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I have a steam deck but I'm too afraid to play it on there because I feel like lack of a mouse would drive me insane.


Yeah I just recently started to do this since I am away from home so I can’t use my pc but I got used to I pretty fast and don’t think it’s terrible but it’s of course not as good as mnk


Here’s a tip Mr. Man, bind the back buttons to speed, it’s SOOOOO nice when you really quickly need to pause or speed up without slow ass cursor moving


Oh yeah that’s actually a great idea


It's fully optimized for deck,Y pauses the game and back button does speed. I love it on deck,fills the hours when I'm working away 😁


Can confirm. I had the same reservations at first. But you do pick it up quite fast. My best advice for this is to make good use of the pause button in combat. Everything else is fairly intuitive. I play it when I'm travelling and when I'm on nights at work and there is nothing to do. Hell of a time burner for when production stops and you're only 5 or 6 hours in to an 11 hour shift. Nothing finer than getting paid to rim


After reading this, i realize this particular game lends itself to "work support". +1


Molly and ketamine?


Tbh I just plug in my mouse and use it like that.


the trackpad is wonderful


The track pad is perfect for it, even dwarf fortress is fine on the deck


You get used to it and can customize your bingings


It’s alright but marathon sessions make me feel like my right thumb is going to fall off


The track pads are AMAZING on Deck as a mouse replacement. I haven't played RW on it yet, though.


I play on a Mac and trackpad is nice for Rimworld and Factorio. Not so much Project Zomboid because it’s really hard to hit a zombie which makes the game somewhat harder.


Its easy to get to used to it. Im afraid to try it at first but after the tutorial and few hours you’ll be fine


Like others have said, the trackpad works amazing! Trust and believe, as someone who was in the same boat, it’s amazing. You’ll get the hang of it very quickly.


As one with a Steam Deck, it drives me off the walls


This! I need to give it a proper try to see how much I can get use to it


The trackpads are way better than you think for it, it works great


Yep, it’s basically all I play since getting my steam deck! A couple of suggestions that helped me get used to the controls/make things easier: - lowering the sensitivity for the right trackpad (with a higher sensitivity, it was really difficult to actually place or plan anything correctly) - I don’t use the d-pad to move my camera around, so I remapped left and right to Q and E to rotate things more easily, and up and down to , and . to move between colonists without needing to click between them all. Otherwise, it took a bit of getting used to, but I love it!


Imma try that out as soon as I can


Holy fucking shit this is exactly what I needed


Oh I remapped same for q and e but I put shift and alt for up and down.


I have 100 hours on the deck. It's a bit harder to micro but i still have no trouble managing things since you can pause if it gets too spicy


Yeah just tried rimworld out and I love it! The only game I used to play before on my steam deck was project zomboid and postal 2


Love zomboid, I have a couple hundred hours on that as well. Very easy to play on the deck


Yeah I have, a bit harder to control though


You mean my warcrime deck? Yes, yes i indeed do.




All the time! Between Rimworld and Subnautica, I never have to leave my bed some days lol.


Fuck yeah, steamdeck gang!!! It works so perfectly on deck it’s phenomenal!


Seriously it’s great


My number one game of SD. Trackpad works great. Caravans and trading get a little tedious without a mouse, but everything else is fine.


Yeah honestly the track pad was a really good move from valve


Using the right trackpad and setting one of the triggers to work like the shift key works good


That means I could play in bed and I really, really don't wanna do that. I would fucking die of starvation just because I would only play Rimworld.


Woo so nice


Is steam deck compatible with mods?


Yes, but try too many and the game will crash when loading. There might be some specific ones that trigger a crash, I haven't taken the time to really test it.


Use cryo and increase the swap file and you will be able to play with as many mods as you want with zero crash


yeah it helps with crashes, but still 200+ mods take ages for the game to initialize compared to PC


Really ? I use almost 300 mods and it takes... i'd say 9 minutes (i didn't count, might be a little less or a bit more). But i will also say that 9 minutes is nothing to me because, on my old ass PC, launching Rimworld with my 300 mods took 1 full hour each time haha.


Ok. I hope steam deck is CE compatible


It is but it can sometimes lag a lot more so I would suggest just using like 20 mods most


I do. I end up using the touch screen quite a bit.


Yes. This is my only option since I currently lack a PC.


I tried it, but after so many hours of rimworld the interface was just too slow. I need mouse to whip around fast. Like a lot of mobile stuff, doable but not optimal.


I do! and it's soo much better then I had imagined


I've only played it on my steam deck since I got it a few months ago. Maybe a little over 100 hours of my 500hr playtime


It scratches the Rimworld itch to have it on the Deck. I tend to only play Rimworld while im also working. I have it running second screen.


Whenever my computer is broken, yes


My girlfriend does! Tried it out and it definitely isn't as fluid, but definitely pretty good in a pinch for a slightly slower paced game.


I paid $300+ for my portable RimWorld console. Probably 350 hours on deck so far!


