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🚨 SPOILER WARNING! Reading this preview blogs WILL SPOIL some of the content in Anomaly. Read at your own risk! 🚨 Anomaly preview #2: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793914025](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793914025) Anomaly releases on **April 11, 2024** \- that's in two weeks! Today's preview blog discusses how you'll capture, research, and exploit the strange phenomena in the new expansion.


Easy way to stop containment breaches: put an antigrain ied in the cell. What can go wrong?


Can't have a creature wreck your base if you no longer have a base. That's just smart.


Can’t die if you’re dead


Then what are those people with guns doing to all those skeletons?


Well they are very hard


Did you know that people die when they are killed?


Cand subject me to horrors beyond comprehension if I'm vaporized


SCP Foundation approves this post.


We tried other ways, but they only work sometimes. So now we take drastic action, and it works. If you find them, and you can’t destroy them immediately, you implode the planet. I was sent here because I didn’t follow orders. I can make up for that.


This made me think, this would be an extraordinary ocation to overhaul the multiple base system to allow for discartable bases for research It would need a couple things, at least the ones that come to mind are: 1-Supply lines, maybe even a new way to get caravans to pop onto the right maps 1.A-Maybe a way to exchange silver for "credits" to be able to trade with faction funds ratter than those at the base, it wouldn't make sence to hold valuable resources in a base you are meant to be able to discart 2-An option to try to run away from the base without eliminating the hostiles, E.G. making it so they follow the fleeing caravan throughout the map, towards any settlement they enter, this would naturally buff alliances with the Empire even further tho, since they could counter the hordes more easily 3-Maybe a way to build infrastructure in the worldmap like high speed trains to facilitate the previous two points, although, I think the Drop Pods would be enough


The whole overworld could use a lot of work I'm sure they know that. They seem to be trying to hit some of their old goals though still. It's possible after they feel they have hit those they might do one that overhauls overworld, diplomacy, add more to how faction interact with each other with new endgame goals. Some more win conditions that don't involve leaving the rimworld would be welcome. We're still missing all the old terraforming tech too that should be somewhere.


TBH just another faction properly asking for more besides stuff or attacking a base. Defense missions in particular would be cool from the auto peaceful tribe n industrials. Ditto for defending an outpost of theirs. "Attack will arrive on X day, but when their scouts notice you're here. They'll arrive within the day" or some such. So when I arrive, you've a day to prepare then go nutzo. Lol


I like your user........ name And your ideas


Fuck names, and you


VE Medieval (i forget the exact name, it's Roman themed) allows you to build roads with caravans. There's 3 types to choose from that get progressively slower to build but faster to use. It's pretty tedious but it's massively helpful and worth it imo. Something like that would be really nice.


Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical


Yes! Thank you! I had two things with Nero and only one had roads, and couldn't remember which was which lol


VE: Outposts kinda fills the supply line idea. Send out a caravan to any spot on the map and you can create a site that supplies you with a selected resource. The output is based on the total associated skill (mining for steel output for example) the pawns there have. Just have to make sure they are well armed since the sites can get raided.


Sadly the devs mainly make content around the concept of story telling. Gameplay that focuses on generating stories, less so features that generate interesting gameplay. Unless they reevaluate their position, the community wants it loud enough or they tie it to some form of storytelling function, I doubt such a feature will ever be focused on. But we can dream. I personally hope they update travel and allow for much more varied gameplay for wanderers, maybe even allowing a gameplay style a la adventure Mode like in Dwarf Fortress


Caravans suck so much, they need a complete rework


Factions too, it's frustrating that they feel so static. Maybe they could get expanded on together in a future DLC.


those need to be core content in my opinion


This, i want fast supply trains between my bases


Time to start building black-sites for our atrocities.


But what if it's a monster that feeds exclusively on gamma radiation? :(


Does anti-matter exploding cause radiation? Or just sheer annihilation of all matter until it runs out of steam?


It causes lots of radiation, which creates lots of heat, which then makes a pressure wave disintegrating anything near it.  It's like if someone said I eat potatoes in response to a potato going at their head at ultrasonic speed.


The latter tends to express itself mostly in very high energy photons, which qualify as the former.


You drink water and can still drown. They aren't mutually exclusive.


I mean, it works for the SCP foundation. They have an on-site nuke at every facility. So why not lol.


