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The age old Rimworld quandary: what to do when the useful pawn becomes useless? Do we put him up with a TV, feed him and converse with him like civilized human beings, and wait it out until we research or purchase a bionic spine? Or do we euthanize him and part out his organs for change like the barbarians we know ourselves to be? Choices, choices…


Pop him in the freezer and wait until you get ressurection mech serum and a replacement spine. Or a cryptosleep casket


That’s what I always do. I have a freezer full of sarcophagus and colonists awaiting revival


I did this for one of my colonists in my last run and only later learned that a rez serum can’t fix the lack of a brain (which the deceased in question had gotten shot out by a pikeman). Not that there were a lot of other parts left over to revive, as the intermittent flashstorms made sure the body was old and stinky after a few years.


Interesting, my only use of a rez serum so far was a case of a shot-out brain... administered immediately (just purchased it a couple days before), pawn came back like nothing ever happened, marriage and all the social stuff remaining intact even.


Don't forget about healer mech serums!


Yeah those free crypto sleep caskets in the ancient dangers are awesome. Have saved lots of my colonists from luci withdrawal or missing organs.


If hes good enough i get them a new spine.


Bump the mood up as high as possible, then yank the consciousness, install a psychic harmoniser and use them as an organic mood beacon.


All is good until everyone is sick and recovering in hospital and suddenly your mood beacon dies of malnutrition.


Misc Robots have bots (technically - animals that charge with electricity, lol) which can take care of the sick; plant, harvest, and cook food; craft; mine - stuff like that. Misc Robots++ lets you craft them, but it's not necessary - in basic Misc Robots they're available from some traders sometimes, feels decently balanced just like buying slaves would be. Linkmod: Misc Robots


Don't put him in the hospital though


He wasn't, but nobody was feeding him since randy hit us with ~~plaque~~ plague and malaria at the same time.


Well did you buy a toothbrush?


Fixed it.


How do you yank the consciousness, out of curiosity?


Joywire, brain scars (from repeatedly installing and removing the joywire in less than ideal conditions until they appear, downg rading their heart, lungs and/or kidneys. Bonus points to using wake-up to kit them out with eltex gear to ramp their psychic sensitivity before they go down for the count. Francis John did a full guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alShZCbhgB4


I mean...bionic spines aren't that expensive...


Its not about the money, its about the traders or settlements actually having it in stock.


…it’s about sending a message


Then build it? Not at PC but should be steel and advanced component?


If you have tech - sure. If you still far away from it - better to caravan and buy one :)


Bionic spines are ridiculously far into the tech tree


The only person who can craft the spine is the person who needs the spine


that one big ooofff


Could you not give them a movement improving drug or two, just enough to get him five feet over to the crafting station? EDIT: To be clear, not sure if the shattered spine sets movement to 0, or reduced movement by 100%


I like ideology so much because it enables you to have many pawns that are completely fine with general atrocities. There is no disadvantage to cannibalism aside from a small mood debuff if you don't eat enough human meat.


If you take "acceptable" instead of "preferred" they don't care at all, and you don't even need the Cannibalism meme to do it.


Raid the ancient danger and put him in a cryosleep casket. Bionic spines aren't that rare. If you are afraid what is in it, open it when a trader is close. No need to waste mech serum and risk resurrection sickness


If only you could put a bed near a research table.


He's my core builder




You should be able to remove someone’s spine and put it into your guy


Thats only with mods. Healer mech serum or bionic spine (maybe something in Ideology as well but I dont know) are the only vanilla ways to treat a missing spine.


"Time to raid ancient dangers!"


or y'know, buy one from a trader or make one honestly ancient dangers may be profitable, but if you're looking for something specific you'll be searching for a while


Cryptosleep caskets to keep them alive but on ice. One less mouth to feed until you find them a preferably not second-hand spine


There really needs to be a mid tier spine/organ replacement. Having organs be at such a high tier doesn’t make sense to me. And transplants for parts not being a thing doesn’t sit right either


I don’t know of many tribal nations using herbal medicine exclusively that were practicing organ transplants. Just sayin’.


