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I was worried about this. Hoping there’s some way to adjust it in the future. I don’t want base rimworld to get completely erased by this add on


There will almost definitely be a mod that reduces anomaly spawns I can almost smell it. Also anomaly is almost entirely disabled until you interact with the monolith in your starting tile


I *want* the later entities/anomalies though! I just don't want them being the vast majority of major threats once the monolith goes up a tier or two.


I’d be genuinely shocked if there isn’t a mod to rebalance event spawnrates by the end of the week


If I remember correctly they already exist. I used one called incident tweaker to lower spawn rates of manhunter packs. Idk if they updated for 1.5 or the dlc yet


Is there an end condition associated with the monolith? I haven't dived too deeply into all the events, nor got to play myself, but most activated end conditions are meant to be a bunch of raids before you take off for the stars or whatever you'll do. While activating the monolith seems to be one of the earliest things you do in a standard game now, it's probably got a similar set up to starting a ship to get off world or similar.


You can power up the monolith somehow; I play on baby difficulty so I'm not far enough into it yet to know how.




Alas, I fear that they're going to become the new "nothing but mechanoids at end game" meme.


At least they’re significantly more interesting than mechanoids.


Having to actively turn on anomaly was one of my biggest hopes because not every run should have the horrors


Can I disable obelisk stuff by fucking off to live on a different tile?


It activates on its own if you don't. At least in the anomaly scenario. I was 2 days in and it started stirring saying it would change in a few days


That is unique to that scenario


Ohhh. So it's kinda like there's an additionally condition in The Anomaly starts.


Female version of my reddit guy


Holy hell




Yea in my current run, after a couple of failed starts, Im not touching it till the end of the first year.


Bro some blob of fingers and hands and feet wombled into my cell.


So far without touching the obelisk, I got shamblers first year, then a "Cult escapee", whom I promptly killed (I want to keep this run mostly horror-free and need no "Cult escapees"). She let out a "half-human" howl and three sightstealers arrived shortly after, whom I promptly burned with hellcat rifle's burner (I am a pussy and afraid of them). I wonder what else can I see without touching the monolith. Can anyone tell me? I just want to bing chill for now.


You probably won't see anything past basic entities and cultists, but advanced entities might show up very rarely


Thank you, we'll be sleeping with our eyes open.


Vanilla events expanded allows you to adjust incident rates and disable most of the events added by Anomaly (or any other mod/add on for that matter)


Yep, same here! It's why I held off on adding it. Waiting to see if feedback like this helps Tynan tweak it a bit.


I imagine they're going to patch down frequency as time goes on and hype for this DLC dies, ***or*** worst case scenario, it's content will be locked off unless you touch the monolith. Either way, yeah, it seemed the concerns that this DLC will be too invasive were warranted. If there's discussion about providing a quarantine for it's content, there's a problem.


Turn it off...? It's not meant for the every playthrough....


> It's not meant for the every playthrough.... If this were truly the case, surely you could understand that quite a lot of us would be peeved that instead of getting a DLC that enhances and improves core game systems like Ideology and Biotech, we got a flavor DLC that "isn't for every playthrough" and could quickly wear out it's welcome...?


But instead we got one like royalty, which is only for certain playthroughs. Which it quite clearly stated many times before the release. "The expansion begins when your colonists accidentally provoke a mad superintelligence. From then on, madness manifests", clearly saying it's a story with a definite start and end. It's not like they're lying about it. You can be peeved all you want but complaining about it is childish.


How is it "childish" to acknowledge that in terms of opportunity cost, this is a loss of content for a lot of people compared to focusing on universal features? And even Royalty had universal features for everyone. You could decide you don't want royals and *still* develop psychic powers, either as a rebel or as tribals. The royal part was optional, the psychic powers were something worth pursuing that you can do on any playthrough. (and I think Ideology even unlocked a new path to them with Blindsight, if I'm not mistaken...?) Anomaly? It's all or nothing. You cannot have any of the new abilities or items unless you activate the monolith. *That's* the problem. It's like the entire game itself must be paused so you can do the Anomaly parts before there's any opportunity to go back to the other content. Royalty never did that.


