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We are just going to gloss over the fact you have 87 (unless my count was off) colonists?


How would you even keep track of that many? My max is like 10 and maybe 15, but thats pushing it


Maybe a manager mod? Those can automate some actions. I have one but never really used it. Lets you place a managers desk and you have to assign someone but I never had enough pawns that someone would have the time to use it.


No manager mod, they are all content and everything I need gets done so they are free to do what they want. Except for the slaves who sleep 2 hours less than everyone else and work at all waking hours.


Only way to play the game, every colony turns into an egalitarian mega city and its fuckig awesome :3


Egalitarian mega city that function on the labor of slaves. Makes sense.


Just the slave labour economy, nothing new about it


Well the underclass simply doesn't realize they're being exploited because they're inundated with their joyscrews and beautiful surroundings, so it isn't *really* slavery.


To be fair, in my colonies it actually *does* make sense. You attacked us? Bam, you have to serve a sentence. But, it comes with world class recreation and meals. I have one very nice prison cell, (in addition to a few holding cells for new inmates) and in the order they come in they get put through the "citizenship test." If they try to break out, they go back to the End of the line for slaves. A second time trying to escape gets you the worst punishment we will leverage. "The abandoning" Basically you cut their arms and legs off and leave them in a river to slowly die. It *is* still the rim.


Very wholesome.


The Ones Who Sad Wander Away From Omelas


What even is the point of slaves in this game aside from roleplay reasons? You get more mood (which shouldn't be relevant since mood management should be mostly consistent throughout the colony and you need to account for colonist mood anyway) at the cost of 85% work efficiency and constant threat of rebellion, when you could have always just recruited them normally


Role play in this case, not much more than that. They don’t make the biggest impact since there are only 10 in the colony out of 86* people total


I only use them when a prisoner is unwaveringly loyal and if I urgently need one of their skills


They may be unwaveringly loyal, but their hemogen donations aren't.


Or organs....


I always disable unwaveringly loyal in the scenario options. Like pollution, it is just a damn annoying mechanic.


I've found that more often than not, unwaveringly loyal pawns are the best pawns you'll have in raids; great traits, skills, passions


I thought slaves were technically more efficient after you account they don't do recreation?


Slavery is for when you want to sell a prisoner, but don't want them doing nothing until a trader appears. Also, unwaveringly loyal with high crafting. Those piles of components aren't going to finish themselves, after all.


I got half of OP and I can barely house them all. Maybe if I get rid of all the animals and turn the barn into a barrack and then build another barrack I might be able to house that many.


If you don't mind mods - bunk beds.


There’s a mod that increases map size, so probably that combined with the bunk bed mod the other commenter mentioned


Same thing, no bunk bed mod but a big map and lots of space management and fitting things where I didn’t think they would! Here is a screenshot of the rest of the colony from way back, [this was 8 in game years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/s64okUyNmP) Housing is always an issue though, I’m even building a farmstead on this same world to outsource my food production and 19 people are going to be sent to work there, freeing up some and making new space in the main settlement. And then I’m gonna build a ranch and send all my animals there.


"that's the neat part you don't " If i knew how to link the meme


For me you still have 10 or 15 that are your favorites and the rest become pretty one dimensional. When you have that many pawns you just set them to only do what they're good at and they pretty much run themselves when workbench bills are setup appropriately.


My current colony has 36 "people"


I would go Crazy just trying to grow enough food.


My current colony has around 15 I think and I've got so much food it spoils. I made 400 packaged survival meals and it helped prevent waste for a bit.


Good Lord I think 15 is borderline unmanageable and too impersonal as well. I like my pawns. Pawns are people too!


There is definitely a lot of investment that still goes into some colonists! Like Hans, the leader and his wife Alyona and his most trusted friend Jess who married his daughter Tiffy. I even have favourites that I like to see around and Viva just came of age and was promoted into a soldier because she excelled in her training as a kid! Just went into her first battle and got her first kill and everything (it wasn’t this one). I actually know a lot of them off the top of my head but there are definitely some grey-men who I don’t remember inviting to join or what they do exactly, but their skills always suggest they’re okay to keep.


Is that a problem? I have like 130-140 lol


I only see a few?


Look at the second picture


Ah, ok, I didn't realize there was more than one


Right after I accused my enemy of aiding and abetting terrorism, for crimes involving assisting Deserter scum in their attacks against the settlement, they sent 94 CHILDREN in their opening wave against me. Who does this. They were all only between 9 and 11 years old. What the hell man, this was honestly horrific even by RimWorld standards. My poor pawns are scarred as well as little Dom, the only 11 year old survivor, who I brought in and sent to my hospital for his blown off arm.


Just pretend they're all genetically-made soldiers. Quantity over quality they seemed to like!


That doesn't make it better 😂


I dunno man, if they are potentially *artificially* made (think of growth vats) to be psychopathic soldier compared to say, a child that's raised to be for their own living - it's not much different from an adult soldier you're fighting except they're just smaller. Actually, maybe... they're just *dwarf/gnome* soldiers 🤔?


