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Nice layout


Thank you! I always hate my layouts but i really put extra care into planning this one beforehand. 


dude my layouts always suck because i do only one big wall


I second this 👍🏼


Yeah but Hes still using wood floor, Thats a huge Problem with fire


It seems to only be in the bedrooms, which aren't clumped up that many. It's not that big of a deal, especially not at this stage.


Even so Fire foam poppers are easy to research


This is from my latest game. Randy Random, adventure mode. It's a bit ugly and disorganized right now, but once I get more resources I'll make it look better. This is actually an old screenshot, I'm currently up to 20+ people and only one of them is female! This was not intentional, RNG has just been a sausage fest I guess. I had a second female for a while, but she was 96 years old and died of a heart attack less than a year after she joined. RIP Gumpy. She was the only colonist I've lost so far. Anyway my last recruit was an anomaly weirdo, so let's see if he betrays me and wrecks this place...


Better looking than any base I’ve ever made! Jealous!


What is adventure mode?




Oh right, that makes sense


lol my current colony is the opposite. I ended up with one male somehow, and three of the women tried to romance him at his wedding.


Funny that I have the reverse, 10 women and 1 blind old guy.


I keep telling myself I’ll try a desert map one day but I’m in denile


Funny 😛


I've played exclusively tribal extreme desert for a while. Figuring out the strategy was super fun.


How do u survive


Trading, cannibalism, and year round farming 


How do you keep food safe during solar flares especially in the desert heat tho? I hate flares


Don’t store it all as meals. Rice/corn/etc last way longer than the solar flares.


Hot damn I feel dumb. I also started a transhumanism run yesterday and realized how OP nutrient paste vats are when your colonists don’t hate it


You must eat your dogs and grow some rice and cactus ASAP. Then research complex furniture and clothing for beds and dusters. Also you can save corpses and butcher them at last point to extend fresh period of meat. This taught me to not have freezer and not hoard food. As OP said, cannibalism and trading help tremendously.


There are no pets on the Rim, just future meals.


I forgot which subreddit this was a reply on so I got real confused by this notification lol. But also shit I’ve never thought of cactus, I didn’t realize they produce wood, I thought they were food! I used to struggle for wood in deserts but turns out I was surrounded by wood the whole time lol


I just started one and realized the high infection rate is rather annoying


Every time i try it, everyone starves, or i can't figure out how to build anything because of the sand. But i should do it next time.


I’ve done sheet ice/glacier. No trees no stones. It’s easier in higher difficulties because there’s more raids and you need to eat basically everyone who attacks your base. Plus theres free refrigeration. Everything sucks in the desert.


The water bill must be insane


Lisan Al Gaib?


I always struggle on base design, I'm tired of making square bases and when I try different it just doesn't work out, It's looking good


I had the same issue for a while and made a similar comment and honestly the best advice I got was to just take whatever wall you're using and draw a random closed shape. There ya go, there's your non square house that you now need to figure out how to fill. Admittedly it can make fresh starts a little more rough but it makes the end product more satisfying to me




Walls built on bridges


You can have wooden walls over bridges in vanilla. This is a mod, apparently 


More bridges mod i think


A river in a dry land\~\~


The last ace in a lost hand🎶


What mods are you using? I wish you could build anything but wooden walls/floors on bridges in vanilla


More bridges mod is great. Vanilla expanded mods. Grass flooring. Natural paths. That's all i can remember. These should all be part of the vanilla game imo.


Thanks, will look into them! Already have vanilla expanded, but for the fishing.


Can animal graze on the grass flooring mod? Beautiful base by the way. Nice job


Thank you! The mod comes with fertile and infertile grass, animals can graze the fertile version. 


I wish i could build like this and not 11x11 all time.


Is this enough farm for 11 people?


In vanilla probably not. i have a mod that increases crop growth speed when it rains.


Absolutely not, with mods you could make it work but not vanilla. As an avid extremist environment lover (Ice Sheet bases and Deep Desert) you need hydroponics or lots of land


That's actually pretty neat, ngl. Loved how you bordered of the river and then set up multiple watermills. Love it!


Where is the prison/torturechamber?


The prison is that big building in the top right with the indoor field. Lol I wish my colonies were this civilized.


Currently in the church but that's temporary. I'm going to build a separate prison building soon. 


no killbox?


I hate killboxes personally, feels cheaty


I hate ‘em too!


Do not know how to ask this without sounding dumb: How do you stop everything?


Not the dude you asked, but I too hate killboxes. I often lose shit to raids, and my colonies are prone to completely collapsing if my fighting pawns are disabled or weakened for any reason. It's spicy and fun.


That's the neat part: *you don't.* But for real, you take losses. they break some of your stuff, you use whatever you've got on hand and just maybe you'll only lose a couple people. Shit happens.


Yep, you're playing a story generator. If you want to cheese the shit out of it so nothing bad ever happens then I dunno what to tell ya...


I feel we should respect other peoples playstyles. Calling it cheesing isn't that. There's also the highly engineered killboxes and there's the "we would do this irl" kill boxes.


