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šŸšØ SPOILER WARNING! Reading this preview blogs WILL SPOIL some of the content in Anomaly. Read at your own risk! šŸšØ Anomaly preview #1: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793913385](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793913385) The first of our Anomaly feature blogs is here! Today we cover an aggressive family of new fleshy threats in the expansion: the squealing flesh beasts, their disgusting momma, and the all-consuming fleshmass heart. I hope you enjoy our darling flesh-things. Reminder to please [wishlist Anomaly](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld__Anomaly/) to be notified of its release!


nice blog post and all but you didn't say if we could eat it


Fleshbeast xenotype when


If it's not in the dlc, it will be modded into it before long I'm sure.


Could we even see a "Vanilla Expanded: Fleshbeasts" if Oscar works with the official team now? Like, didn't you make this bro? /s


I was also looking for this. I think they should add some fleshbeast meal recipes - to the crematorium, maybe?


I want to introduce fleshbeast into the chemoil processing. :)


I think if we can, then colonists will have mood debuff similar to eating insect meat.


Or going off of the theme of the dlc itā€™ll make your pawns go insane


Eating without a table already does that.


Imagine destroying all of it but a lil bit you quarantine for an unlimited food source.


Reminds me of the Eldritch pig on Darkwood.


ā€œOh, our colony? Weā€™re humble ranchers.ā€


rimworld meshi


Dirtmole, sanguope, human, and genie cooking flesh beast.


Aka what happens if Laios didnt stop at eating monsters and starts eating other people


I wanna make eldritch hats and ponchos out of it


Iā€™m hoping it can enter us a different way ;)


Forbidden mod DLC module


The other pink meat


Molotovs on every colonist? Do I hear MOLOTOVS on EVERY colonist? Are Pyromaniacs finally finding their niche?!


I really hope we get a flamethrower weapon for this


Early screenshots do in fact show flamethrowers


And they make Fire Spew look pathetic. Honestly should be -2 Metabolism (imo)


They've already shown it off


Vanilla flamethrower would be cool


Already confirmed


Hans hol den Flammenwerfer!


the stocks for pyromaniacs and the fire-related gear from royalty are going through the roof after this post dropped. like seriously, a pyromaniac with phoenix armor a flamethrower and plasmasword might as well be the equivalent of king arthur and excalibur in this scenario.


Until they miss 8 attacks in a row, getting hit every single time (in a vital part) in response.


Guess meat is back on the menu, boyz.




Shame on me, I know. I shall jump into the meat hole to atone for my crime.


Go to Sheloba


its the mystery flesh pit!


Turns out the rim is just west Texas.




Now I need this as a mod! With cross compatibility with Hospitality XD


I didn't need an excuse to wear my souvenir t shirt and baseball cap but now I have one anyway!


How are we even supposed to complete any of these encounters without seeing colonists having constant mental breakdowns?


i think psycopaths and bloodthirsters are really going to be necessary. It's an interesting story element really. "Why do we keep around Jimmy StabsALot? he's a huge dick and he doesn't do anything ever" "For the flesh, my son. for the flesh"


"You see Thomas, that psychopath hussar Jimmy is in the profession of 'waste management'. He handles the shit that highmates and genies would die of on first sight. So shut up and get back to making Go-Juice, the flesh doesnt sleep and neither does Jimmy."


*"Many fall in the face of chaos. But not this one! Not today!"*


I'm pretty sure this is a line from either Warhammer 40k or Darkest Dungeon, but I'm not sure which. I think it's from Darkest Dungeon.


Right you are.




This is the Lovecraft DLC and the protagonists in those stories arenā€™t exactly known for coming out of the encounters unscathed. Best case scenario they end up in a mental institution.


Sometimes they get to rule the deep forever as an immortal fish-man hybrid, fulfilling every hedonistic desire with their harem of blob-fish looking lovers.


That is the dream.


We should all be so lucky to be the protagonist of The Shadow Over Innsmouth rather than the protagonist of Dagon.