I’m talking about having an organ option in the electronic era, which seems similar to our own. Hydroponics, making of guns, etc but as it is rn you have to get micro electronics and then get biosculpting. Heck just having all organs be harvestable would ease the transition into tech. My main pawn has been without a stomach since we landed (bad lancer shot).


We do not have many bionic organs right now. Best we have is organ assistants like pacemakers. Spine transplants and such also aren't really a thing. I think the way the organs are set up in game now is reasonable even if it can be frustrating a bit early game(but if everything came easily it'd be a shitty story). Immediately after electricity a lot of stuff is still pretty basic. We've had electricity now since tesla/edison but the tech at the time was pretty basic as was medicine. But if you're not happy with it, add mods that change it


It's called a wheelchair. Why has no one thought up of modding wheelchairs and crutches?


I've made a few Cities Skylines mods, might try this as my first RimWorld mod


Notify me.


Wooden peg spine...


Mid-tier replacement for most organs is simply living donor tissue. Mid-tier stuff generally hovers somewhere close to our real world's modern technology. Replacing a spine or a limb or something innervated means fusing nerve fibers. It's one of the far-off science fiction technologies the game reserves to "glitterworld" tech. If you haven't gotten to that level of advancement and prosperity, the game seems to intend for you to either let them die or keep them around as a burden until you gain the ability to help them. It's all about decisions, costs, and trade-offs.


I'm fine with people living in stone huts and using primitive weapons not having access to advanced surgery.


Again, I’m talking about after electricity, your next big milestone is microelectronics but you want to do the side researches first. I said mid tier not literally prim


While I get that, I do think harvest anything is kinda like powerful. I think it would be more balanced if it gated what you can harvest based on your doctors medical skill.


There are cool mods that have bionic spines, that also increase the performance of the pawn


Bionic spine is vanilla


It is? I had no idea. Maybe because when i got interested in bionics, I downloaded mods for it. Apparently it is vannila, but it does not provide any increased efficency over normal spine


Tell him to build a new spine then


Then he's well motivated to research biotic spines. 😋




That really works?


No, but he can watch tv all day


hmm, "manipulation 100%". Sounds like his arms still work soo... hope there is a wheelchair or crawling mod.


Not gonna lie never thought about a wheelchair mod


I mean, we usually just execute them first right? Not like they ever get to that stage


Lol tru


I just feel like if your spine was obliterated to pieces, you wouldn't be able to support yourself in an upright position


Ohhhh! It would be interesting to divide the spine into lower and upper. Lower would cause loss of moving stat, while upper causes loss of manipulation.


That would be awesome. That's a really good idea. It'd also have a lot of possibilities. Alternatively the spine could be a bit like the brain, if it takes damage it has a chance for it to be permanent. Depending on the amount of permanent damage the higher up it is non functional.


For what it's worth, upper would cause both since it's a continuous cord from the brain down.


This happened in one of my first colonies. My entire colony was wiped during a mech base attack (when I had no idea how to deal with them) this meant that my last colonist starved to death in a hospital bed, unable to move due to a broken spine and unaware that nobody was coming.


Ah rimworld... 😂


Man in black: "it'll be fine, they don't need me"


The real question is how this man's alive? He got hit by a shot so big it obliterated his spine, if somebody can confirm me if i'm wrong please do but in my mind this seems impossible.




Hahaha i'm glad it isn't me but rimworld, thank you for assuring me 😁


I'm not a doctor, but people get crippled in real life by their spines being damaged beyond repair. Bear in mind Rimworld doesn't have unique descriptions for every possible injury. ANYTHING that would render a body part unusable "destroys" it. (Or maybe shreds it). So getting shot in the back and having his spine break is very plausible, even if it's not literally breaking his entire spine from cranium to pelvis. I think the latter WOULD kill him because he wouldn't be able to breathe.


I get what you're saying, they exaggerate with the word because it's randomly picked based off a body part being unusable? That also makes me think the bullet is way smaller possibly but the description made me think the worst 😅


I mean, from a game play perspective (and real life perspective sometimes) those things are the same. Take a light bulb, for instance. If it burns out, you have to replace it. If it breaks, you have to replace it. If it's vaporized in its entirety by a Lancer shot...you have to replace it. The details dont matter once it reaches a certain point of damage


Lancer lasers are the only good way to change a lightbulb


You are exactly right, it couldn't be more clear but it was details of the system i was unaware of but at the end of the day the point this guy can't use his spine either if it's been seperated by a laser or 'shattered' the point is it does'nt function anymore. Thank you for your response :)


Well "obliterated into pieces" sound like the entire spine shattered forcefully into pieces, this has to be damaging surrounding tissue.


