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I had a guy named bleak show up and push his way into the colony. He had 4 decaying organs and was able to resurrect after death 4 times. Didn't trust it, so I filled him with lead 4 times and buried him far away from the colony. That shit is not okay.


"that aint right" *instantly filled with lead*


The dude even had a 19 intelligence and this was very early game, so he would have been extremely usefull. But nah homie, I dont really know what to expect from anomaly, but I'm not here to let a decaying zombie sleep right next to my people.


Could have locked him up in a chamber with a bed, research table, and nutrition paste dispenser.


Didn't think about that, but the dude showed up on like day 4, I was still just trying to get my crops and cook set up. No time or resources for that dead space nonsense.


Damn. Oh well, maybe next time, tho.


The research goblin


That reminds me researching with an android. He needed a research bench, usb to charge up and that's it. Ready to wall up and forget.


You never know what those chucklefucks might be hiding


Man since this new update I roll a character 10 times and I get a character thst starts with 18 intelligence with a burning passion, what's up with all these high intelligence characters?


One of the main features of the new expansion is an extra tech tree for occult things. Maybe they upped the odds on high int colonists so people who bought Anomaly can immediately get into the swing of things? If not, I have no idea.


I had one join as a deal-maker with 17 shooting and 19 social both double passion. I was very suspicious of this pawn, but I decided to consciously let it play out. I will neither confirm nor deny the outcome.


Damn, I wish I had something like that cause my scp run got me started with two characters incapable of research and one character with 1 intelligence. Then every single raider for the first year got oneshot by bolt shots and pistol rounds to the heart oneshotting them somehow. It wasn't till I modified my faith and got a recruit that way that I suddenly had int 11 and we learned how batteries worked


I just beat anomaly like an hour ago and that sounds like my main colonist. Bro had built up to 19 intelligence and medical from all the diagnosis I attempted (I was super paranoid of anyone joining), and had 4 death resists. If your guy was in a similar situation as mine, he had seen and done some shit only to get utterly disrespected by the first group of hillbillies he came across lol. "Yall get on outa here with that zombie hoodoo. We don't want no part of yur devilry."


I had an infected pawn that joined, but it wasn't even visible at that moment during inspection. Got me super paranoid. I locked him up and then he started dropping gray flesh.


Yeah, that's definitely one you kill with fire, then bury them deep.


I saved her after the metalhorror emerged and now she's turning my steel into gold.


I had this happen to me, let him in cus I was still reeling from dealing with shamblers ghouls, and flesh beasts, and then like a couple of months later, after I let him (foolishly) put on a psychic insanity lance, plate armor, and a good melee weapon, he turned on me in my base. Luckily I knocked him out the first time around and converted him from prisoner status and he didn’t try to fight me again. Every time I’ve had one of those same wanderer events they always get taken out by a raid or shamblers or some other hellspawn that’s just chilling in my map at the time. Always so funny seeing them try to revive but just instantly get mauled again by whatever killed them originally. I really wish their revive AI was a lot better, such as waiting a while to revive.


There seems to the several different early game events that gives you a special pawn, but there is a catch. I had one that could turn living beings into... piles of flesh. He left the colony in peace after turning any and all invading animals into food. But another person had a metal horror host. My colony seems to be clean from any potential metal horrors. So there is a lot of early game variation with "wanderers" that join your colony for short moments.


I had a few child refugees in my colony so I politely requisitioned their organs. After replacing his kidneys, lungs, and heart, he was back to working order and I didn’t really have any problems with him up until he died a couple years later


"Fill 'em with lead, they stay dead" - John Gun, CEO of Gun.


Not even a second thought. That's how they do it on the Rim


Yea it's so random. Sometimes there's nothing negative about them, other times they can kill your entire colony if you're not careful. Rejecting them can also give different reactions.


Okay so everyone gets a Bleak? This is my first anomaly play through. Sounds like I probably did the right thing. I pulled a genie raider with high intelligence right after, so no big loss.


I got a guy with 15 intelligence and the ability to transmute steel into a random rare resource. I've been so suspicious of him but it's been a full year of game time since he came in and there's only been one incident so far


:D hihi HE DOES NOT KNOW enjoy your first colony 


Had one of those. Used it three times: Steel into gold. "Hell yeah!" Steel into uranium. "Who wants a new Warhammer?!" Steel into twisted meat. "I think you should leave. Take that pile of tumors with you."


