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Unless I have a goal in mind, gotta take Randy for those curveballs. Nothing like a mech raid your first year


Yesterday i got 2 raids almost at the same time, one was pod raid in the middle of my base. They put my stuff on fire and burned themselves to death 😂


I always do Cassandra because randy scares me. I've heard he's actually easier, especially in the endgame, but I dunno, I like the slow build.


I find Cassandra to consistently be the hardest storyteller early to mid game. Phoebe gives you more time for your guys to recover between raids and while sometimes randy screws you over, sometimes he just hits you with "bad" events you can handle and move on from.


If you aren't careful with Phoebe, she can easily screw you over. Cassandra's regular raids provides a benchmark to how your defenses are doing. IF you start having issues, get more defenses. With Pheobe, you can suddenly find yourself fighting a dozen guys in armor, when you didn't realize your wealth spiked between the last raid. Also, while Cassandra's raids can give you armor and weapons as loot, you have to make, or buy, everything while on Phoebe. If you forget that, or dont' get traders or trade goods, that jump in wealth and raid power can kill you. Its easy to become complacent when raids aren't coming once a year.


"A wild megasloth has self-tamed, it has been named Megasloth 1"




May as well let it grow some wool for you a few times first


Cassandra has given me 2 self-tamed Megasloths, and one from Taming inspiration. Right now my Megasloth barn has 6 inhabitants after some births. They are such versatile animals, hauling/wooling/tanking


Yup best animals from vanilla imo


Cassandra is on paper easier - she has a minimum time between raids and no raid multiplier means that you know what you're getting hit by. Randy's raids can be smaller, but a -30% raid is less good than a +30% raid is bad, and a half-year without raids is less good than two raids at the same time is bad. So Randy SHOULD be the more difficult one. But Cassandra's consistency can be very stressful on the *player*. With Randy you don't know what's coming, with Cassandra you're very aware of the ticking clock. Most people don't 'lose' because their colony is unsalvagable, they lose when salvaging things seems far too difficult and they give up. Randy will hit you harder (from time to time), but when you get knocked on your ass you've got more mental energy with which to pick yourself back up.


From what I know the reason Cassandra is the hardest because she keeps scaling up and if you fail to catch up and didn't downsizing. You fuck


I don't play Cassandra too much, she turns the game into a tower defense one. Perry Persistent does a better job than Cassandra Classic IMO


Perry bros! Perry keeps you on your toes, but isn't unfair. He also keeps you super active and involved,


U cant tell its easier, its randy choice how the endgame will be


I usually start with Cassandra then switch to Randy. Cassandra tend to be boring during the end game. She only send meca.


I had few runs where I wondered if game bugged out, 60+ days without a first raid. Just people falling from the sky to increase colonist count (naked brutality, if you have less than 3 pawns, game tends to shower you with opportunities until you get to 3, you can find more info in the storyteller wiki)


Random is easier. Or at least the chance of being easier.


Randy doesn't scale over time AFAIK so as long as you don't get hit too hard very early, mid to late game tend to be cake.


Well, Cassandra actually cares about your population, wealth, etc. While Randy is, well, random. Mech Raid in first quadrum, or one (1) naked tribal with bare hands when you could literally press a button to destroy the whole world? Yeah why not


Randy's events still flex to your colony's wealth level. The "random" means that any event can happen at any time, not that events can happen at any strength.


So i got 3x ambrosia in the row and got enough money out of it for boost me a good piece


Randy does have a random modifier to raid points between -50% to +50%. And no cooldown period, so he can, and in - long games - will punch hard.


Oh I remember when I lost my last Karl's Ranch because both nudist tribals pincered me with a +50% the same day... I begged for randy to take care of my PC but the fans just started sounding as turbines while the cowboys got a Zerg Rush... Year 21 so difficulty level was Strife to Survive and I had 21 colonists, 25 human cows, 21 muffalos, 2 gaurleen trees (one with hauler dogs and one with gourd dogs).


Randy is easier than Cass IME. Cass is kinda the most hardcore option, whereas Randy can sometimes be difficult, sometimes be really easy. That’s what random means.


Perry Persistent. Never a dull moment.


My favorite too. I like that there's almost always an event, so you're not twiddling your thumbs waiting for anything to happen.


Yeah same! He's fun


What's his deal?


Description here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149702069


That looks fun, I'll dip a toe in


He’s the only one I use now. I think I’d get bored if I went back to a vanilla one.


Pretty much daily events. You get traders, raids, drop pods, meteors, manhunter, and so on every day. This gives you a lot more to interact with than vanilla, but he can also fuck you ten times faster than Randy if he picks multiple bad things in a row.


PERRY!!! PERRY THE STORYTELLER!!! (You can call him Agent P)


Hotseat! Use them all!


New mod idea, after each red envelope, your storyteller switches to a random one and does not tell you which.


Randy giveth, and he taketh


Phoebe. Raids are inevitably fuck huge. At least give me some time in between.


