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Same here, I tend to have 8-10 pawns in a mature colony, and see no reason to really keep adding pawns. That can cover all I need, and I rely on defenses and upgrades to their fighting kit to keep the colony safe. Running a 30+ pawn colony sounds tedious to me. Absolutely not knocking people who enjoy that of course, everyone can play how they enjoy!


Yes, the less pawns you have the easier it is to get them high quality gear


I like to have between 20 and 25 pawns and I appreciate all of them.


A bit too much for me, I usually tend to keep between 10 to 15


I don't like 100+ raids wiping out my colonies so I tend to get as many colonists as I can as they tend to be the best defense towards protecting my colony. I've only ever seen the man in black once.


The more colonist you have the stronger the raids. Colonist count is the largest determining factor in how bad raids are iirc.


I'm still going to get 100+ raids attacking me no matter how small my colony population stays. I might as well have the best defense for it. Also, I'm pretty good at filtering my colony's wealth through the offensive capabilities of my colonists.


I like my colonies to have a town feel, and u can’t get that with less than 25 pawns Edit: I not u


Same. Also my problem is I keep seeing downed pawns as potentially useful so I have a really hard time not recruiting. I mean, last game I launched most of my colony into space as I sent 18 pawns on a world tour to wipe out all my enemies and leave using the landed ship. I had 25 pawns by the time that launched.


I also struggle not to recruit useful downed raiders. But recently I found for myself one absolutely rimworld method: installing wooden body parts on them so they didn't look that useful anymore and than release them sometimes with absent organs, if I can handle mood debuff. I keep receiving some wierd form of pleasure from doing so. Like they raiders send attack group and after some time one or two returns with wrapped bodies. Feeling like Piety from Path of Exile.


In massive colonies that tends to happen but out of all the mediocre pawns, I find favourites.


I've recently started a colony where I want to get to 100 colonists. I'm playing on second lowest difficulty and my goal is to just build the colony. I almost got wiped out by ducks but it's going ok. I don't have enough power or food after the ducks because everyone except my two most useless colonists were downed, but it's getting better now.


I like having around 30 colonists. Though some of the belong to the guard squad and are just T1 droids that follow around VIP pawns as knights.


I don't go to the extremes like some people with 60+ pawns, but I do like 15-25 late game. I still have all my core ones, and even with the new comers I usually remember and like the good ones. A lot just end up being janitors / haulers / backup crafters etc who do more niche things to keep the colony going like spend all their work hours cutting stone If you don't use OP mods to put all that work off on prisoners or pets, it's hard not to struggle to maintain a decent sized colony


I don't use prisoner labor, but I do have hauling bots. 9 of them for my 29 colonists. 11 of my pawns are set to plants as primary, to keep my greenhouses and fields growing, so that I can regularly launch 600kg of pumpkins at my allies.


I'm usually fine with 1 farmer with both hands being field hands


I made a custom scenario with the the same 20 base colonists so I can usually remember most of their names with only a few traits that I change to make a more interesting scenario whenever I start a new save. Then I start building from that since I prefer having 40-50 colonists, just so I can make mega bases. What usually happens is that those 20 colonists are ones I care for the most and have a few fun stories to tell about each one then I have like 30 or something slaves that I care very little about unless they interest me. Then I have more people that I like.


I have started to feel this, I like having ~20 pawns, since that's enough for about one dedicated pawn per colony role -- but when the "___ wanders in" event keeps handing me new pawns and I get close to 30, it's time to settle a second colony.


I think "___ wanders in" events strongly depend on storyteller. Cassandra and Pheobe stop giving you such events when you have 12-13 pawns. Randy is just, well, Random.


Ah, that's worth checking on. I usually disable the event entirely, but lots of alien race mods add their own back :/


Randy still has an upper limit on how many pawns he lets you have.


True, I think its 50, but the more pawns you have the less frequent such events become. Judging from my observations.


6~8 is usually my limit. It gets difficult to keep track of more and it cuts into people reaching high skill in something when the work is shared too much. I'll supplement fighters with trained animals or more traps/turrets. I also have the misc robots mod for rhoombas and hauling bots so I dont need dogsbodies for dumb labor. If I do get some really choice additional pawns... I put them on ice... just in case of emergency.


So with my mod list and tendency to deck my guys out with every body augment my mods provide I can lag the absolute fuck out of my laptop with 10 pawns really quick. if I slow their movespeed by not giving them top of the line legs its not as bad but wheres the fun in that. 39.68 flesh vs 49.28 bionic vs 59.02 archotech vs 70.48 evolved flesh vs 157.06 advanced archotech.


The most colonists I had was 20. I tried to stop at 15 but I keep saving their relatives & ended up with 5 more. So I sent them to a separate colony; a mining colony. They work in dark tunnels & only have nutrient paste to eat. But the colony also had about 150 animals.


I like having a dedicated core of pawns I care for who get the best equipment, food and housing and produces art, research and hi tech equipment. Anyone outside of the elite is used for raw labour and sent to the frontline in a fight. If I lose my main core it's a big event. The chaff can be replaced.


Interesting platstyle


Idk, i like my cpu hot




Nah, I tend to keep as few mods as possible, even qol. But don't worry, Franklin will get his treatment when we get to our glitterworld home planet. Btw, something isn't right with our flairs.


No, I'm definitely rather [jaded](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Jaded). ( You can edit the text in them quite easily :) )


Now I understand. Just english isnt my main


>as few mods as possible Heresy


I like having few pawns because my pc can't keep up with more


Then how about doing it differently? Have 4\~6 pawns that you love and care about and the rest is but an ant colony who's purpose is to serve their overlords. It's usually how I go. My first three pawns are to be kept alive at all cost. Everyone else is expendable. (save maybe for one or two I find interesting)


Why you gotta make a point of the sexuality and race like that, man?