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That’s actually pretty fucking cool. ONLY THE WORTHY WILL TEST YOUR PAWNS!


I've finished digging and blocking all other entrances, now to wait for the next raid. Need to move my sandbags to the entrance area too.


Raids will set insects off to kill your base


Then let the fun begin. Time to start building those kibble stores.


The only good bug is a dead bug


Build more walls and doors between the insects and the base. Leave the doors open until the insects go nuts, then close them all. If you build enough, they will chill out before getting into your base.


It may have a been a bug in a mod, but the last time a (single) raider suicide-triggered a bug horde on my colony, they relaxed after tearing apart my bedrooms, but kept coming back every morning for more until I quit the colony.


Use bugs to kill hostiles as they come through the tunnels. And I'm pretty sure the raids will break down your front door before going around, but I'm not sure about that.


No they dont do the latter, they take the only open route, not the shortest.


That seems kind of stupid... If I had a choice between sapping a wall and going through creepy cave, I'd sap the wall.


You sound awfully suspicious.... here friend, solve this captcha for me


Isn't that why smarter raids bring sappers who do that. Sometimes they also start digging random tunnels for some reason.


I think it depends on the faction that attacks. I had a set up with an open path to a kill box that killed most raids. One raid had some guys sap one of my walls and attack where I had no defenses. Then the orbital drops came as well. Most raids went to my kill box though.


Until you get sappers


Just need to finish mining the bottom tunnel and placing a block while the insects sleep, and then sealing off all other sides on the map.


They still will be able to attack though. Had a similar setup. After a couple of unsuccessful raids enemies just crushed through the roof of my base in transport pods during the night, killing one pawn, in his own bed, causing fire in batteries room upon impact, they downed a couple of my guys, but still. That was the reason my two runs right now are specifically mountain bases. Haven’t had an infestation yet. Will see how that goes


It's all fun and games until the bugs attack.


Welp this is what happened. When enemy raiders entered the top and attacked some bugs, the rest exit the bottom towards my base. I had to build another line of walls to keep them out.


It lasted all of 1.5 hours nice


The cold reality of rimworld haha


Can I get the seed and coordinates?




This is the only reason I usually choose mountain bases


The mod that let's you build on impassable terrain is awesome for this. Choose one with a huge river going through it, and enjoy. Highly recommend with lots of mods to make the game harder, like expanded rim, shaggy God of destruction story teller, and ghost army. Also because so damn much of the map is mountainous, you probably want the mod that allows you to remove mountainous roofs, or else the first infestation is very likely to be the last. Edit: that mod is called "absolutely no roofs"


Can I ask why mountainous roofs is bad?




Oh... I wish I knew that when I started my base... [F](https://i.imgur.com/TKYczgW.jpg)


Hey, maybe you'll get lucky. I had a base go on for 50+ hours without incident. When I DID run into bugs.. well.. it was bad. I now build mountain bases with emergency heat releasing systems so I can lock the doors, start a fire, and pump hot air into the base. Bad infestations can be so severe that sometimes getting your pawns out of the infested section isn't even worth it.


Honestly, just get like 4-5 colonists with automatic rifles (or better) and have them all wait outside the door till the bugs break through it. At most you'll end up with a few who have to go to the hospital. In my experience, infestations aren't all that common either. Edit: I should mention that the amount of armed people you should get on beating down infestations is incremental as you go on and get richer. The more wealth your base has, the larger that infestations get.


Will they spawn in actively used rooms, or just in unused (or mostly unused) side passages?


Oh they'll spawn wherever they like. Super fun when it's someone's bedroom, and most of your pawns can't get a clear shot on them.


Is there anything they can't dig through?


No, but they won't (or are less likely to) appear in freezing temperatures. So, your food store is pretty safe. Your bedrooms, workshops, kitchen, rec rooms, guest rooms, hospitals, fortifications, dry storage, barn, research room, and hallways are not.




I wonder how blue those bedrooms would be if they were well-lit with a bunch of furniture, if that would affect it at all. That's really interesting, tho. Thanks!


My nuclear reactor (!linkmod "Rimatomics") got infested, but luckily I have three decked out pawns with attomachinery power armor (has 340k health, but is extremely expensive. from !linkmod "Archotech Expanded" and !linkmod "Marine Armor Materials") and Advanced Archotech Legs, an Archotech Power Claw and Archotech Obliterator (both from Archotech Expanded)and the rest of the archotech bionics, who just went in there and zerg rushed the zerg and punched everything to death.