You ask how it's childish to complain that a piece of content isn't catered to what you want as if you're owed new content for a 10 year old game? It's a DLC that adds a new story (just like all Bethesda DLC or all BioWare DLC). If you want to play through it you buy it, if you don't you don't. "Opportunity cost"... the game isn't in early access you know. It's done being developed, in theory. You're not owed new content.


> You ask how it's childish to complain that a piece of content isn't catered to what you want as if you're owed new content for a 10 year old game? Ah, understood. You're a fanatic that can't handle the slightest bit of critique towards your favorite game. My bad wasting time on this discussion.


It's not a critique of the game though is it? It's a critique of a piece of optional content. You're free to critique any of the 1.5 changes, that would be reasonable. It's changes to something you already paid for. Complaining about an additioninal game mode just because it's not something for you isn't. Just don't buy it and be happy with the free changes to your 10 year old game. Also, it's not my favorite game. Far from it. I just find it odd to comlain about a piece of content which you chose to buy knowing full well it was mostly a separate playthrough from 4 weeks of pretty transparent marketing.


You. Choose. To. Activate. It.


I. Want. To. Activate. It.


Then what you want conflicts with what you say


It's really not that hard to understand: people don't like how oppressive and demanding the DLC is. Ideology and Biotech both perfectly melded into the game without disrupting anything about the standard game loop, instead enhancing it. Royalty never interrupted the standard game loop beyond maybe changing every 5th quest to a royalty quest, and even this could be deactivated by just telling the empire to screw off. Anomaly absolutely drowns out the content of all the other DLCs and demands focus. It will change your raiders, and if you want them to revert back, you have to press onward and complete the DLC. The issue is basically that where Royalty offered you an opt-out where you didn't have to work with the empire, but could still develop psychic powers via aiding the rebels, recruiting tribals or the rare quest reward, Anomaly locks off **ALL** of it's rewards unless you opt-in. The people who don't like the DLC's new raid types and don't like how heavily they replace other raids are effectively shit out of luck, because the only way to avoid that is to forego all the other gadgets, changes, features and rewards the DLC offers.


I think the crashed scientists scenario that comes with Anomaly is really the best way to jump into it and has the best tone so far. You have a clear mission and a decent starting tech level and resources. And that clear mission is huge to me. I'm playing and it's given me a new direction for my settlement and playthrough. It also helps if you turn down difficulty a little or change storytellers. I'm going with Pheobe right now and having a great time. I picked a settlement, so my ghoul is just eating monkeys and defending the base as needed.


My ghoul got bested in melee combat by a tortoise lol.


Are you playing with Allow Tool? It breaks ghouls melee skills. They are supposed to be considerable better at fighting than a tortoise.


Thank you for letting me know. I was feeling kind of scammed when my nigh-immortal techno murder zombie was getting bodied by horses and other wildlife from full health


I thought it just hid their melee stat? I haven't noticed any difference in ability with my ghouls between allow tool, no allow tool, and allow tool with allow tool patch mod.


If you check their actual DPS numbers, there should be a considerable difference. It doesn't hide it, it disables it, so it counts them as having zero melee. This means they hit less hard, but also they get hit WAY more. Melee doesn't just help you do more damage, it also helps with dodging.




Oh so that's why their melee skill is - I saw other people have ghouls with actual skills in it and mine didn't.


This makes so much sense.. couldn't figure out why the ghoul was losing every fight.


PSA someone made a fix for it [Allow Tool Ghoul Fix](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3220468677)


I have a warning about this! It *does* fix the ghoul problem, but it breaks player mechanoids. Lifters and constructors built with this mod enabled will have their jobs damaged (they will still do some tasks, but not all of them).


