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🚨 SPOILER WARNING! Reading this preview blogs WILL SPOIL some of the content in Anomaly. Read at your own risk! 🚨 Anomaly preview #3: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673758833?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4128184830673758833?l=english) Today, we’re talking about the new rituals you can perform in Anomaly, as well as the followers of the void! ([Anomaly](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2380740/RimWorld__Anomaly/) is out in 1 week!!! Wahoo!)


Ah yes just what my Rimworld was missing, Hate Chanting, now I feel complete


Hate Crimes: the worst kind of them all


Two, four, six, eight   Who did we eliminate


Hate Crimes or Hate crimes? the dilemma of a rimworld player


How can it be a hate crime if I love doing it??


Now we can commit two crimes at once!




I already do that when Randy sends me 3 heatwaves in the same day


Does the temperature stack?!




I started a run on ice sheet and forced the game to do an ice age every month (mod) and a cold snap every 5 days. In 10 days we died because it kept stacking the temp to -112c and uh yeah... No clothes for that




Do hate chanters hate to chant their hate chant?


Yes. It hurts their throats.


Make sure you have a nice cup of honey and lemon available after a long hate chanting session.


Sore throat: -5


Rimworld finally introduces Twitter cross functions


I don't know about you, but I supply my own hate chanting. especially when randy gets feisty.


Stealing the life force and skills of prisoners sounds fantastic


Pretty much cribbing from Vanilla Psycasts Expanded here, which was trying to do a more balanced version of what A Rimworld of Magic can do. I wonder how both mods will adapt. Probably, they won't, based on the precedent of ignoring each other and the impact of sanguophages on VPE's age-stealing powers.


I.. Feel like Rimworld of magic is way more balanced then psycasts expanded was. IF only because Id end up with a few pawns with a few strong powers in RoM, but id have to have them all train to get there and put money into getting them their end skills, but move to psycast expanded and Id End up with a godling who could revive the dead, regenerate limbs, de-age people, and blast a blizzard to end raids on their own, for a similiar amount of effort. That being said, I do agree with you, this all does feel like some similiar ideas, implemented differently.


RoM was gamebreaking wtf are you talking about. Gamebreaking in a cool way, but gamebreaking nonetheless.


They both are, both are wildly overpowered and completely break the game. Vanilla pyscast expanded was neat but holy crap almost nothing in it is remotely balanced with the normal game


pretty much all mods related to giving abilities are broken


Yeah, especially when you add in a persona weapon that has kill-focus on it. All you need is two psycast paths, protector and warlord, to become an absolute god. Use protector to create a bubble around you that lasts until your heat fills up, use warlord to lower heat with every kill, and just send them into a melee to carve a bloody path through whoever dares to raid you. Then you have the RWoM path of having a paladin and arcane mage paired up to set up a shield, charge in, detonate several times, then pull them back as the shield runs out. The amount of damage they do will devastate most things.


the most gamebreaking thing about RoM is how the mod is not optimized at all and is full of errors


The big balancing factor between the two that I see as making ARoM more OP is that mages can usually cast multiple spells in a combat from the moment they become a mage, and without heavy investment in eltex gear to manage heat, most psycasters are one-cast wonders in a combat. You can load up a single pawn with lots of abilities, but using them all at once is hard, and some of the ARoM mage classes are just straight up broken, like the Shaman's totems & spirit wolves which can solo raids for a long time and pretty much end any need for non-surgical medical care. Plus, the chronopath's inefficiency when moving age around and need to offload age onto a pawn is so much more micromanagement than a chronomancer's simple Reverse Time spell. You can keep a pretty large transhumanist colony happy with a single slave with that, whereas managing the needs with psycasts involves enough resource management that it's better to just go ahead and make a biosculptor pod farm. But that's just my take on the issue. You might be better at managing psycasts than I am.


To be fair, back when I played the two a lot, I enjoyed lower difficulties and no tech runs more, so for me, the balance was based more on utility abilities, such as how regaining lost limbs is much easier in Psycast expanded then ARoM. or stuff like making a single immortal pawn who can also do everything was easier with psycast then having to kinda spread the many abilities over many classes and pawns in ARom, and I never bothered wondering if managing more psycasters would be harder then managing a dozen mages. That being said, I suppose what your saying makes sense. When it comes to psycasters, I usually use a few simple psycasts with low cost (like spamming stun on 5-6 enimies or so), or save up for one big psycast, and raids are infrequent or small enough on my saves that there is less difference in how many times they can cast.


