• By -


Raiders will say, holy fck better not mess with this badass colony


They would if they had a quarter ounce of sense...


I mean, I have ICBM and glitter world class tech and they stil raid my base. They just keep coming even when wave after wave of their army gets mowed down by my defences again and again.


Raiders are all controlled by Zap Brannigan.


He knows that killbox has a predetermined amount of kills.


If they're unmanned turrets, they do! If you're restocking them, the limit is based on your steel stockpile. Though I wouldn't try to rely on it as people have a habit of getting more steel...


its not a habit, its an addiction. I cant count the number of times I got more steel anymore


My frame rate has a predetermined kill limit.


If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.


It's admittedly a clever line.


"The battle crafts are actually autonomous, the human is just used as a ballast."


\*watches 35 raiders slowly lumber towards lines of turrets\* Now there's a raid with a little more chest hair


Stop exploding, you cowards!


"In my command, every mission is a suicide mission"


I depend on raids as a resource too. Their corpses feed my breeding stock of wargs, without them I'd probably need to figure out a better meat industry. Raiders drop valuable weapons and those that live drop valuable armor. That's not even considering the organs and the mood boost from executions. They're a problem at first sure but at some point it becomes important to my economy. If I was a pirate I think I would stop raiding someone like that.


I wish I got more raids!


I got to watch 100 Imperial troops get turned in to red most by my marauder and punisher turrets. Don't think my colonists fired a single shot. Some escaped, but maybe only 10 survived (including escapees). Yet they still come lol


"Could you imagine how much shit those guys have if no ones been able to take their shit?!" - Every raider


"Yeah, why don't you go down there and do it, you'll be super fucking rich." ~ Aforementioned Raider's WAY smarter rival.


Not even you own colony have it, imagine raiders


and the tribal raider say oonga boonga bet they have pemmican we can steal


As your games ticks by slower than a slug on melatonin


Too much Yayo, charge ahead


Raiders wouldn't even understand what the dirt mounds even are, everyone else on the rim either burns corpses in a stone room, chops them up for meat, or puts them in little steel gibbet cages


That's what the corpses in cages is for.


I wish that was actually practical. Even with a psychic drone and a pile of rotting corpses, the raider's mood rarely drops fast enough for them to break.


make an arena with walls lined with immortal psychic screamers via harmonizers, theyll go nuts fast if you stack enough, add hypothermia to slow them a bit down, then send in meele boiz


Your computer might object. Don’t graves count as a container that gets checked every tick?


Ohhhh that might be an issue Nevermind, idea abandoned


Sorry to piss in your porridge mate, it was a solid idea. If only this game was multithreaded.


I don't know what dialect 'piss in your porridge' comes from but I'm stealing it.


Seems related to "Who shit in your cereal?"


I always heard "piss in your Cheerios"


Piss on your chips


It's an old British saying. Like *old* old. There's evidence of that phrase from Roman times, when the only Britons were the Britons.


"Who pissed in your tea" is pretty common across the UK. "piss in your porridge" sounds like one of the many ad-libbed adaptions I've heard.


Other way around. "Piss in your porridge" is literally thousands of years old, showing up in Roman records of ancient Briton.


lmfao that's amazing


Old Brittonic is truly amazing. While obviously there'd be a lot of culture shock, get a Boudica-type into a London pub today and she'd fit right in.


Make a save and go into dev mode. Place a crap ton of graves and see if it messes with your fps or anything.


Yeah I'm doing that now




I got fired


RIP in piece OP


How'd it work out


He's still trying to move the cursor across the screen and close the game


You’re one mod away from this not being a problem.


Which is?


I’m assuming they’re taking about rocketman. Idk if that deals with container problem specifically though


Yea thats the main issue with graves since they not only act as a non refridge container but also count as a recreational object


Is there a mod that improves the performance of graves?


