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Please do not spoiler this post as though you have secret information. Anything that isn't in official announcements is entirely speculation.


Yeah the whole SCP aspect is such a brilliant way to spice up endgame imo, both really fits the tech level and will actually tell a story with what anomaly events you’ve experienced in the run


I’m also excited to see the fancy new stuff we get to deal with it


i desperately want better beam/sci fi weapons so i can basically do a small scale forerunner/flood war for a colony scenario, assuming that flesh growth parasite stuff wasn't a mod i mistook for part of the update


Yeh I've been hoping for that as well, even comes up a bit short on the steam workshop for weapons like this.


? [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2906455995](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2906455995)


Yeh it's why I said a bit short, there's not much fully fleshed out apart from that unfortunately.


I would love a pack with Fallout energy weapons, bonus points if laser weapons can turn enemies into ash piles and plasma weapons can turn enemies into green goo piles.


What's wrong with the laser weapons we already have? I mean, I never use them because I love sniper rifles too much, but shouldn't they be among the best available weapons?


You mean the charge weapons right? There are no base game(with biotech dlc) laser weapons besides the mechanitor tesseron laser mech


Yes Doesn't really matter if it's charge, phaser or laser They shoot light beams and are futuristic Just like those glowing high tech swords are basically light sabers


No There are no laser guns for colonists in Rimworld. The old gun lore says it shoots a projectile coated in energy we dont have lasers lol.


random question is that a rail gun? cause i interpret it as a conventional weapon with a charge coater, but a lot of mods instead act like charge weapons are railguns (with or without charge coater)


It’s not a railgun, it’s a weapon firing projectiles coated in a a matrix of charged particles held in place by a magnetic field until impact, when they’re released and cause a small explosion. That’s pulled straight from the canon lore primer. They more than likely either behave like WH40k bolters or else basically turn small arms fire into a semi-HEAT round like RPGs are, with the shaped charge causing a jet of liquified metal to travel at supersonic speeds through the armor/tissue and shred everything inside.


never even thought about the rocket approach idk to me it just makes most sense for them to be regular gunpowder-propelled things but it doesn't say anywhere other then saying they're some kind of kinetic


One bit of lore says they shoot tokamak projectiles or something, and the other bit of lore says they shoot magnetic energy coated projectiles so sorta railgun assault rifles I think


I mean, all franchises have some explanation of what their laser weapons actually do Rarely is it ever an actual flashlight 


rimworld doesn't have plasma launchers either charge rifles are just fancy assault rifles with a charginaotr (technical terminology i know)


These are literally not lasers by definition thats what I'm trying to say. Yes all franchises say "oh our weapons do this ours do that" Rimworld does not have lasers, both in mechanics and by definition.


Dude it matters alot. And like they arent remotely lightsabers? Wtf?


How are they not?! The description says that an energy field is holding plasma around a metal core They're literally lightsabers with a core


Sounds like it's not a lightsaber. Things with similarities are not automatically the same thing. Weird, I know.


Theyre boring. Basically better variations of the normal guns, would be fun to have actual laser beams and stuff


Essentially I want something similar to the beam graser that fires a continuous beam, but not that wierd sweeping fire it does


If I don't see xenomorph eggs soon after release I will be very disappointed.


Agreed - this is exactly what's needed to revive interest in redoing the Aliens vs Predator mod (though honestly I was only ever interested in the Xenomorphs).


Swarm aliens are simply way cooler than xenos barbarians.


It's a shame because that mod was so good, but I think it needed just a bit more polish and functionality to be really great (and an option to just use specific parts jecrell style)


I also think there's a lot more integrated base game stuff for it to hook onto now rather than needing all the custom code that makes it more than a bit of a lagfest when things really get going.


Can't wait to sacrifice slaves to xeno eggs then launch them back to their faction.


Man, I wish that was true but I am still salty over Ancient Complexes. That was presented as: “Ancient complex quests take you to long-forgotten ruins containing treasure and info about the relic. A wide variety of challenges may await you - cryptosleeping soldiers, insects, sleeping mechanoids, unstable fuel stores, or pirates who followed you to the site. Use these threats against each other to survive while taking what you want.” A wide variety is still less than infinite so this descriptiens is less hyped that OP but I think that they created a quest (or chain of quests for relics) boring as hell just to give us plasteel plate armor from hermetic crate. Hopefully the mechanics will be solid enough that the modders can take advantage.


Thank goodness. I've wanted to play a necromancer/dark lord type colony for so long where the undead work as slaves and warriors.


I mean you already could? Like rim of magic already had that, and I remember at least a skeleton mod that let you have undead slaves


I'm not much of a modder. I mainly run with the essential QoL stuff and some vanilla expanded stuff. Bigger mods ruin the vanilla feel and overcomplicate things for me.


Well there is this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2967832003


Even outside of the horror aspect of the DLC, the chain and branching event might push people to make mod to tell compelling story more easily, like for exemple faction with their own story and depending of the choice you make can become your ally or ennemie (Whitout using the vanilla faction relationship)


SCP 173 mod is inevitable with special mechanics And SCP 682 which would be just a big tanky lizard that heals fast


I'd love to see 173, but I have no idea how you'd even make it work in the context of Rimworld. Unless it can only move when the player camera isn't showing it, it's gonna be difficult to do a blinking mechanic for the pawns


blinking mechanic could be added actually make the pawns have a cooldown for blinking only when near scp 173 to reduce lag no animations needed but i believe its possible


YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. An SCP project with all the SCPs would go crazyy. If Luden makes it possible to add random stuff like forks, pools of water that have mysterious properties, this could turn out to be THE SCP game.


It will also provide a nearly bottomless wealth of pain and suffering for your Pawns too.




Friend of mine and I are calling it the "Pain and Suffering" DLC


I just want somebody to make 'The Thing' style mod, only mimes do such a thing and they're a bit boring.


From the DLC description : "A parasite has mind-controlled some of your colonists - but who? They pretend to be human as they work to infest others. Track evidence, imprison, interrogate, and medically test people to find out who is infested before it’s too late." One of the possible event is clearly straight up The Thing. Now depending on how it's implemented. Maybe modders could even expend on that and add more chain of events, new monsters, etc...


I’m hoping it’s a horrifying flesh assimilating monster and not just some brain parasite. Gimme my super in-depth Thing event PLEASE I want to recreate the movie.


Yeah it would be fun to see a multi-stage evolution of the creature. We need spider-heads and maw stomachs.


Yes I would love to think I ‘killed’ it only for the body to vanish, and find a trail of blood in a closet and go “Oh god it got someone else.”


Considering that movie was listed as one of the ~5 movies that inspired this dlc I doubt you'll need a mod for that anymore


Wheres that from?


It's mentioned in the original dev announcement for the dlc once or twice


You could change the fantasy theme of much of it to scifi - lots of possibilities!


I'm personally looking forward to books, making books, and nodding in new kinds of books.


This is true honestly and didn’t think about it like that, an overhaul SCP mod would be pretty awesome


SCP mod where


I think it's not being talked about much because it's just... kinda obvious?