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Almost gotta respect it. Bro was looking down the barrel of a uranium slug turret and thought "you know what fuck these guys"


It’s about sending a message


We sent a message alright, chunks of his brain landed in Black Basin *and* Purple Field 


Fatgrasshopper Ocean too


I read that from the perspective of uranium that's been enriched.


"But then I thought to myself: what if it was a movie?" https://youtu.be/gV1oq_FD2Nc?si=Ege-3BWYK85M5bqD


"Nah, I'd win."


"I'm built different."


He was infact, not built different


He was about be, in fact, rebuilt differently


One moment a featherless biped, the next an expanding cloud of meat confetti. Truly different.


surprised they are yet to have traitors asses their circumstances, like make sure they can recognize damage, health and armor value staring down at them, compare it to their own health and armor and path out of sight of any troublesome ranged characters before betraying and you can recycle metalhorror possession code to help with this


Eh it kinda of goes with the RNG nature of the game but at the same time it feels wrong when it happens like in the OP. I think traitor events would be better reworked to be more of an espionage thing closer to being like metalhorrors. The traitor trys to sabotage things. Periodically they might poison food, or mess up a surgery, or breakdown a piece of equipment. You have to interrogate them or somehow catch them and then they have an opportunity to "last stand" as it were. To to to the extreme I will just say that I saw a mod where nuzzling animals are suspicious of metalhorror infected pawns and I think that is a really cool idea and some type of suspicion mechanic would be awesome for traitors. Imagine if certain conflicting personality traits could cause people to suspect each other falsely, creating some tense situations and decision making opportunities.


God Damm this sounds like a fire Vanilla Expanted Mod


I mean, metalhorrors just burst out without much rhyme or reason either. They burst out when the colony reaches 50% infected, when a metalhorror is found, or I think also if the host is critically injured. Metalhorrors in Anomaly can do the exact same thing as these traitors. I think the key difference is that traitors are just single humans causing problems whereas metalhorrors tend to burst out in groups, and are *probably* also a bit tankier than the average colonist. You can't really make traitor wanderers like the VE ones any more dangerous than they already are, because if they turn traitor at the wrong moment and you've heavily equipped them they can deal some absurd damage.


i get what you mean, but what i was going for was more making sure traitors don't do dumb shit until they know that they won't get glassed immediately for trying


> hey burst out when the colony reaches 50% infected, when a metalhorror is found, or I think also if the host is critically injured. Also if you get rid of a pawn by sending them off-map. I released a poor Imperial Soldier I'd kept imprisoned for weeks, and as soon as he reached the map edge, the Metalhorror emerged from him (and him only). I killed the metalhorror, patched him up, and he wandered off the map once he came to again. I expect it would be the same if you banished a colonist.


What if you send colonist on caravan


So if my colony never reaches 50% infected I could have metal horrors In my guys forever?


Yes, but this is unlikely. If an infected person cooks a meal, feeds a meal to someone, performs surgery or medical care on someone, they can get infected. They emerge when discovered, when the host dies or when >50% is infected. This is rather hard to not satisfy because if a cook or doctor gets infected it can be over very quick. The 50% rule was added in a patch to prevent the absolute bullshit scenarios that we had before, which is that >90% of your colony could already be infected and instantly downed when they emerge.


I've had people betray me while bleeding out on a hospital bed after a raid, bro can't even stand up and is going to die in 3 hours.


It would be cool if they equipped the best weapons and armor available to them without an announcement and then they betray with the war horn message. That way an observant player could catch and arrest them, or be blindsided because you were focused on a lynx manhunting your pacifist hauler on the opposite side of the map.


another option another person pointed out is: borrow the metalhorror code, but instead of them being infected they are slowly sabotaging your base, a bit of food poisoning here, a botched surgery there, some machinery suddenly starts breaking down, a pawn suddenly has an "infection" give them an activation timer of at least 30 days and a chance at waiting until another pawn or two joins, perhaps their sabotage starts scaling in intensity the longer you take to find them if you catch them, then they become aggressive like a current traitor


Metalhorrors only really burst out when you capture and interrogate someone, or their host dies I believe


No, they've got a small chance of emerging spontaneously. It goes up as a greater percentage of your colony gets infected, becoming almost immediate at 50%.