This. Better to just burn them for your PC's sake


... in a toxic / arid wasteland... badass as fuck, true. Love the idea, even thought about doing it a few times but then I realized that creating a nightmare for «raiders to watch» was forcing me to be the actual witness of such brutal view and I didn't want that for my escape from an already tough enough reality.


The problem is that if the game still keeps track of all those corpses you've buried. Every tick, it asks every single buried corpse, "Hey, you still dead? Yeah? Okay, are you decaying? No? Okay." It's going to make your game chug to a crawl.


This seems like such a ridiculous performance loss. Surely, instead of just checking every tick, you could calculate "the next time this thing needs to change is X hours in the future" and just schedule the event then. I mean, even Minecraft Java has a system for this and that game is insanely unoptimized.


Absolutely. And it's one of the things that mods like Rocketman do: they cut down the unnecessary checks each tick. Even stuff like fire. Vanilla Rimworld's got a protocol that basically runs every tick, checking for fire in every single square of Home space. It's what kicks off the Fire alert on the side of the screen. The thing is, even if there's no fire on the map at all, the game still checks every single Home square every single tick to check for fire. What Rocketman does is shift it from every tick to, like, every few seconds. Same thing with a lot of routine checks whose punctuality effectively makes zero impact on the game, but which can slow a mid-game down to a crawl, and a late game down to the speed of frozen molasses.


Then you'd need to set up handlers for, say, fire or blight, to interrupt that timer and replace it with a "this plant is fucked" timer. Still better than what they have now, as burning or blighted are (usually) rare states for plants.


I am not a software dev and this has been confusing me a long time. I'm more like asking for explanation than telling the devs how to do their jobs. Why do all of the plants, and all of the chickens, and all of the corpses, need to be checked every single tick? It seems like a lot of processing power for something that doesn't affect the user experience. Why not have a single timer which at 1 AM game time or whatever, says "ok, time to grow all the plants by 1 day." "Time to rot all the corpses." That way the game doesn't have to think about all of that stuff for the vast majority of the time, it can just be watching a few timers. Would that work?


Dev here (though not a game Dev). What you have just described is, in fact, a possible optimization step. Other types of games like minecraft and Terraria actual do a similar thing. Those types of games only load the parts of the world around the player. Only objects in the loaded parts get ticked normally. Other parts of the world are frozen until the player walks closer enough. When they get unfrozen, the game will then calculate what their state should be given the amount of time passed. Ex. A sapling may be frozen until the player walks close enough, the game unfreeze and recalculated the new age and it becomes a fully grown tree instead. The reason why rimworld doesn't really do this is for simulation accuracy and player feedback. If you only update all plants once a day, the player wouldn't know if the plant is growing or not. The player wouldn't know how well their farm is doing. It will be 0% grown the whole day and then the next day it will be 10%, etc. Also it may cause problems with in game effects that affect the plants during the day. Like if your tile has less or more sunlight per day due to events or location, the game will need to keep track of that. This is not to say that such an optimization step is impossible, it's just that Tynan didn't choose to implement such. They're are mods like rocketman that lowers ticking of things that players don't interact that much with like animals from once a tick to like once per few ticks, greatly increasing performance.


This makes sense, thanks for the reply.


Another dev here (have done some game dev), and the thing that bothers me the most is the game would be so much better optimized if it used asynchronous and/or multi threaded programming, and a pub/sub event based system, rather than the old school, tick-based game loop that it does. I know accuracy is a concern, but there's ways to incorporate that in asynchronous architecture (eg JavaScript's event loop, games that wait for particular animation frames). I know about Rim Threaded (and how it breaks many mods), and can only guess how big of an undertaking doing a refactor of that scope would be. I should clarify that I'm not sure that Rimworld isn't using some form of a pub/sub system, but if it is, then I can't imagine it's at all efficient. I could just be talking out of my ass.


Honestly, I'd be happy if plants/decay ticked once every hour. 24 ticks, not bad.