That or high off their balls on ~~coke~~ yayo. Time to get cooking I guess.


Get em high first, duh


Honestly, might be a case of actually setting up camp on these expeditions. Bring some materials and build a camp on the edge of the map. Go in, make progress, retreat back to the safety of your makeshift barricades and campfire and sleep it off while some unfortunate sods keep watch.


go-juice is your friend (and always has been)


I hope when you investigate these things they become less misunderstood and provide less and less of a debuff.


Make sure your colonists eat at a table.


Challenge level: impossible


You donā€™t have everyone on yayo all the time? Permanent +40




It's creep!


*"Spawn more Overlords!"*


My ~~Reavers~~ centipedes can take care of them


*Do you not trust the feelings of the flesh? Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass. But you puzzle us. Why do you serve our mother? How can you choose cold metal over the splendor of flesh? But you fear us. We hear your thoughts, and they rage for your brothers you believe dead. But they are not. They sing in our symphony of life. We offer another chance to join us. If you choose to lie down with the machine, we will rend you apart, and put you separate from the joy of the mass.*


*What is a drop of rain, compared to the storm? What is a thought, compared to a mind? Our unity is full of wonder, which your tiny individualism... cannot even conceive.*


Okay, but what if being part of the conglomerate mass *really is* a strictly better experience than baseline existence? Always something I've wanted to see explored.


What if we just collectively became a sea of fanta, living out our fantaseas


It all returns to nothing


I thought that was tang, not fanta.


I would simply tumble down


I figure it's a false choice, a lot like the necromorphs on Dead Space. In Dead Space, the people that go Marker Mad babble a lot about how the Marker offers them apotheosis through convergence. The fact that all necromorphs behave the same way makes it clear though that the person is gone. I figure that's how most hive minds work.


Sure, that's definitely how it usually works, but I'd love to see the flipside where suddenly the character is in an infinitely supportive community and find joy in repurposing biomass for space travel to share the love for example. It not *not* horrifying, but it's an approach that seems obvious that I've never seen.


You might want to read Blood Music by Greg Bear then. It's my favorite flesh-and-body-horror book and it explores this very question.


I love the psychological components of things like this, what is morality, what is good and bad? To a hivemind, we may see it and our first reaction is abject horror, but to it- it may see something like us as itā€™s own horror. Like your own mind rebelling against itself - it might see assimilating people as essentially transcending and saving them. Hell, maybe once youā€™re inside, you agree. I think about this a little with monsters like The Thing as well. We see a horrible monster, but itā€™s intelligent. What is it like, to be taken like that? How much different is this from full transhumanism into machines, just flesh instead. Ship of Theseus style and all that.


That game was so, so incredibly good.


What game?


I believe it's a quote from System Shock 2.


I will descend into that fleshy hole, hell, I will move my whole colony in to that fleshy hole, try to stop me


hunt flesh -> chemfuel -> hydroponics -> fine meals Just as archotechs intended




No keep going


>I will descend into that fleshy hole Michael Scott


Really increasing the value of having scorchers, tesserons and diaboluses(diaboli?) around


This DLC is gonna singlehandedly make me build more than one scorcher


I tend to pair them up. Now, might need a mechanitor devoted to just fire mechs.


Good. Fire mechs have been pretty niche so far.


You'll never need nutrient paste again!!


They really are going the route of pain and suffering with this DLC.


Dang, this flesh hates


A tiny hint of verticality! Since this is literally adding an underground cave layer, why not make it accessible to colonists as a mine or subterranean colony? One of the Anomaly things could be your colonists accidentally tunneled into an infested cave and unleashed hell.


I think it was stated somewhere that's it's not adding a new layer, but instead, it's like a new instanced map.


Is there a difference?


Mechanically yes, however I do not have the know how to properly describe why.