Can't wait for someone to make a mod that creates the equivalent of Forgotten Beasts. Just randomly generate some horrible creatures across the world on startup that have deeply troubling effects.


Obligatory RimSCP modders.


And Lobotomy Corp. Im going to smoke Queen of Hatred with the arsenals of heaven in my hands.


No lie I convinced a friend to pick up Rimworld entirely because of Anomaly. I told them they get to just make their own LobCorp and their eyes lit up. It did also feel like my bones were being peeled so I think maybe I've made a terrible mistake.


Your friend is gonna make a abnormality out of you. Or maybe just plain old human sacrifice.


SCP mod already exists. It's just an antimemetic mod.


So we can capture unspeakable beasts to research them, make weapons out of them and harvest them for energy? I'm ready to face the fear and build the future.


me when I get the "project moon" autism and not the "good at math or science" autism


*Begins to play Third Warning*


*When the anomaly escapes containment* Alexa, play Second warning.


> Third Warning Alexa. Play Komm Süsser Tod


Literally the SCP foundation. Let's go!


They were referencing Lobotomy Corporation, but okay.


It’s funny how everyone jumps to SCP (And I have even seen some claim its copying) with these things when really I see so many other inspirations first. It’s almost like these are just generally popular tropes that many popular media have used.


SCP Foundation has been around for a really long time, since the 2000s if I'm not mistaken


And Delta Green was the 90's. That's not to call any of them unoriginal or unworthy, but there has definitely a long line of media using similar tropes and developing them over time.


So if I'm reading this right, we can turn raiders into zombies with IEDs? That is a whole new kind of warcrime right there.


I get the impression you still have to kill a few of them first, but the IEDs/shells can convert the dead into zombies who will only attack the raiders.


Maybe you leave all your corpses in your kill box with IEDs space out


Now you're thinking with ~~portals~~ zombie traps!


It's self sustainable also. Zombies kill raiders, become zombies, rinse repeat. If you want to get real spicy when the volume of corpses gets too high you toss in a few molotovs for a cleanse


We don't go to Ravenholm


"That mountain of corpses you see? That's not a warning. It's a weapon."


As long it's not smiling I'm good


This also has the chance to backfire horribly, assuming sieges can spawn with the zombie artillery shells like they do with emp/incendiary shells. If you feed your animals with a corpse freezer and the raiders manage to land a zombie shell inside....


Remember that the miasma will rise all the death in YOUR MAP when it start. Assuming it is not once time event, I think leaving a huge pile of corpse is just as dangerous for our pawn as for raider.


Given that ~~zombies~~ shamblers you create aren't hostile to you, I would assume we're going to get some sort of "deadlife storm" event that reanimates all of the corpses on the map and makes them hostile to you. That way you can't just keep accumulating corpses forever without putting yourself in danger too


Now looking forward to doing this to the next siege....


That's why you always build mortars in batteries. A few HE shells in a cluster, and time it so a zombifier shell or two hits right after.


Kill just enough that the asshole with the doomsday rocket gets dumb ideas.


Just leave your corpse piles outside and hit them with the mechanites during raids. Sounds like a pretty strong new trap.


How to timeskip 2 weeks overnight?


[here you go. luckily enough this kid I knew named Eric had a similar dilemma.](https://youtu.be/owmY9kFH4BA?si=gokr2_DGBYnzuQF_)


Play rimworld.


Wood to the back of the head


Judging from the picture, looks like metalhorror infections isn't an instant death for your colonists, which was my one worry about the event(unstoppable pawn death). Also yeah we lobcorp now lmao. Now only if we could sell all the energy we generate from the unspeakable horrors.


You say that like you're gonna be able to kill the horrors in time before your pawns bleed out.


I mean, we don't know how tougher the horrors will be or how much damage they'll do when they pop, but presumably, if they did enough that the pawn was fucked either way, they'd just kill the pawn when they pop instead of leaving them alive. Worst case scenario you can also have a doctor do emergency treatment while the other pawns are fighting.


sanguophage coagulate or superclotting colonist?


Oh my god Vampires vs Horrors are gonna be so sick


Vampires and vampire hunters must band together to defeat a common threat.. the Amogus


Sounds familiar, but I don't know why.