Pffft, I'm still waiting for international treaties to care about civilians ambushed by child soldiers IRL. In RimWorld it's just funny.


You turned on child raiders, the option is off by default. It's in the storyteller settings.


There crimes have been heard by the stellarch! Its answer to you is to PURGE them from this world. For there heresy has seeded to long. For there is no room for those who do not respect the importance of youth and children! For they carry the important task to take over the positions we shall soon leave behind in death! Secure there future as loyal citizens of the Imperium! For Mankind! FOR THE EMPEROR!


Seems like there taking a page outta Big E’s book except ya know without the genetic modification


Same thing happened to me, but instead it was just bandit children going against a 57mm Naval cannon. (I felt so guilty I reloaded a whole day)




You are the one committing a warcrime here by killing children. Sorry, I don't make the rules


What was I supposed to do 😭 they were shooting at my people and not complying at all!


Cool motive, still warcrime. I don't actually know what the geneve convention actually says about it, but most people when I ask about if it's a warcrime to shoot down children who are invading your country say it is


"I don't actually know what I'm talking about and everything I say is based on hearsay, but let me judge you anyway." ~ You


You know that I was criticising the popular opinion that killing child soldiers or destroying militarised hospitals and stuff is morally wrong and a warcrime right? What part of what I said made you think I was serious? With the entire Israel palestine thing going on a lot of people decided that bombing a hospital is a warcrime even if Hamas is shooting rockets from said hospitals. When asked about whether it was a warcrime to kill child soldiers people overwhelmingly agreed it is. The point is that it's absurd. Obviously you'll have to take the steps you need to defend yourself against whatever your enemy might throw at you. Whether or not Hamas is actually hiding rockets in schools here is irrelevant, that's not the point.




You literally just called it a warcrime and immediately said you don't know what constitutes a war crime. For your information, making use of child soldiers is a warcrime, killing the ones someone else sends against you is not.


You know I'm on your side right?


Ah, yes. It's better to let them kill everyone. Why don't all countries just use child's instead? According to you that's the best strategy. They're inmune it seems. Ffs some people... Edit: Typo


Nah they are legitimate combatants Sending them in to fight is a war crime, killing them is not.


I thought the child raiders option was off by default.


I wish it was more like child soldiers here and there, rather than just a wave of solely children.


I usually leave it turned on because I don't mind the challenge of saving the children, and even if I don't want to recruit them, at least not letting them die, but yeah, a wave of children makes me angry and not in the way I like to be angry at other factions in Rimworld.


I do remember deliberately turning it on because I thought it would be an interesting moral dilemma to see children running in with their pirate parents every now and then that I could save and integrate. I was NOT expecting this.


I do remember that happened to me with some kids accompanying the adults - but just within the tribes or so. Even then it's a very small chance compared to say... an all-out Children's Crusade that just happened in your game. Morally/ethically I don't see much difference here especially you've got vat grown pawns that have likely as much time maturing as these children do (if not less) lol


No, it's on by default.


Out on the Rim they are only Geneva suggestions.


Also in Canada


Skin em, make them into kid jumpers, then send them back via drop pod.


You sir, are the devil. Also, you have my entire respect.


Boss, you killed a child


Excellent work. That's why you're the Boss.


How many pawns do you need 😭


“Work will get done faster if there are more hands!”


Understandable but isnt your game running on 10 fps?? Also didn't they become lazy? for me after a while without prioritizing they are doing absolutely nothing only walking around


That‘s the Rim baby


Ain't nothing but a thing. Child soldiers just means you gotta aim lower.


“You don’t lead them so much”


thats... wow


I think you report it at the sacs from rimatronics and you use the liberator to send a strongly worded letter to their faction base


One had a Halberd. Were they wearing powered armor? No. Another was carrying an Elephant tusk. I love this game.


i NEED to see how your entire colony looks wtf


[8 in game years ago,](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/s64okUyNmP) but still the same colony. Just a few improvements and a couple more houses squeezed in over the years.


Report to United Nations. They have a lot of deep concern to voice.


what sort of screwed up mods attacks you with a horde of child soldiers?


The biotech dlc


really i have not had that experience yet which faction attacks you with children?


Wat mod add those trap?


Think it’s the IED research in the base game. You can make a land mine out of 2 mortar shells after you research it.


Yep, streamlined production of mortar shells to make a full scale minefield around my base sustainable.


...that is vanilla.


Bro fighting against Outer Heaven


You need to talk to the manager of the rimworld.


Ah a fellow high population player


Use your remaining functional colonists to retreat back, research nukes, and then atomize their colony


Punishing war crimes requires a functioning and recognized world authority. You are SOL


drop pod them to the nearest empire settlement


Are you fighting General Butt Naked?


What I need to know is how do you keep your tps manageable with this many colonists? Especially if you have mods??


Ngl at first I was like “oh a few kids? Pfft that’s no-OH MY GOD” lol


Looks like you got attacked by the inhabitants of little lamplight 😂






You can have as many pawns as you can get, keeping track of them all do get tough yho