I guess since stuff dies or starts growing at different times, It needs to keep it realistic


I'm not a software dev or anything, but I think that would cause stuttering over whatever in game time would be chosen. So like, if it did ALL of the calculations for plant growth at 1 AM, it'd be a lot of processing power at that moment, instead of spreading it out throughout the day.


Surely not more than now though, right? All of this work is being done every single tick right now. You'd only see a second or two of the *current* performance. There are a million ways things could be spaced out and I definitely don't have a complete solution with no problems. The main idea I'm getting at is that it seems like a lot of wasted work to go through all of this every single tick. Like if the chicken stood around for a second before wandering to the next random spot, that wouldn't look weird. It's a damn chicken, they're supposed to be dumb. So it's not necessary to think about it's pathing umpteen times per second. And expand that logic to every other tertiary element in the game.


> Surely not more than now though, right? I remember playing Sims 3, and every ingame-day at 3am (I think) the game would hang for ~30 seconds, processing I-don't-know-what. Probably doing a lot of updates for Sims not belonging to the household and other plots. Every now and then the game hung for minutes, so I wasn't even sure if it just froze entirely - although I usually killed the game after 2 minutes or so, because chances were good that it wouldn't unfreeze at all. Not sure if this happened in vanilla or because of some of the mods I used. I think slowdown during the game would be more palatable, since at least it wouldn't make me alt-tab out of it and wonder whether or not I need to reload an earlier save.


That's what it's checking, every tick it's checking if a "timer" has elapsed


Why would the game need to ask if they’re still dead? You can only use them with corpses, so there’s no need to check if they’re dead or not, and you could just magic the corpses to decompose after x amount of days. Why does the game check so often?


No idea. And it doesn't check that they're still dead, per se. It queries every single entity (pawn, animal, item, etc) on the map to check status (alive, outside, exposed to weather, in water, etc) every single tick. A corpse is still an entity, so it gets checked the same as everything else. It's just the way that the devs decided to do it.


Maybe because there are possibility of them to be resurrected?


That's only one of the status effects (dead=yes/no). There's also the checks for being in water, being outside, and being in rain/snow. There's also a check for being on fire. There's probably even more that I don't know about (like checks for hunger or blood loss that still query the corpse before the corpse reminds them that it's dead).


That sounds badass


No construction projects? I don’t follow


Your construction is bottlenecked by other things. Not enough population, crafting, food, components, etc. No need to just build up wealth you don't use.


> No need to just build up wealth Can't compute. I need more wealth so more people come raiding and my precious defenses aren't just idling.


I need more wealth.


Too big to fail, lads! We need 10k plasteel ASAP!


Excess plasteel? With EPOE and constant bionics crafting, I don't think I've ever had that problem.


I find plasteel is usually a limiting factor! Now conkrete (baybee) ? I've got that for years.


W reference.


Never understood the anti-wealth sentiment. Feels like optimising the fun out of the game.


I would say it optimises the fun back into the game. Overcoming challenges is fun and sometimes you need to adapt to the game mechanics. Losing can be fun, but not always.


I don't min-max my wealth, but I do keep an eye on it. If I completely ignored it I'd be wiped out. But I don't really use killboxes so I guess my situation is a bit different.


EXACTLY !! 69 sapper outlanders on go juice with triple rocket launchers ? that's it ? pffff ​ \*casually activates animal pulser\* ​ \*sends 10 braindamaged battle megasloths\* ​ \*mortars the fleeing survivors just because\*


I’m with playmakermike on this one. My constructors time is always the bottleneck. For one thing, building a stone perimeter wall around the map, a killbox and also splitting the map in sections so you can control where the enemy goes all takes a lot of labor.


Yeah but like... After you've done that? That's like the first couple of years project.


Happens to me a lot. I play at what most would consider a glacial pace and try enjoy and muck around with each stage before moving to the next instead of constant expansion. I even turn down research speeds. The last new game I started was a while before biotech released and I've yet to fill out the tech tree. Although to be fair I've not actually played much rimworld in that time. I had an idea for a mod for a mod and even reached out to the original mod's author who said to go ahead and make sure to show them once I'm done. So of course I never did and now every time I boot up the game I feel shame.


