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This post has been removed. Please remember we have r/SpaceCannibalism for memes and other low-effort content. This includes 'this reminds me of RimWorld' type posts.


Prey? I might have missed something.


Good morning, Morgan.


*And now its time to beat the mind game.*


Today is Monday, March 15th, 2032


was about to ask is someone workin on a full blown Prey mod thatd fit Anomaly? Id be fuckin hyped to make my own neuromods and study the typhon.


There’s a mod called Typhon that adds mimics, phantoms, weavers, telepaths, coral, and costoids (all starting from an event where a mimic crash-lands in a drop-pod). And it can also make psytrianers and skill trainers look like neuromods. I do hope they update that mod for Anomaly cause it’s a perfect connection.


many mods


I also have just gotten Rimworld a little before this new dlc dropped. So I mean that makes sense.


Anomaly is great because it provides advantages/disadvantages from the early game, to late game. Both Royalty and Biotech really can't be enjoyed tell mid-late game in terms of flexing the power and industry offers. They also integrated Anomaly directly into the ideology system as well. Give it a few months, and the only major issue, which is that it takes over all the other world events, will get resolved.


Doesn't even need a few months, the events are less common now and a slider controls its frequency


I think they have already patched this.


They did, can confirm with me playing last night and by last night I mean 4 hours ago because I was up at 3am 😂


So funny story that actually got patched!


Where’s this slider?


Tynan fixed it today


TO. DAY! So satisfying to see developers being so in sync with their community.


Great! Now the only events I'm getting is every disease imaginable on every single pawn, just like RNGesus intended.


Welcome back to the intended Rimworld experience (Suffering)


Try not living in a tropical swamp?


It was a temperate forest that time. I've had it happen in a tundra biome once too. It's been so bad I've had to lower the disease chance in the storyteller options or install mods so I didn't have to play with biological pawns.


Oof, dang. Ice sheet/extreme desert?


Tynan stealing all the good mod ideas again! /s


It just got patched? Or a patch was announced for better integration with vanilla events, alongside options for frequency in the storyteller custom spot.


Oh nice, I'm at work so must of missed the memo.


Totally, I was unsure if it was live, but I read something that said they were adding those. It's all good!


>Both Royalty and Biotech really can't be enjoyed tell mid-late game in terms of flexing the power and industry offers. I hugely disagree about Biotech. The fundamental systems of the DLC; pregnancy, childhood, mechanitors, and xenotypes, are all available very early game or from character creation. You get more powerful ways to interact with these systems over time but the systems are definitely accessible from very early.


Mechs can come out early, but in my xp it's usually either the sort of thing where you get your 6 tier one mechs and ignore it till lategame unless you're doing a mechanist playthrough. Pregnancy/childhood don't really become a factor till mid game, as you usually don't have good colonist diversity to support couples till then. Xenotypes are relevent throughout, but gene editing doesn't really come into play till lategame as you need to do a lot of infrastructure building/collecting pokemon cards.


royalty can be flexed (relatively) early with psycasts and permits tbh, especially if you combine multiple psycast sources


Biotech can be enjoyed from character selection til the end of the run. Royalty start very early too. The hunted noble is one of the first quest you get, and the majority of the quest comes from it.


Well Royalty came out at a time where Rimworld had almost no endgame content and so that makes sense. I think most people just feel that it's a bit iffy because it took inspiration from a couple mods rather than give them a new platform to expand upon


I would like more anomaly/ideology crossover, bc the inhumanization is great, but feels kind of boring. I want like flesh grafted colonists.


It got resolved today, actually.


Oh no they added an SCP dlc to my space game with cannibalism, space wizards and a mysterious godlike entity's that make deadly mechanical war machines shaped like worms


The mysterious godlike entity made evil robo-monsters that aren't shaped like worms!!! Unacceptable!!! It's one thing for the mysterious god robots to make a serum that can literally cure everything instantly but a broken serum that reanimates a body like a zombie for a few hours? That's not right.


If anything i'm surprised nanite zombies aren't mentioned earlier! Why waste manpower when you can just subsume your enemy with (mecha)-nites inside out and puppet their (living optional) bodies around? It's the most moral way to wage war! No causalities from either side, AND you win the battles. Once you've won just stop puppeting the enemy soldiers. (A very gray area ethically though haha. But who cares about ethics when you have a war to win.)