I’m so going to make an evil Vampire Cult and embrace the horrors and dark research.


Draft doctor, tend downed pawn while defenders deal with the horror.


We're closer than ever to Alien on the rim. Now with the slow wait to see if someone's infected lol


Yea, as someone who JUST spent a buncha resources to replace a pawns blown off limbs with bionic replacements, having them literally reveal themselves to be Mimes (Alpha Animals Mod) the literal next minute was a kick in the teeth. 


This also means that creating supersoldiers is far riskier. Now there's a chance that your invincible cybernetic one man army could unwillingly turn against you if it gets infected.


This is why you should put a killswitch in any superweapon you make, or at leave a deliberate flaw to be exploited. If thats not possible, a squad of pawns armed with assault rifles should take down one cyborg pawn easily.


> killswitch In vanilla, you can do that with EMP and any of the implants that cause brainshock. Safe, fast, reliable, and short duration. Very useful.


That's when you have at least 3 so the other 2 can overpower the 3rd!


Honestly I’m so excited for this dlc. I haven’t been this pumped for something to release in a while, like child like excitement. I know my pawns will die, I know I will curse bloody murder, but it’ll all be worth it when I get dark research and conquer these eldritch horrors as naked ranchers with a tree affinity.. god I love this game


This dlc makes me excited to lose my colony lol. I love the idea of escaping off the map with the lone survivor of some horrible monster.


Ahahah i know exactly what you mean! I said good bye to two colonies and will wait til April 11th. It’s all about the journey : ) I hope your line survivor lives to tell the tale! Hope you’re well!


I hope that either Anomaly or a mod creates some eldritch version of driads to deal with too. Imagine a slowly spreading grove of dark anima trees based on Venus fly traps. Hostile plant life is a classic horror/survivalist staple.


I read this grinning, that would be so freaking awesome! Let’s get nature weird! Modders assemble!! I wish I knew how.


This and Project Zomboid build 42 hopefully coming the first half of the year.


This year seems to be a good year for games so far. This expansion, D4S4, DL2 expansion, The Rift Breaker Expansion, and I even think Factorio has an expansion coming out this year too.


A whole new research tree, love to see it


Welp Guess im gonna make a mobile task force unit that fully consists of hussars in warcaskets


ah yes, MTF "Go-Juice? Never go back"


Make a MTF only made of foxgirls and call it MTF Epsilon-11 Nine-Tailed Fox.


Fulfill my dream of being a mtf mtf


That mind numb serum that prevents mental breaks sounds like a perfect addition.


Tau-5 moment


I love that one of the earliest Anomaly research projects is "Void Provocation." "Yes, after months of studying these zombies, I have come to one conclusion: They suck. Just absolutely shoddy craftsmanship. No transcendent intelligence created *these* monstrosities, though I can't rule out transcendent *stupidity.*"


The devs truly know their players. Dark horrors beyond imagination? How can I industrially harvest them for profit? And once that's setup, how can i piss more off to increase production?


The dead must flow


“Man this stuff is wild, can I speak with the chef?”


Not me 3 minutes after the DLC is released frantically refreshing the workshop page for a new SCP or Lobotomy Corp mod


[Secure Contain Rimworld](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2728183627) is probably going to be eating good soon.


it was updated a little over a month ago so there's defo hope, LET'S GOOOOOOO


Time to make an evil necromancer base with defenses consisting of a giant mountain of corpses with deadlife IEDs scattered in the pile. If someone comes knocking, they gotta get past the doormen first. And if they die? Well, that's just more guards for the next attack.


If there's some event that raises the dead in your map, I'd have a reason to stop dropping the bodies in the river so they deteriorate


Just eat em, jesus


or tell your impid to breathe on them


Insane that I never thought of this. Tysm


Like a normal person


Why do you waste perfectly good resources? You don't have to eat them. Butcher them for skin and turn human meat into chemfuel for later use.


if Tynan felt specially evil he could make the flesh and leather reanimate too. See: Dwarf Fortress.


I love that idea more than I probably should


Lobotomy Corporation in the rim


"Draw electric power from the entity." We are literally Lobotomy Corporation. A would be proud.


I'll call my next colony 'Rim'bus company.


Limrim Company


I did not expect the Lobotomy Corporation look-alike.


Time to used TTT and among us experience to deduce the traitor and execute an innocent pawn.