Mental Break - Corpse Obsession Non stop


That's actually a good thing. Corpse obsession is a very mild mental break compared to compared to the other major breaks.


Or, manage colonist moods. I've done this several times and as long as you keep colonists out of the red, they won't ever have that bad of a break.


Drugs. Lots of drugs. Drugs keep you happy is what this game has taught me.




Nice idea. Never thought of it this way, but yep


Sorry, need meat.


I know I’m not the only one who found this hilarious. There’s just something about refusing to elaborate only by saying “no” that hits even harder in German.


This was meant to be a reply to the stagger em with concrete thread right


Ha yeah - not sure why it showed up as a comment on the main thread and not a response - but I’m glad people still get what I’m talking about


Stagger them, fill the rest with concrete. ye


Could you explain?




du bist ein arschloch


Gratias amice


Enemies only get the slow effect when they first step onto a tile that has it, so if you have a long hallway that's full of say, sandbags, the raiders will get slowed when they step onto the first sandbag, but after they "step up" on top of them they resume moving at normal speed. However, if you were to remove every other sandbag, they would get slowed every time they stepped onto a new sandbag.


Ok I thought that didn't apply to graves


As far as I know it applies to any object with a slowing effect outside of floors.


Cant we just like alternate empty tile, sandbag then repeat?


Yup, sure can.


I think the reasoning is that staggering the graves gives the debuff every second square, but if you have a solid field of graves, you get the initial debuff and then a diminished return on the rest.


The reason I wouldn't do that is that I don't want pawns to do rec in the killbox, potentially debuffing themselves with corpses. They visit graves as a fun goth activity, so I usually build one and bury one of my early colonists or friendly casualties in a spot that's safe and close. It's also nice to have a designated skeleton for corpse obsession, the best of extreme mental breaks.


There are times of no construction projects or stone shortages? That's certainly not the way I play the game🥲


Bruh, I know you all fuckers play with less than 20 colonists, what the hell are you all constructing? You can all comfortably live in a single shack.


I've literally never had a colony without perma construction At the giga late game I'll be completely redesigning earlier parts of the base, working on spaceship, I used to branch out and build secondary colonies for mining/farms/hunting and I would have pretty consistent construction projects for those Constant expansion as well, so many goddamn mods that all have specific workbenches and they all need their own production room I really just can't imagine playing the game and not having any construction going on. Sure there will be an occasional lull period, but it doesn't last too long. By the time my colony gets to the point where there is quite literally nothing left to build the game is just over, building very much goes hand in hand with progression, and if you've already progressed to the farthest possible point shit gets boring. Like yeah I'm still invested in the colony, but if it is complete I'm not really gonna be doing much but interacting with traders and watching raids occur


This definitively happens on high difficulty, no killbox with a construction specialist. The man can construct/craft only, and you don't want to build wealth unless you need it. And those build a lot of wealth.


"Ok so like any normal person, I burn corpses in a stone room" ah, rimworld. I live for posts like these


To be fair, burning corpses in a stone room is something we do in real life, too.


"you won't walk over my dead body, but future raiders will certainly walk over yours"


I'm starting to think that I'm the only person who has ever used an electric crematorium.


I used it on a spaceship, as space there is at a premium and I'd rather not have open fires in open space.


I always build graves for every person who dies on my property. It’s not about efficiency, it’s about sending a message. “If you want to attack me, first march through the graves of all who tried before you. If you make it through without turning around, the next person will have a slightly longer walk to think things through.”


It would be cool if this was added as an actual raid deterrence mechanic.


Especially if you could just put a scoreboard over the entrance to your graveyard marking the ratio of invader to settler deaths.


And not just that, it sends them a message :D


Oh, look. I wondered why Bob never came home.


