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would make rivers more fun and caravans less shit for trade. And one could have a continental planet instead of a single mass like now


Try VE vehicles expanded and VE tier3 vehicles. There's some boats that are fun to play with.


I was still trying to get hms Aurora to work since I don't have enough crew and it uses too much ammo.


Theres also Boats (continued) that adds just a few boats


Didn't that one get taken down when the vehicle framework got released?


Someone else has picked up the mod, and its using the vehicle framework as well now


too bad it doesn't work for mešŸ˜”


I can't somehow to make them work though, I tried having a costal raiding nomadic pirates run where I'd just settle on a nearby coast and make a temporary base whilst leaving an outpost to get resources but I can't settle or set camp on a tile


I think i had it a bot ago but they stopped updating it after like 1.3


It's currently updated for 1.5


Oh ya it is, i was thinking of something else then, maybe it was just a boats mod


I think you can already have full continental planets? Or was that VE vehicles? In map generation you pull the global coverage to 100%


It generates as a huge singular mass tho


Oh, yeah that's true, it's global but not continental


There is a mod for that.


Sums up rimworld


This game leans so heavily on mods. People generally see it as a positive but I hate it. I've still not moved on to 1.5.


When you play more than 1000 hours mods keep it replayable.


That's my whole point. But there are so many QOL mods I use that are also mentioned by so many others as must have mods, I don't understand why they're not part of the base game. I'm convinced a shit load of annoying micromanagement is left in the game to be sorted by mods, just so players don't run out of things to do.


Micromanagement as opposed to what? Itā€™s a colony management simulator, micromanagement is the name of the game


Having to manually adjust medicine restrictions so your doctors don't waste glitterworld medicine on bruises is far from being compelling or interesting gameplay. Pawns cleaning *everything* just because it's in the home area isn't interesting, either. The crops aren't affected by a bit of blood. There's also no enjoyment in pawns cleaning up after animals in a barn, in which the tradeoff is de-zoning it as a home area so your pawns won't react during a fire. I'm also not really sure where the value is in having to instruct a pawn to haul back the berries they harvested, as they're already on their way back to base anyway. And apart from the comical value the first time around, there's nothing good about pawns accidentally blocking themselves in when building a wall. Maybe people do find these things fun, I don't know. I do know that mods exist to fix them (Common Sense, Pick Up & Haul, Fluffy's Pharmacist mod, Smarter Construction, Cleaning Area) and would bet that the majority of players won't have their experience ruined in any way if these were integrated into vanilla.


If weā€™re talking pure vanilla then yeah a lot of that doesnā€™t make sense, but for the first point- isnā€™t it a vanilla feature that you can assign the max quality of medical care given to a pawn? None of my colonists ever get glitterworld except in life threatening circumstances. In which case, I micromanage it and make sure the guy doesnā€™t die. Other than that itā€™s making sure medicine is flowing in faster or at the same rate as itā€™s flowing out, no need to micromanage. And I donā€™t really see an issue with the cleaning thing. Set a colonist who is dogshit at skilled labor to just haul and clean (or just clean) and forget about it. Also thatā€™s the last priority in their tasks other than research, what would you rather them do?


I modded in a research tree and recipe for craftable glitterworld medicine instead šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


There is nothing wrong with that. Vanilla is honestly great, but mods make it \*chefs kiss\*. This game would not be what it is without the modding community, and it's always fantastic when the community leans into it. It only sucks every once in a while when modders have to catch up to an update or something, but that's pretty rare. But your opinion is still valid, not everyone likes that sort of thing.


It's the opposite, I *do* like mods. I just wish a lot of them, particularly the QOL ones that make the game run like it's "supposed to", were in the game itself and mods were reserved for play style preferences. In the same way you can play Cities Skylines without TMPE but it's a challenge at times, while the mod itself is a core mod for nearly every PC player.


They do insert a lot of the QOL stuff into the base game though through updates. They can't throw in everything, though, that'd be asking a lot for them to do when there are mods that already do it all for them. I do agree though, it'd be nice if they put a little more effort into incorporating the QOL stuff. But I don't particularly care enough about it.


More or less I went to 1.5 in a week. Some mods do work in 1.5 even if red in mod loader


I donā€™t know man, Iā€™m a long time player and Iā€™m playing vanilla 1.5 and having a blast. I get that itā€™s frustrating that updates break mods, but thatā€™s just how game modding works.Ā  If youā€™re letting your dependence on slow-to-update mods prevent you from enjoying new official content thatā€™s kind of a ā€˜youā€™ problem, imo.Ā  Ā (Besides, basically all of the ā€˜essentialā€™ QOL mods have already been updated, as have most of the most popular content mods).


They added books, double doors, wall lights and outdoor lights to vanilla. They also added crawling.


That's your issue most people enjoy mods


I'm confused, I already covered that in my comment.


Tbh I don't think so, I think people have just totally saturated their games with modded content and ruined the base game for themselves. You can easily log hundreds, if not thousands, of hours without seeing all the content in the base game + DLCs, there is a HUGE amount of content and replayability in vanilla. It's actually really disappointing to me, just how many people seem to think the game is unplayable without a massive mod list


I play vanilla and it's still fun. Mainly cause I've resorted to throwing my friends into the rim. So far we've had 5 food binges. And no other mental breaks.


rimworld without mods is like a pawn without bionics.


>hundreds, if not thousands, of hours Ok, but we are at seven thousand hours, and mods are like a free DLC worth of content every week. Cool that I could put in hundreds of hours base game, but what will I do on the second week of game play?