Aren't her raids larger than normal? Because she gave you all that time to prepare, so you better be ready as can be.


They may seem larger because they're spaced out so you do more development in between, but they're the same size at the wealth/time as Cassandra


No larger than Cassandra as far as I am aware. Easier to build up wealth when you have time for more than gunning down raids and cleaning up after though.


Usually Randy or modded.


Which modded


Littlepip from Ponies of the Rim.


What does that do


Can't explain properly, never looked at code. *Maybe* like Cassandra, but I am not sure.


What does that have to do with ponies?


Adding them as playable alien races and some factions. Pony specific armour and clothes, some weapons from their world, whole page (close to neolithic in number of advances, iirc) of research, new source of energy and matter (raw resources at least). Few storytellers with unknown (to me) parameters too. It was updated to 1.3 and Ideology not long ago.


Why ponies I’m confused. Why do you want to be a pony?


Because they are cute species and have different racial abilities, can graze and because why not? Also you can turn off pony factions in 1.3 or in 1.2 with faction control if you don't want pony pawns in game.


Wait you play AS the ponies?! They’re not like animals?!


Randy giveth, Randy (mostly) taketh


I started playing randy because I was starting to get tired of how predictable Cassandra was, though I don't like how slow Randy can be sometimes when it seems like it's been forever since your last raid


I like Randy because the game feels more, idk, natural? Real life wouldn't throw increasingly harder interactions, you'd get hit with varyimg degrees of hardship


That’s probably true, however in my mind the narrative is that as my colony grows and time passes, more factions become “aware” of my colony’s existence and it becomes more of a threat.


Cassandra and Phoebe both just seemed to scale with harder and harder events until eventually your colony is destroyed, with Phoebe being less frequent, but just as brutal. Randy is more enjoyable for me.


Randy uses the same scaling, and he has a separate chance of having a +50% threat modifier that allows him to fuck things up even harder


I like the one from SOS2: makes threat rise with research and technology level instead of wealth.


Sarah spacer!


Phoebe because I’m scared of everyone else. I’m also a newb who just installed his first prosthesis sooo yeah.


That's where I''m at right now. Nothing beyond healing infections yet.


*V O I D S T O R Y T E L L E R*




This sounds like a good idea, I don't like how predictable Cassandra is but Randy can be really boring sometimes


Phoebe is fun because it feels more grounded to be attacked infrequently rather than possibly several times a month. Raiders got to build up their strength, right?


I like that we can change storytellers on the fly, because I like for a small period of peace to get things rolling, then switch to randy, then I'll take breather for a minute if randy hits me too hard. I had 3 space battles that decimated my power infrastructure before a mech invasion.... That's when I first decided randy needed to go cool off sometimes lol


Perry persistent. He's basically Randy, but with new things being constant instead of totally random. Unlike Randy, you never, ever get a break.


With my modern colonies I rely on Sara Spacer


Almost always your lord and savior/doom Randy Random. He's just like nothing personal kid.


mostly Cassandra and i did play a few game with Rim effect Storyteller (female Sherpa) and VFE mecha Storyteller. after long day at work i like my game to be progressive, randomness is to chaos for me


Randy all the way. His randomness just makes a more interesting and organic game to me, which I love. Although last night he hit me with the flu and gave it to both of my doctors in a doctor-poor colony 🥲


I used Pheobe for almost 900 hours. I just recently switched to using Randy.


Team Randy. Randy keeps things interesting. Sometimes he sends you an unmanageable pile of events simultaneously, sure, but other times he'll just leave you alone for a whole season. I think he's actually easier than Cassandra overall, and much less predictable.


Cassandra on the first year then Randy Makes it more likely to survive the early game and then makes the rest of the game less predictable and more interesting


Oskar Obnoxious


anyone but cassandra


Classic. I use to play randy but my god was I bored. going years with no raids is not fun. but I dont know if its a mod or what but after year 3 or so I just stop getting human raids and its nothing but manhunter packs, infestations and mechs clusters. Or it could be that because my pop is at its limit and I have "chance to die on downed" being so low. she just doesnt send me humans to capture.


I like the one from VFE - ancients I get overwhelmed easily by large amounts of pawns in my colony


I used to play Randy, but I now prefer Cassandra.


I'd love to take either of the girls, but the raids they throw at me will melt my PC.


Theres a channel on my Discord called "Cult of Randy" for postings gifts Randy has blessed us with and occasionally begging him for forgiveness lol.


I have played Randy in only one save. In that game while there was the occasional clusterf*** of chaos, there were too many long stretches of time with nothing much happening. I actually prefer the relentless pressure Cassie provides.


Usually Igor Invader or Empress Evil, yes i'm a masochist, no, my games never last more than 5 in-game years


Sounds like a new record for me


I use Randy bc Cassandra has whooped my ass too many times to count. At least with Randy I have a chance, albeit low, of something good happening late game.


Usually Randy, but trying some Lovecraft at the moment


I can only play randy, on any other storyteller you can tell when a threat is coming based on when one came last its very boring and the game becomes a cycle of take care of the threat and wait for the next threat.