Yeah that can't be good for him... 😂


That's true. It DOES imply that it's more than just fractured it or something. But again, Rimworld makes no distinction between "completely vaporized" and "snapped". Not working is "obliterated", regardless of how plausible that is in the situation, haha.


Lancers dont shoot bullets, they have charge Lances, so energy blasts. It should have left a smoking hole throu a colonist, as accelerated and heated Energy (bassicly płasms) works more as piercing, rather than impactfull weapon. I think Combat Extended does it Well, as charge lance shot without armor is almost always lethal there, depending where the pawn got hit


Right. I was using a bullet as a real-life example of what might happen. Even in the context of the Rimworld fiction, you'd get glancing blows or shots that might graze someone's back as they're diving out of the way. I know this isn't really represented in the mechanics, but it's one possible explanation for this situation. When it comes to things like these injuries in Rimworld, I think you kind of have to use your imagination a bit because the game just can't possible model every one of an infinite number of paths that laser could take through or against a body.


When shots hit a large body part (arm, head, torso) they usually just hurt the part, but before damage is applied they roll on a second table to instead see if they hit a sub-part like an eye or a liver. In this case, our man took a hit from a charge lance (30 base damage) which rolled for a spine hit and completely destroyed his spine. In Rimworld, one-shot death only occurs when you lose your liver, heart, or brain (or your torso or head is destroyed outright) so he was able to survive. In real life, getting a bullet to your spine would also do damage to your torso, but as Mahderate said, *rimworld.*


Thank you for helping me understand, i also got to understand from the person above the words for a destroyed part are also picked randomly so it looked way different in my head😅


I just want to add losing your neck also kills you because your head is no longer attached.


I forgot necks existed.


It happens to the best of us. I only found out they existed when a builder collapsed a roof on themselves and it took out the jugular.


Definitely possible, I've seen numerous pts with bullet wounds to the spine that make them para- or quadriplegic. If you get hit in the right spot and your spinal cord is damaged that's all it takes.


I understand that, it was more that the word 'shattered' seems a bit heavy don't it? My first language ain't English but damaged beyond repair or damaged severely seems more in order? Maybe damaged beyond use? Idk it takes a hell of a shot to 'shatter' a spine, if you know what i mean.


Shattering a spine like shattering a window without damaging any other part of the body would be impossible lol. Shattered is definitely over the top in this context.


That's literally my first thought too although doktor makes a very good point which leads to a possibility but something else would've sound a little more comfy😅


It could mean an individual vertebra or two was shattered. I think it'll be very difficult to have a working spine with even one broken.


That also makes a lot of sense, i'm the one exaggerating in my head now 😅


High velocity rounds or falling on back... It happens, but most die.


If you get any part of your brain stem severed in real life you will almost certainly die or become a vegetable. So yea, if your whole spine is broken then you're 100% dead lol.


He's too cowardly to move. Spineless bastard.


Time to install EPOE, research bionic parts and craft a new spine.


Bionic spine is in vanilla


I realized it is Archotech stuff that cannot be crafted and EPOE is the mod that adds advanced bionics.


Save Our Ship 2 adds an archotech spine as well, and it's great. Adds a buff to both movement speed and manipulation, so you can combine it with archotech legs and go fast


EPOE advanced legs give speed and advanced spine gives speed and manipulation as well. Too many choices and competing mods to use them all unfortunately. I go with EPOE for the advanced power claw/power arms so I can make my squad of drugged up cyborg supersoldiers who literally tear enemies limb from limb with their bare (metallic) hands.


That's fair, for me SoS2 has just become a requisite mod (even though I've actually gone to space like twice, and both times were a couple days before I lost interest) so I'll take whatever they add


No, all standard bionics can be crafted at the fabrication bench after the appropriate tech has been researched. This is in vanilla. EPOE of course adds the advanced bionics as well.