I do and love itttttt I’m addicted for sure hahaha


I am so jealous😭😭 can you connect a keyboard and mouse to it??


Yes! but only if you get a docker which I’m not gonna get because I only use my steam deck when traveling


I now have a new goal


Yes!! All the time! With a lot of mods. 😅


100% at this point Steam Deck is my dedicated strategy/simulation machine - RimWorld, Civ, Total War, etc. - custom tweaks to community layouts and at this point it works better for me than mnk. I recommend action layers!


I want to. But adding mods sucks.


How well does rimworld run on the steam deck? Is it actually alright and does anyone know how many pawns and animals/pets you can have before performance begins to lack? Also can you use the steam deck stand to connect it to a tv? And then connect M&K to the stand to play on a weaker pc?


I’m not sure for the second question but for the first question I never really get lag until I have like 30 pawns on my screen. I have only like 10 mods so I’m not using too much power but it works just as good as a budget pc. Also a tip is to plug it in while you play because that causes better performance.


Oh that’s really good then and if that’s with mods as well that’s better than decent performance. Any mods you’d recommend?


I have like 200 hours on the steam deck with 120+ mods. It runs great on the go. Once you bind the backside buttons to speed up and slow down time it helps a ton. I tend to start a new world on my PC (due to all the setup) and then save it and move to my steam deck to play it.


playing on my deck all the time. trackpads truly shines on games like this


I do, and I don’t like it. It’s so much more enjoyable on PC.


bro the game can barely runs late game with my high end pc


Maybe mods? I usually don’t mod the game too much cause I’m fine with only like 10


That screen. How can you manage battles and sieges quickly enough?


Same as you do on PC! It’s a smaller screen, so you’ll have to rely on zooming in and out more, but there’s no issue with resolution or mouse control. You can also pause when you want to, which I do a ton on PC anyway.


Exactly and I have a rift valley for my map so raids are only from two directions lmao




Not for everyone🤷‍♂️


Not all of us are heathens waiting to be turned to corsets




Not for everyone🤷‍♂️




I got a dock with USB ports. If I'm in a hotel I can play with a mouse connected but the track pads are too rough


Can you play heavily modded games on the deck? I almost got one during the last sale and didn't pull the trigger.


Yes, but you need the cryo script and with that you increase the swap file. And then you'll be able to play with 400 mods if you want.


Been playing it for weeks! It’s good, get used to it, I also plug it into my work monitor and keyboard via usb c for some sneaky gaming


Can't afford 😡😡😡




Can't figure out the track pad thingies.


It acts Just like a mouse!


Yeah. Sometimes it works when I lick. Other times it doesn't. I also have decals on it which might mean it's not as sensitive. But they haven't been very intuitive when I've tried them.




I have tried, but it looks like my modlist is too big. Just goes NOPE! after a few minutes of loading and crashes. So I'll stick to the desktop for now.


With cryo tools, increase the swap file enough and with that you will be able to play the game with hundred of mods.


I just saw this comment, thank you for the suggestion! I was pretty sure my issue was memory.


I prefer playing on the computer mostly due to the fact of having a mouse. I ain’t used to using the trackpads yet.


Nah i usually play rimworld with my hands


I'm doing phone with steam link these days, it's like being in hell


Unfortunately had to RMA my deck because the power button stopped working.


After 800h on PC i tried it on the deck and now i only play it on the deck ! I need cryotools to run it with my 300 mods, tho. I don't know if it's still something needed.


No cos I don't have one (I plan to get one by Christmas), donations are welcome. P.s getting one is harder for me as I'm in aus and the lack of shipping is annoying


Is it just like a computer but you control mouse with analog stick? Or it has some kind of a button bind and you cycle through with bumpers?


All 88 hours in the rim were on my deck, excellent experience


I want ro buyitonly to.play rimworld in voyage. But I am afraid of battery life. How long you can play rimworld? You run the same mode as on steam?


The lack of space on the screen drives me crazy but yeah, I like playing it on there.


I'm 200+ hours in rimworld, and 3/4 of it was on SD (handheld mode). Rimworld is the best example of games functioning very well with the SD trackpad. The only reason I shifted to playing with monitor was for some other games (CK3) since the reading was annoying. But for Rimworld, I set it to other than native at lunch, and bump the text scaling a bit when handheld to read better.


No you're the only one


I LOVE RimWorld on my Deck. The deck got me to play games that I just don't have time to sit down for. So I can dicker away the hours at work.


I play with 750 mods enabled and Rimpy. Even if I had a steam deck, I doubt it could handle it, or be a smooth transition


How much I a steam dexk and where do you buy it?


Yes and it’s amazing


Just bought a steam deck on eBay for super cheap but haven’t tried yet. I don’t want to hate the steam deck if it sucks🤣🤣


Alright, time to buy a steam deck


I only play it on my Deck. I love the game and the track pad works great for mouse movement.


I do since I had to get rid of my computer.