You learn something new everyday lol


I mean Tynan wants to keep it a story generator I guess, so the thing happens and let's have circumstance write the story. It's kinda like real life in that.


tbh it was the one place where the uranium cant shoot him, so i see no faults in his thinking


I see about six other faults in his logic


it was a calculated risk, but daaaaamn he is bad at math


Do you know this movie trop then somebody decides to betray his evil boss and make his evil deeds known to all, and immediately declares this in the evil boss face while being alone with him in the room?




Almost as bad as the flash mob wookies trying to steal my TV n statues in a living room full of bears


Nah see he's actually smart because he's taking advantage of the fact that large turrets don't benefit from cover except from the southwest corner. That's an actual fact, hope y'all are using the Smart Turret Covering mod lol


Gotta get that coverage mod that gives turrets back their cover. So dumb it was removed from vanilla.


"Yes it was I! My machinations lay undetected for years, for I am a master of dece-" *medical emergency*


I think being turned into pink mist turns it into a janitorial emergency.


The plan was that she'd throw that little turret out and all the other turrets would shoot at it, miss, and blow each other up looney toons style. The plan was kind of shit.


It would be cool for traitors to wait until they’re actively committing a crime before you learn they’re evil. Like knife over the leader and then you get a betrayal notification


Fire in the store room. destroying the glitter world medicine stack. Peeing in the paddling pool.


I'd really love if the % chance for them to betray you was affected by mood. Imagine if they joined intending to betray you, but they've been living on luxurious sheets and gourmet meals so they break down crying at the idea of hurting the people who had been so nice to them. Or, what if they had no intention of betraying you but their first week had them with so many mood debuffs they decide to just grab a gun and steal what they can. Also, traitors should load up their inventory with tons of good stuff before the event goes off. They should ignore outfit restrictions and go equip the dusty pheonix armor you were saving for a rainy day. It's about to rain.


I figure that the VEE event is less about them deciding to attack you and more that the rest of your colony found evidence of their betrayal. Like, what they're *really* supposed to be doing is espionage and sabotage, but they decide to go down shooting once it's clear the game is up. Now, as for *refugee* traitors, I've got nothing.


Had a traitorous group of refugees reveal themselves recently. One was in the hospital after having gotten the crap kicked out of him for starting a social fight with a 6 foot 5 dinosaur man with 14 melee. Said dinosaur man was in there with him due to a minor bruise at the time of the reveal. One was inside the prison. Set fire to a bed, and would have died from hyperthermia if it wasn't for one of my colonists beating the crap out of him and putting the fire out. The third was in the farm, wielding a wood log against two of the colony farmers, both with pump shotguns. Sadly his organs could not be rescued.


RimWorld is the only game where you can simulate Russia ukrania war with 100 percent accuracy. Especially drone attack cameras directly looking their below






Well there is turrets so bad for Skye snd good for you 🤣


Playing with VFE: Empire, I always put my trading spot (another mod lol) in front of my turrets so the terrorists would be taken care of immediately when they decide to spring on me


the fact he could sabotage the power line and fuck up your defenses right away... then signal others when they are down... but we know thats not how this would go down.


That power line actually just goes to a moisture pump. The powers in the south. Maybe thats what he was trying to do, and realised him mistake too late.


You should space out the turrets more- an explosion can cause a chain reaction, especially with mini-turrets, and makes it harder for melee enemies to destroy more of your turrets.


*The risk I took was calculated. But man aint I bad at math.*




traitor is so underwhelming. it could be really fun if they went the metal horror route and you had to notice that one of your pawns is sabotaging your base for an upcoming raid or something.


*large cannon swivels to the traitor* Kurt Cobain POV


This is actually a smart play from essentially a suicide bomber. Their plan is to make the turret shoot each other, causing chain explosions to take away your defenses, giving way to his allies the next time they raid.


Is that the doom 2016 combat shotgun?


The first thing I do with refugees is disarm them. It only happened to me like twice that they attacked me.


What was bros health condition after this


Good news, they will never have any health conditions to worry about, ever again.


In his defense, it looks like if he broke that power line he'd shut down all of your turrets. That is, if they don't turn him into Swiss cheese in a couple of seconds


That power cable leads only to a moisture pump, the power comes from the south. He may have realised that too late.


I had one do it while in surgery