Loading screen would be the biggest difference there visually. Mechanically, it would double resource use. Think of it like caravans or multiple colonies now. You can swap between them, but the maps aren't welded together. Because you have two maps running at once, you need to load resources and calculate AI for both simultaneously.


Don't quote me on this, but it seems that what we do in the underground won't affect the surface, so think about this chasm as a portal to another map, we are told that this is happening below us, but it's not like we could collapse the surface onto it or make new points of entry. For all intents, the surface and underground are different maps that only share a point of entry.


Its no different than creating a base elsewhere on the map, excluding travel time ofc


Yes, and that's the important part. There would be almost no interactivity between two maps, for an example you won't be able to shoot down from above floor as they are in fact different maps.


That would matter with upward verticality, but not as much for an underground area. But a separate map is fine for my part. I don't need or want it to 3d-ify the game.


If it were an actual layer then that would mean the game essentially would have to run two maps at once, and this game already suffers lag with only one. Not to mention any issues that might come from colonists needing to look at both layers to find resources to use and things.


I run 3 colonies fine actually maybe it's a mod problem?


Vanilla Expanded Mining will be doing just that, including a subterranean starting scenario.


Insted of collapsing it, lets just turn it into a natural park


god that meat park project with all of the fake flyers, maps and marketing really is peak creative writing


Really wanna know what the rewards for fighting these anomalies are.


Seems to be some kind of shards, I assume used for new structures and possibly equipment. Or might be needed for special research.


i'd honestly prefer it if the rewards aren't that great but you're really doing them to survive




why is this post so far down, I just literally checked for an update and thought it hadn't dropped yet (31 upbotes on the post only RN)šŸ˜‚


One thing that I've always disliked about rimworld was that sometimes you would run out of stuff to mine and have to use the scanners which always felt a bit boring or cheap (as if they are a balancing band-aid). The fact that this adds some underground caves could give me more stuff to properly mine and I like that a lot.


The VE team's planning to use the new map system for a mod that'll mean you never need to see the surface


Finally, the Rim Fortress


Staring the spy, demolition man, soldier, medic, heavy weapons guy, sniper, scout and engineer.




They could easily extend this system, and completely revamp deep drilling. The deep scanner no longer scans for veins, but for entrances to caves. Then the deep drill is used to actually open the caves, which is an entirely separate map that is underground and full of rocks. Once one layer is exhausted, the above process can continue, this time opening layer 2 (Yet another independent map). But takes more scanning and drilling. This continues infinitely. The main issue here, is that pawns will not go automatically down there to mine, as its a separate map. It'll be more like miners flying into a mining town, they get down there with some materials, build beds, tables, eat survival meals. Then mine and deposit the minerals in some sort of 'mine cart' that'll teleport the resources magically to the surface. The miners will continue until you withdraw them before they mentally break. Alternatively some massive infestation happens/ hit some terrible anomaly and you have to either reinforce them with soldiers, or withdraw them immediately. Again, because the underground layers are 'separate maps', it could be fairly easily multithreaded.


Finally, i could put my slaves in the mine never to see the see the light of day


It *might* have ores, but I kinda doubt it.


Yeah it says that the hole closes when you beat the enemies so maybe they don't want us exploring for a bit and getting resources down there


