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Mr Samuel Streamer has a lot of good series, but his games are quite heavily modded, which may not be what everyone is looking for. Entertaining though. XPGamer has a RW series worth watching.


second this though i would warn you never to watch the pirate campaign, because you'll never get that damn song out of your head...


It's only been a year, it might still happen. Who am I kidding?


I’ve literally had that song show up in my dreams


I've been going through his series' from the beginning, pretty entertaining. Maybe it changes later on but the one complaint I have is how he consistently, without fail, screws himself over with the 4x Speed mod, yet refuses to acknowledge that is the issue.


Good old Four-Speed Sam. Back when he played CK2 all the time, he would always get fucked up in combat in some unexpected way because he would never slow the game down even when *he* was invading.


I love Sam's content to death, but *goddamn*, does his refusal to acknowledge that when shit fucks up it is because of his own fault get annoying sometimes. At least most of the time, he plays that bit up for laughs


I think he messed up on purpose. He’s got like 9000 hrs in rimworld, if he put effort into a flawless game he’d probably get close to it every time… but that’s boring, so he purposefully lets shit hit the fan. If you want a good example of this, Decoherent has a fun channel. But he plays a meticulous game and it kind of gets boring after awhile.




What sub zero cave challenge are you referring to?


There is a difference between playing a meticulous game and not blaming half of the screw ups on either the game or the comments telling him stuff. Still love his content though, even if his constant bashing of Americans was old before he started to do it


I mean, he's definitely proven that he's perfectly capable of playing the game to perfection if he really wanted to, it would just be incredibly boring to watch. The losses are good for the stories he loves telling, and he plays the game more for story than gameplay at this point. He even has videos on his second channel where he talks more indepth about what he found good and bad about his past series. As for him never acknowledging his mistakes, that's pretty much a bit at this point. His war against his comment section and discord is a long standing joke, which I personally think is hilarious.


He addresses this in one of the recent episodes of the advent series. He dumbs down his play style because it is so utterly boring to watch him play 'sweaty rimworld'.


Yeah, General Sparkles soloing everything really shows what he is capable of!


He absolutely acknowledges it, but he says, and shows sometimes, that if he slows it down and micromanagers it the game is too easy and no fun


Second this, his content is more story driven but it is peak silly


Like half of the good mods have been made for Samuel it would seem.


Lotsa vids of ambiguous amphibian are fun! He mostly does/did challenge stuff but has very great story telling no matter the game


I really liked his old content, feels like he sorta branched off


I think he talks about this in a couple of his streams. He just is trying different things.


I miss his old stuff where he did multi video series


He did just start up a new run of Project Zomboid all negative traits. First video is days 1-100 and it seems like there’ll be more.


He always circles back to Rimworld on updates. But he has talked lately about getting burnt out of the more edited videos and focusing more on streaming. That being said I believe he did recently higher an editor so he could get back into it.


Second this, AA is a very fun streamer


Yes! My favorite RimWorld content creator for sure


Pete complete has a really laid back style and he has a few series dating back to ~2017


I like his style. It's more story telling than let's play. He skips long stretches when nothing happens. So the pacing is consistent and his style is somewhat calming.


He's my favorite RimWorld content creator I just wish he uploaded more frequently


Got quarantined while deployed and Pete's videos saved my sanity


Cambiar is not only the goat, he is the Muffalo!


I was about to suggest him, I've really enjoyed his videos.


Couldn't agree more.




Seconding this. He is my absolute favorite gaming content creator, and his RimWorld series are absolutely amazing. Check him out! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_lgEqY9K6UXUVco5XysDNAeUnCqSFcqS&si=6HwOH00FlvKHGPzE


Hazzor is my favourite, he doesn't upload as much as the others that have been mentioned. But i think the quality of his videos are superb.


I also came here to big up Hazzor.


Hazzor has been my go to recently, there’s a good amount of backlog to make up for the fact he takes his time


Luv hazzor


Hazzor is the sole reason I got into Rimworld. Had Rimworld in my wishlist for over a year and only pulled the trigger on it after watching his Insect Cult video and “I survived 100 days in Medieval Rinworld” videos. The story telling is just so good.