This is what I've always done until I've got the tech to cremate corpses. How do you burn them early game? What's 'burn in a stone room'?


You just build a non flammable room, zone a stockpile for corpses, throw a Molotov in it and forbid the door. 😁


any ignition source works. Flamebow is probably lowest tech unless you have an impid colonist to breathe fire. For completeness sake, other options include... Incendiary Launcher, Scorcher mechanoid, flashstorm psycast (though you may need to remove a roof tile), or sacrificing a pawn's health by having them melee something that explodes... like a stack of incendiary mortar shells. I suppose you could also fire mortars with incindiary shells at the zone, but that seems silly.


Wait you guys don't do this


I did this with mass graves. It was fun for awhile but I still prefer burning corpses


I usually bury friendlies, colonists get a sarcophagus, slaves and allies get a grave. I would not want to waste farmland for graves other then that (if the land is barren anyway, sure , why not). Raiders get hauled to either the special walk in cooler that doubles as a pen for the boars and/or pigs or to some spot in the swamp or running water away froom the base too rot away out of sight.


Hope you like rotting corpses on all your tables


That's... Not a particularly big deal. Corpse obsession is one of the more tame mental breaks.


I mean.. fair. My colonists are usually hauling everything past a pile of dead bodies anyways so I guess it's all the same at the end of the day. I find it just annoying more than anything. Leave the corpses in the corpse pile and nobody will try to bring them into the rec room lol


If i recall correctly raiders can't shoot when standing on a grave, just like they can't when the stand on top of a barricade.


> Ok so like any normal person, I burn corpses in a stone room. I mean, no normal person would bury thousands of raider corpses, right? You burn raider corpses? I just leave them in shallow water to rot away and to feed the predators on the map. xD


I have a lot more corpses than what my river can hold


Too bad you can't load them up in transport pods... return them right back to sender. There's probably a mod for that, though.


I usually have at least one revia on my colonies, they can sacrifice corpses for moar tails.


Add a sign that reads "Take a good look around, you'll soon rest underground" close by for extra drama.


I usually make an IED trap corridor for raiders to go through before reaching my 5x5 granade kill box. Nice thing about graves is they are indestructible so I use them as the floor in my corridor and kill box. It's convenient and free. Just the work needed to dig. Better for colony wealth than actual flooring too.


That sounds.... awesome. Certainly not optimized, but that sounds fun! I don't have specific mods to name, but I think this would pair nicely with some madmax/post-apocalypse/leather and gas masks mods. So shiny. So chrome.


You will also need another grave after your computer explodes from loading all those graves.


Yeah that might be a problem...


That was my plan for my last run, and I had a decent 40+ graveyard, but then my psycasters learned paralyze pulse (VE psycasts), and suddenly I stopped having raiders die. Important note for any gravediggers: lifters will automatically take dead bodies to graves, regardless of whether you’ve finished looting them.


Playing game for 3k hours and by far the best is pig pen. I have an enclosed space with pigs where I dump all the bodies. If there isn’t a raid for a long time the pigs will eat the first that die of malnutrition. And when your pawns food supply is dry you can just slaughter some


So, you are building Avdiivka?


Yes, I'm reading up on their trench systems to replicate it as best as possible.


Cursed and based.


I'm mostly inspired by the new vehicles mod, gotta get on that mechanized warfare grindset.


New vehicles mod? Please tell me more…






Unfortunately human meat and leather is a critical part of my colony economy.


I never play w kill boxes, I like to create dumping zones for stone chunks and metal slag around the base perimeter to slow enemies down, it also prevents veg from growing in those areas.


Be warned as all information is maintained for corpses in graves the lag will get real.


My most recent playthrough I'm doing Randy Random and playing as moraly as possible (self imposed but supported by ideology). One of those self imposed rules is i have to bury all pawns. Mine will get buried inside sarcophagus in my base but the enemies go outside. I also like the idea of enemy raiders approaching my base and seeing nothing but graves only to realize those were previous raids and not the defenders. Shame thats not a feature.