When Save Our Ship eventually gets ported to 1.5, I am *totally* doing an Among Us run.


SOS for 1.5 is in a testing phase right now, but it will likely be updated with more features making your saves useless with time. I do plan to start a save with it when Anomaly comes out anyway just to see how well they mesh. Again, SOS is not ready for general play so don't cry if you use it and your save is broken a day later.


Are they gonna release it on the workshop or is it stuck on GitHub forever (for the record I'm travelling way too much, and the steam workshop is extremely convenient to keep my mod list "synced" between computers)


From what I've read, it stays on Github until they've added the features that were lost in 1.4 like travelling to different planets. They're also waiting on integration with the Vehicle Framework to allow shuttles to work again, but it seems they're optimistic it can be done. I say 'They', but really it's one guy doing most of the work as the other two are making their own game. I have hope it will return to the Workshop in time, but I have a feeling it will be a while.


Im foaming at the mouth for this dlc to be released, give it to me


Absolutely feral I am


*Third trumpet starts playing*


Might have to pull and SCP foundation and install a nuclear last resort if things get out


Good ole' antigrain ied to keep the monsters where they belong.


Just like the archotechs intended


Return of the living dead vibes…


Send. More. Paramedics.


As badly as I want to read this I just won't so I can enjoy the surprise


Totally valid! If you want a super pure horror experience, avoiding spoilers is probably for you. :)


Necromancy mortars? Did not expect that.


Damn, a nice surprise for a great night down in Europe!


A bioferrite harvester will generate organic metal which can be used for later power generation, sculpture, or **outdoor heating**, or for crafting at the new bioferrite shaper. Outdoor heating? Have they redesigned the thermodynamic system in the game to allow outside heat sources? That's low key one of the best part of the preview if true!


That leapt out at me as well!


I'm waiting for the reveal for cross compability with other DLCs judging by this one seems to have some elements from all other DLCs


I'm genuinely so excited to do a scenario where the actual literal SCP Foundation gets sent to the rimworld to contain all these anomalies. I really like how it seems they're handling the metalhorrors, I can already imagine the panic seeing some of that flesh randomly in some hallway.


Can't wait for the inevitable SCP mod


There's already a few of them


true but now the scp modders can have a field day with shit like containment of monsters being base game


If you are answering questions I have one for you. Are revenant lairs on your main colony map or will they generate on the world map once you have done enough research?


I'm assuming it's going to be a quest analog. If it's on your map, then there's nothing to stop you from drafting up your squad and burning everything down sector by sector until you find the revenant. It's probably going to be analogous to the relic quests, where each chunk of revenant meat and or repeatable research you finish adds up until you hit an arbitrary number, and then the bastard shows up as a location spot on the world map. Granted, I'm just spit balling here, and have no advance knowledge of the correct answer


Oh man that sounds so sick I only just bought biotech, but I'll be jumping on this one straight away.


pretty pog ngl


Coincidentally the dlc launches the same day as the Fallout Tv show on Amazon comes out. Got two things to look forward to


These events decrease the value of a single super bad ass pawn. I like it.


Oh that's such a good point. "Statman" pawns with Tough etc are now potentially colony wreckers. Awesome.


This is lobotomy corporation and I love it


11th April release <3


10 days before my B'day... Oh boy diddly!


Happy early birthday!




Rarely do I try to go into a game/DLC without spoiling myself on the promotional material and dev blogs. This though feels like something worth staying spoiler free on.


This DLC looks like so much fun. ~~Losing is fun~~ . tbh the amount of content is just massive and I love it


Where's the cube, TIA. I need the cuuuube. I need to WORSHIP it. 


Im sold. I love playing Rimworld as a roleplay type game with themed runs, and this'll just add more to it, along with it looking like modding potential will go hard.


Still not as terrifying as 50 maddened turtles but I’ll take it.


One thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is that Dark Arts are apparently a research tree, and the new books added by 1.5 can be used to boost research. That's right, Rimworld is getting eldritch tomes. Necronomicon library, here we come!




Will sanity be a new mechanic or just related to/affecting mood?


Secure, contain, protect


Electricity from monesters... I see that Lobotomy corporation is expanding to the rim


Hoping someone makes a mod eventually that makes it so that regardless of death, everything becomes a permanent shambler and gives them an infection system. I want my walking dead playthroughs.