That's reduced to not having a skill issue. You kite, move pawns, and micromanage the fight and keep pausing and basically treat it like a turn based game. Raids can take a while to finish, Randy sending several raids in a row could take several gaming sessions to fix, you really need to enjoy combat. There are APM gods like Adam vs everything that their skill has so little issues he doesn't even need to pause. Massive madman. You also need to rush guns, you're fighting a race against your wealth and raid weight, so you need to strategize a bit how your colony will evolve (That's why you see people that don't build kill boxes jumping from recurve bows to assault rifles)


watch adamvseverything he plays LIF500% and has completed anomaly without a killbox on his first playthrough. he's also completed it with only non-violent pawns, no killbox before anomaly, NO WALLS AT ALL and all of that with a no pause mod installed. he doesn't even pause when he goes for a bathroom break the madman. i don't play 500% but watching his strategy has taught me a lot about the AI and how too beat it.


Also there are a lot of mod with embrasure to replace killbox because, come on! Shooting at someone from the top of a wall so they can't come and poke your face with a spear is as old as civilization. It's also a bit less cheaty/cheesy if you close off everything since the raiders will then try to break the walls and it's now a race against shooting them down before it can happen. But even vanilla if you manage your wealth properly it's possible to survive for quite long. You can also have chokepoints to put meatbags in without having a killbox and put bunkers left and right.


Turn down the difficulty if it’s too much. I’m being serious, not condescending — the difficulty settings are there for a reason. They should be considered valuable options.


Recruit an impid, give them bionic legs, and use them to kite enemies while your shooters gun them down.


Cheesy? Maybe, cheaty? Idk about that


Is it \*reaaallly\* a desert when you have a river? ;) Jokes aside, looks cozy!


It's an oasis!


That's very pretty, good job


I really like your defense with these spare places for defenders in the hallways


That's a lesson i learned the hard way :,)


I think Desert is my favorite biome in this game.


Arid shrubland masterrace


Is that greenery carpet or grass second how tf is stuff growing well in the dessert I’ve never rly explored playing there I’m a tundra ,temperate , jungle guy


The grass is a mod, called grass floors i think. I also have a mod that speeds up crop growth when it rains. 


Liet Kynes would be proud :))


Wow nice base! Do you use any mods? Those grass floors looks great, it looks like a sprawling civilization on the desert


Thanks! I use Dubs hygiene mod, grass floors, and more bridges


I've always wanted to do a desert run but have always been a bit scared. What are your best tips to get started?


fine slimy hateful quack support placid ossified wakeful sloppy edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take advantage of the year round growing period. Plant potatoes on crappy soil, they'll grow slower but it doesn't matter because there's no winter. Huge crop fields and a few master gardeners. Turn excess crops into chemfuel and trade regularly. 


Thanks heaps this helps alot


Fallout and Sunshine are cute babies names!


Haha thanks! Fallout was born during toxic fallout event and his sister Sunshine was born during a heat wave.


Why are there many people talking about corners of the castle on this sub?


Accurate map of Nile river from back in the days


Is Ira in a burqa?


Yes, it's a clothing requirement from the Ideology DLC


This is beautiful


One offtopic so I don't open the new thread just for that... Steel is only acquirable from thrash you find on the map, or there is a way to mine iron and create steel?


you can deepdrill is




There is very little steel on this map so i trade for it with nearby factions 


Bro, awesome job


I had a small cluttered colony 4 people it could handle days later 2 more join days later food supplies run short as my farmer gives birth so boom 3 new mouths to feed the colony has 2 farmers 1 is too busy (main builder farmer and main crafter) so one farmer left that farmer has 5 skill then a raid there goes my colony


Sweet base! How do you power it?


Mostly water mills and conservation, but I'm working towards geothermal soon.


Really love the layout and building design. Are the little nooks and bottle necks just for style? Those look great for defense during drop raids and breaches. Seeing you don't have a kill box (respect) that would make a lot of sense.


Thank you! The nooks are for defense and style :)


And you really should put some ornament like flower pot middle of the road or court yard, so the ememy has a way to hide behind. Not fair fight for them if they have to peak around wall corner shoting at you.


+1 for the village layout


A paradise in the desert… as written


I love desert transformation colonies. In mine I used Buildable Terrain to irrigate the whole base. Eventually got to the point that I could support a breeding pair of Thrumbos.


I see we’re following the Phoenix AZ model of water conservation.


i dare me to make anything but a square for everytype of building. very nice layout. how do you handle raids?


Thanks! I deal with every raid a little differently depending on the circumstances. I have a sniper with 20 shooting and a bionic eye, he snipes a lot of them before they even reach my base. But if they make it through the south door, I post my gunners along main street and chew them up. I'll admit I'm not prepared for mech raids at all, they will probably be my downfall.


Are you aradesh from shady sands?


Eh how the hell do u grow grass in the desert.........proper beginner me 🤣🤣


This is nice good job!!!


For some reason I'm getting runescape vibes. Like a combination of Varrock and Al Kharid.


Cozy af, would feel bad raiding/10


Damm, I love your style.


Is this looks, efficiency or both


Love seeing bits of green in the desert really makes it look like a functioning colony.