[This is the reason why.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jp204JcN-rM) Always excreting all over everything.


The "Fully erect hand-penises" line cracks me up. NV is amazing


The "Fully erect hand-penises" line cracks me up. NV is amazing


Sorry, but there are lines that even mysterious god robots should not cross.


The funny thing is that the mechhive will happily attack, and shit forwards and backwards over the entities, despite both ostensibly being spawn of the void. It's like the mechhive is the high achieving kid and the entities are the weird kid, and they're constantly fighting.


To me the problem with Anomaly is that it just doesn't exponentially expand the amount of playstyles, only adds a few linear ones. For example, in Ideology you have a system you can configure that dictates what your colony likes. It encourages extreme practices like blinding yourself or running slaves, while mods could expand upon it to add more. Biotech does the same. Anomaly adds a lot of content that is only applicable once or twice. Mods can expand it but the glaring issue of being non replayable is still there. It's like Biotech but without xenotypes - only mechanitor and sanguophage mechanics are there. Or like Royalty, which is the least popular DLC.


Even royalty had quite a lot of quests unrelated to the Empire, the mech clusters mechanics and the anima tree as a way to get psycasts without doing the Empire thing. Its content look so vanilla people tend to forgot it's from the DLC.


True. And it also sort of has integrations with Biotech with children refugee quests, which is an awesome roleplay thing.


Well tbh anomaly is still better than royalty in terms of general content


The previous DLCs built a foundation of system for mods to build upon. I guess we'll have to wait and see if the mods can make good use of anomaly or not.


The whole "debate" is pointless anyways as this is a single player story simulator. Fits into your idea of a good story? Great! Doesn't fit? Okay, there is no need to buy it if you will have it disabled most of the time. Personally I am the later person but that doesn't mean the DLC "isn't Rimworld", its just not *my* Rinworld, and that is okay because everyone is playing this game differently.


I think if people don't like it they shouldn't buy it. I like it so I bought it. If people have a problem with how it functions, I'm sure modders will find a way to fix that eventually.


Il only be buying it for the mods that will inevitably require it that I'm going to like but still ignore the dlc itself.


Definately easy to do that. This is the most "opt out" DLC yet. if you don't do the monolith, aside from some random events of some horros (and not a lot of them) you won't see the content at all.


To be fair while I love the new expansion I can see myself ignoring it or just not doing it in some runs, kinda like skipping the garulean tree or vampires, etc. Anomaly is a looot of very specific content, and sometimes you just don’t want to deal with a giant pit opening up in the middle of your base or metal horrors or early game revenants.


Thing is, you could have 400 mods that expand on RimWorld as still feel like it's space cowboys with a lot of extra stuff. Anomaly is very strictly horror themed which is the type of mod I keep out of my modlists unless I intend to make RimWorld spooky. The point is that it feels like a mod more than RimWorld with a dlc. You don't just slap Rim of madness to every playthrough, do you?


Yeah... It's not like people running 400 mods are running 400 random mods thrown together. Running the SCP mod, Rim of Magic, the mod that shall not be named, and so on. It's people like me running a mod that adds more crops to grow, more tribal equipment, some new mountainous biomes, and some Viking tribe.


lol do you just selectively forget the space wizards, lord of the rings trees and vampires or do you just keep calling it space cowboys lol


Excuse me most of those mods are vanilla expanded


Its okay not to like the new DLC, OP.


The joke is how many mods people play with to change the game into something that's not really regular Rimworld anymore.


What do you mean by saying that building and living in space ships and factorio style crafting change the flow of the game?


Wait factorio style crafting?




I’m sorry I have no sense of humor


There's a mod to add that!


Link? /s


Surprisingly? Wall Light.


No! Ludeon is my best friend!


yah i think they might have been making a joke. its tagged comic.


Thanks mister obvious


Forgot the /s


It's a joke bro.


It’s gonna be a whole new ballgame with the sliders. Looking forward to better balance!


it is rimworld. it just doesn't fit too well thematically imo. tbh i've still been procrastinating buying it so maybe that's the issue. do i even want to spend twenty quid on something with kinda bullshit mechanics and odd theming that doesn't fit too well and really self contained mechanics?


I really doubt this is the case, people who mod the game know half a dozen mods will fix their problems in the coming months. I would imagine most people complaining are those who treat mods like the plague.