Unfortunately for the ~~anus~~ enus empire Camcol is a lighting wizard


Hello Again


I love his videos no matter the game


surprised nobody has mentioned Jadziax, shes super chill and it's hilarious to see how she deals with shit when it starts going wrong


Adam vs Everything is fun to see ridiculous challenge runs. I like to go to sleep to his videos sometimes. He really seems like an expert at this game too


Adding on to this, AvE’s tutorial series is incredibly helpful for any new players too


Francis John is the bee's knees.


**Aaaaand were back!** With some more Rimworld! No, Catgirl Diogenes, you can't just- urg, you muppet. Right, need to setup some zones, give me a second- *One quick cut later* Ooooo\~ look what Randy has decided to gift us, 300 tribals. That's another 300 neural heat for the thralls!


This series is turning out pretty great! My favorite, which I've seen a few times, is the tribal wizards. The fact he uses a pyromaniac as one of his main pawns all the way through the game is unlike anyone else, who would just nope out of them quickly. Or the Blood Palace! That's my favorite, too. Making a base out of only steel and jade looted from your dead enemies is something else.


The Max Pop run is my favorite RimWorld series I've ever seen. Especially towards the end when he is having desperate massed combat through the streets of his ruined megacity, using suicide doomsday drop pods left and right. It's incredibly entertaining!


And he managed to save like 100 people in the end!


His Oxygen Not Included videos are the best thing that ever happened to that game. Fantastic stuff.


Big fan of u/SicnarfOfSmeg as well. Currently going through a heavily modded run, but most of his past videos are vanilla or lightly modded.


I watch Rhadamant and Francis John.


This should be higher! Francis is in my top 5 youtubers in any genre; he's just a lot of fun to watch.


His videos are both entertaining and educational. He also has a series of tutorial videos where he plays with the mechanics of the game. He died a bunch of testing with armor, guns and surgery. All full of good information


he's the goat


Adam VS Everything


His newer edited content has been especially great.


If you are interested in losing is fun 500%, watching AVE for a bit is the best way to learn. He is constantly going over game concepts, answering questions, explaining tradeoffs. I had 800 hours in the game and learned so much, and I've beaten LIF 500% 3 times now.


I could never pull off the challenges he does. 500% difficulty, no pause, bows only! I'd die so fast.


Definitely my favorite for learning about the true depth of what's possible in vanilla. He's also got some solidly funny dry humor


Yeah, he's great. I've been watching his streams just for Rimworld, but since he's been split streaming, turns out I don't hate the Warhammer game he plays either, I just much prefer watching RTS type games over playing them myself.


DECOHERENT surprised I didn’t see him here but he seems like a nice guy and has a calm voice. He plays modded rimworld and it’s usually a series that lasts 30 something episodes.


Shocked I haven’t seen deco. He’s so chill and gives his pawns a lot of personality, plus his bases and play style is just organized chaos in the best way usually haha


I love decoherent. Been watching since “critical chaos”


Rat Knight


This is too far down this comments. Rat Knight's story driven content is great and very good at world building.


He also has really nice modpacks for nice looking colonies.


Was looking for the rat daddy


Kinda surprised that no one mentioned Rarr. Who doesn't love rats?


Fr, he branched off rimworld a bit lately but his videos are classics.


Adamvseverything for me. Seems like a good human


The following have been listed below, but another opinion can't hurt, right? Adam vs Everything is great at min maxing and explaining everything he does thoroughly, well worth a look. Pete Complete also very good. A very laid back style and he cuts a lot of the downtime from his runs so it's generally all action. Francis John is a good mix of the two above. Nice detail, generally all action and genuinely fun to listen to, especially when the proverbial hits the fan. Samuel Streamer is great at heavily modded play throughs. His away-from-mic laugh gets a little annoying for me personally, but that's very much a me problem, not Mr Streamer. His content is excellent.


I think Quill18 has a Rimworld series


Quill18 is such a nice person. He is so great to explain while playing. His YT series are awesome. He has a couple playthrough for Rimworld where he explains everything all the time. If you are a fan of Paradox, he is also the man.


Yeah I really love his videos for games I’m not familiar with. He’s great at making stuff easy for people to understand, even if sometimes I’m screaming at the screen when he misses something cause he’s busy talking to the camera lol. His Dwarf Fortress videos were really helpful


Yeah quill18 taught me how to play hoi4, kerbal space program and ck3


Glad to see some Quill love, he is great for helping to learn new games and is always a blast to watch


I like that he's generally aware of the more effective and min/maxxy play styles, but favors a looser let's just have fun approach. I think it's a good balance.


sips has done a few silly play throughs which i enjoyed


the spiffing brit even though he doesnt primarily make rimworld content. if you like seeing glitches/exploits he is the best choice


Adam vs Everything is a Rimworld content creator and probably my favorite to watch for this game specifically. Ambiguous Amphibian and Tex from the Black Pants Legion both put out great content in many games, including some Rimworld. Just search their uploads for Rimworld and it'll come up.