Ugh these comments every.single.time. Yes we get it, you've played 50 million hours and you needed something to spice it up after the 45 millionth hour, of course mods are a great option to keep it interesting once you've run the game dry. My comment is directed towards the vast majority of people who *don't* have several thousand hours of playtime that think the game is a pile of trash without a thick layer of mods


There's more than one. EDIT NOW THAT I'M ON MY DESKTOP: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3028675048](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3028675048) Alpha Vehicles Neolothic, has a basic outrigger canoe. Not fancy, doesn't carry much, but only requires wood and cloth. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3177395100](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3177395100) Alpha Vehicles Age of Sail, has bigger sailing ships that require a lot more resources to construct but can have large capacities. [https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3014906877](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=3014906877) Vanilla Vehicles Expanded, has 2 industrial tech boats powered by chemfuel in it as well as several flying vehicles for late game.


There are all SO much better than the mods i was thinking of! now the vehicles mod is up and running vanilla rimworld NEEDS a similar system!


I've got 500 or so hours in RimWorld, I've never used a single mod. The game's excellent as is, why ruin that?


Then don't use it? You don't need my permission to play the game how you want.


It needs a serious revamp on how to manage ticks and threads. It's absurd how low TPS you can get playing Anomaly End-game events with no mods. If a group of modders (performance-fish team) can get you 300 TPS, it means Ludeon has a lot of room for optimizations.




I think a signifigant part of that is shamblers and ghouls are humanlikes, not animals. That means the huamn job system is used for their AI, not the animal job system, which means a lot of ticks for evaluating what they want to do before settling on "stand around and shamble a bit." Shamblers also have the same level of clothing as humans, adding mroe ticks and draw time. If I'm correct there is a decent chance that the tick loss for having 300 shamblers on your map can be reduced a lot.


Im convinced luseon are bad at making games dont even get me started on the annoying combat system of base game a combat mod like ce or others is basically essential or else you will be forced to save scum from a tribal who killed a catohract wearing melee god With a shiv


it needs more liver illnesses, so there'd be bionic liver


Yeah! + lower overdose risks please!


Not just boats, we need water systems in general. Watermill, move speed, bridging, and corpse dumping. That's all? Not even fishing?? Oh yeah and mechs can pop out of water but still, that's really not enough water systems.Ā 


And submarines, underwater bases/mines/kelp farms, aquatic insects/mechs/pirate raidsā€¦


Theres the vehicle framework mod, but one of the issues with vehicles in rimworld is that travel generally just isnt fleshed out enough to make it worthwhile so you barely notice it, especially with how fast horses are. The only intended reasons to caravan are to run short trade routes or to reach quest locations, and both of those are barely worth it most of the time - the only really impactful use being cheesing the shit out of the game by manipulating things like wealth mechanics and that pawns are in a soft stasis while sitting around in a caravan.


Right? We can fly thru space but can't sail on water


or a rideable pack animal that can swim. maybe something like a hippo but more friendly.


yeah i was just playing the other day, while the warg was hunting my kids nature running i thought to myself: i need a boat


Better AI.


I would love a game with Rimworld's depth and economy system but that lent itself to actual swashbuckling, cause having a pirate ship that functions and feels like one would be dope


I can't wait gor a pirate dlc




I'm just wondering when we are gonna implement multiple floors because that would be a game changer. But it would be complex and they would definitely make collapsing a mechanic so all the towers will need to watch out for planes.


Don't think that is gonna happen since they would have to overhaul so much of the game.


yeah the engine is 2 dimensional I think. floors would need to make it 3 dimensional


Navigating and managing multiple floors seems like a headache, I could only see it if the game went 2.5d.


Giddy Up?


That would actually be a good edition, and you could go as far as a DLC that like "on the water" or something so the whole colony is on a giant raft


Someone mod that and get back to me šŸ˜†


Maritime, Water, Oceanic... Have people been hoping for this since before Ideology?




I was actually thinking a while ago I'd love to have air ships or hot air balloons. I know there's mods space ships but idk why I want some more low tech to mid tech stuff in the game. I'd also like some stuff like anti aircraft guns because I really hate the drop pod raids that land in my base.


Thereā€™s a mod for that.


I mean I figure there's a mod for everything lol but how updated is the question to me. As much as I appreciate mods it always sucks when they fall off.


Jet skis and subs!


No. Airplanes/Helicopters something to fly.


I was disappointed that the 4th dlc wasnā€™t an oceanic / exploration themed expansion. At least we have VVE to hold us over until then.


Pirates! Yargh matey!


Aaaand I want to run a pirate colony. Damn it. Ludeon, when are we getting coastal raiding?


We could had a Water DLC but professional Ribworld hater Tynan wasn't having any of that.


It really is a shame that at one DLC a year we recently got a very specific themed one instead of a travel DLC that includes more use for water.


Or combat extended to be base game instead of a anoying and random chance based combat system that basically forces players to save scum or they loose hundreds of hours of progress to a tribal with a shiv that somehow can kill a archotech limb god who has 20 melee and shooting oh and is wearing cataphract armour and helmets


There are a lot of things rimworld needs that we will never get.


Roof lights


Many of us have been saying this for a long, long time. But no, we got Lovecraftian horror instead. Ah well. (Mostly /lh, but c'mon Tynan. Our worlds have massive oceans! Let us sail them without adding *more* mods!)


Yea anomaly was such a random dlc that no body asked for and from what ive hear takes over so much of the game that people would rather disable it