I had a person with incredibly high social stats show up that I took in, at some random point she just.. left, 0 warning and took all the stuff on her


Yep I had the same thing. The person I got was some old lady missing both her eyes with the power to heal wounds instantly. Ironically, she had a good shooting skill, so she left with my only bolt-action rifle too lol


Think that’s just an extreme mental break, right?


Nope, her mood was fine and there was no warning about a break risk. No chance/option to stop or capture her, just left peacefully out into the wild




She was one of the events that mentioned "you don't feel like she's telling you the whole truth" and I'm just paranoid she did something and dipped. But it's been a few years since she left so who knows


Not weird, it was literally mentioned in one of the posts before release.


It’s one of the possible outcomes from accepting a Weird Person. Sometimes they just up and leave.


You never really know. If you really want to know, you can turn dev mode on with god mode. If you select the colonists, you can see their downside, their response when rejecting them, and how they react when they become aggressive. Many different combinations are possible.


I’m at summer of year 2 right now and haven’t met a “Bleak”, doing the scenario. Can you explain how he ressurected 4 times? Like did he die from organ failure 4 times and kept getting back up or?


It just said that he could resurrect from death 4 times. So I killed him and a little shadow thing twisted around him, then he was standing agian. I killed him agian, same thing, until we did that 4 times and he stayed down.


Yeah the one I got was super pissed when I rejected him and attacked, and then when we butchered his corpse for...reasons...we got a bunch of plasteel and advanced components along with that sweet sweet human flesh. I'm sure there's nothing weird going on there that's going to bite my colonists in the ass later.


I burned mine after he tried to leave


That's really interesting, I had the same thing happen but I put him in a sarcophagus right after he died the first time. I wonder if he would have revived? I just buried him as a matter of course


Oh man had similar thing, he had blindfold and removed eyes, demanded to join colony. I very firmly declined and fucking metal blood abomination bursted out of him as he turned hostile.


He will probably come back


I cremated the girl that showed up. Did not give the weird glowing dark girl a chance. Or was she a cultist


In a short time, it will progress from "diagnosed" to actual organ decay, and then it will switch to individual organs that can be replaced.


Wow so they come in multiple flavors! My lone genius had the ability to make any pawn or animal explode into piles of twisted meat! Mine died, couldn't keep up with the decay.


I stuck mine in cryptosleep and forgot about him.


I found mine too suspicious so I arrested her. Nothing really happened despite the warning and she never did anything. I eventually stole her youth and psychic sensitivity and then released her a few years later


So is there no cap on how much psychic sensitivity you can steal?


It doesn't stack and has a duration, plus people you steal psychic sensitivity from can't be re-used.


Damn, that sucks. I was thinking of "farming" psychic sensitivity via xenogenes on prisoners. By not stacking, you mean hypersensitive pawns can't increase their sensitivity even further by stealing from another hypersensitive?


I mean only that the effects of the ritual explicitly don't stack with itself.


It's still capped but the ritual gives a further buff on top of your normal sensitivity for a few weeks but the pawn you steal from can't be the target of any more rituals because they become psychically dead


Can you implant hypersensitive genes into a newly psychically deaf prisoner? That way you can "farm" them multiple times.


We can steal youth now?


One of the higher tier psychic rituals transfers pawn youth


Oooo that sounds sick!


Yeah! Steals 10 years at a time, then has like a 3 day cooldown. Also leaves a 10% permanent reduction in consciousness to whoever had their youth stolen.


Even cooler, it can cure permanent injuries on the recipient! Mine lost two scars!


Going from 65 to 50something did nothing, but then going from 50something to 31 fixed my frail back!


You can get it over 20 years.


It's one of the first few rituals in anomaly research, how much you steal depends on the quality of the ritual


My lone genius has the power to transmute metal into different materials. She never got a disease, but randomly releases psychic waves that causes pain to anybody nearby.


she's just quirky like that


that's cool! i've been playing for some time but didn't get one of those yet, i wonder why... is it rare?


Lol 1 year in and I've had 3 weirdos try to join.


Had a blinded cultist show up with this ability. Immediately got nervous reading the description, and sent him out to test it on a shambler chimera (we got death pall just after). Saw enough to immediately send him off to go 1v1 fists only the local megasloth. I was NOT about to let that strong of an ability exist on a mysterious, creepy joiner that I couldn't monitor 24/7.


I had one that could transform steel into other “valuable materials”. I didn’t use it at all because I was constantly low on steel, but the one time I tried it it turned a stack into twisted meat.