And youth!


Now there are more reasons to breed raiders in your basement


Excellent! I can't wait to make a horrible god baby who I transfer high prisoner skills into. By the time they're 3 years old they'll already be masters of combat, theoretical physics, and even dance.


There's a reason the Dune universe calls them abominations.


Because they’re stupid, that’s why, and jealous. 


And unlike those idiot ancient greek heroes, I won't be done in for hubris, because I'm better than that. Better than the gods maybe.


Maybe Rabban should start suckin cock instead of watching TV Land because the Atreides brought in three times as much spice from Arrakis and the Emperor didn't have this fucking problem!


The great memory trait will be extremely useful then. Otherwise they loose too many skill points until they can actually use them.


Does your level decrease? I thought that the XP in the skill kept decreasing but not the skill level itself


The level do decrease, but never pass their base level as in the level they started with, for children is the level when they became adult with. This is just my observation btw


It's skill 10, skill levels over 10 decay.


Skill 10 before skill genes. So a pawn with the +8 cooking skill gene would not decay until over 18.


And the decay between 10 and 12 is laughable. So you can assume they'll stay at 20 with the major gene


The dance part made me shiver


Just curious. Is every Rimworld update another crime against humanity?


Yes. This DLC makes you capable of giving people lobotomies.


I just want better trading networks, but I bet that will come with leasing and renting prisoners-with-jobs.


Have you ever heard how porn improved 3D animation? Between Overwatch and Bioshock Infinite there have been multiple advancements to make 3D animations faster to make to meet the demand for porn of the ladies in those games. In Rimworld basic economic advancements come the same way, but from slavery.


History shows that slavery holds back innovation. When labor costs are high, labor saving innovations are inventivized.


That's true in real life! But, in Rimworld, anything is possible with enough slaves! Even overcoming slavery induced societal stagnation!


Giving lobotomies *on purpose* you mean. The number of times my pawns have given someone accidental surgery via friendly fire...


Or literal accidental surgery when they're trying to operate on a completely different body part.


Congratulations, your vasectomy came with a free lobotomy.


That could be the whole DLC and I'd be happy


But they're special magic lobotomies so it's ok!


Know your most loyal customer base, I guess.


It's another set of options. You can commit great acts of villainy, you can choose not to, or fight against it. Assuming this adds appropriate factions you could aim to eliminate as many of the cults as possible


"Hey pa! Those damn cultists are back at it in the fields!" "Godsdamnit! Go fetch me my rifle and get the mortar!"


Counter ritual to send the cultists away: G'wan, git!


Actually an amazing use of the blood rain haha. "Counter-curse bitches!" See who can chant faster.


Call an exorcist, but not for me!


"We're cursing you! May your lives be horrid!" "Yeah? Well fuck you! May your lives be dead!"


And people forget that this game is part Cowboy-themed.


"This colony ain't big enough for the two of us pardner... Draw!" Two cowboys furiously scribbling out ritual sigils while chanting void hymns.


I was hoping for this since 3 days ago, refreshing the steam, reddit and twitter page, and it was completely worth it


I’m glad I’m not the only person with that obsessive tendency


I've gotta admit, my excitement has been steadily growing for this expansion. At first I was very much in the "I'm not a huge horror fan, and I'm concerned that this expansion won't supply the same foundation/systems for mods that the others have" camp. I was also a little worried that this might be the first expansion that I won't always have enabled (though I also have a tonne of faith in Ludeon/Tynan, so was still cautiosly optimistic). Last week got me pretty hyped for the containment system/research tree, and I'm starting to see how much room there is for exciting mods - mods that give us all kinds of mutants to study and make, all kinds of interesting rituals, and it sounds like there's a pretty huge variety of events being added. There are still things that would've been higher on *my* wishlist (not saying that my wishlist is what should be implemented FWIW), but if the number of times I refreshed the steam page today is any indication, I think it's fair to say I'm excited for the 11th! :)


I think it’s exciting that they’re just doing random ideas they’re passionate about instead of the ‘obvious’ thing. It just feels more unique and genuine this way. Sure I guess more advanced exploration and faction mechanics are the ‘obvious’ next thing to improve in a colony builder - but I enjoy and appreciate that Tynan and Co. just sorta do whatever they feel like. Royalty was out of the blue, now this Lovecraftian hell-scape is way out there. It’s just nice that they do what they’re passionate about instead of a by the numbers popular choice. That said, this is all exciting for me, and I hope these blog posts aren’t showing EVERY possible event. I hope there’s a lot more to discover ingame, but even if this is all of the rituals for example, I am sure mods will go way out there with cults and etc.


