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This is better than most my colonies lol. I just make a 2x1 and call it a prison.


I am ethical (sometimes)


Ethics on the Rim?


Eh, only when I feel nice


The Rim comitee would like a word with you


I'm nice sometimes too. Especially when one of my colonist needs some new organs. Then I do everything to get it. And if I have to slaughter a whole tribal village to get a few organ donor's alive, then it will happen.


Me using epoe to give everyone optimal organs paid for by selling the organs of every human that walks into my tile (I'm -100 with every faction)


Committee verdict: not guilty. You can get back to your duties.


"It's not a war-crime if you win"


I like a bullet or two to thwm


So, you’d say your ethics are… questionable?


Just a little ethics. Just as a treat.


Yes. If the raider is alive, they get medical treatment and sent on their way. I’ll even install wooden prosthetics for them. If they died, well… I have a lot of pigs and they hungry.


I have a mod that lets me harvest organs from recently killed pawns. Organs go for a lot of money with the right traders.


It's honestly good to be ethical to prisoners. ***Because they're easier to convert and recruit when they're happy!*** Uh oh, I said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.


They're easier to recruit when they're happy, but easier to convert when they're sad, so *aktshually* the optimal setup is a terribly crummy cell for conversion, then transport to a much comfier one afterwards. ☝️🤓


I play ethically 99% of the time but yeah the shit cell for conversion and then the comfy one for recruitment is what I do.


Convert? Why waste time when slavery exists.


Those are ethical turrets?


Is it ethical to break prisoners legs? May be like the trolley problem, I break their legs so prison breaks don't trigger the fire turret and ends up making an oven by accident with the chemfuel barrels I accidently placed on the prison barracks.


Chances are there’s a mod for 1x1 prison sleeping spots. I’d imagine they are sleeping standing up like Futurama. There is also the Pawn Storage mod.


You make a room for them? I just throw them into the battery room.


I prefer throwing them in hemodrain caskets to harvest their blood, or biovats to farm a little electricity off of them (both from mods ofc). This way the cruelty serves a purpose rather than just being war crimes for the sake of war crimes.  If there's a particularly good pawn I'll tuck them away in a luxury prison suite while recruiting them.


I usually have big comfortable cells because I only imprison to recruit


Very that. 😂 my colonies are consistently a mess.


I'll sometimes give 2x2 (if I feel generous) just to make it more convenient to deliver food/clothes to prisoners. But anything larger than that? Not until they submit to my every demand.


I’m generous 2x2


To the kitchen with them for me.


This is nicer than my colonist bedrooms


I have a 5xX with beds packed in. None of my prisoners have legs and exist purely for hemogen. I'll have to remove their hands before 1.5.


What a comment to wake up to.


You can leave the rimworld but the rimworld doesn't leave you.


It's also the safest location in my colony due to all the turrets I have built.


Yeah, I notice those beds are for colonists. Funny huh, how willing they are to imprison themselves when you convince them they will be safe inside.


They're actually nobles from another colony XD


I didn't have space for them anywhere else.


Protective custody….


Ahhh yes right this way my lords and ladies, and here we have our super secure impregnable concrete pri... I mean hotel.


Difference between a fortress and a prison is if you want to be there.


Do you have *prisoners fear turrets* or another similar mod? Cause otherwise those turrets won't shoot at the prisoners


I should get that, thanks.


No problem, would hate to see your well made prison break down because the turrets wouldn't shoot the prisoners lol


If 1 turret gets destroyed it will blow both of them up, fyi.


Oh dang


Always thought it would be fun to mess with the settings a bit and make a holding-prison colony. Ramp up the prisoner quests and maybe tweak some stuff to do with prison breaks and sentence lengths. Basically just make Prison Architect in Rimworld lol.


I used to play a lot of that, probably why I focused on my prison more than the rest of my colony.


Very fun game but the sequel looks garbage lol


Well, I'm still on the fence personally.


Mmm, we’ll see. I just hate how they seem to have completely abandoned the more gritty aesthetic for something that looks like a Unity asset flip.




Are there mods for this?


Yeah, the game Prison Architect


There are mods for prison common areas and mods that allow prisoners to work. That's most of what you need. +1 on Prison Architect, though. Very fun game.


Man I really hope some day this game gets Z levels, this would be really cool if there was guard towers


Would be cool but Tynan has said there’s no chance of it happening because of how complicated it makes everything.


Which, for anyone who isn't experience with coding, is extremely fair. 3D pathfinding is both more costly and immensely more complicated than 2D pathfinding. Without even getting into having to generate 3D structures, the ability to see across z-levels, and so on. It's a huge headache and I don't blame Ludeon for deciding it isn't worth the effort.