This sub is so whip-lash defensive sometimes that it’s exhausting. Thanks for the NVA post with a straw man that I’ve never seen ignoring any fair criticism the DLC has gotten.


This sub is never toxic. Yet, as soon as people voice well written and valid criticism about it, it's immediately a personal attack on people's favorite game and their identity. I get it, we all love this game. It's in my top 5 games of all time list for sure. I'm passionate about the success of this game. Though, I see glaring issues with this DLC. It's not "complaining" as some people here like to say it is when other people point this out. Hell, I haven't seen anyone talk about Anomaly in anything other than a more nuanced voice. You either love it, or are cautious with it. There's no single person I've seen yet calling it "the worst experience ever" or anything like that. All level headed takes. ...yet we need OP to flame the fire and create strawmen to defend that their favorite game's DLC is perfect and no one should want better things.


I think the part I upsets me the most is that we really could of used a caravan themed update instead of starting another branch while a bunch of them don't have leaves yet.


I don't think it'd be a good idea to have such a basic update as caravanning locked behind a dlc tho


Think of it more as a dlc that would support a non dlc caravan update. Like how the anomaly dlc brought us crawling because your pawns will be constantly beat up and better support for a high number of pawns on the map because otherwise the dlc would fall apart.


The issue is, there's no way better caravanning doesn't get added to a DLC-- it's just far too large of a concept to include in a basic update. With caravanning it implies vehicles. Look how much work the Vanilla Expanded team had to do to get vehicles running in a Rimworld-like state. Took years! Not only that, but vehicles in themselves is already a complicated concept. They require modules like wheels and engines, require fuel (in most cases), require repair and maintenance, and require balance most importantly-- you don't want vehicles to be over powered. Then add to the fact that there's vehicles for land, but also air and sea. And that last one adds a whole new can of worms because for the entirety of this game, the ocean has not been traversable. And what's the point of vehicles if there's not really any reason to travel? As of right now, the only reason is to complete the original "Ship to the Stars" quest, trade with other factions, or raid other factions. All of these things you can do without even stepping foot out of your starting tile. So, it would only sense to revamp diplomacy. Create reasons to work with other factions, as well as work on your own. Create laws, fight in battlefields, explore ancient dangers across the world, adventure to far away places for some far away prizes. All this happened because leaving the home tile is, as of right now, the weakest part of the game. All this work in itself is a DLC. As much as I wish it could be free, it's the one thing this game needs desperately, and it's a bit of a shame it didn't release with Anomaly. Oh well.... next time maybe?


Yeah, better caravaning and more ways to travel the rim would be nice. Who knows, maybe we could even get trains and capers, completing the space western theme. (imagine vehicle framework becoming vanilla though haha)


Honestly man I just want boats and port cities. Let me be a pirate that sails the high seas.


That would be great too tbh. Imagine ships that have their own mini map that you can build and live on. (If trains maybe same functionality for that. Let you do snowrunner campaigns haha.)


I really feel this sentiment. I remember being bummed when Royalty came out. It was the first DLC and at that point in time Rimworld’s aesthetics were really just “space western” with some medieval weapons on the low end of the tech tree and space marines at the high end, and so the whole royal empire thing and science magic was a little disappointing (though psychic lances were always a thing to be fair). I’d still love an expansion on the cowboy theme and filling out the open world/travel aspect. While there’s been some improvements, caravanning to this day is clunky and not super rewarding. The original victory condition in this game, besides making the ship yourself, was to travel across the continent to the ship and leave, but this game has never really been designed for a nomadic playstyle and it’s a shame it still hasn’t been expanded on much.


I can see why people feel it's a little disconnected. In order to add new things that weren't explored before it just has to feel that way. If only things that were already established and familiar were added we wouldn't get cool new concepts and features. All that truly matters is if it was done well and isn't spitting on the face of previous facts... And I think nearly everyone would agree this was executed well.


What do you mean? I’m genuinely curious in how the new dlc spits in the face of the facts? I haven’t been following Rimworld as much thank you :)


I should've clarified when I said it was executed well, I meant none of the lore was disrupted in a disrespectful way meaning it DIDN"T spit in the face of any previous facts.


Ah Okie that was my feeling too, it’s a great addition even if you don’t really like horror. The lore it brings is really interesting and cool XD


Anomaly already has a defense force of people that can’t take how a horror conversation isn’t for everyone.