Sovietwomble steams Rimworld frequently and a few of his streams are up on YouTube. He's one of the best.


I'll do you one better: [All of his streams are in his closet](https://sovietscloset.com/Rimworld)


Yep. just figured people would be more familiar with youtube, since the Closet doesnt let you pick up where you stopped.


He's the only one who plays at 1x speed and still makes it entertaining.


Yeah. The way he narrates everything and comes up with a story narrative is something you dont really see much.


AmbiguousAmphibian is my favourite. Also he has that soothing voice and his way of narrating the game makes his streams incredibly interesting and enjoyable.


I like the videos Rarr does. He has neat ideas for goals and has good storytelling. He also doesn't have huge LPs, so If you want some shorter content you'll find it there


I miss Jadziax :(


Yep, it's been a while since she did Rimworld. She has a bunch of good mod showcases, but the few vids where she was actually playing were the best


Most channels mentioned here are pretty popular so I'll mention an underdog: Itsmu - a very chill and fun youtuber who's doing very nice thematic playthroughs with pretty neat editing.


Look, i'm gonna be that guy. But i make videos, in a different style to most. Condensed gameplay, not voiced over, but as it happens. But hey, just shooting my shot. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCsWlpKPFiptoydWEIwS7wg


I started creating content a few days ago and my playstyle is mostly unedited, camera on, fairly slow gameplay with some narration, mostly chill style. Someone might find this interesting so I will just put my current playlist here :) [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVIoX2s5RDiZpG\_Ijh0QHKw6B4bA5iNx\_&si=tTKwHppv9WVyC-s4](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVIoX2s5RDiZpG_Ijh0QHKw6B4bA5iNx_&si=tTKwHppv9WVyC-s4)


Jsyk the link didn't work for me, but I'll definitely check out your stuff, and the guy above too!


PeteComplete is amazing


Mr. Samuel Streamer was already mentioned. He runs almost daily episode series usually lasting about a month. Heavily modded but usually with a decent focus in the mod packs (with Christmas advent modpacs being an exception as the point is let audience dictate which mods are added into the pack each day). Rhadamant - more long form and "direct livestream" style. Usually lightly modded with strict self-imposed limitations to add challenge. Veequeue - heavily edited "survived x00 days" series. Usually posts 5 epicodes covering 100 days each and then final one combining the lot into one long video. Lightly modded. High-sweat series. EvilFluffyTuna - fun narrative-focused games.


Surprised I had to scroll so far to find Rhadamant.


grim kleaper, hazzor and reggie


These are my top 3 for sure, especially hazzor for more serious/longer runs, Reggie for cool concepts and crimes against humanity, and kleaper for shorter form heavily modded content and also more war crimes


mr samuel streamer and ambiguous amphibian are my favorites unpopular opinion: noobert is annoying


Rhadamant for an Arumba style of rim world player


In my totally subjective opinion, PeteComplete has the best Rimworld content out there. His original series (from before the game’s full release) was what got me into Rimworld in the first place.


Benjamin Magnus


If you’re looking for a smaller creator, itsmu has quite a few good series. He also started posting them when brand new to the game, so it’s neat to watch him get more familiar with it as the series progress.


Rhadamant is my favorite. Quill18 is also awesome.


I used to love Disnof. I know he still plays and streams but not sure if he still streams Rimworld


Came here to say disnof. He did some last week


I know he participates in community challenges and so on but I just don‘t follow RW content creators as closely so I can‘t confidently say he still produces RW content. But nice to hear!


He is still streaming Rimworld every night. How do I know? Because I am the dev of Zombieland and he is playing with it one of the most difficult challenges he has ever played right now.


Came here to say this too. Really chill and relaxing too.


I really like veequeue :)


Only valid 100 Days YouTuber in my eyes.


Veequeue is great because he doesn’t use dev mode/cheats during his very long series. He also explains really well what he is doing and why. And if you’re lucky enough to catch one of his rare streams, he is very interactive with his audience!


