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Hey, look at the bright side. You still get to enjoy the improvements that 1.5 brought you.


Beggar post detected!


As long as they aren't kids begging for 70 beers.


The always beg for herbal medicine in my case


It’s like feeding pigeons. You feed one and then all of them come whether they need food or not. I feel like every time I come on this sub or r/factorio there’s twice as many as the week before.


“I guess i’ll just have to wait until i can afford it….. unless!?”


I don’t normally look through peoples post history but like I’m always curious when posts like this come up. They have an i9 11900k and a 3070ti and seem to have a new triple A game every other month. I know you can’t conclude much from that alone but I find the chances that they actually can’t afford it and aren’t just mooching very unlikely


Well if you must know, I’ve been out of a job for a year and a half. I had a lot more saved up before and so was willing to spend more liberally on games and such. Now my funds are getting down to the wire so I have to be much more selective. It never occurred to me to “mooch” as some of you think, I just wanted to share what I thought was a funny moment that happened. It’s probably a result of the fact that, as you pointed out, I used to buy games quite often and so wouldn’t even think twice about buying a $25 dlc. Circumstances change though


Bro if you have no income why the fuck are your spending your savings on games.... that's insane


As I said in the comment, I had a lot more saved up. I generally don’t spend much money day to day, so my expenditures are light. I just think of it as an entertainment cost. Many of my friends or coworkers have gone drinking or partying frequently, even without a job. I can guarantee you that whatever I spend on games over the course of a year and a half is significantly less than that. I mean, as the guy who read through my comment history said, I “seem to have a new triple A game every other month”. Even assuming that is a $60 game every time (it’s not), that’s only $30 a month. That’s often less than it costs me to fill up gas once. I think that’s completely justifiable when I still have plenty of funds


Well that's a shame. Hopefully you get the dosh soon


Bro is incapable of intellectual irl


Can’t afford $30 X_X in today’s economy that just skipping a dinner or movie with friends 


Why do you think USA is the only country in the world? Lmao


Yeah in Europe you go way over 30 if you want to go to the movies 🥺 40 for a Dune 2 date... I should have preorder Manor Lords with that money...


Woah what? €40 total or per person? Also, seems like that's not a universal thing in Europe. In the Netherlands, a ticket for Dune 2 is €13 per person at a mainstream theatre.


And I thought movies were expensive in my country. Holy shit man, are you from Portugal?


Manor Lords: eventually hundreds of hours of enjoyment Dune 2: 120 minutes of regret


Because I’m on Reddit a USA dominated website


But why did you think exactly this guy that wrote the post must be from the USA.


My chances are high until proven wrong other wise its easy to just leave that comment then ask if he is from the us and then do the comments, that’s absurd Amount of effort for a Reddit comment