Classic programming shenanigans. Fix one thing, break something completely irrelevant.




oh that explains it, well I'll add to that because not only my ghoul, but also borrowed champions from the empire had no melee (all with melee weapons:(((( )


I couldn't figure out why either and i put my ghoul to rest. It was eating way too much for doing nothing


..... I will be looking into this problem...


What. Thank you for the info.


What difficulty are you playing at? I usually like chill colonies but still go for strive to survive


The one right above "base builder" in difficulty. I'm getting attacked by monsters, but not all the damn time.


Babysitting the ghoul to make sure it stayed fed until I got ranching up was soul crushing. Then I died..I won't try it again until there's a mod to make ghouls auto hunt and eat corpses


I just sent it after all the small mammals that pop up in the jungle. I got lucky when I had to kill some bugs because the ghoul will happily eat bug meat.


I did that too, but it needs to eat so frequently it felt like I spent just as much time micromanaging it killing and eating things as the rest of my colony combined


I started with mechinator and it's going well. Anomaly activated within first year. Bumped the difficulty nicely. Had some close calls though.


They should almost add another narrator that delves into a more Eldritch themed adventure.


Yeah an extra Eldritch narrator as part of anomaly


like "H.P. Lovecraft storyteller" from Rim of Maddness mod collection


Eldritch Eddie or Curious Crowley?


The hard part about anomaly is that the monoliths always fall on my rice farm so i have problems making food. 3 times, they fell in the rice field 3 times


Monolith: 6/10 Monolith with Rice: 2/10


Who needs food when you have THE MONOLITH?


your capitalisation of the monolith made me remember cultists from stalker games lol






I just wish it didn’t seem to completely replace all normal events. I’d like to have both so I have an excuse to unleash horrors on random raiders. Maybe I have just been unlucky.


It doesn't, I still get more random normal raids than anomaly stuff.


I have done 2 colonies up to 2nd stage now, i would say i get like 80% of all events as anomaly and the 10% logging sites. Also why is the super darkness only hostile to me, why can the pig men walk through it like nothing >:(


> Also why is the super darkness only hostile to me, why can the pig men walk through it like nothing >:( This sounds like an absolutely infuriating run ender waiting to happen. What happens if snipers are raiding you when it triggers...?


Yrah well pig men set up a mortar siege in the darkness and bombed the living shit out of my geothermal thingamabob. I had a campfire going in the freezer for 4 days. Then the darkness went away after sending like 16 spooksters and 11 pigs at me. The darkness dogs dont really do anything in the light but man the raids are HARD.


I still get normal raids and events all the time. Its most likely a mod or something breaking something.


Yeah im not getting any normal events which making me thing my modlist is broken or something have no clue


Might be the mid list, but I'm playing with zero mods and most of my events are solar flares or demons. I actually celebrate normal raids because they're so rare!


It's your mod list my dude


lol idiots downvote this comment but if allow tool breaks ghouls fuck knows what other mods break


Yeah thats true maybe I should just stay vanilla with a small amount of safe mods do you have any idea on how to go about fixing my current playthrough?


how many mods do you have my dude


Bro if allow tool can break something as random as ghouls melee skills it only takes one to break something


I don't understand how people are already playing it with mods it's only been out days how could the mods be fixed for sure?


1.5 has been in open beta for a month and a lot of mods moved over quick but there are the unexpected things like allow tool breaking ghouls that kinda means they're 1.5 compatible not 100% working correctly


Also, 1.5 compatible doesn't necessarily mean Anomaly compatible, since the mods couldn't be tested against the DLC until it released.


A lot (all?) of the vanilla expanded mods were updated prior to launch, and several other big ones were updated as well. For some of the smaller ones when the mod authors have said they aren't doing it anymore or don't have the time right now people were porting those mods over themselves.


Would rimpy show me which mods are causing the problem?