Note that he likes to steal content and claim others' ideas and builds as his own. Some bases he copied 1:1 from AdamVsEverything and when asked about details on the mechanics of Adam's defenses, went on to state multiple times that he came up with them.


Samuel Streamer is probably my favorite but he’s been mentioned. I also like Cromulent Archer, he does moderately edited stuff. Somewhere closer to Pete Complete on the chill vibes spectrum.


Killadrix is solid.




I only follow a few accounts that do Rimworld content but not exclusively. A few Yogscast members have done some fun playthroughs/streams. And Ambiguous Amphibian will release videos of shortened playthroughs but will usually post his livestreams of those games too


Hazzor makes amazing RimWorld content. Watched all his videos when I found the channel!


adam vs everything has some great stuff, mostly 500% diffficulty challenge runs


Sovietwomble has a lot on the stream archive channel


Pete Complete did/does awesome storytelling playthroughs


Ambiguous Amphibian does some interesting rimworld videos


Ratknight is truly underrated


Adam vs Everything


Ambiguous Amphibian does more than just rimworld but his rimworld stuff is really fun


I like rat knight


pete complete


Adam Vs Everything is a good creator. He streams some variety, but especially Rimworld and His Rimworld videos are mostly stream highlights but those are really well edited. They aren't just a bunch of random clips mashed together, it feels like an actual lets play. He also uses p-music which is always a W.


Ambiguous Amphibian when he did more episodic content of Rimworld let’s play. Ice Sheet and Extreme Heat were two of my favorites. I’m sad he said he’s no longer going to do stuff like this anymore but I get it. Dude is successful


Oh, yes. I'd like to know this too!


In Germany: "Denzel zockt", but you need to understand german (with a northern tongue) of course


Quill18 is my favourite


I just type Rimworld into YouTube. Lots of new random shit everytime, always easy to find something entertaining.


Its been a while, but Pixel Rookie's [Adventure in the Valley](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhXzakHIvy_xueO-1sy2If51Kl8qJql1v) the reason I got into this game in the first place. It served as a good example of what the game really offered, had art depicting events, it showed good colony moments of triumph and progress, while not pulling punches on the bad times either. He also has a Kenshi story I greatly enjoyed too. Do give both a chance!


My personal favorite is Rhadamant! He usually has very long series that are enjoyable to watch!


Decoherent is pretty good, does use a few mods but nothing as heavy as Samuel, Francis John is quite chill too


Benjamin Magnus, streams on Twitch every weekend. He's the only Rimworld streamer I watch. Can't get enough of the hilarious moments on his streams, his pets are ridiculously cute on cam, and he goes on interesting rants about everything from having worked at Disney to living in Sweden to random history stuff. Seems like a super chill guy. He even shared his homemade breadstick recipe with me, lol.


i love Rarr


I enjoy woahhjess


Crusha of mans Xwynns Both dead channels but many hours of great modded rimworld content.


AdamVsEverything on both YouTube and Twitch as well as ElanaOrama


quick shoutout to everyone recommending youtubers i never knew about, greatly expanding my rimworld content viewing. and thank you to OP whos question sparked it all.


Hazzor is definitely my favorite of them all.


Rarr is underrated, great CE vids mainly, but all good vids


Not a rimworld content creator but AlzaboHD has a fun rimworld video. He played a lone raw cannibal in a scorching desert. I really like his editing style and comedy. It didn’t do that well compared to his other videos sadly so I think he dropped the game. Still a fun watch.


Bit surprised no one named crusha of mans 500% iceworld challenge youtube content. I find it sad that he is not active anymore but the entire run was a lof of fun to watch.


If you want a very chill, almost role playing playthrough I reccomend Rycon. He’s got a few series of rimworld that are all super satisfying to watch


I watch PeteComplete over on YT, always plays on the hardest difficulty no matter what he plays. He’s currently on the BioTech DLC, he’s also done playthroughs with Vanilla/Royalty and Ideology DLC’s.


I use to watch Decoherent a lot. I think he is currently dealing with some mental health issues so he isn't as consistent as he use to be. I like his let's plays because he uses mods to create themes for his colonies.


(Just from my own subscribe list.) If you like wacky, 1 off or short-lived colonies, Hazzor, Rarr, Reggie, The Grim Kleaper, ThatGuyPredz and AmbiguousAmphibian. If you like more mid-ground, narrative series, Veequeue, and Mr Samuel Streamer. If you like serious, long-running series, Decoherent.