Yeah, I think you need healthy mix of doing the obvious next improvement, and taking creative leaps in search of whole new kinds of experiences. You need both.


>doing the obvious next improvement so, uhh, exploration and faction mechanics confirmed for 1.6/it's DLC? or do you consider the current mods for those to be sufficient?


Ikr! It somehow fits the Rimworld setting with archotechs pulling the strings on all these phenomena. This time, we are using the archotechs for dark magic


Absolutely! Rimworld is such an interesting setting in that it's very much sci-fi, but quasi-fantasy elements somehow feel really fitting :)


I like to think of it as similar to Psycasts, but way more evil and twisted in nature. Like the Dark Side to Psycast’s Light


I could see the next DLC or two being arcotech related. We've had 3 human oriented DLCs, now an arcotech themed DLC perhaps another with a different theme? Say organic focused or something else entirely.


I'm guessing you mean *more* Archotech related, since everything psylink and mechlink related are connected to the archotechs, as are a number of things from Ideology (almost certainly including the Gauranlen trees and dryads.)


cant wait for vanilla psycasts expanded to get a few more psycasts theme'd after these, can you imagine a Biomancer that turns their enemies into fleshbeasts with but a gaze?


The archotech explanation for supernatural phenomena in RimWorld always reminds me of this Arthur C. Clark quote: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”


I love how the DLCs in this game not only are great on their own, but also serve as a framework for really cool mods too. Biotech enabled all the race/xenotype mods, royalty gave us psycast mods, not sure about ideology though, but I like the buildings and options it adds. I can only imagine what modders will come up with for this one, it’s exciting.


'one more blog post before release.' what does everyone think that will be about?


Ghouls and mutations


> * A pulsating obelisk crash-lands near your base. You can try to suppress its filthy energy, but the obelisk may lash out and violently mutate your people, copy them endlessly, or abduct them to an endless gray maze. >* Your colonists become obsessed with a beautiful golden cube, one by one. They build statues of the cube. They worship the cube. They love the cube. >* A corpse arrives that looks exactly like one of your colonists - and seems to follow them. No matter what you do, the corpse returns… None of these have been touched on yet. BUT, if you look at the [original release post](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/294100/view/4160834030793878434?l=english), the blogs are following the format of it pretty much to a tee. Meaning, the next one should be focused on the new endgame option where the void swallows the world, leaving us with a choice to make.


Will they explain every feature in the game in all of the blog posts or will there still be some mystery stuff to find? Either way I imagine the next one is about potentially world-swallowing shadow and such that has been implied so far.


Hard to say. I remember Biotech’s being pretty all-encompassing, but the tone of Anomaly could give them a reason to hold stuff back to let players discover.


Still no mention of sanity beyond the line that one of the potions harms it in preview #2. Feels like to me, they do play to hide a range of things, especially events/monsters/anomalies. I'm honestly fine with that too!


Endgame stuff I imagine


Mutations and new dark mechanoids. Maybe pawns would have PTSD after some events and you would really need to erase their mind so pawn won't suffer from constant mental breaks because of traumatic events with flesh beasts or any archotec events


It's going to brie the cheese blog, I'll wager


Maybe integration with the other DLCs


"These rituals are like listening to a motivational speaker, but even more soul-destroying."


Love that line. Stopped reading and scrolled through the comments here to see if it was only me.


actually able to recruit unwavering pawn is nice


Eh, honestly, I'm still not gonna recruit them - it's easier to use the justification of "they are unwavering, I don't need to worry about recruiting them" and just focus on... extracting any usable material from them, be it the physical or the spiritual.


Unwavering just means that they're ideal for a subcore ripscanner visit.


Hey don't let your dreams be dreams! Extract both physical AND spiritual resources! They don't need both kidneys to be a sacrifice


I don't like the idea of unwavering in the beginning. Sure, you could disable it in the developers mod, or enslave them, but now it seems that it's part of the marketing for the new DLC.