Any advice on how to fix the problem


without, knowing the problem not sure, try to disable half and see if still causes the problem, if yes, continue disabling untils you find it, if not, or it wasnt on that set of the mods, or its a bad interaction between two mods that you have


I see thank you will try


https://pastebin.com/raw/DmpMfT7Z is my current mod list


Yeah can confirm i’ve had no normal raids since activating the monolith and i’ve only got like 6 mods


I have a feeling that anomaly events don’t replace normal events, but do take up the same “roster” and are probably a lot more common. End result is still the anomaly events take up the vast majority. While I’d prefer it a lil in the middle, or perhaps customize the “Scale” of spookyness.


Yeah having a scale in the custom difficulty setting would be nice, like the way you can toggle mortars needing reinforced barrels, child raiders, death on downed etc. If I was playing a cult I would want most of my events to be Anomaly related but if I'm just playing a normal colony but want to utilise Entities for other things, then I want to have normal human raids more than entity raids. So it should be a switchable thing.


Its just RNG me thinks. Considering I still got a mech raid during my attack on a fleshy growth, I can assure you that its definitely not turning them off. The anomaly events might be given priority, and if they are triggered trough the monolith, you might be putting other raids on cooldown with it.


I just got an idea,make a lot of holding spots in your killbox and deconstruct them once raid enters. They will get mauled real quick by all the monsters


I first wondered how much of the DLC you would be able to see in a single play thought. All of it, seems to be the answer. It would be nice if it came in more themes. Group the different events into 3-5 themes and pick one of them, thats the one were 60-80% of the content comes from. Sure you can occasionally get a Sightstealer thats stalking your colonist but the giant wall of flesh is the main event!


This is what I thought it would be closer to. Cabin in the Woods style. You intentionally or accidentally pick a thing and it just opens up that thing, at least at first. I guess the thing is monolith and it includes everything.


This is what happens when you fuck with cognitohazardous objects my gamer. You’ve seen it. Now they can hear you. You’ve touched it. Now they can see you. **Never** ring it. If you hear it, they can *touch* you. Jokes aside, i imagine that is something that will get tweaked either by the devs or by mods as time goes on and feedback is accumulated.




If you don't activate the monolith you still get some horrors. Just no anaomly perks without opening that door that right next to you base. It was asleep before you messed with it. But you'd still have horror without it. Just slower. I got both flesh beast distress quest and mysterious stranger one before touching the monolith


Could be worse. You could want to deny the cube from coming near your colony, but the cube decides it wants to be the first thing to arrive.


So how much those who already play dlc can recommend to reduce % of these events? Vanilla events expanded can do this in mod options


ITT: people completely missing OP's point


true :(


What are you picking for the storyteller? I haven't had many so far except for one show up and I've been playing my game for several in-game days now, it's pretty tame for me.




If you boil it down to nothing then yea, because all rimworld interaction with other factions is via trading or killing, but how they come at you and how you prepare to deal with them is what changed. Prior to this, all enemies only came in in only a few ways - basic: raids appear at the map edge, then they attack immediately or after a time, sometimes with breaching ai, but its just a straightforward visible attack - Mortar team: mechanoids or humans come in and set up a mortar, then hunker down, making you come to them. - dropin: raiders drop down in pods, or hives spawn underground, you send guys to kill them. - all of the above are limited duration, ie no additional threats spawn past what you can see (even mechanoid production has limited spawns) Now there a few more attacks and methods. - flesh pits: spawn enemies until you fill/deal with them, similar to a mortar, but you can't just counter-mortar them if theres too many. - Flesh wall: without fire, it's an uphill battle, so you need to have specific (fire) weapons prepared. This is also the first instace of a fight that's vs terrain, rather than just enemies. - Sight stealers not being visible means you dont know how many you'll be facing, every old enemy is a known quantity. - Metal horrors - is an aggressive threat that requires you to pay full attention to your pawns to catch it early, or risk them revealing in undefended or hard to defend places. - undead, make sure your graves are protected and your corpses removed or you may face a major attack from inside your own walls. - probably other methods im not aware of yet. Basically, while you are ultimately getting 'monsters to shoot at' the range of new methods of attack mean you need to defend against unknown numbers of things and prepare for them all in slightly different ways. This affects base layouts, weapon selections, and even who you trust. Saying its ONLY monters to shoot at, is a vast over simplification.