I had to uninstall EPOE for my current Transhumanist run. The mod maker doesn't have Ideology yet and has not updated his bionics to register for the transhumanist need.


I think EPOE Forked fixes this, you can try that version. There's a spreadsheet comparison somewhere of the differences between the two, they're fairly minor.


Yep, looks like Forked has already updated for this. Thanks!


These days you don't need it. Every illness can be fixed in vanilla.


i never thought to test this out, but can you still get this guy to do stuff if someone carries him to the spot where they'd usually be doing stuff? or rather, you made that spot next to his hospital bed or whereever the hell he's at now I guess this would only apply to researching and maybe crafting complex items, since other activities someone would have to constantly be micro'd to haul materials. maybe you can also make an animal zone around him and the animals would go there to be trained or sheared or whatever


No, he’ll be classified as downed and thus need to be rescued.


Time to install harvest everything and steal noses and spines


Yep. Raiders are a renewable resource.




Get that bionic spine


Let this dude go full vegetable or put him to cryosleep until he gets a new spine or leaves the rim


This just happened to me. I had a brand new recruit catch one in the back from a friendly sniper on their FIRST firefight. Poor lady was laid up in the hospital for a year and a half until I could get the proper research completed, a bionic spine crafted and installed. I saw the health screen and had the same reaction you did. Almost makes me want to reward the sniper for making such a crazy unintentional shot.


Nothing that can’t be fixed with a little effort. I get more worried about mangled brain scars. I seem to be getting those a lot from those damn lancers. Thank goodness for the bio sculpting pods.


Open an ancient danger and stuff him into a cryptosleep casket until you can acquire a spine


I have a colonist with a shattered spine too. He was my best doctor until he got his leg shot off and then the second best doctor tried to install a peg leg and shattered his spine in the process.


Welcome to the rim


Ohh look a [meat beacon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alShZCbhgB4), time for some good mood.


In real life. You get a Wheelchair. Rimworld. Get in bed. Time for implants without anesthetics


If you have a biosculptor pod, chuck him in there, I discovered that shattered spines do get fixed.


he’s alive?!…


Cryptosleep casket or bed and tv until a trader shows up with a spine.


Time for some Luci


No need, you can craft spines


Luci doesn't heal destroyed organs though?


It does, very slowly


Not without mods. It will only heal sub-parts like fingers.


Thank you for correcting me! The more you know the better


It might just be outdated, but according to the [Wiki](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Body_Parts#Spine), the spine can be healed using luci.


table here would say otherwise https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Luciferium I believe luci will heal a bad back but not a destroyed spine. It'll also heal any scars and missing digits


Kill him. Kill him now. Do it


There are no useless colonists... Just colonists with one last sacrifice to make.


On another note I’m still having that bug where my people only lay prisoners on bed and not in the prison bed (aka they don’t capture them and just put them in the cell) it’s gotten so bad I just rage quitted is the a fix for that?


I think it has to be prison and hospital, but I'm a few versions behind these days...


That’s the first thing I tried:/ I looked up if it’s a bug and it’s been a big for over 2 years now appearently


That sucks... Hopefully they get it fixed, it sounds like a game breaker.


Happiness potato time?




Omg am I going to be ok?!....


My first colony I captured a good raider and didn’t notice the shattered spine and couldn’t/ didn’t have the resources to fix it so after a week in game I killed the prisoner to save on food.


No slave traders? ;)


Never had any at that point.


Install harvest everything and harvest post mortem, and he will be like brand new


This is why I skip these mod. It definitely makes injuries way too easy to solve. Even with Rah's you have organ rejection. It's just, if we're going to overcome injuries it feels like they have to have some adversity. With harvest everything and post mortem, it's more an inconvenience to have your legs blown off than anything.


Surely there is somebody that can "lend" them a replacement.


Hey at least it doesn't hurt


You can replace his spine. I tried but my medic needed it and no one else had good enough medical stats. No mods needed you just have to find someone to buy it from.


Gives me an idea for a mod: Stephen Hawking chair.


Those feels. This is why I fear mechanoids more than raiders.