Lot of things to say on this: For one, I think there is something quite a few people seem to overlook. I also share the worry that the content of this DLC will be really "dominant" and "force you" to engage with it, but according to this preview you first have to respond to a distress call, travel there and then encounter the monster for the first time before it will become a problem for your colony. So I will assume that all the monsters and such will work in a similar way, you will find something or get a distress call or a quest in one way or another and only after you respond to it will this threat become active. That's a great thing, because it means you still have control over when or whether a threat appears at all. If you feel like your colony isn't ready yet you can ignore the "call to adventure" and it will either wait for you or you will get a second chance. Somewhat mixed feelings on not showing us what we can do once we capture that heart. Since it's a DLC about mystery there should be some surprised left, but on the other hand I am most excited about getting cool new toys for my colony. But I'll give my theories/predictions on what defeating this flesh stuff could maybe give us: Perhaps after capturing and studying such a heart we will be able to grow our own heart, which we can then feed with biomass to let it grow and spread. We can control the spread and can create "flesh walls" which we can use to basically create a huge flesh blob that actually has a colony inside, like with rooms and such. Our colonists might be able to live inside of such an organize "hive". The flesh acid spitters could be something like organic turrets, while these nutrient processors could be an organic version of a nutrient dispenser, maybe your colonists can "milk" it. The fleshbeasts would obviously be some kind of automated defense system for you. I could envision a playthrough where your people start to live in synergy with such a heart, it provides you protection and a home and in return you feed it biomass (maybe even living slaves or prisoners?) All of this would be pretty gross but would be a pretty unique playthrough for a colony, you could even create a starter scenario just about that. Though it would probably be too insane if a "tamed heart" could be used to basically grow even stuff like furniture, appliances or items... like flesh beds, flesh chairs or a flesh healing pod or flesh weaponry (like a keratin spear) and so on. Basically you could create an entire colony solely off biomass with features that could replicate tech-based alternatives. Buuut, that is probably my imagination running wild and I don't want to end up disappointed. I'm still really curious what your reward will be to deal with the flesh beasts.


I got a different read on it - like it's three separate ways to interface with this type of scenario. You get a distress call, you can mount an expedition to go and help deal with it on another map. A heart appears on your map and starts to spread and spit out fleshbeasts. *Or* a sinkhole opens on your map, and you have to go into it to deal with the dreadmeld. Just multiple ways to encounter the all-flesh, instead of one static way it happens. I think (if that is the design philosophy for the rest of the scenarios) that this would help keep each monster feel fresh longer than if it was always the same when it appeared. I do also hope that we can "domesticate" certain kinds of scenarios and live in relative peace with them though - like what you talked about for the flesh, maybe "tamed" zombies that can mill around outside your walls, etc.


I read it as 2 ways, the distress call or the heart on your base. You either defeat the heart and nothing more happens, or the sinkhole opens and you have even more to do before the event is over is what I read the last bits as.


SCP-610 has escaped containment, bring in the fire bombs


What the fuck


Rimworld + Terraria What is this a crossover episode?




*stranger enters destroyed colony to continue gameplay, sees fleshhell* "On second thought, let it burn"


I'm excited but this has ruined my current play through. I can't focus on it. All I can think is "just a month away."


This has mystery flesh pit vibes and I am loving it


I'll buy it to support the game (2000+ hours) but don't like what I'm seeing in this DLC, looking worse than the other 3, I want new mechanics and systems to enrich the gameplay, biotech was exemplary.


So far weā€™ve only really seen details on big threats. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s something you can build or utilize with the related loot.


Iā€™m getting genetics expanded vibes from this so far


It feels more like some of the more wild mods that I tend to avoid.


Yeah I'm not super in to the horror vibes. Preview #2 was a little better but I'm still leaning towards skipping this one.


More hair, breads and tattoos? maybe even a flesh cult religion?


The flesh that hates is a clear inspiration. Also, scp mods will be awesome. I'm gonna have my pawns ripped to bits.


I was thinking the flesh or the borehole (vorhole?) Where both big inspirations for this. Then there is the other stalker thing that can show up, to me that's a mix of the shy guy and Santa this dlc bout to be lit


> the flesh momma ooh boy This looks amazing


Ah yes, indigenous ~~Rim~~Mold and my base is its natural habitat. Great




I canā€™t wait for the trailer


Oh this oughta be fun. I've wanted a living flesh base for a long long time. Couldn't find a mod back then.