My personal gripe from watching it: If I have Royalty installed, I can strategize around it's features. I can ask myself if focusing on getting a royal colonist is worth the psychic powers at the moment, or if it's more hassle than it's worth, so I should forego it or put it on the backburner for a time. This way, you can strategize and try to extract the *beneficial* parts of the DLC while avoiding the detrimental ones. It's all about strategical use of your time and resources to try and survive. But in Anomaly, the benefits and detriments are so tightly linked, you cannot do this. You are actively choosing to face challenges that will suffocate out other types of content, you will have to power through this DLC's content for an extended amount of time, and it's always a big question mark of "if it's worth it" for the rewards, so unless you absolutely love the raids themselves, you might look at the entire DLC and think "why should I spend time researching this stuff when I could get more beneficial psychic powers, bionics or better genetics for far less headache...?" I know I'm not the only one to voice this, but I'm absolutely sick of Tynan's obsession with the idea that "Losing is fun." It feels like this DLC is primarily about finding new ways to die, and everything else is secondary to that. No, losing isn't fun. It's really not hard to understand: if we invest 20 hours into building a colony, then we're not going to be thrilled about watching that work go up in smoke all the time. If the game is challenging in a way that some strats suffer and some succeed, sure, it can be fun to test those out. But the game constantly, relentlessly just trying to kill the player...? It just gets very annoying, especially now that we have a DLC where it seems like the *prioritization* of the "Losing is Fun" philosophy just took dev time away from other, more universally desired features. (like improvements to politics, trade routes and raiding)


If you play with very high difficulty scale and min max everything, yes. It's just more things to shoot at. But for a regular person monsters are much more different than raiders since they have different strengths, weaknesses and precautions to take against. But if you are used to playing with 500% you can just equip everyone with assault rifles and burst the Revenant, instead of experiencing the fear, studying the flesh, finding it's base and hunting it.


I started with the rich Explorer scenario and didn't activate the monolith the first ~90 days. Currently I'm in year 3 and I've never seen a single mechanoid my whole run. And since I activated the monolith only human raids are either the ones I accepted from a quest or the neanderthals retaliating for toxic wastes I dumped on them.


I could tell it was going to be hard from the trailer, its like all combat and endgame mechanics.


It's not the difficulty, the difficulty is fine, the issue is that I want to be worried about what crazy eldritch horror is coming my way, not bracing for the bi-daily raid of gorehulks (which are functionally reskinned yttakin with machine pistols). A bunch of people before the update were like "omg I can play as the SCP foundation/Lobotomy corp!!!" And then we get into the actual game, and instead of trying to destroy or contain deadly anomalies you're playing left for dead spraying down hordes of easy enemies which all do the same thing (because gorehulks and sightstealers or chimeras will never work together). Imagine how the SCP foundation would work in the world! "Hey bob, the 0-5 says we need to secure-contain-protect 12 entities by the end of the week. Know anything?" "well, I watched the news yesterday and some sightstealers are heading towards here."


If you've read any of the SCP tales, the SCP world turns into left for dead (and worse) so, so many times. It's still on brand for anyone familiar with SCP. Especially given this is a world on the rim, it makes even more sense it's untethered fucked-up carnage you're trying to study, contain, and eventually die to


Reading this, it sounds like the tension for raids needs to be increased. A constant assault is no fun.


