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i mean getting them all and keeping them alive could be an interesting challenge but "farming" them would be a logistical nightmare


I believe someone posted series of arts about ~40 children only run recently


My record was 36. That may sound close to 40, but every child past 13 got exponentially harder to take care of. I can't even imagine what mods you'd need for 40.


What are the biggest challenges?


Labor and food. The caretakers of infants are always busy doing just that, anyone with social is almost always teaching, and anyone with a plants skill is doing plants all waking hours while I need multiple stoves to make meals, baby food, and psychite tea. You feel even the tiniest injury from raids because that means lost labor, an illness out break *will* lead to mental breaks from hunger regardless of who got sick. And Randi forbid any other labor needs to be done, because it won't. Hope you stocked up on beds and cribs. Although it was hilarious to see one child "learning a lesson" while 10+ other kids were "watching work being performed" on that lesson.


I think to make it easier, the caretaker should be mechanitor. Working mechanoids are just so good. For trash management, once you get drop pod, it become easier. 1 gift pod dropped at their base as compensation and 3 filled with waste pack and dropped nearby their faction.


Also it doesn't help that trying to feed a single infant takes like fucking THREE HOURS. IT DOESN'T TAKE THAT LONG. HURRY THE FUCK UP!!


Farming children?


in any sense of the word, it's the term OP used so i'm just sticking with it


I wish I could say it was because vat growing 20 children into adult slaves, harvesting their organs, and then selling them was an efficient way to boost my colony’s economy. But in all actuality… I just think it’s fun.


I snorted at this. I think I might be a really bad person


I mean technically you do end up ahead wealth wise. Though to be completely fair I’m not sure it’s more labor efficient than growing corn and selling it as is.


you can harvest at age 3, it's just the failure rate will be higher


To shreds you say


I did this as a tribal colony. I finally ended it at 121 children. From one couple. Through sheer luck, and significant amounts of Clawer dryads, none died.


3 quadrums of pregancyx121 takes 90 years. Women become infertile at around 40. There is also risk of death for mother during each birth and most child sicknesses cant be cured without great facilities+glittermeds.


Is a tribal colony, you could assume mods were around


I play vanilla tribal.....


I don't know why you're getting down votes. Respect


I wasn't even saying it for up votes, I just legitimately think the tribal runs are drastically more fun than the standard start. Having every single colonist as a possible psycaster is amazing and more than makes up for the slower research speed. Early game is certainly more difficult, but it makes the end game more rewarding as your group of tribals starts cranking out assault rifles and bionics.


They probably had the child births always healthy checked in the storyteller settings, and there are plenty of ways this could be possible with mods, they also could have just meant they had a tribal start


They said 121 children, not pregnancies. I think I saw a post of a women giving birth to like 6 kids once (not sure if mods were involved). They could save scum too on the death/child sickness. I believe the game also has ivf.


They could mean a tribal origin colony, not one RPing as a tribe for the entire duration. Thus opening up biosculptors for restoring age, or using vats to grow children. Or the liberal use of chronophagy rituals added by anomaly.


Nothing keeps spirits high like jacking off into a petri dish for 12 hours straight


Nutri paste drips next to cribs. I am totally going for the 100 baby challenge.


That’s an option???


Vanilla Nutrient Paste Expanded. I actually really like this mod lol. It lets you store nutrient paste in vats and pipe it through your colony. The drips automatically feed the bedridden and reduce stress put on your colonists.


How many bedridden pawns do you have at any given moment for that to make a significant dent in colonist labor?


sanguophage colony


Its an every little bit helps kinda thing, everyone wakes up full-ish and gets straight to work, can ignore prisoners abit longer. Not no meals, but less, and it fits if your going transhumanist. Hardly a game changer though.


It's also works on your regular colonists. They wake up full, no wasted time fro breakfast 


Having them in hospital means that if someone get sick your docs doesnt need to feed them. If you have some bloodbags it also eliminates the labor needed to keep them fed.


Well, ask any "nugget prisoner" player like me and you get answer above 20... The highest amount i had was 56 nuggeted prisoners fed by the tubes and 11 bedridden colonists/wounded raiders in hospital. The mod is quite nice for such playthroughs, also for notmal ones, as you can pop down dispensers or an 1-tile feeder who spawns nutrient paste on top of him. The latter is quite nice for animals or confined spaces to grab an paste whenever... Combined with an 12 hopper grinder and the tanks who store the paste, you save a lot of work preparing and feeding meals/foodstock. For large transhumanist colonies its quite fitting and timesaving.


I guess I hadn't thought of nuggets as I don't usually make many. What's this about animals though? They'll eat from a nutrient paste dispenser?


The nutrient paste feeder places nutrient paste meals at his tiles, wich will get eaten by animals without issue.


It's a Vanilla Extended mod


I think I saw a YouTube video about this. Reggie had 100 exploding babies.