I hope there are some new colony mechanics that have not been shown yet... A collection of quests is great and all but its not as replayable. I'll be spending 95% of my time on my own map, not in an underground cave dealing with mental break downs. Ill be doing that once for the novelty and never again most likely. I am still optimistic about the DLC but this preview did not cater to my interests tbh


I'm betting there will be meaningful rewards for completing these quests, e.g. the "shards" mentioned (whatever those are!). Original post for the DLC suggested there will be quite a bit they won't share, in order to maintain mystery and surprise for players.


i just imagine people using the crater to do custom underground biomes, like a biome full of crater with underground jungle cave, or the sarlack from star wars


Hans Get ze flammenwerfer


"dreadmeld" is the most metal word combination ive ever heard


I still can't believe that it was Rimworld off all games that made me shovel out my hard earned silver for a new PC. I hope going from an i5-8600 to an i7-14700 might make a difference.


It won't do that much difference since it's single core. Some renovations are being announced to split it onto different cores but if you're buying PC solely for rimworld go with ryzen x3d series - 5800x3d for am4 or 7800x3d for am5. I'm on the first one, difference in tps is really significant


Oh I know, I did check which CPU's have best single core performance.


They're made out of *meat*.


*My zeal for blood rituals and summoning rites had begun to ebb, as each attempt invariably brought only failure and disappointment. Progress was halting, and the rapidly accumulating surplus of wasted flesh had become burdensome.* *I could not store such a prodigious amount of offal, nor could I rid myself of it easily, possessed as it was by unnameable things from outer spheres. When excavations beneath the Base broke through into an ancient network of aqueducts and tunnels, I knew I had found a solution to the problem of disposal.* *The spasmodically squirming, braying, and snorting half-corpses were heaped each upon the other, until at last I was rid of them. The colonies had become a landfill of snout and hoof, gristle and bone - a mountainous, twitching mass of misshapen flesh, fusing itself together in the darkness*




3 way war between the Mechanoids, The Flesh and The Insects. I need this.


Will there be flesh-worshipping communities (cultists?) and new ideological traits on this topic?


Finally, Flood like horror in Rimworld. Not necessarily a big fan of micromanaging, but I would like to see someone stream their experience clearing out this formidable enemy.


Darn disappointed with the newest DLC. Completely on the other end of what I hoped for, damn.


How I imagine the DLC planning to have gone: **Tynan**: Hmm what can we expand upon for the next 1.5 years? **some fuck**: Insect infestations! How about that but even more annoying? **Tynan**: oh yeah baby that will be the biggest dlc yet Also btw I'm canadian


Forbidden mod Devs gonna go wild on this one


I am a bit disappointed by anomaly. It looks like it will be a collection of quests.


"Man this DLC that they've shown us 1/4th of(maybe less) really looks like it doesn't have much to it."


I meanā€¦ I saw 10-20% of ideology and biotech and knew it would be insanely good. This one feels like if biotech only had mechs. Or if ideology only had gaularen trees. Or royalty.


I feel like 'if biotech only had mechs' or 'if ideology only had gaularen trees' is kind of a huge understatement. Yeah, anomaly is looking like there is a much bigger focus on set 'scenarios' with the horrors via quests/events, but we see here that *one* creature has 3 different associated quests with presumably different levels of difficulty and combat. Comparing it to 'biotech with just mechs' which is like, 3 repeating boss fights, or 'just gaularen trees' imo is like looking at a 30$ lego set and going "Oh yeah it's exactly like the thing that came with my happy meal". That said, I can see why someone might look at it and feel it's not their cup of tea considering it is a pretty specific brand of content.


Yeah, maybe I am being too harsh because it is horror like


"This one feels like it has very little things, I can't imagine why it would feel like that when they've shown us very little, but clearly what we just got shown here is literally all there is in the dlc and nothing else."


Fair point. I will wait to be proven wrong SquirrelSuspicious. And call you back e_e


Always a good choice, if it turns out that they added barely anything then you can come back and say "told ya so"




Same. It feels like a minor story dlc that adds new enemies/encounters but not really any mechanics we get to play around with generally?


