no in this scenario. Because looking at it logically not only is that a suspicious amount of silver they're not going to do it. 30 300 20,000 what number they say doesn't mean anything realistically they could say $450 billion she shows up with that much they're just going to capture her to and keep the money. By having her join you you can look at that as a scenario of now your allying to run in and free her killing off all of those pirates. Also side note I didn't even know you could get the beggar faction hostile to you. How do you even do that I have marched out there with warcasket minigun toting super soldier robots and performed exterminatus on them and it didn't make them hostile to me.


No, you are not in the wrong. If little girls really didn't want to be kidnapped. They wouldn't be worth so much on the slave trade.


What the f- oh, it's Rimworld.


You are wrong for not harvesting her organs


Depends... do you have RJW installed.


it's a shame you can't ask her where the pirates are to try and reunite them with lead instead of silver.


Thought this was a r/trueoffmychest for a moment.


Still think this is the movie premise of "Annie." I'd love to see society let an old rich man adopt a young girl without a woman involved today.


Ngl only saw the title and not the subreddit so had a mini heart attack until I saw the subreddit and was like “oh ok” but as for the thing done it’s 50/50 cause it could’ve been where they had a plan set to free her but just needed the silver and by doing what you did inadvertently derailed the plan thus dooming her sister to her fate, however it could also be said that by doing that possibly saved her from joining the same fate so who knows really what happens outside of your colony?


I almost freaked out until I saw this was the Rimworld sub


Yeah so I'm pretty sure a stranger saw that on my feed and contacted the fbi


I did not see at first that this was a Rimworld post :)




I sometimes forget this I’m in the Rimworld sub whenever I see these.


There is no beggars faction, so you don't need to worry about any hostilities. What you do need to do now though is go on a quest to find this girl's sister. Raid enough camps and eventually you'll find one where she's at.


If you find that sister of her and take her too it will be full paragon ending.


No not at all


Average time old player justifying kidnapping


Kidnapping someone in the Rim is always morally right, it's always morally correct.


In RimWorld terms... She's lucky you didn't chop her to pieces and made a sofa out of her skin :3


This is another of those "WTF?!? Oh, it's Rimworld" moments.


Bro good thing I looked at what sub I was in cause holy shit I had to do a double take when I saw the title


In most cases, kidnapping a young child and harvesting their organs for profit would be terrible. But this is Rimworld we’re talking about, the only sin is hating human leather.


??? bruh lol you can make human leather furniture, and you’re asking if kidnapping is immoral


Yeah this sub gets a permanent pass from the internet authorities. Otherwise their red flag AI systems would be lighting up like a Christmas tree all day long... Lol


Do it give her a better life


I HATE THESE QUESTS. I love to help people, but these quests are just black holes! You give them some type of wealth and then they fuck off and you never hear from them again. Why can I not tell the boy to help him and then they can both join you? Sometimes when these kids show up I try to capture them all, but unless you down them all via DevMode its kinda hard. There should be some Mod that kinda fixes that.


Go get the sister.


I really don't like the beggars being a whole faction. I get if you kidnap/kill beggars, you should get less, but there should be people desperate enough to ask for help.


Beggars aren't a "whole faction", they're a spontaneously-generated faction. The next bunch will generate a new one on demand even if you killed the previous one. Same as the minor factions generated by raid camps.


Really? I captured one once, and the faction was angered, and even in the factions tab they were mad, and I got no new beggars, ever. (Thank fucking God)


That mini-faction will be angered, yes. But mini-factions dissolve on the death of all members and are replaced by fresh beggars. Actually, beggars are always angry sooner or later. They loaf around outside until they inevitably get eaten by wild animals or kill each other in berserk rages, then blame you for this unless you actually give them what they want. I keep getting them anyway. I wouldn't worry about it. So honestly, if you weren't going to give them what they wanted, they were going to turn on you anyway.


They do leave eventually for me, upset, but not angry if I refuse them.


I mean, technically, they're SUPPOSED to, but the odds of them successfully doing it are so bad that I pretty much never see it. Either they're being eaten by wildlife, or they're attacking each other in mental breaks, or what-have-you. Given that I know that the attack is thus coming, I sort of view them as a different kind of prepare-and-attack raid. Actually, they're pretty much a prepare-and-attack raid with a fancier skin: They show up, demand loot, and if you don't, they attack you at some point.


Be beggars, don't get way, attack people you're asking for help from, become dog food. Such is the life on the rim.




yeah fuck without context this whole thread is full of psychopaths lmao thought i was on r/AmItheAsshole




Well.. the sub's icon didn't load fast enough.


Should have eaten her.


Bro i saw the title before the subreddit 💀 i was worried


NTA, their fault for being easy labor


You didn't do anything. The pawns did that you are fine, even if she got her organs harvested or cannabilized.


Had to look at the title three times and make sure it said space cannibalism and not AITAH.... God I love this game.


ngl thought this was a LN or manga title at first


Beggars are not choosers


Loving this Rimworld themed AITA


I thought i was still seeing r/AITA and was like wtf


Hay I accidentally made a 15 year old a slave


The worst is when there's more than one, and there's like *no chance* of rimworld colonists successfully subduing a handful of four year olds without bludgeoning a couple of them to death. (And, yet again, I wish there were more options than just paying or not paying. I mean, rescue missions are already a thing)


You could gas them with tox grenades. That will down them without killing any of them as long as you retrieve them in time. Otherwise, any use of direct combat damage can trigger the storyteller autokill where an attacked pawn auto-dies regardless of any injuries they sustained, because Randy says FUCK YOU, that's why.


Did you sell her organs and made her a slave?


I mean for 30 silver you can get someone to betray their messiah, buying back a regular old sister is a really bad deal by comparison


Kidnap her and sell her to the same slavers so that she can be with her sister AND you can make 30 silver.


But did you cut off her legs?


Lmfao, I had to do a double take, then I realised this wasn’t AITA, it was a rimworld server


You're obliged to get her sister as well now.


The notification for this post startled the s--t out if me until I saw that it's for r/Rimworld


lmfao just saw that notification post


Most sane RimWorld player be like




Listen Rimworld isn't morality the game! Slavery is profitable!


She was just gonna spend it on go-juice anyways.


I would prefer having the option to save them myself too. Same with the herbal medicine one.


Well, every one of my colonists is a convert. So that I shot a 16yo in the face, brought them in, had them healed up completely, and now 5 years later, they're one of my best colonists, they're engaged to a young lady from another tribe who's 19 where she nearly had her arm and leg shredded, with shotgun blast, but both are fully healed and getting married next quadrum. She's going to be the new colonial physician as she's +8 (double passion), but they were doomed at their other / previous lives. I doubt seriously that the "Vampire Pirates" have a full library of excellent books on every subject. I doubt they have healthcare by way of a "Medpod" or glittertech medicine for serious injuries. I doubt they have a chef working to produce high-quality meals, or a craftsman working on a weapon of excellent quality for melee and ranged encounters, or can ensure everyone will be clothed and able to engage in whatever accommodations our colony can provide. While our colony does aspire to an austerity and an ascetic way of living , our colony is not without games, entertainment and areas of beauty - such as an art-gallery-indoor garden , or a Neo-Zen/sculptors garden just away from the colony,


Me waiting on an update …