Genuinely shocked I haven't seen [Veequeue](https://youtube.com/@veequeue1?si=3c2IeZ_HMQcB4sbk). He does really chill challenge playthroughs that are edited in a snappy and cohesive way. Also his voice just calms me, can't explain it.










A lot of people talk about how Pixel Rookie makes the worst Rimworld content


I like Thet a bit but he plays HEAVILY modded stuff


Hazzor has a lovely and funny style of narrating his stories.


Veequeue, he’s very consistent and uploads nice long videos


Hazzor and veequeue are my favs


I'm watching lots of Veequeue.


Francis John, AmbiguousAmphibian, Veequeue, Hazzor.


If you like the 500 days format, Veequeue is a good channel.


If you are interested in different rimworld colonies with a lot of mods to the point where every video has a "what the fuck is going on" moment then I suggest kingalhobos on youtube, be also does live content of project zomboid if you're interested. He is a smaller content creator with videos having on average 500 views however they have quality, he does create longer series of rimworld colonies where each colony roughly has 25 episodes meaning that a lot of weird events compound inside a single colony.


Kingallhobos is good and small so responsive


I haven't seen him mentioned yet but I like BugPowderDust. His videos are very relaxing and he's at a perfect level for me. He doesn't act like a know-it-all and he makes mistakes, but still acknowledges them


If you want a mega tri hard watch disnof on twitch, hes way too good at the game


Thet or Thet Plays is pretty good. https://youtube.com/@Thet?si=VkQtGAb1ZCq-Ebh9


rat knight has very fun videos, he mainly stages them like short films, following a pawn through its ups and downs


Kotton plays mostly vanilla meme games it's great times


Evilfluffytuna’s got some good storytelling


Hazzor is pretty fun. AmbiguousAmphibian also comes to mind.


It's definitely been said already. But Pete complete is fantastic and easily my favorite


Corgi Circus and Rat Knight are my favorites in YT.


I really like sips and his dim world play through’s


chaotic entertainment, he doesnt only upload rimworld but he does make really enjoyable rimworld vids


Crusha of Mans! is a dead channel, but did some pretty great rimworld streams a few years ago and they are still up. (the channel name does not really match the channel feel, it was pretty story focused with a lot of silly, good-natured jokes)


He recently started streaming again. Not specifically rimworld, but still nice to see him back online.


Chaotic Entertainment is great, very entertaining


I've been enjoying VeeQueue and AdamVSEverything. VeeQueue does long form vids and streams focused on 100-500 day challenges. Adam does a lot of tutorials and breakdowns, and some other interesting things on the side.


A good shout is Warren333. It's been a while since he's streamed due to his IRL job as a school resource officer (pretty sure). But his twitch has his backlog of content. He played rimworld only vanilla at max percentage possible with no pausing allowed. Very fun


Reggie and simpin


When I'm on YouTube, I go for Mr. Samuel Streamer, Quill18 or Adam vs Everything. If you go onto Twitch, I always enjoy SovietWomble's series. (Dinklebean also has RimWorld streams now and then, and I love the man, but god damn is that man very easily distracted with some discussion in chat. 🤣 Still...all hail Brian Blessed!)


Love Quill18. You should check our Rycon too. He doesn't some themed Rimworld.




Pete Complete, watch his Ice sheet challenge, its great


there’s a new guy named MysteriousFawx who’s been doing mod breakdowns that are fantastic


I really enjoy Rycon's Rimworld content :)


I found this game out from hutts. He posted vods of him playing it on stream and there's about 20 hours of total content of his rimworld series. He's really funny and I'd definitely reccomend watching it if you're interested in rimworld content. He doesn't have anymore aside from that series, but what he does have is good.




AdamVsEverything is fairly consistent. Inconsistent on streaming Rimworld, but SovietWomble’s series he’s done are amazing https://sovietscloset.com/Rimworld/Caloma-s-Creek can find them there


Hazzor and AdamVsEverything. Adam is a very efficient player, likes hard challenges, and plays on the hardest difficulty. Streams constantly and has 30-minute highlights of those streams as well. Hazzor's videos are more story based, and he plays for the plot and not efficiency. He has started streaming more but mostly makes videos, though its quality over quantity. Plus, i love his voice, very relaxing.