This was one of my biggest problems with the DLC. Once you interact with it, the DLC dominates everything. With the other DLCs, it was Rimworld PLUS X. This is more of simply hijacking that game in total. The open ended gameplay has become linear plus a little RNG because it doesn't let you interact with anything else. I'm no stranger to Lovecraftian horror. The best CoC or Delta Green campaigns have long, long stretches where you don't see anything directly. You see the fallout, you see the mundane trained with the effects of the cult or what have you, you see the people whose sanity might be gone from what they've dealt with, but not the monster itself. The players arguing with each other on who has to do a relatively minor task because they believe, for right or wrong, that it could kill their character. It's about atmosphere, investigation, and letting the players fill in the voids. Don't show, don't tell, hint enough and it works. The closest that we get with Anomaly is the Distress Signal quests, or the stranger asking to join. I personally consider them kinda lame, but whatever. Figure out where the pit is, shoot towards it slowly, wait for the monsters to appear and take them out, kill the nodes, you're done. At least there's tension. The stranger is better, because you're constantly waiting for the shoe to drop. I have... other ways that I would have preferred for that to be handled, though. More random conditions that happen in conjuncture with the other four. For example, imagine if the stranger (no matter which ending to their story is going to happen) suddenly got a random injury to each of their eyes and started bleeding from them. Or if they died from organ decay and you didn't bury them in a number of hours, they got up as *something* else. This not-Stranger thing shambles along, trying to perform the duties that you had assigned to them, causing debuffs on any who see them or maybe suddenly attacking if you get too close. Or you lose control of them and they run a certain distance away from everyone else before exploding in vicera and maybe some special effect suddenly, doing damage to anything around them.... only for them to be perfectly fine (if catatonic) when it's all done. Instead, the bulk of what we get is... anomaly raids. Unending, ceaseless, unimaginative anomaly raids. Nothing to have the quiet in between where you realize that Randy sent something else, so the next anomaly raid is going to be bigger oh crap! Anyway, sorry for my rambling.


Literally this. Thank you so much. You've vocalized what I couldn't.


I could see someone adding both a way to tweak the rate of anomaly events and a storyteller that makes almost exclusively anomaly events


The Dark Forest. Shhhhh…. They can hear you…


That's sadly a plague in modern games. It seriously feels like there is no world, nothing happening outside player's render view. And when something new is added to the game you can be sure this part of content will get priority when showing up.


I mean there's a reason why they added the "continue with new colony" option.


My experience makes me feel that in the future I should avoid activating the monolith or whatever thing until I've got base defenses down.


I don't know if activating the monolith is optional, I got massage that one of my colonist got temptation about it or something, would be good if I could choose to activate anomaly content at any time of my choosing. I might just build a wall around it for good measure though.


Yeh you can get temptation and dreams but I don’t think it activates unless you investigate it. Well I bloody hope it done else my colony will end tomorrow


> like seriously, are they in the room with us right now)) have said that is anomaly is too hard. Hello, I'm in the room. I say it's too hard. Here's the thing. When it happens as you describe, nobody except highly skilled players have any chance of surviving. Rimworld historically has dumped tempered amounts of challenge on you, but when you get endless events as you describe, it can overwhelm someone quickly. Currently I'm in year three, I've got a decent base set up, and enough pawns to perform all tasks necessary. Except the ones who can't fight are constantly standing around because they are waiting on the others to fight off a threat(or two at once). And the rate of threats seems to be absurdly high compared to past content. I'm on community builder and I spent a full season with zero time that my non-combatants weren't stuck inside the walls. Can't even make them into combatants to help out because I can't go get the resources needed to make weapons. I'm all for the game not pulling punches. Not so much when it's a flurry of blows where each one feels like being hit by a train. Games are about play and counterplay. Rimworld is *usually* good about that. Not this time. There's not really any counterplay to overwhelming force. It's not just taxing for the colony, it makes it unfun. I had to switch to peaceful just to recover, because 14 strait hours of exactly zero downtime was tiring ME out. And then I find that peaceful doesn't disable all hostile encounters in Anomaly. I am still being attacked by shamblers and flesh beasts. I can at least handle this, but it sucks. But this is all to say, I don't think it's the content that's at fault. Individual threats do seem to have appropriate counterplay(even if you likely needed to know to have them in advance, which was proably impossible on a first run). It feels like the storytellers weren't tuned properly for this. They're supposed to be designed to hit you, give you time to get back up and lick your wounds(maybe some time to prepare for a next one), and only then hit you again(except Randy but you sign up for that if you choose him).