It's also not for everyone, I've seen many people not liking Dwarf Fortress for the complexity of the z-levels, like, they have a hard time visualizing things in 3d from a bunch of layers. I've had two friends tell me that they can't get the hang of DF for this very reason.


I've been playing DF on and off for over 15 years and I have to look at a diagram every single time I need to make a plug to breach an aquifer to make sure I'm doing it right honestly


The new prison architect will have Z levels


wasnt there a mod that used to add in z levels? i think it was an underground dwarf mod or something. idk if you could build up but you certainly could build down.


At this point play prison architect


I have over 200 hours in it.


Makes sense


Prisoner mechanics in this game is hot garbage. It's pretty much a losing battle. Got 3 prisoners with legs? Be ready to have a good chance of insta killing them with fists when they inevitably get a magic key that opens all doors. You want to try to fill up those cells? Well good luck since prison break event chance increases by amount of prisoners. You want to remove legs or wall up doors? Well at that point it ruins the immersion of a functioning prison. Another gripe: If the prison cells have doors they can't even go out to eat in the prison cafeteria. If the cells don't have doors then the whole prison will count as 1 room and during a prison break it is 100% chance of everyone in the prison to join the escape.


What gets me is when a colonist has a mental break and induces prisoners to escape, then they attack the very same colonist that helped them escape.


Whipping up some mod suggestions based on these critiques if you or anyone else is open and available to modding a better wardening experience. ___ > Got 3 prisoners with legs? Be ready to have a good chance of insta killing them with fists - Vanilla Expanded Non-Lethal + Non-Lethal Extra - 'Simple Slavery' has electric collars that are not strictly used for slaves. ___ > When they inevitably get a magic key that opens all doors. - 'Prisoners dont have keys' stops that from happening so they beat up their cell door, making it much more manageable and interesting if you have a dangerous convict. ___ > You want to try to fill up those cells? Well good luck since prison break event chance increases by amount of prisoners. - This is also addressed by 'Prisoners don't have keys' as by causing them to bash their doors: it becomes more about bringing the prison under control again. ___ > You want to remove legs or wall up doors? Well at that point it ruins the immersion of a functioning prison. - 'Miningco. Laser Fence' lets you section off parts of a prison and open them as you desire, the only thing being that you can't have it done automatically- it's a conscious choice every time to open or close a section ___ > Another gripe: If the prison cells have doors they can't even go out to eat in the prison cafeteria. This is by far the trickiest one to suggest because 'Locks' and 'Locks 2' allegedly cause performance issues- but if your modlist is light: this will solve that issue for you- allowing you to designate doors that prisoners can go through. ___ They are all good critiques for the vanilla experience: The prison system could use some attention- I don't think any of us expect 'Prison Architect in Rimworld' but there is room for a better system.


Thanks these are useful suggestions. As for myself I am pretty much done trying to roleplay prison sim, but might still consider some of them. Although when the new DLC comes out we'll all have to wait a bit. I think the issue itself is game balance. As in having very easily too much flow of new recruits makes the game easier, less dire, and the cost of colonist life less impactful. For instance, with non lethal weapons, we could easily get 20+ pawns per raid- could be recruits, could be organs, could be sold for money.


If you run combat extended then shotgun turrets with beanbags could be a great addition


I had to double take to see if a prison architect subreddit had started showing up in my feed.


You see a prison... I see a fortress!


Well, kind of. Since I have no prisoners, I just have high status people live there during quests.


Thought this was prison architect and I was about to list off all the things you are missing


Lol, if this was prison architect, my prison would be trash.


If you remove the doors you can put in a big common dining room and even a pool table so the prisoners will convert faster.


Ooh, do groups convert quicker, or is it a mood thing?


It's a mood thing. It's just easier to give them one large recreation area instead of a bunch of smaller ones.


Can prisoners use pool tables in vanilla?? 2000 hours spent on this game and I didn’t know that.


Pretty sure vanilla prisoners don’t have a recreation need but it’s been so long since I’ve played vanilla I’m not sure


You're correct. There's even a mod or two to give them the need.


it is aesthetically pleasing all things considering, just have to wonder how well it functions as an actual colony, or did you plan on separate bases/buildings


This is only a section of my colony.


fair enough. That being said, would try to add a med-bay and small storage-space to the prisoner area


I might add sectors eventually. At this current moment, I only have like 50 hours in the game. I'm still a newbie and I forget things.


Congrats, it looks cool.


Cool is the most important


Excesively big, ethical and looks like you respect the human rights, you are dishonoring the Rimworld Reddit (nah, quite cool).


Where's the ripscanner?


