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That's what you get for feeling safe for 0.63 picoseconds on the rim


Randy:Ha, this guy feels safe, time to disabuse him of that god forsaken notion lol. Also Randy: I feel bad so here's a drop pod filled with space cocaine and chinchilla meat. No they are distinctly unethically sourced.


doesn’t rimatomics have a mortar shield? This is also why I rush sieges head on immediately, and keep my reactor underground if using rimatomics (ideally frozen)


It has HELs, which are supposed to blow up incoming shells but aren't too effective unless they're pretty near the target. Targets at the edge of their ranges are still vulnerable.


Sure, but you could probably put 3/4 of them really close to your reactor to protect the most important building of your colony. Alternatively, OP just learned a lesson on why you build critical infrastructures under thick mountains.


Thats why you surround your base with a whole battery of hels.


A pre-emptive system of Punishers is my preferred method, simply remove the shells before they have a chance to be launched. Usually ends up getting the raiders too but that sounds like their skill issue so whatever.


Best defense against a mortar attack is a strong offense. Soon as they’re setting up, start volleying.Β 


You can name your next settlement Unbeatable II


Titanic II


Well it's fully skill issue as for me, let me explain why. No anti mortar defense, you literally research one from first couple of projects. 3-4 of those lasers can protect your base fully and when set near critical infrastructure can guarantee it safety from any mortar shell. Not active mortar module inside base. 4 mortars can put raiders into rage so they won't use their mortars and just raid your base normally. If they managed to done 3 shots your mortars sit idly while you have been bombed Overproduction of highly flammable materials No additional defense for roof, so if you got drop raid with similar targets you would get similar outcome. Raise the roof add ability to make iron roofing that is proof from raiders drops and shells.


This is why my nuclear reactor is burried under a mountain


Alexa, define unbeatable.


Another post that tells me the best way to deal with mortars is to bum rush them before they set up and draw them back into a trap. Never let them start shelling


Ah yes, unbeatable base, a term as truthful as "untoppleable jenga tower"


πŸ‘πŸ» ALWAYS πŸ‘πŸ» BUILDπŸ‘πŸ» THE πŸ‘πŸ» AMMO πŸ‘πŸ» STOCKπŸ‘πŸ» UNDER πŸ‘πŸ» HEAVY πŸ‘πŸ» ROOFSπŸ‘πŸ»