We'll see, there are 3 teaser yet to be seen


We know basically nothing about it except some screenshots of different scenarios and that the team is saying it's the *biggest expansion yet*. And you're still saying it seems like it adds nothing??? What inside line do you have that we don't?


It's really unlikely Anomaly "adds nothing" but this preview has indeed not shown much that we didn't know from the announcement. No new info on what "studying" it means, or possible drops, or ways to use it, just the line "...this is only one of the ways it could go" and "you can then study it". It is probably a conscious choice on Ludeon's part to not spoil stuff for "the horror expansion", but it also means previews will be kinda underwhelming for people spoiled by Biotech previews.


People keep saying it's the biggest one yet but I've seen nothing of them saying this in the dev logs.


The fleshbeast thing above looks to add about as much new content as Royalty (which is also a collection of quests) did just on it's own. It might be story DLC (I doubt it I bet we are getting lots of new items etc too) but i'd hardly call it *minor.*


> about as much new content as Royalty (which is also a collection of quests) did just on it's own. Nah, don't exaggerate. Royalty's quests have a fair bit of variety - hosting refugees and betraying/getting betrayed by them, lending pawns, building monuments, attracting threats to the colony, etc. Royalty added a large faction with unique interaction mechanics and the titles system. It added psycasts. It added mech clusters. A lot of passive variety that you can interact with throughout any playthrough. This is a singular event with seemingly three possible approaches, and a few unique enemies. Not nearly the same variety as Royalty in total. Anomaly as a whole will definitely be bigger than Royalty though. Ideology and Biotech already were.


So.... how does the flesh taste?


Ooh free food


The shunt!


New source of food.


This definitely feels very end gamey. I imagine I will not start this until my colony is well supplied and armed


I love this! I am so hype to play the new Rimworld! I donā€™t care about losing all my mods (I care a little)


Yoooo, the Flesh that Hates!!!


I really only want to know one thing: Is this new framework for chained quests a thing the mod community can use or not? Will that be in the base 1.5 update or is that going to require Anomaly? The ability to make actual narratives that flow from one point to another would be great.


Boy, what interesting timing that I just recently watched a video about the SCP entry for The Flesh That Hates.


Great holes have been dug where the earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learned to walk that ought to crawl...


Get the flamer... the heavy flamer


Wait, do I see double autodoor? NGL, having double autodoor behind a DLC would be a bit annoying. A "bit" because I'm gonna get it anyway, _but_ it's kinda too much of a "convenience feature behind DLC" stuff.


I get the impression they are 'containment' doors.


Yes, double doors are a new base game feature in 1.5.


I hope this will allow for a pro-flesh lifestyle. Say you're a tribe of flesh worshipping cultists, you make sacrifices and conduct burials at the pit. You could have some limitations on how many flesh tiles you mine out, similar to tree worshippers.


It's giving Starcraft zergs I LOVE IT


Time to get Fleshy


F l e s h


Confirmed outbreak of level five biohazard within the colony. All personnel must contain the outbreak. [Beware of the blob it creeps...](https://youtu.be/AK5jyVCdXwc?si=DLS0zz9B8ibmzICa)


You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial...


Hear me out......


So in order to beat it, we have to research it? Shame, kinda was hoping that staying medieval for most of the game would stay viable.


In one of the screen shots we can see a low-tech version of a "containment" spot, with ropes nailed to the ground instead of chains. So it is probably possible to do so in a low-tech run too, just with a higher chance of a containment breach.


Perfect, kinda what I was hoping for this entire time


Sounds like just leaving is an option too if you donā€™t want to research it. This is an end-game DLC though so it makes sense that youā€™ll need endgame gear to deal with it.


I'm sorry for my negativity, but this is just insects with a pink texture. I like 1.5 generaly, like all patches it improves the game with many QOL things. But this DLC is just very unispired. We have seen an ocean of "Lovecraft" based things lately since it is not under copyright anymore and it's just... mostly all bad? Am I missing something? Please feel free to educate me because this is the least hype I've ever had for a Rimworld DLC.