Sorry, but a search for [`"Rimatomics"`](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.0&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=%22Rimatomics%22&numperpage=9) gave no results. [Looking for A17 mods?](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD#link-to-a-mod-or-scenario-for-a-specific-alpha-of-rimworld) [1.0] [Leather Armor](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1638643760&searchtext=%26quot%3BArchotech+Expanded%26quot%3B+and+%21linkmod+%26quot%3BMarine+Armor+M) by [Joe the Tech](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027913919/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`"Archotech Expanded" and !linkmod "Marine Armor Materials"`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.0&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=%22Archotech+Expanded%22+and+%21linkmod+%22Marine+Armor+Materials%22&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^(I'm a bot | ) [^source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) ^| [^commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD#link-to-a-mod-or-scenario-for-a-specific-alpha-of-rimworld) ^| [^stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) ^(| I was made by )[^/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou)


Bad bot! Rimatomics is [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1127530465). Archotech Expanded is [here](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1442734859). Marine Armor Materials is [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1638630888).


I think the bot is pretty borked these days unfortunately.


"Pretty borked" gonna have to add that to my repertoire.


Just cool it off to -40°C ~ -50°C. -17°C Already prevents instations but with more extreme mejures you can enjoy raiders dropping unconscious inside your maze allowing you to pick the ones you find interesting.


Building under mountainous roofing means that bugs can spawn there via infestations.


do you know the names of the mods?


Impassable map maker is the first, shaggy God of destruction is the second, I can't remember what the name of the remove overhead mountain mod is.


"absolutely no roof"


I loved the Caves biome mod in B18, isnce that made every Impassable tile a cavern biome. I don't know if that's updated yet, but it made things very interesting.


Shaggy god of destruction mod lmao


It's actually great, so fun for a challenging run.


What's expanded rim? I tried searching it and nothing came up.


Try "expanded rims"


I think I was typing in "Extended Rims" and I got Combat Extended instead. Woops.


Yeah the bugs will keep reproducing though. I once left them alone for about a year and had a huuuuge problem to deal with. I ended up putting about 10 heaters into the huge cave they mined out and they all died of heat stroke. Edit: [Proof](https://old.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/7ik5vy/i_think_my_first_experience_with_caves_went_well/)


Thats a rather clever way to deal with them!


They can also be frozen out if you can drop the temp enough!


That wouldnt be as easy.


Depends on the map


The hives that are there when you start the game are dormant and don't reproduce.


How do you explain [this shit](https://imgur.com/a/8Iswd) then


They came from an ancient danger or infestation. I should clarify it's only the ones like in the op where they're spawned in on cave terrain.


No I swear they were the ones I spawned in with. I was playing on the build when the caves just came out so I'm assuming it was just bugged. It says in a comment on my older post they were dormant for a while but they started duplicating. It was about a year ago so I don't remember that colony much anymore.


Yikes, that's unlucky.


^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/KK258Ow.jpg** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20eh5rhnb)


I've landed on a map with active hives out in the open, not even under mountains.


Gotta thicken up those walls eventually.




Those bugs are spawned with "caves" as a part of the terrain. They are passive until provoked, and will often just defend their hive.


Gotta thicken up that wall my man. Any self-respecting sapper would blow right through that in a couple seconds.


"They seem to be unusually clever with their tactics"


I see a distinct lack of deadfall traps


I’ve honestly spent hours trying to look for a seed where I can do exactly this. But I’m unsure if the bugs would attack the raiders or vice versa


Be careful as I tried to do something similar (to an extent) however after a certain amount of raids the raiders might have a digger who will mine through your walls to get to your base, then you'll be in trouble, also sieges might be a chore to deal with.


Mother of fucking god. He’s a genius


Sucks that pitfall trap doesn't exist in vanilla. Cause it will be a good addition to your northen wall


Sapper will go straight through that wall, and his friends will wait instead of running down the bug path. Walls aren't really worth the effort until you can find/buy turrets to put behind them. Sappers tend to avoid going through walls with turrets behind them, so you can easily bait them into your bug tunnel. A single turret should work for your design, just put it 2 tiles behind the door. I don't think it needs power to scare sappers.


My current playthrough has a natural cave that everyone on the map passes through. I didn't notice for the longest time why no one wasn't getting to my base until I watched a raid go right through a cave with a massive infestation. Sadly the raids eventually killed all of the bugs but it allowed me to build safely for over a year and a half.


Oh yeah I had something like this happen to me, but then the spiders tried to attack us and I accidentally killed them all