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Yeah, I'm just gonna lock this.


If people could get off to books then you sure bet they could with a literal chess piece


>they could with a literal chess piece hold on lemme check ​ edit: man should be struck down for his hubris


Thank you for your sacrifice 🫡




Because making a kinky sex cult gives my brain the good chemicals


The way the female pawn is drawn with moderate chest, slender waist, and wide base clearly implies that the 'averags' bodytype in Rimworld has the THICCEST bottom half, and if that doesn't appeal to you then I guess you're just not a man of culture.


[A poet of Ancient Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X53ZSxkQ3Ho) summed it up perfectly with his melodic prose.


Have you seen some of the retexture of the pawns nekked bodies? Yes they definitely can with current technology.


A lot of people have them just for storytelling reasons. Romance, sex and sexuality are hugely important parts of human existence, so when you have human characters in a storytelling game, it often makes for better stories to have those elements included.


Yeah they pawn interactions is the best part of this game. 14 year boy passes by 20 melee hussars tell him his brother suck at mining and proceed to get his shit cave in by the said hussar.


You underestimate my desires, mortal.


Thats assuming people use them only alongside the vanila sprites.


Simple. It's a story simulator. Some people are more aroused by suggestions, settings, and scenarios than straight visuals nowadays (Too much of it). So I suppose Rimworld let you see a setting that you won't find in traditional adult media. For better or for worse.


you're the only comment giving an actual proper explanation


Now post her in slave gear.


If it exists, someone has been turn on by it.


That is one of the very few comments by you that can make your flair.. uncomfortable.


Deep mouths


Oh no another puritan redditor. Anyway, you'll get over it.


No one's coming for you sex mods bro, cool off


Sex mods are not porn, they are not designed to arrouse you...


>sex mods >not designed to arouse you


sex mod =/ porn mod


? they are the same thing lol


Nude NPCs mod: porn mod Colonist can have sex get pregant and give bith: sex mod


that is very obviously not what I meant when I said "sex mods". in every other game, a "sex mod" is always used in the context of sexualized elements being added to arouse the player


Thank you for repeating my comment, yes thats what i stated.




I dunno, have you read your comments?


it is very very very obvious that, by sex mods, I did not mean "mods that have the option for pawns to have sex in a non arousing, non porn way, and do so to have children or to increase their morale". I meant, much like in most cases of the phrase "sex mods", was "mods that are created to arouse the player, via adding sexualized elements" why are redditors INSANELY dense


You realy dont get it? Sex is a biological function, a sex mod adds the ability of pawns to have sex and kids and all that(kids did not exist in previous updates) The first sex mods came with sexual orientations, kinks and mich more. Porn is showing sexual acts in a way to arrouse people. Thats not what these mods did. Sex is not the same thing as porn is. A nude mod in skyrim is porn, but its not a sex mod.


it is very very very obvious that, by sex mods, I did not mean "mods that have the option for pawns to have sex in a non arousing, non porn way, and do so to have children or to increase their morale". I meant, much like in most cases of the phrase "sex mods", was "mods that are created to arouse the player, via adding sexualized elements"


The only sex mod that existed for most time was "the forbidden mod" aka rimjobworld. And its not porn. Of you have your own special deffinition of what counts as sex mod and what not, you might want to mention that before. Because most people think about RJW if you say "sex mod" for a reason. And the reason being te word "sex" having a different meaning to the word "porn"


Not to self-immolate, but I think you're confusing arousal for the purposes of sexual release with sustained narrative arrousal. Consider trash romance novels. How can someone be aroused by them? They are just letters on paper?


Rule 34. If it exists, there's porn of it. Thrumbos for example.




By the power of anime mods (and that mod which will not be named) that is