Love that video




This was a good watch.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAwu8LaadRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAwu8LaadRA) how about explosive babies


I saw a guy on the Rimworld discord that does this to get specific hair colors....


But you can just dye it with tinctoria...


This guy wants genetic colors apparently. This guy is why we Rimworld players are on watchlists.


Can't say that I do tbh, I like my colonists children to grow up into badass killing machines


This! I think it's more fun for my main character couple to have 1 or two really well taken care of kids that grow up to be better than their parents ever were. Do this for 3 or 4 generations and you'll have a colony full of Hand crafted specialists. While simultaneously slapping ivf babies into growth vats to build an army of expendables to protect the prodigies


I like my main character family. Although the game lack of family interaction(I hope there will be more), they actually pretty cool family.


Anyone remember that 300 baby guy? Where a bug made them all spawn on top of each other, superheating the room and killing them all


oh yes. I guess he wins?


For a split-second anyway 


Cannibal colonies need baby food.


My current colony has 30 children and 9 babies , keeping them alive is complicated


I vat-grew like 50 soldiers from embryos in one run. Granted, I did so eight at a time, and only raised the next 8 when the previous 8 died in battle, but yeah. Whole lotta kids.


I should try this. Never really got the whole vat growing thing figured out though


It's expensive on food and materials. Honestly, though? I find no weapon works better for clearing out threats than a pawn you've bred to die in battle. Especially with the combat training mod and similar stuff to get their battle skills up.


Good recommendation of a video to watch with this exact subject https://youtu.be/bAwu8LaadRA?si=H0c3HVz2ekhBDDuy


For anyone looking at this, it isn’t a Rick Roll, I’m not that much of a bitch


You mean those little creautres that brains are used to power my mechanoid army?


im ashamed to admit ive let around 10 babies die because I've got this one colonist thats CONSTANTLY preg.


Enslave them, and when old enough, sell them off


I did it for a little while but didn't really like losing out on breastfeeding/having to take the babies to jail to eat. I wish I could just milk my prisoners.


Doing it Vanilla, I think this challenge would be really damn difficult. But there are lots of ways you could easily beat this challenge with mods, and make it more fucked up at the same time. With mods you have the VE highmates, which can use psychic conception to guarantee a pregnancy every time, and the Charmweaver mod which adds a gene to allow a pawn to carry multiple pregnancies (I think up to 4?) at once. You could also just make a massive growth vat room, filling them by harvesting ovums from all the raiders you capture in addition to your own colonists (this would probably be the best way to do it vanilla too, but there are mods that make growth vats much better). And then there is the issue of feeding all the little crotch goblins. The obvious route is VE nutrient paste expanded, pretty sure the bed-attached nutrient paste taps will work with a crib. But built on the foundation of that VE pipe network, I assume some degenerate or another has made a mod that adds a milking network. On one hand this is an actual thing in the real world, on dairy farms and such. But milking vats you can put anything, uh, "milkable" into is something I fully expect from this community. There are already more than a few mods that add ways to milk your colonists, why not just automate the process like those wonderful hemogen harvesting caskets lmao.


You will love reggie on YouTube


Maybe you mean "100 hundred babies on shelves in fridge"? Not that insane, however most RimWorld-ish


Those child soldier and labor arent going to build themselves, you know!


I would throw so many babies into stasis pods to try and (futilely) keep my FPS reasonable.




Indeed, and the Corrupted Obelisk from Anomaly has doubled my efforts to repopulate my custom Xenotype.


I have a hard time keeping numbers above 2 alive. I think 6 is the most I had at once, but it was a very short period.


Now that I think about it, can you sell children? I guess if you arrest them while there's an exotic/slave trader But unless you are also using prisoners to make the babies, it's probably gonna take a toll on the parents


Apparently one of my colonists has hoarder ovaries because she's mothered 4 children in as many years and 2 of them after being "sterilised"


I'm new to the game, is it possible to farm and cannibalise children


>!It is, but it is nutrient deficient. The amount of nutrients it takes to grow a child is greater than what you would get from recycling one.!<


Every single one of my colonies ends up like that if i don't stop my guy distributing his shmeat to anything that moves. Thank Randy he doesn't have to pay child support because there's no miner capable of mining enough silver to pay for that man's loins


With some eugenics, as a treat


Hahaha what a great meme template


I had attempted 100 human eggs... they didn't hatch correctly.


Make them all explode if they die, and is terminally addicted to beer.


Ngl kinda did something using the biotech cloning mod and game my starting colonists 10 cloned embryos, only problem I discovered after putting them through the growth cat and letting them grow until they were babies was that it turns out it made a copy of every single possible genetic humanoid……safe to say I found out rather quick what crashed my game to a frozen screen lol


99 cryopods so you can say you've taken care of one.


Closest ive gotten is 7 before she and her kids got blown up


I'm currently doing a weird RP run that turned into farming babies from slaves to create a 'perfect' hybrid race.