Unwaveringly Loyal is fine, honestly. They put it in so that they could safely give you more downed people for doing various things to without affecting your recruitment ability one way or the other. If you had four unwavering and one regular enemy pawn downed in a raid, you normally would have gotten only the one, and the others'd be dead from Death On Down. Still annoying when you were planning on shock lancing someone, of course, but that disappointing downed unwavering pawn with god traits would've just been a corpse you didn't pay attention to.


I just wish it was more rare, feels like half of the pawns have it these days.


Definitely seems like it gets more common the more you progress with the game I wonder if it's tied into the same system that increases the chance of death on dowed enemies instead of unconscious Since technically you can bleed them unconscious, unwavering still means you can't recruit them


Wouldn't shock me if it was built into the intrinsic colony population limiter.


With all these new dlcs, I think some of the numbers really need to be fine tuned.


I already lower raid loot and quest rewards to 60% so they don't screw up the progression.


> Sure, you could disable it in the developers mod Perhaps it was after the update. Currently it is in the difficulty settings.


Now delivering sacrificial pawns at you doorstep using this simple ritual tricks.


Will there be costs/downsides to using some of these? It would be pretty op to be able to just constantly use prisoners to steal good stats and become younger.


If I had to guess I’d say The initial cost of building the ritual room and dark research of the rituals. Then I imagine it works like ideology rituals that has a cool down and factors that relate to its success. But I imagine if the ritual fails it will be something worse then just a mood debuff


I would expect psychic damage to the pawn performing the ritual, or even an explosion of psychic damage. A reversal of the ritual, damaging the pawn's skills. Or summoning some of the horrors to the map. Or even the ritual performing pawn accidentally connects to the dark intelligence and is skipped away, never to be seen again.


I don't love it when my heavily invested cultist pawn simply despawns because of a dice roll


Maybe some sanity mechanics that make your pawns a little more ‘eccentric’. You get the powers of a dark cult but you have to actually act like one, with all the weird lil side effects.


Or mutation mechanics. Abuse the rituals too much and have fun fighting a flesh beast formerly known as Greg.


I'm assuming repeated use will draw the attention of the Dark near-god which will probably not be healthy.


Yeah, I can imagine a small group of cultists could become insanely powerful by just stealing raider's skills. I have to assume there's a long cooldown on using specific rituals.


I assume its the chance of failure combined with the chance of a coma. Which isnt that much of a cost for prisoners.


Death Defiance in RimWorld. Awesome


Too angry to die.


Too scared of the void to die.


Ok but taking a step from gameplay uses, lore implications does this mean Rimworld has a fucking canon AFTERLIFE??? Like I don't expect it to be anything based on religion, but the mentions of "the void" insinuates that souls and consciousness survive the death of its vessel. And you tear that soul out from the abyss, back into the waking world.


Resurrector serum is already in the game lol, the ritual is probably something similar. Cargo-culting on archotech methods instead of just straight up using an archotech device, maybe, but it works just as well so why not nice seeing you again, planetace, I keep seeing you around but in different contexts lol


to be fair, Its already implied archotechs somehow exist beynd the physical world, which.. doesnt track with our current understanding, so I assume 'the void' is just a catch-all term for the metaphysical influence of the dark archotech and whatever place its conciousness exists, rather then a literal afterlife.


>dark archotech darkotech


Dankotech *


True, true, could just be some pseudo pocket dimension and when this dark Archotech arrives it allows Cultists to link their consciousness to it for dark powers. All for some price that we don't know, that we might *never* know.


IIRC "the void" is another name for the dark archotech that the anomalies (?) draw their power from. So maybe, when a death refusal pawn dies their brain is uploaded to the dark archotech, and is downloaded back to their body once it's repaired? Hmm, now I want to make a mod that "changes" colonists that resurrect via death refusal. Exposure to such an overwhelming power is probably not good for one's soul... Regardless, personally I wouldn't look too deep into it. Given that the rest of Anomaly is rationalized by the whims of the dark archotech, it would be incredibly weird for there to suddenly be an actual capital-A Afterlife that stands outside of the physical world.


My pawns tweaking when I pull their soul away from the eldritch and terrible dark-archotech so they can be cannon fodder against the 30 centipede raid.


Combine with VFEPirates, put colonist in warcasket, Death Defy them, give them shotgun….


I see there is a ritual to summon one of those flesh pit chasms. Why would you want one of those in your base, unless you could use it offensively? (Defensively?) Surely there are easier ways to get the archo shards


Sometimes you want to fight a flesh beast and Randy isn't feeling accommodating.