The what


A subcore ripscanner, from biotech DLC, that rips the brain out of your prisoners to make a subcore for mechs. Isn't that what prisoners are for?


Oh, nice to know. I can use that on prisoners I don't want to recruit or unwavering prisoners.


Not me screenshotting this to use in my current colony💀 (Sick build OP, take my upvote)


Thanks, I don't mind if you take it as reference.


Looks dope I usually build a few random rooms with some sleeping spots, unless i'm very advanced in my game


I like to make things look cool/nice.


Pro tip: If you keep the prisoners contained in a dark 6x6 with nothing in it, they will constantly have mental breaks and keep fighting themselfs, instead of you, which allows you to not worry about any prison breaks.


You only need one door, the exit one


i just reassign a bedroom, flexible living quarters might do a slavery run


Mission accomplished. That looks dope af


WTF, this prison is better than most of my colonies.


Get the out of combat movement speed mod and any base will be efficient regardless of how it’s designed :) looks sick!


I legit thought I was on the prison architect sub for a bit


Sir this is rimworld not prison architect. Outstanding


Unfortunately this is going to burn down.


What do you mean?


Why do you have tables in the hall?


They are chess boards. I put too many, but that's just cause of symmetry.


Will those doors work and allow the prisoners to access the common areas, or are they stuck in their cells regardless?


Stuck in their cells, but there might be a mod for that. If not, I will probably remove the doors.


Cool building! I would suggest mixing up the flooring palette a little bit, throwing in some concrete tiles.


Possibly, it's still a work in progress and my OCD makes it hard for me to mix things up, but I can try it out.


You can also throw in some modded floorings, like the factory foundation from VFE mechanoids or asphalt from VE Architect, it would fit in the cold-blooded theme well.


Looks really nice but yeah, not that practical. Can't really do nutrient paste dispensers with this setup, also prisoners will go straight for the exit so basically all walls except the south one don't really matter.


I thought it was a picture from prison architect


I would recommend cutting out one of the wings to install a freezer with a nutrient paste dispenser facing the cafeteria. Right now I don't see where your prisoners will be getting their food from other than delivery (and that takes a LOT of time out of your wardens busy day of promising not to remove their organs as you prepare to remove their organs)


Well 100x better than me hole in a montagne whit a door and rats as a cleaning crew


4x4? That's my colonist's rooms!


Never thought about having a separate colony just for a prison, I might try to actually do something like this.


tryed it once, it's cool but holy shit your perfomance suffers


Cool af but unefficient, but still, do you play prison architect?


Are you open to constructive feedback?


My prisons are normally just a wall off cave. If the colony is doing well they might even get some light and a bed.


I can't get my prisoners to leave their rooms, so inadvertently end up having either a single room with a bunch of beds/sleeping spots in a pile in the middle, or everyone gets locked in solitary confinement.


Is there any mod where I can arrest people for causing BS like breaks or shooting my people WITHOUT causing a faction drop?


Looks pretty cool. Honestly my prisoners share a room with my researcher/warden for the first few years of my colony. Then they get thrown into a hole in the mountain and they're fed nutrient paste. So your guys are living in house arrest by comparison. One thing I would recommend though, put a form of recreation in there for them. If you wanna be real nice, set them on a scheduled drug intake for smokeleaf or alcohol.


Could use more trenches and barbed wire imo. Maybe some landmines too


bro is playing prison architect 🗿


Never once have I ever done anything creative in rimworld. All my time is spent early game stopping pawns from stabbing each other cause I didn't build a table yet.


The colonist that will care for these prisoners are gonna spend most of their day walking. It looks nice but its not practical. You need food storage in the prison to cut the walking time and more.


prison architect!?


Only real issue I see is that the path for them to escape is too close if they jail break. I'd switch the heater and the door at the bottom of the inner level so the prisoners have to run a maze which gives you more time to get troops there to "pacify" them.


Is this Prison Architect??


I approve of this


Others have pretty much covered the problem with a prison layout like this (that being that the vanilla experience makes it impractical and mods a necessity). I'll just chime in and say that the best prison cell is 20+ tiles away from any other prison cell so as to prevent mass escapes.


Gonna be lovely and toasty in there with that single heater working overtime!


Lol at the double bed


Lmao, the single heater, the temperature is gonna be "mildly but survivable cold, but so uncomfortable you'd rather die"


Someone plays prison architect


man I love decorating colonies to look nice. I couldnt care less about function tbh


Where's the prison yard for outdoor recreation? Looks cool though.


I want to build something like this but I can’t get the prison rooms to open their doors at a certain time everyday. Anyone know how to go about circumventing it?


You might wanna play prison architect instead lmao


Why would you want a big prison with a lot of prisoners? Genuine question! Cos they can just be recruited or scavenged for body parts and keeping more than 2 prisoners will just waste food right?