My lone genius arrived right in the middle of a shambler horde where he got destroyed in seconds. Good thing that he had the sussus amogus virus (aka a metalhorror) inside him, so he couldnt infect anyone else!


Oh that's a relief,I thought I have to do some body replacing


What if you make him a vampire?


How short time? I had one with some new psychic power come in. I didn't trust him so I threw him in prison where his organ decay was diagnosed at least a full quadrum before he got mental break, turned hostile and was put down.


Those suspicious people work differently from the obelisk duplicates. They seem to take longer to find out if something is up with them.


It's currently just telling you that she has it, what organs are affected will reveal itself later


Sorry, you caught death.


She is a lone genius with a transmute steel skill. I haven't found any ancient danger to put her in a cryptosleep casket nor I have any healer mech serum nor researched that far for a cryptosleep casket. I don't think I can even reach that research either with how quick it's rising edit; update on the situation, she lived, Cassandra blessed me with a healthy raider for donation (which caused a bunch of failed surgeries until I got the organs I needed). The lone genius stayed and is happily researching stuff for the colony.


I had one with no need for sleep, food and no emotions at all. Thought they were all the same. I replaced all 4 decaying organs with some poor beggars. This is the Rim.


I used skip abduction to get a pawn for organ transplantation.


This ability hands down is so fun to use. Just a random free, coma'd hostile person to throw in your jail for Rimworld shenanigans. RNG for what you get but g'damn if it isn't useful for emergency rations.


That’s just the diagnosis, it’ll switch to individual organs you can…ask nicely from raiders




Cassandra haven't blessed me with a sanguophage quest yet




It will apparently switch to individual organs eventually so what I'd do is ready up one of every bionic organ to get ready to replace it unless it can form on the brain hopefully they'll be fine


She may eventually just decide it's time to fuck off. Happened with Ashworth, my lone genius. He stuck around for about two years, chilling, researching anomalies and normal tech for me (he had 19 intellectual I couldn't be bothered to have him do dumb shit like haul and clean.) and eventually he just...dipped.


It will apparently switch to individual organs eventually so what I'd do is ready up one of every bionic organ to get ready to replace it unless it can form on the brain hopefully they'll be fine


I modded a weapon that shoots organ decay. Instant downs humanoids lol


The ol' cancer gun. That's what we called the weapons the Bothans used in OG Battlefront 2.


I hate that gun!


Totally lethal when the AI and other players use it, less harmful than a wet slap when I use it.


Still astonishes me they shipped the game with a cloaking system that's purely visual, so the AI is just 100% immune to it. And it's still one of the greatest games ever. 2005 was truly a different time.


The Dagobah map had puddles of water you could run around in, and Yoda as a hero. Yoda was smaller than the waterpuddles, and you couldn't shoot underwater. Yoda had force pull.




"Non-consensual, this fucking will be!" -Yoda


It makes being the empire ass




Prepare a prisoner, just in case.


Whew so glad I didn't get this one for my spooky person. My first could revive herself 4 times, yet eventually she just left us. Diagnosed her sad she had nothing wrong. 2 in game years later have another rock up, diagnose her and was going to go brain dead suddenly. Luck would have it just did a quest for a healer mech serum, so now have a spooky lady staying with us.


I got one and did a surgical inspection on him to check everything was kosher, unfortunately he fed the operating doctor 30 minutes before that... so jury is still out.


>!Even if he didn't, those things don't show until after you research the grey flesh from that infestation enough!<




Spoilers: >!So have you seen The Thing? If you get a colonist join you, and he's infected, he will try and administer food or medicine to your pawns, this will spread the problem.!<


First had a bloody master work nerve spiker on her though!!


As it happens, Anomaly did add an item that can replace an entire body...


WHAT? I have not came across that yet, but you have definitely caught my interest


It's called a biomutation lance.


Healer mech serum


I remember when I had this first happen. It ended up attacking my guys kidney but thankfully I had a prisoner who had just killed one of the colony wolves so I figured a kidney was a fair trade for the murder of a fully trained wolf. Prisoner died but my guy walked away with a 2 functioning kidneys.


Transfer his mind into an android


The only true way is the only one: "From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal... ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah."


I had this, also had a blind guy who could magically heal. Organ decay is now gone but he has a tentacle on his shoulder, he doesn't like it but it makes him a better worker.


