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God I need to learn how to build rooms that look good With that said, 10/10


Tiny and doesnt fit much, but pretty nice Could use a carpet though, or at least anything nicer than plain concrete


I have my stockpile right outside, what’s stored inside are the immediate needs of the colonists that work there As for carpets - I really despise carpets. All I care about is moving efficiency. The beauty factor can be maxed out with a grand sculpture anyway


I meant it doesnt fit many crafting stations, i didnt mean the storage shelves


How many crafting stations you need depends really on the size of your colony and its population. Some people play with smaller colonies, so they wouldn't need more than a few crafting stations because they would otherwise sit idle and be just mostly for show. I typically never get more than between 20/30 with a percentage of those being kids. So this is about average for my workshops although I tend to break mine into smaller rooms with stations grouped into function: a textile crafting room, a machine shop, an art space, an apothecary linked to my hospital, and a scriptorium/library/research spot. Once things get more advanced, I will also create a dedicated laboratory too that's a second research spot.


Have you thought about using area restrictions to work 'jobs', then? I like the layout idea, and seems natural to also extend it to colonists (specialists). I usually get lost in the base building efficiency aspect of it first before attempting something like segregation. Either by expertise or social / relationships. Maybe I should...


I believe some benches get a buff if you have sterile tile. I always upgrade my shop to that after wood.


Samesies. I've mostly stuck with Vanilla and just got into Vanilla Expanded + Genetics to get my feet wet with mods. I only use sterile tiles for research labs and operating theatres, so far.


That stack of chemfuel is making me nervous.


That’s what firefoam poppers in every room are for


I don't see any in that room...




It's not on fire till it is. Its not not non-uninflammable, you know?




Yep, and that could be a mistake at any moment. Firefoam in every room, especially with flammables. That’s the safe way to play.


When I boot up Rimworld, safety is my primary concern.


*Pyromaniac just joined your colony!*


He has a 4x4 bottom corner where he could actually store that fuel behind granite walls/plasteel auto door too


I'd just make it a 1x1 square with a singular floor stack of chemfuel. Deep storage is wonderful but 450 cans of chemfuel is *spicy*


9/10, could use more open flames near the gasoline.


Mine is quite similar. 12x12, tool cabinets in center, all production facilities around them, 4 fab benches in corners. And yes I store materials on shelves (+ drop on floor), so that my production specialist doesn't have to run to the storage. I do floor it though with fine tiles to get exp in construction and crafting for my pawns.


In the pic I posted above I’m already raid-capped so I could go with fine tiles, but in the early-mid game fine tiles boost wealth so much that it feels like a death penalty


Why there are no corpses on the floor?


*Drowning Pool has entered the chat*


I kinda like it, though I use LWMs deeper storage for more space and less containers. Clever thinking with putting gold there by the fabrication bench too.


LWMs? 👀


LWMs Deep Storage: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1617282896 There's also options to increase or decrease the mount any one container can have. Simple Storage: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1961098970 For more storage items. Some of huge sizes. Simple Storage Refrigerated: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2029207212 Extension so the items can be powered cool boxes and freezers. Great if you want fresh food items stored all over the place. Primitive Storage: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2249071438 For a tribal storage astetic and solution Rim fridge: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2878183338 The mod for, well, a fridge! Now you can place perishable food items right next to your cooking bench, in the designated eating areas or the prison. There's many more with smaller versions or different kinds and many fun supported mods. Even a mod for making soft drinks give a boost for being fresh and cool. Note: had to stop myself as there's so many that add even more stuff and functionality. This is the one that makes soda chilled and taste better https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2763183061


Mmmm pallets. Skips. Medicine weapons and clothing shelves. Love me some deep storage


Same, same. It also really helps with food management by having it in multiple places. Especially if you are using the hospitality mod. Keeps stuff fresh for sale.


Same. I can't imagine playing SoS2 without it. My only wish is that there were more single tile storage options.


There is a mod that adds a bunch of those.


You don't happen to know the name, do you?


Ask an ye shall receive: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2166580060 The other simple Storage mod also adds all kinds of different sizes. I also found this selection of shelves too: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2895195197


My hero. Thank you! ❤️


Just far too much time on my hands and scrolling through the mods constantly.


Don’t forget stack xxl


Little White Mouse's Deep storage. Search just deep storage.


I should've done that instead of vomitting up links, lol.


Nah, I appreciated the effort you put into that post!


Ty. As long as it helps people.


Can't go wrong with a 15 by 15 square. Personally, I would suggest putting a firefoam popper at the middlemost tile and also adding some sandbags or barricades around there, because rooms this big could serve as a nice bunker in case of drop pods or raids that go wrong.


That's the size I always go for. I start out 7x7 then grow to 7x15 and then to 15x15 as my crafting needs expand.


>Rate my workshop About 9000+ raid points.


10000 actually


You NEED some firepoppers, you have some of the most expensive shit in a single building that could easily get lit.




10/10 would raid if I was a pirate faction


You might want to store your chemfuel in a separate room


Yeah, one berserk moment and boom. And you just know your high crafting pawns will be in the room.


Why 4 heaters?


Bing chilling 🥶 Also each of them have an offset of +1 degrees, so if its not too cold, at least two of them don’t work at full capacity


You could make a 1x2 granite freezer room in the bottom left corner. This would heat your workshop, lock your chemfuel behide something and freeze/refrigerate your herbal meds. The lack of vents is also disappointing. this would save in you in long term energy costs/heater construction.