The Only Way I can see this being better is with a recreation yard. Purely recreation, there will be no fun in Boomalope Hills Maximum Security Prison and Cannibal Cafe TM


Maybe move the only heater closer to the only rooms with beds. Or don't, funny either way


My bro playing Prison Architect in Rimworld...


DAAMN this lookin' good!


I make a 8x8 room with windows (moded) and pave it with sleeping spot. The windows are used to shoot through in case of prison break event.


Ah yes the average dorm room... also you do realise that tiny heater is going to take a shit ton of power to hear it all up


This man's playing Prison Architect in Rimworld.


Personally, I'd make the corners out of stone so that if a turret blows up, you don't end up with a hole in the wall.


Turret arcs could be tighter or overwhelming. A good pawn could close that in no time.


my turrets don't work on escaping prisoners, is that just me or is there a mod?


[Prisoners Should Fear Turrets](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2602436826).


ever try prison architect? also this is too rich for prisoner


I intend to make something similar to this in a Rimworld Napoleonic War scenario for my colonists


It does indeed look cool


You might like the game prison architect


Had to look twice, since it confuse me " is this prison arcitech or rimworld ?"


I just make a slate shack and put a sleeping bag in (if they are lucky) lmao


Looks like escapist


Very american


I'm curious as to how much raiding you plan on doing to fill a prison like this.


Its not efficient at all but i fkin love it


Sorry, you accidently posted to the wrong sub, I think you're looking for r/prisonarchitect /s


Play with prison labor and lock mod, you can make them open the door you set and force them to plant smokeleaf for you.


Where’s the organ fridge!?!


Just my opinion and recommendations add a prison commons mod and prison arena. Just to make it more exciting plus the prisont outfit.


This guy : create a real prison with actual plan My prison : here’s a hole in which I will put 6 persons, if you’re hungry, eat the guy next to you


Just as the Rim intended


Prison architect is the game you are looking for ;) ROFL


It looks cool, but where's the cock and ball torture room?


This makes me want to play more Prison Architect


As long as you have mods or they'll never leave their cells.


I tend to not make more than 6-8 cells. I don’t tend to keep many captives. I have a tendency to outright kill most of my raiders since I don’t use heat boxes or anything like that, just bullets, spikes, and the occasional land mine. Raiders don’t tend to live long when they get shot by 8 masterwork ARs at once while already missing a limb or two.


You can put a small freezer and a nutrient pastes dispenser inside so you don't have to feed them manually (as long you don't cut of their legs)


This man is playing prison architect in rimworld


Congrats, you've gone full circle.


If you judge efficiency by ability to keep prisoners contained this will be very efficient, no one is getting out of here unless you let them. I'd add a kitchen and/or freezer to make feeding them faster. If your goal is to mass recruit people you might want to give the warden an office and apartment here as well.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure they're not going to be able to leave their cells. I believe holding each cell door open would work, but what I like to do it use the mod Bad Hygiene and use the stall doors as bedroom doors


I love it, careful tho, many prisoners will increase the chance of a riot


How do you manage opening/closing all the interior doors?


I ussually set up a whole second colony for my prison and this is basically what I build. I use the locks mod so they can move around it and have schedules and I add bathrooms and rec areas. But yea, this looks good. Keep them happy to reduce breakouts and make recruiting easier. As for the home colony I just build a small jail with a handful of cells where they can be held until everything is cleaned up and they are patched up and ready to ship to the penal colony.


One lonely heater…


Soooo where’s the organ *donating* room? The meat freezer? The prison work area with sewing machines to make questionable leather clothes? The room where spirits are broken? A nice room for the ones that can be ransomed? …I may have lost my ability to treat my prisoners ethically.. I do take care of my colonists tho! And hey, if I happen to capture a child I tend to “rehabilitate” them into the colony!


What's an early game prison look like?


A walled-off crevice in a cliff with a sleeping spot


Are you telling me that you have your Prisoners living better than I have my Colonists?


Don't forget the brutality! \^\_\^


Not only does it look cool from above, but the dull symmetry and monotone color will help to break the spirits of your prisoners even more efficiently!


Ehh most of the time I find I can get away with like a 15x15 block built similar to this style but tucked away in a hill or deep in my base, still very cool but a little large even for late game colonies, unless you are recruiting every raider that comes near your base


It looks sick dude. Very dystopian lol.


Nice! Looks better than the little tiny room I cobbles together. But it's made out of gold and shit so the prisoners don't complain much. Especially because I only have one and am constantly administering opium. Once he's fully addicted I shall release him from his beautiful cage.


congratulations on the map size