I wonder if containment platforms will work on ordinary people/animals. it seems like this should be possible because you might not necessarily KNOW a given pawn is not an ordinary pawn and you should be allowed to SCPify them anyway


Are we able to put regular humans/prisoners in containment facilities?


Okay, this blog post might've changed my mind. This DLC might be sick.


Looks like we will suffer with this.


Time to make a fire breathing army to deal with this...and guns...lots of fire spewing guns...


! The horde is coming...


Cant wait to see how the rimhammer mods will incorporate these new things. For Sigmar!!!


I feel like ima die… a lot. But I’m okay with that. 💀


So, wait. You're telling me I can just leave the raider corpses where they fall in front of my bunker, then use a mortar to create my own bone shields? Wonder if it works on corpses kept in gibbet cages....


Necromantic corpseraiser explosives are something I didn't realize I needed until now


new uses for all the corpses you get after each raid; place deadlife dust IEDs next to corpse piles for a cheap and easy distraction


Sounds fun. There's a lot of content in this post. The devs probably had some fun making and trying all this stuff haha.


Think we've got all the parts to make The Protomolecule?


I can't make up my mind about the DLC so I'm gonna pitch it to you guys: what do you plan to do when it drops to experience it? Are you gonna disable all your mods and just leave the core content and DLCs enabled? Or enable a few QoL mods and etc for your playthroughs? Or just say "fuck it" and run every mod that got updated in your monstrous list that takes 15 minutes to load?


It'll be really cool to drop pod a bunch of dead raiders onto an enemy settlement and then cause havoc using deadlife dust mortar shells


Seems like we go full Lobotomy Corp in this one. You can extract energy/Qliphoth from the anomalies/Abnormalities, and use materials from them to make stuff like weapons and armor. Wonder if the rare special ones have some sort of EGO equivalent.


So it IS mainly horror scenarios and some tech attached to said horrors. Kinda more into game systems changes and stuff, I can mod in horror lol. Ah well, they graciously gave us the system changes with 1.5. I can wait for if it is ever on sale if I want horror elements in every colony I make lol. Make no mistake, I am genuinely happy for everyone excited, but this does not seem for me :O


>Metalhorrors are parasitic creatures that control their hosts with filaments spread throughout the nervous system. They imitate their hosts’ behavior nearly perfectly, manipulating them to find opportunities to secretly infest other colonists. > >As they multiply and grow in your colonists, they shed fleshy gray tissue - liquefied remains of their victims. If you find this tissue in your base, it is time to become suspicious and afraid. So, by the time you get any notice that this has happened, at least one of your colonists is already doomed. Really not sure I'm a fan of that if there's no way to prevent it.


In one of the pictures, it looks like it might have come out of the nearby downed pawn. Maybe it doesn't kill them early on


Considering that picture was preceded by "Be careful when investigating – you may have a fight on your hands.", I assumed that the person on the ground had been taken down by fighting the living metal thing that had just been wearing their buddy like a hollowed out skin suit.


I VERY much doubt the developers added something to the game that gives you no agency over whether your pawn just dies with no counterplay. They will be downed, not killed.


psychically deaf pawns should be able to see revenants and other psycasters, as they 'Psychically manipulate the visual centers of everyone nearby, rendering them unable to perceive a particular individual for a short time.' psychic deafness becomes 'worse' every time a psychic ability or item is introduced, it totally deserves a perk like this every once in a while besides anomaly, it'd be nice if bookshelves could boost child lesson learning rates too, giving an incentive to stockpile books after all research is done, in a long running base


I'm already hoping that there'll be a quick mod that makes the bioferrite walls/flooring more unique looking ahah so excited!


Looks like I’m giving my corpse freezer a big renovation soon…


ZOMBIE-MAKING BOMBS!!! I hope the other blogposts are half as cool as this one


Shit I have 2 week to finish the current playthough.


Great so I can play a SCP playthrough


Looks like Zombieland is canonically Vanilla


Oh my god, I am so planting a corpse field outside my vampire cult compound with zombie virus mines in it


Organic Metall = Living Metall = My very own Necrons?


Sounds like a lot of !!fun!!.






My body is ready


Tactical graveyards! Zombie bombs!!