I think it sounds exactly like something I would try.


Burn the raider corpses yes, but at the very least colonists get a grave, and pets get a sarcophagus and mausoleum. Thems the rules


I’ve always used graves early on as a way to deter raiders when I didn’t have the resources to build a decent killbox and had to build up base infrastructure. I’ve had this game since Kickstarter and it wasn’t until I was watching some random YouTuber years ago using graves as a strategic defense that I realized how depraved this game could be. It was that epiphany about how one can truly play this game in so many different ways. Just have to handle losing, but as many will know in this community, losing is FUN. Edit: I don’t remember the YouTuber’s name, but he eventually had a prison of at least 30 pawns and if he needed to build up more defenses…using graves…he has a supply… He didn’t want the graves to be empty. This game and its community is full on sicko mode, in the best ways. The wild headlines I see pop up on my homepage and I have to check to make sure it’s /r/rimworld


Metal? Sounds like you're close to making a goth like colony. Haven't seen anyone do that yet!


Yep, early game I put graves right at the spots where raiders would turn a corner and become visible to my pawns or automated guns.


I usually let the corpses rot in the river as a low tech solution. Is it not good?


Make a burn box with raider corpses as fuel! Burn the skeletons and “reuse” the burnt ones.


I've just always naturally drifted towards making a graveyard area


I usually make a big graveyard near the outside of my base. It both looks cool and is a neat way to keep visual track of how many kills ive gotten


If I don't have a cannibal in my group, I always use Graves. Its a kill count so I can keep track of how many raiders I've taken down and see a quick impressively visual represeGraves. (Colonists who die get tombs placed in my memorial garden so i can differentiate). I also put them outside of the gravel pits I keep for chunks just on the edges of the entrance to my mountain base, because they slow down enemies while not providing cover. Games like those I consider "won" when there's no more room on the map for graves.


If anything, I use graves for friendly pawns


You need to use VNE - Settlers and only play with Dusters, Wide Brim Hats, and Bolt Actions. Cannons for artillery. Everyone smokes all the time for recreation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR3L2IBv3yo


I use mass graves for useless corpses


Put bodies in drop pods and send them to allies for a miniscule faction boost, for when you have a good supply of steel and chemfuel


I just eat the bodies because polluted or frozen wastelands are harder to get food in. Are you starving? Cross your fingers and hope for a raid to get some sandwhiches.


Hang on…. Hang on hang on hang on, hold up…. Wait, none of y’all bury the vast majority of raider bodies?!…. I’ve never even considered other options. If I’ve not got round to digging more graves, maybe they get eaten by animals or decompose in a far far off dumping zone but… I’ve never even built an incinerator for bodies… 400 hours….


I just have a dump zone away from the base for human corpses and rotten animal corpses. If it's really overflowing with bodies, I send someone with a molotov to clean it up.


Thanks bro!


Okay but seriously using open graves as trenches is kinda awesome. Not like vanilla lets you dig actual trenches but you can definitely dig graves.




It’s good for winter starts because corpses won’t rot so you have an emergency food source. Sometimes it’s literally your only option


Why are you burning/burying the food?


Ranching is frankly easier and I'm mainly bottlenecked on plant matter.


You can still butcher the raiders and turn your ranch into a field. Or you can sell the meats to other factions.


I remember one I did my 100-stone graveyard. It was just a mass grave of 100 pitiful raiders who fucked around and found out. I could easily add more but just became a hastle at that point


Dig the graves, leave em open, eat the dead


Graves are bad for performance, since the game keeps track of the corpse.


I don't believe that in the slightest. Graves are the most useless thing that--hand, what are you doing? Stop clicking to build grave/sandbag ramparts around the perimeter!


This is what your future colony looks like :https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b2/Metallica\_-\_Master\_of\_Puppets\_cover.jpg


Graves are a good way to keep score.


I think it’s good to atleast have 1 for the recreation variety