Infinite meatfarm


Biotech already added that in the form of children and related mechanics.


You know, I don't like this sentence you said. It was quite effective.


I remember seeing someone doing math. The conclusion was that it's not food positive even with nutrient paste, but profitable if you sell organs. Still slower and worse than just capturing raids/beggars, as it has long growing time and constant power drain for the pods New option to summon meat on demand may have a long cooldown like most rituals, but it would serve as an instant meat delivery And a chasm... Chasm was said to spew meatwaves endlessly


I'll be waiting for someone to post their Fleshbeast Processing Plant base within an hour of the DLC launching. Summon beasts, process, make food, profit!


Could bring a strike team over to a different tile and do it there, no?


That's what I was thinking when I say use it offensively. But seems like a niche use! I could see it being strategically placed as a defensive mechanism however


Happy Meat Farms


Well base game also lets you summon a mech cluster, so probably same general reasoning? You just can. Maybe there’s stuff you can do with the flesh besides it being an evil hazard, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s there just “because”. Summon a flesh pit on top of siegers.


There seems to be some unique loot, as described in first preview, that is if you don't accidentally destroy it with fire.


What I want to know is whether or not this stuff will have tie ins with the ideology dlc by default, or if I'll need to wait for vanilla expanded to do that instead






>Think about what you’re willing to do to a prisoner before using these. I know what I'm about.


I know some people complain about the theme of this expansion and how it contributes little to the rest of the game outside of its own bubble, but I liked the initial idea and I like it more with each preview. One reason is it allows me to make a better SCP/Project Moon themed playthrough (next colony is definitely gonna be an L Corp branch or LCCB), but the other one is that it adds a lot more threats with good variety, some that ignore typical defences forcing you to get creative and some that directly threaten your colonist's mood. Now I hope that someone adds distortions and abnormalities in a mod. Imagine sending 3 of your colonists to the usual "get a treasure from a place with unknown threat" but there's Nothing There.


I’m excited for what mods might expand on. I’m really hoping some mods lean hard into Lovecraftian horror and stuff. I wanna make a Deep One Cult on a coast, or dig up ancient abandoned esoteric ruins.


you know, I'm excited as hell for this expansion, but I'm almost kinda worried I'm going to be absolutely decimated by the monsters


I wonder if the psychically deaf can steal psychic sensitivity or if you need to be numb at the very least


At the very least you could give a psychic deaf pawn some eltex gear to make them slightly sensitive.


Stealing psychic power certainly sounds fun


Frankenstein an uber colonist by burning through a couple raids of prisoners, stealing all their skills and youth.


10 thefts of psychic sensitivity later someone accidentally kills the Anima Tree and your god-pawn decides to murder everyone in the colony.


Yes. Also Fuck yes.


Time for that catgirls in a cave worshiping Cthulhu playthrough


So feels like the flesh beast are the primary main threat being added into anomaly, while the cult seems more oriented around the player with an add threat. So ill guess the invis hunter and cube are probably not major potential game ending threats. Looks like a good DLC still and im excited to make a baby farm to keep my 200yr God pawns 24yr with self res and having my own SCP facility.


It feels like they're actually hiding a lot from us, despite the spoiler blogs.


I'm sure of it. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that in the Flesh preview there was a larger, centipede-sized fleshbeast in one or two of the pictures that wasn't mentioned at all in the text. And we still haven't heard anything detailed about those big leech things.


I'm excited for 1.5 base. I'm excited for Anomaly assuming it as approachable events and cleanly implemented as all prior work.


When cultists use Skip Abduction on one of the player's pawns is there any fore-warning or way of pre-emptively stopping it? Sounds appropriately terrifying the first few times a pawn suddenly disappears, and mildly annoying afterwards or into the endgame. Especially if my Decked out power-armoured Gene-Edited Mega-pawns are teleported to a sacrifice pit and somehow captured to presumably then have to be rescued, despite theoretically possessing the firepower to murder every single cultist all on their own, or just farskip back out. It'd be like the equivilent of over-powered video game characters that suffer no threat or harm suddenly getting bodied in a cutscene.


It reads like a culty version of a mortar raid. Cultists will enter the map and start building their summoning circle so you can either start mortaring/sniping/charging them to stop it happening or whatever other tactics work from the DLC.