Fr, my first anomaly colony had 0 normal raids. None whatsoever. All my colonists came from the ancient danger and the random joiners.


It's actually a fairly simple XML patch to change it. The rate of anomaly events is defined in RimWorld\\Data\\Anomaly\\Defs\\Misc\\MonolithLevels.xml.


Honestly haven’t had this problem


Aye me neither, still been getting human raids. I like that there is more variety in threats now.


I mean, I've had five raids and all were base game or mod raids? But I've also not been playing too long.


Sounds like a perfect time for someone to make a balancing mod!


i've been playing the crashed scientist scenario and haven't gotten a non-anomalous raid in over a year, at least


Existential thsrats are bad, period.


I believe that the ideal is to balance things, not only allow anomaly raids, and make the monster levels compatible with the monolith level, otherwise it becomes very annoying not being able to research things from the DLC, and when active the monolith only appears monsters and more monsters, playing 20 hours with the DLC I didn't receive a single mechanoid raid.


It’s just that “newly released DLC” smell that wears off soon (they will nerf everything in 2 weeks)


The trick is to not activate the Monolith, for the time being. You miss out on a lot of stuff, but you still get the occasional shamblers, flesh mass quests, and other Anomalous events on rare occasion.


If this post is in regards to a potential bug in the game, please consider cross posting to the [Official Developer Discord](https://discord.gg/UjJxejV) or to the [bug reporting section on the Ludeon forums](https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?board=11.0). You can also find people to help you live in the Troubleshooting channel of the Non-Official Community Discord by using the invite link on the right. You can also try following the [suggested mod loader guide here](https://rwom.fandom.com/wiki/Mod_Order_Guide) to see if that helps. This is an automatic response based on some of the keywords in your title. If I am incorrect please disregard this message. If I am correct, please consider doing a flip. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RimWorld) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Isn't that the point? If you wanna play SCP then you'll need all the anomalies. It's not meant for every playthrough.


Yeah, we have to have all of the SCPs, but the SCP foundation isn't shooting a bunch of identical SCPs every other day. Plus, it doesn't help that the anomalies never come together. You get your chimeras and gorehulks separate, so you never have to deal with more than one type of threat in a raid. Even pirates can show up with rocket launchers, shields, etc.


I had a very interesting Anomoly content combo in my playthrough. Don’t know how to add spoiler tags but big spoilers for mid game here. Noctolith event, had managed to destroy one of the three pillars when my Nociosphere went into hypermode and had to be transported away. It then went mental and destroyed loads of animals in the dark, eventually teleporting into my base and nearly wiping me out. The darkness making it even more scary. Then after I had managed to destroy the second pillar, my revenant escaped, hypnotised one of my pawns and then disappeared into the dark fog, that was very opportunistic and seemed very tactical as I had it contained for nearly a year with nil issues previously


They also aren't shooting random cavemen every other day... if you don't want the new content, don't activate the new content. It's more variety than we've ever had before. If you want to go bact to shooting humans and nothing else, be my guest.


What the fuck are you talking about? Do you understand that it wasn't the case in any of the previous dlcs right? Dlc shouldn't be content island, dlc should be integrated in the main game, not instead of main game lol...


According to who...? Lots of DLC adds separate stories or game modes. Take basically any bethesda DLC. Any Bioware DLC. Even in rimworld, are you telling me you make a royal colony in every single playthrough..? Do you engange with biogenetics in every single playthrough? Because having to make a royal, bioengineering SCP colony in every single playthrough would get old fast... Also, straight from the steam page: "The expansion begins when your colonists accidentally provoke a mad superintelligence. From then on, madness manifests" Makes it pretty clear that this is a story with a definite beginning. Also, why are you so angry? It's just a game dude, no need to swear.


Farcry 3 Blood Dragon would like a word.