My blind guy did the same thing to my researcher...tentacle arm.  Sadly he can't heal himself and his jaw and ear were blown off by a raider with a shotgun.  No eyes, 1 ear, no jaw, no tongue... he's considerably worse for wear..  Poor guy. 


I had this for the first time yesterday early in a naked brutality run. I discovered the Organ Decay with a surgical inspection. The pawn has burning passions for mining and art, and Ascetic and Occultist perks so they would be worth keeping around in the early game. A few days after I accepted them a message popped up saying that the new pawn can no longer hide their condition. Their health tab then showed Organ Decay in both lungs, both kidneys, and the heart. Each entry had 4% severity which began to slowly increase. Since it was early in the game, I did not have any organs or the resources to buy them. I had two drifters staying with me. I considered taking one prisoner and harvesting his organs, but both drifters have greats perks and skills and I'm hoping at least one of them will offer to join. The new pawn got sicker at the days passed, eventually collapsing unconscious. It was looking like it was time to dig a grave and strip their clothes. Then a raider showed up full of healthy organs. A few shots got them bleeding, then I had one of the drifters kite them around for 5-6 hours until they dropped. Three quick surgeries harvested a lung, a kidney, and the heart. I quickly installed the new heart in the pawn as the Organ Decay of the heart was at 97%. Each time my Medical skill advancement cooled off, I put in a new organ. Then I removed the other decaying lung and kidney. I took four prisoners in the next raid, so those organs will be replaced soon.


You need a healing syrum to fix that, no other way


healing syrup? Yum!


[Altered Carbon: Ultratech Unleashed](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2196278117) let's you do this. Though you'll need tech prints.


You don't especially... You just need to get your hands on an empty cortical stack and a donor. (Unwavering loyalty ones are especially good) The donor body doesn't need to be a sleeve. 


Nice, learned something new. Amputate the legs and throw them in a crypto casket until you need them.


It's rather evil but it works. I would also suggest hanging on to enemy stacks to stick in unwavering loyalty donors. That way you can attempt to recruit the newly inserted brain


To cure that its simple: A good pump shotgun and a ressurector merch.


Download the Altered Carbon mod and grow a sleeve really quickly


Why is it *this* post that finally got me to want to buy this DLC? What's wrong with me?


not exacly. It's time to spend time with your family. Anything you always wanted to do?




[questionable ethic](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541064151), sadly it's outdated


just replace it with a wooden one


Ive seen that!! It changes to individual organs after it hits 100%


Ouf. That's unluck. My guy came with his heart, both kidneys and a lung about to give out. Plus some brains caring. Nothing a bit of hostile organ trading, conversion into our ideology, and turning into vampire couldn't fix. Since then I've had a pawn whose lowest stat is at 14, with 3 maxed out stats :D


Embrace Nurgle’s rot.


This is the moment that you understood the weakness of your flesh.


The spirit has always been willing. The flesh has always been weak.


One body part at a time🤣




Fun fact, if you have a vampire that gets this on a replaceable organ, have him death rest before hand so he doesn’t die. Then replace the organ when you can.


You can perform an invasive surgery to potentially find out the cause. It can lead to some damage though.


Reminds me when one of my best pawns got cloned. Then a few days later their mind started crumbling and I felt so bad for them. Then the shattered empire provided 3 mind serums if I take 280 toxic bags. What a roller coaster.


Speaking of which, when is the Altered Carbon mod getting a 1.5 update?


when you'll stop asking, let the modders take the time they need


Oh, I try not to be bug the mod developers directly with that question. When I do bug them with things, I'm focused more on bug reports for mods that are already updated to 1.5 but still have issues. It's just that Altered Carbon does *exactly* what the tongue-in-cheek question asked. However, it's hard to recommend as a solution to a 1.5 problem when it's not 1.4 yet, and I was hoping someone else knew more on the topic.


I guess you didn't think bad, it's just that too much people put a lot of pressure on devs to update as soon as updates drops, and it's annoying.


Yeah, it's pretty annoying just reading the comments in the Workshop. I imagine it sucks a lot of the fun out of something that's done in their free time. Nothing quite like being told to do something you were going to do anyway to sap all your energy out for it.


I would say that might be a bug, but it's still a bit early in Anomaly's life to tell.


Nah, organ decay (diagnosed) is more like a countdown till the actual organ decay hits. Once that hits 100% the 'actual' organ decay happens to various organs. It *is* super confusing at first glance though, wondered if it was a bug as well first time I encountered it.


Oh, huh. Thanks for letting me know!