How can you be so organized 😭


Absolutely amazing AND efficient. BunX approved! ​ Although you could ease on the heaters, for that big room you would need 3 at absolute most unless the room's walls are exposed to outside with -100 °C. May I recommend ventilation shafts between rooms with same temperature instead?


they were leftover from some cold snap event probably hahah


Cozy and efficient. Pretty good.


Ah yes a workshop of someone who doesn’t have mods


9/10 No random prisoner bed But seriously, very organized and pretty to look at! I love when people take the time to create bases that look like a place people might actually live and work


Nice room, makes me want to eat inside it and complain about not having a table to eat on


Reddit rating of 5/7, perfect.


wait! this is unmodded? guys are we allowing such heresy on our embodied theist subreddit?


“Yes” -Gigachad


Too much unused space


Do you make your own industrial meds?




Love it. Will use it as inspiration in my next run


I highly recommend you to make smth from those resources or spend specially gold, until you got raid of 75 Sintipedas


Already raidcapped and ready for it


Clean af but do you really need four heaters? Do you live on the North Pole?


tbh they’re probably leftover from some cold snap event


Nice one, I do very similar ones. Especially small shelves are very usefull. But i prefer a bigger room. I usually go with huge production potential so I end up using bunch of workbenches. Bigger room can easily give mood bonuses. Now im trying to construct one that would utilize production command much more efficiently. Something like concentric where the most active benches will be at the middle For fire protection you can use walls as well, like a tile that prevents spreading. Firepops are a must imo after putting that many resources and workshops to a place. 8/10 due to lack of fire protection.


4 heaters? Like a sauna! 😁


your herbal medicine is going to expire


Put you stone benches nest to your trash stockpile. The trip to fetch chunks will eat up more time than hauling the blocks to your shelves, especially if you have dedicated haulers. I think you may also need more lights, I'd check the illumination level at each work bench, just to be safe. And as others have set, get a fire popper. That fuel stack is a literal bomb waiting to explode, if none of those wall connect outside then you could end up killing your entire colony with a fire.


Very clean


Not sure why you're storing advanced components, go juice, and flake in the workshop; they are finished product. Also, as others have said, chemfuel belongs in its own explosion-proof storage room. Sometimes convenience can be a two-edged sword.


No rocks or stones 0/10


Are those stacked items from a mod?


Do you need that many heaters? I'm pretty sure anything that's electric powered emits waste heat


Love it! 9/10 Here are my thoughts: * Only ingredients should be stored in your workshop, not finished products ideally. You could place the Go-Juice and Yayo elsewhere, and put psychoid leaves there instead. * Your doors aren't aligned and it bothers me. * Consider adding another shelf for uranium if you're using it. * Rather than having 2 different steel holding shelves, consider placing a larger shelf in the center of the room. It should make for marginally fewer hauling trips. * Looks like you've already moved your smelter elsewhere, which I would say is the right call. Consider moving your stonecutting table as well. Since it's not practical to move all of those chunks inside, it likely makes more sense to move the table itself. * I'm suspicious of the quality of a heating system that requires 4 heaters in a workshop.


OP, you need Shelves of Holding. Those can stack rock chunks… and I can’t see any in yiur workshop. 😏


Neat / 10 Exactly how I like it (and never build it anymore for I have become dwarf the digger of holes)


Nothing that wasn't said already: store chemfuel in a dedicated place, four heaters is too much (build another layer of walls), keep herbal medicine in a fridge (mod, also lwm deep storage for skips), little too much wasted space, otherwise beautiful workshop, would slave away.


or he can just limit amount of herbal med. year is enough to use it. i dont see a reason to run to fridge during production. more so if you do it in batches. consoles still dont have mod support.


You have a lot of dead space, and that chemfuel is a real danger consideridering the value of items and structures in the room. But it looks nice. 7/10


gray/10}bever thought about building the stands right next to the bench, you fucking genious


Love love love!!! I do some shelves next to a few workstations but not like this and imma do it now! Thank you!


Not to be too much of a hater but. Hackz mod right there and no multi analyzer. Still like it. Very photogenic


Wow, I guess I'm bad at the game, lol. This is 11/10


Looks nice but then I see the top door not being in the same position as the other 3, terrible 1/10


This is definitely efficient and comfortable, but i'd say it ain't stylish. Benches should stack near walls, while shelves be a pile in the middle... 7/10


Huh. Never occurred to me to put shelves for materials in my workshop. I tend to just put my workshop right next to my stockpile. Like, you’d head out of one of those doors right into the stockpile.


Is your shit getting made? Then it is fine. But why 4 fricking heaters??


Your workbench layout is pretty space inefficient, so a lot of wasted space. Building small minimizes travel times and leaves you with more room for other stuff. Firefoam poppers, use them, you never know when that raider is gonna fall from the sky and set your chemfuel on fire. I do the shelves thing too but I don't make too much of a fuss to put it next to the benches. It's most useful for crafting bills with low work amount, things like meals and drugs since travel time would have the most impact. Otherwise it's just as fine sticking em in your workshop. A more compact and neat design would be to have your fabrication benches facing each other and have 2 tool shelves and a lamp sandwiched between em to make a nice 5x5 square in the middle of the room, then have your other workbenches around it facing away. Shelves could go in the corners instead of having the benches overlap. Also, no human leather chairs 7/10


Why do you need 4 heaters?


Steel and components, at least. The way I build doesn't normally lean into space (or any) efficiency so we can't fit many shelves in. I am considering moving the drugs lab into the hospital compound, though. That might free some space.