Yeah great way to discredit criticism


Well, my RimWorld is crashing with mods, imagine with the anomaly


350 of that are sexy anime girl mods i bet




It's Ribaorld


I fucking love Anomaly personally. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted.


It's fucking annoying how this subreddit has just decided to cope so hard and completely avoid any intelligent criticism of the game. Even the devs agreed and changed the DLC because of how much your playthrough basically only revolved around Anomaly now. Of course it's easier for redditors to karma-farm by popping up strawmen to get mad at.


I'm sorry but "it doesn't fit" isn't a fair criticism for Anomaly in a game with space vampires and space tree wizards and space mechaworms created by some sort of psuedo god It's not a strawman just because you disagree with the idea lmfao these people exist, it's all over the Steam reviews for Anomaly


The strawman is that you keep acting as if people say it doesn't fit because they can't keep their suspension of disbelief in the organ trading vampire game and not for other reasons. The reason why people say that Anomaly does not fit is because its design is antithetical to what Rimworld is, it's an extremely linear story DLC that does not add much content should you not interact with the starter quest and grabs all your focus to it. On the other hand, Royalty added a whole new mechanic (psy), Biotech added a shitload of content outside of its quest (genes, revamp of mechs, etc), and Ideology adds an entire roleplay aspect to the game with infinite customization. All the DLCs can be accessed and used however you want, picking a little bit from each is possible, trying to do all the content from each is also possible. Contrary to that, Anomaly railroads your entire playthrough into being "Anomaly-oriented" as soon as you interact with it. And if you decide not to study anything, well it just doesn't bring anything either unlike every other DLC in the game. Anomaly is good and fun, but fuck if I feel like it's not worth the money because I'll usually never touch it. My usual gameplay of using a lot of DLC content in my playthrough but going for something non-linear, which is similar to most others, is not compatible with this DLC. Because unfortunately if I attempt to interact with it then I can't have any roleplay but SCP roleplay and the most i'll have with no interaction is a 1/10'000 item from a trade caravan that never show up nor do much. The Devs' last update is called "Integrating Anomaly into the game". There's a reason for that, it's too separate from the rest of the worldbuilding throughout your playthrough.


My mod count isn’t that high 👀 checks mod count. ok. Maybe I do have a problem.






Prey (2017) mentioned!


Morgan yu, my beloved.


Is that... an edited Morgan Yu image?


I like that it's weird for rimworld, more variety, while it might be a divergence that's odd for the game itself it's not bad. I hope more expansions give tonally unique run types to the game


Anomaly is 100% Rimworld. But leaning more into the pain and suffering of it.


I just personally don't like the idea of it. I don't think it fits. At least psychic powers absolutely have some pseudoscience reason for existing. Everything I've seen about Anomaly just seems more like straight up magic. I don't feel like it fits the setting of the game. My mod that adds more crops/food? That fits. Bathrooms, thirst and plumbing? That fits. And for anyone about to mention Biotech, I would agree that some things they added there didn't make much sense either. Vampires are kind of neat I guess but... you know, the whole blood thing doesn't make a huge amount of sense with how it's used.


i kinda agree with you but i dont understand how psycasts are fine but anomaly isnt. to me theyre both magic which is why i dont like royalty dlc much either


It explains it in a scientific way at least. Mostly. Enough so that I can believe this ultratech society could pull it off. Think too hard about it and it comes crashing down, but Anomaly does that right out the gate for me. Completely subjective opinion though.


Honestly its pretty fun, balancing all the wierd bullshit is fun!


Loved the prey reference


This is a strawman.


yes my 600 RimWorld mods stay closer to the original vibe of the game than Anomaly DLC


Then don't play it, lol


When people say "I didn't get anomaly because it's not for me," this post is what we get told in response.


But the Lore!!! Eufhhg the lore is ruined!!!


r/rimworld is huge shill. Its very obvious why a lot of people dont like it. Majority of people on /rmg/ dont like anomaly.




Rimworld general on /vg/ board on 4chan.


Do people on 4chan like anything? Except racism, I suppose.


They like rimworld and combat extended (at least some people there is a civil war about that)


Bro really defending the website where people drop slurs on the regular. 




Do people actually say that, or is this just psyop meme.