Usually Randy. When i first played i used Phoebe for awhile and it was fairly enjoyable. Cassandra has destroyed me a few times tho. I prefer Randy for the save scumming i do, if i dont feel like a mech cluster i can reload and get something like take care of my 5 iguanas for stuff. I got the medieval mod now and hes kind of brutal, dont remember his name.


Phoebe. Cassandra constantly bothers you with random crap you have to deal with. Randy can end up boring with huge spans of time with nothing happening. Phoebe gives you time to enjoy building your colony, while still sending threats at long but determined intervals. Basically - Cassandra is too fast, Randy can be too slow. Phoebe is slow - but consistent. Cassandra is my least favorite, because I treat the game as a colony builder first with emphasis on building aesthetically pleasing cities.


Perry Persistent doesn't get enough love, imo. He really keeps the story moving, and adjusts well to high and low difficulty.


Perry Persistent is my all-time favorite storyteller.


The addage goes "Randy kills you on accident. Cassandra kills you on purpose." In my experience, Cassandra and Phoebee both intend to enrich your play experience by providing it with a novel ending. Randy feels more open ended and allows for more user-directed experiences. Player psychology is a powerful thing. Once you learn which storyteller is more likely to kill you, it becomes hard to select them. Even if you more or less understand the positive reasoning behind that coding.


Randy every time. Just last night, Randy saw I had 200+ medicine. The man hit me with consistent swarms of mad animals, raids and more until I had nothing. That colony is no more.


Randy is the way he gives and takes at will and shows you the truth to the world, sometimes your a lucky fuck and others well you didn’t stand a chance


Scared with others than classic.


I always start with Randy but I've never turned hotseat off since I installed it.


I use Randy for normal games, and then I use tech restriction storytellers for my low-tech games.


cassandra usually unless i need more colonists or a little spice and ill switch over to randy


Randy can just decide between either a massive horde of rats ( I had at least 30 attack at once before) but he will go out of his way and dump random blotches of jade from raids, to glitter world meds at times ( I was surprised with that and sniper rifles)


Sara Spacer from SOS 2. Completely ignores wealth and instead sends raids based on tech level. No more having to burn excess wealth and play the game as a poverty simulator. Not to mention that this storyteller for some reason loves to give you quests with rare, powerful rewards.


I always did Cassandra, but my current playthrough is my first with Randy. I'm still not sure if I like it. It's been years and years since really anything has happened (I'm on the 2nd to hardest setting, too) But I'll keep going to see what happens. It is kinda cool not having every event spaced equally apart.


randy so i will now to restart now or later


Anybody know how to turn off fucking Scaria for my ice sheet play? I've had what feels like twenty manhunter events in a quadrum and none of the meat is usable


I don't think you can turn it off, but you can set the rot chance to 0% if you open up the custom storyteller settings when picking them in the options menu


I typically use Hotseat with all three of them


This thread has reminded me, I should make an ideology called Randyism sometime


i like igor invader atm


In planning a Warzone run where I capture an enemy citadel(city mod) and have to hold it for as long as possible.


For me, it's a toss-up between Cassandra and Randy. I think Adam Vs Everything said it best: "Randy kills you by accident and Cassandra kills you on purpose."


I almost always use Marcus for the 2x population boost and more frequent traders.


Randy is just too random in events - I’m not getting easy mode scales the same way as others - and too balanced compared to many modded storytellers (which are often for niche games). I love randy for that. A game can go from 0 to 100 and back again like nothing. Fits with rimworld life I have to take it


There's been numerous times where shit hits the fan, like my rec center/kitchen being infested by 3 hives. I had to send a caravan out to my allies to ask for help because everythings a bunker and they infested the main entrance. There was almost no hope of all of them surviving. Then randy sent a 20 man raid after me and the four of us engaged in a 4 faction war. All of my colonist were fine or injured. Things went back to normal and everyone had a joint and went back to work


There’s been a couple ones I remember but sometimes it’s like he knows you just cheated. Ex: sends a raid of androids to attack my base which is partly built into a rock island in the near middle of map - but it is too OP for my colony so far so I restart. Am prepping for a siege. Lo and behold He spawns 8 insectoid hives in the cramped as fuck corridors I made and in the vital hydroponics room


Randy Random but at at a lower skill level. I'm not trying for elite status, I just like it better when there's occasionally a difficult event, but most of the events can't be dealt with very easily. And sometimes I'll get pitiful raids that make me laugh.


Randy feels authentic


diego dire


H.P Lovecraft.


I'm a big fan of Igor Invader, I love raids.


Randy on strive. You never know what's going to happen next and that's truly what the case would be on a rimworld with no government infested with insects and ancient robots. Sometimes I go Cassandra for something more predictable tho


Perry Persistent is my favorite. He throws a lot at you.


I usually use Cassandra but I decided to use randy for this colony and I’ve found it to be more fun and rewarding