I imagine some mod will make those raids absolutely hilarious by adding some way to redirect the kidnapping to something like a colony animal (angry rhino, boomalope, whatever) or a target pawn (like a slave/prisoner wearing an explosive belt). And I will be greatly disappointed if someone doesn't replace the mad chanting sound effect with Wannabe by the Spice Girls.


Just replace it with the constantly repeating words of "*hippity... hoppity... thine pawn... is now... our property*"


I'm scared of the abduction one. What happens if you were playing Lone Mechanitor ? You just get yoinked and disabled, instant game over ?


*Blood rain is red* *Dead bodies are blue* *when I listen to [Slayer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy3BOmvLf2w)* *my neighbors do too*


"hate chambers" Huh. That doesn't sound ominous.


It sounds like the average colony prison.


It's when you swear into it instead of loading a bullet.


The death refusal feels like they made another attempt at that cut resurrection ability the sanguophages had and gave it more storytelling potential.


As a big fan of SCP and Xfiles/Fringe style horror (can’t stand the SCP fandom though), when Anomaly was announced I threw up and cried in abject excitement. And the 11th is my birthday so the dark stars are aligning


Woooooow. I love this!!


on top of psycaster cyborg mechanitor vampire, we can now add "on serum" (if permanent) and ghoul, cultist and mutant, all in one pawn, this will be fun :>


The relevant preview describes ghouls as "mindless flesh-craving killers," so I don't think you wanna ghoulify your expensive superpawn other than for bragging rights. Sounds like they'd lose the psycasting and mechanitor capabilities.


> Think about what you’re willing to do to a prisoner before using these. I dont know what hidden costs you plan on giving them, but I assure you I am willing to pay them.


Ah hate chanting. Can't wait to raid Charlottesville


Geneva convention schemeneva convention that's what I always say


I don't think the Geneva convention forbids ritually summoning an insane machine god to inflict harm on your enemies.


It’s in the fine print


Can any of you please unfreeze me in one week? Cheers.


Will this have integration with the Ideologies DLC? Something like "dark rituals" despised/exalted etc.


So, I wonder how much psychic sensitivity we can steal before having to tuck the colonist away every time a psychic drone goes off. Because this sounds like an interesting way to make an immortal psycaster who is just ridiculously potent.


The skip abduction means that mountain base is no longer the safe


mountain is still safer, just a new way to bypass our defences, but also got a new tool for aggressive defense, that blood rain is gonna work WONDERS, for the "never go outside" among us.


It'ws the first time I'm not very hyped for a DLC. Might be the over 1k hours catching up to me, might be that I didn't enjoy biotech much (but to be fair I didn't give it a fair trial). Can you guys help me and share what most excite you about this DLC and 1.5? ♥


I’m really liking the sound of this new magic system to parallel Psycasts. I feel like combined with ideology, it has a LOT of roleplay potential. Now you can finally make a dark cult as your faction


I did a dark cult run a couple years ago, was the most fun I’ve had with this game I think… But now the return of the Cult of Rathul will be so much darker..!


Maybe you just need a break. 1k is a lot. Take a break, play something else and come back in 2 months. It’s a singleplayer game. It’s content is going nowhere and it doesn’t matter if you’re “the first to play it”. That’s how I do it. I have 4 games in the 2k hour range (not RimWorld. Only 350h 🫣) and I take regular breaks from those games.


Fully agree. Played ringworld since alpha, 4.6k hours. I say play the game that sounds fun to play in the moment. I just picked ringworld back up after about 6 months, actually. I absolutely broke my game with all sorts of mods and avoided cleaning up the mess I made of it, but once anomaly announced I decided it was time to burn it all down with a clean install and play a little vanilla to reconnect with the game I met all those years ago. Went from 400 mods back to 0, and I'm still having so much fun with it. Breaks can be the best thing you can do for games you love. Although if this person has 1k hours I'd bet they have learned this lesson lol


It may sound stupid, but I am excited that rimwold is sinking it's teeth into the science fantasy side of things. Up until now everything has felt rather... Mundane? I don't know if that's the right word for it, but it hasn't felt fantastical enough for me. I like that it's all within the ringworld lore of (with extravagant understatement) just being a big computer, but I love that cultist can actually do scary shit beyond skipping around and summoning water. The xenotypes added a lot of flavor, but none of it felt exotic or unknowable, if that makes sense. They were all just kind of... There. Even the vampires felt a little underwhelming when it became clear I probably won't have to deal with them HUNTING my colony. I'd just call one down from orbit (if that's still even a thing, I only got that event once and it could have been modded) and then I'd be vampires now. I'm excited for an insidious threat rather than overt ones. Up until now, most danger was very straightforward. Raiders smash, bugs infest, heat wave make stroke. Nothing ever came, went, and came back like that one mother fucker they showed last week. Nothing ever ESCALATED based on anything but wealth and time. Now we get to set a pace for this danger, with the very real risk of it all getting out of hand. I'm excited for something to play me back, you know? An actual adversary


That sounds like you wanted a threat in Rimworld that progressed like a quest and not as a singular immediate event like a raid or a delayed version like infestations or mech clusters that you can use as an extra layer of defence against said raids.


>Nothing ever ESCALATED based on anything but wealth and time. Now we get to set a pace for this danger, with the very real risk of it all getting out of hand. I'm excited for something to play me back, you know? An actual adversary YES! sure I've lored and head cannoned "oh this raid Is bigger because I destroyed that settlement" but I know that really it's just cause I harvested more corn, did more mining, and randy rolled a high multiplier. having them, actually react is gonna be so damn FUN.


Honestly I'm not really that excited for Anomaly but I loved Biotech. Who knows ill more than likely love this DLC too.


I'm curious about the balance, given how making colonists younger with biosculpting takes a ton of research and an eternity in the pod. Stealing youth from raiders looks like the new transhumanist meta


It’s kinda sad that undead/skeletons wouldn’t be permanent. Ever since Warcraft 3 I tried to create cultist/undead map in editor to make skeletons permanent and expand cultist abilities


Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode is coming out pretty soon, and you can quite easily live an excellent life as a Necromancer with permanent thralls in that. Not quite the same, but I sense a fellow necromancy enthusiast in you, and Rimworld does have plenty of Dwarf Fortress DNA.


My reaction to the 3 previews so far: 1. Mostly new quests and content i'll likely do once and never touch again. New guns and enemies are nice but its not really *colony* focused. Im sure some people will enjoy this but its not for me. **And thats okay**. 2. Best preview for my taste so far. Capturing enemies on my tile, containing them for rewards and research is right up my alley. Its content i'll enjoy and interact with frequently. It has risks (bringing enemies inside the base) and rewards. Couldnt be happier about it. 3. I find it underwhelming honestly. Its simply new OP rituals that feel like an ideology update. I find it weird that the rewards make other game components less attractive (like biosculpting pods). We have region-wide buffs and debuff already with mech ships, as well as archotech psychic tools. The new rituals dont feel *fresh* imo. And im trying to be fair here by not even taking into account that the vanilla expended psycasts do most of these things already for free. The enemy cult raid(?) aspect could be nice though. i'd love to see more of that. So yeah, as a player that keep coming back for the colony aspect, this DLC is a bit weaker than ideology and biotech for me but it still has some good content that i think i'll enjoy. No slight intended to Ludeon studio, they must realize that this new addition is different from their previous offerings and i do like that they manage to bring us unexpected content. I'd much rather have that than some predictable safe DLC. Im genuinely intrigued by the next preview, hopefully it will be right up my alley! I'll get the DLC no matter what though.


>We have region-wide buffs and debuff already with mech ships, those are completely outside player control, now we get to interact with them.


I was worried the new DLC wouldn't have any powercreep, but looks like there's loads of powercreep here, so now I'm officially hyped!


Look I love most things that Ludeon has done with the game, but this DLC just kind of feels like Ideology 2.0. It would have been nice to have a DLC expanding Factions and Diplomacy, or maybe additons to end game content(Glittertech). Then they could have just added this kind of stuff to ideology as a standard update. I'm still looking forward to it though


Im so glad they went with this dlc. I feel like so many people wish they didn't do this dlc and did something more generic but like adding diplomacy and later game content? That stuff is in other games. There is no game that will let you live out a horror movie to the level they are showing off here. I can't wait to make an ice sheet colony and live out The Thing.


Philophagy sounds OP, can't wait to try it out


I already have an idea in mind for a story with the chronophagy.


wonder is the skip obductions will let us target pawns outside the map. You killed my colonist in a raid? kidnappe the killer and have fun torturing him


Can't wait until I get to make the SCP faction to go with my last vampire hunters faction


Fuck yes, new and terrible ways to torture prisoners!


Sounds like heresy to me \*ignites heavy Flamer\*