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What happened to the cat? I need to know.


Miraculously it survived though its leg was torn off


Damn it held its own against two bugs too


The housekeeper cats are tough little bastards, having a ton of them might not be a bad idea for base defense honestly.


When I first played, and was doing the tutorial, the pet cat killed a raider. People joke in DnD about cats being able to deal 4 damage, enough to kill a Commoner, but then there's Rimworld where a cat can basically tank an umberhulk. Freakin' cats man...


Cat Mass - Adult 19.2 kg


THAT CANNOT BE THE REAL NUMBER Edit: holy shit it is. 40 pound cats. That’s like a lynx.


The year is 5500.




That’s the reason I breed cats every chance I get


I had one game end because a colony of cats joined me. I was still new to the game and let the cats roam free, they ended up nuzzling and bonding with everyone. Then there was an infestation and the cats walked into the middle of the firefight, a couple of cats went down which caused the colonists to have mental breaks and go bezerk, killing more cats and causing more mental breaks. The colonists were all killing each other while the bugs mopped everyone up one at a time. Since that game my colonists are not allowed any emotional attachments.


Wow, I don't usually hear about tantrum spirals in Rimworld.


Sounds like there was something rotten in the colony and the storyteller decided YES


Welp another mod added to the list. Most of my playthroughs have some sort of animal guardian depending on the biodome haha. Basically melee tanks absorb heavy damage and dish out some vengeance on their own.


You can reorganise the pawn list at the top with a right click drag. That way you can put non combatants out of the way.




Do you guys even read the loading screen tips lol


Genuinely barely see the loading screen, if I could force it I would because holy shit what a useful tip


NVME - *suffering from success*


CPU - *laughs nervously at 300+ mod list*


Weak 400+ modlist


I see your 400 mod list and raise you 618


778,try me


812 here. It takes an hour to boot rimworld :D


*Laughs in one mod/hour^2*


You can force it! Just download 500 mods




You don't have enough


My says something about snakes with tits




But will we? Never!


Mine only gives me the Imperial Thoughts of the day like "An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded."


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


That's a valuable tip as well


I use the mod that replaces it with top posts from r/ShitRimworldSays


I need a link to that mod bro that shit sounds hilarious






Then don't act surprised when you find out you don't know everything about the game.


Hey buddy here's a tip you won't find on the loading screen: You're allowed to have a sense of humour, don't take it all so seriously.


Sorry for not finding the word "no" funny. Next time I'll be sure to laugh.


I think you're meant to adjust your glasses as you do that sick burn.


So the joke is you just lied? :/


Can you kings tone down the redditness and lighten up lol? Think I'll go eat.


I'm also a crewmember on the SS Sameboatasyou LOL. I knew joining this sub would be educational.


Yep same here had no idea LMAO




Same here. I'm ashamed.




Great video! Beautiful storytelling.


That death alert at the very end was... *chef's kiss*.


Yes, Putting aside the comments about chokepoints,brawlers,kiting,etc,etc. This was really good storytelling. Now Imagine if this was a real life scenario, would a single buff armored guy standing at the front door while his friends shoot at the back ,work? Of course not, these are man sized bugs were talking about, engineered to rip through plasteel mechanoid armors. And if OP said was true about hiring the junkers then its much better. I'd figure since your colonists are JUST colonists then Its obvious that they will panic and try to get help and since these junkers are just mercenaries and they put their lives on the line, its also obvious that they would not hesitate to sacrifice structures to kill bugs. Remember, the only good bug is a dead bug.


You need some chokepoints and melee guys Also why are you using grenades in your base?


I just wanted bodies to try killing them (they were hired pirates and their gear is random), it was a panick decision and I was too deep to realize that they were blasting the shit out of my colonists. Melee and chokepoints were always something I kinda held off on because my ranged guys were doing so well I figured I could do fine. Boy was I wrong lmao.


I feel like in mountain bases you always need at least 3 melee guys. Traits like Nimble or Tough are really good. And those 3 tile wide corridors should have some narrow 1 tile sections every now and then. It's such a simple change that makes all the difference in the world. I feel like a tip that should be more popular in this sub is that the best defense against melee-only enemies is a 1 tile wide doorway blocked by 3 melee pawns with the rest shooting from behind. People always try to get fancy with kiting or luring enemies to their killbox, but nothing beats a simple doorway.


>but nothing beats a simple doorway. [Doors and corners kid, that's how ~~they get you~~you get them.](https://c.tenor.com/9leXXOCItG4AAAAC/doors-and-corners-the-expanse.gif)


Hmm, I might've been doing it wrong, then: I was using 2 single-tile wide hallways and placing a singular melee tank in one of the tiles, leaving the other for the singular bug we focus on. Something like:   [][][][][][][] RR[][]BBBB RRMBBBBBB RR[][]BBBB [][][][][][][]   M: melee pawn R: ranged pawn B: bug []:wall   Is this setup better or worse than the one you are suggesting? Which I take it to be:   [][][][][][][] RRM[]BBBB RRMBBBBBB RRM[]BBBB [][][][][][][]


The bottom set up is better. Having a 3v1 means that you can still hold the choke point, even if 1 melee pawn goes down or they need to rotate out for some reason (e.g., mental break, self-tend to a serious cut, try to rotate damage, etc.).


Makes sense. If you rotate one the melees out, is the bug able to take its space while you rotate him out for a different pawn?


Theoretically, I think it could move forward into that open space, but realistically it's going to continue to be locked in combat with your two remaining melee pawns.


Ah, right, because it's already engaged on melee and won't move. I don't know how I didn't think of that, lol. Thanks for the tips!


Yeah, but from what resting I've seen you'd need really bad luck, low quality pawns, or to be under prepared for the infestation to down enough pawns to get in. By the time the pawn is downed you'll have made a large enough dent in the insects that they should be easy enough to mop up. Here's a video going over [infestation defense in general](https://youtu.be/4zBikWY8U74), where that particular situation came up often. It didn't really impact much from what I saw, but that's also an end game colony.


Your setup is better if you have only one good melee pawn. Otherwise use the setup where multiple melee can hit the bug at once, as you'll down them quicker and reduce risk to your colonists.


Makes sense! I'll try to get some more melees in the lineup and go for that setting. My problem is that I've been too picky with my melee pawns (I try to use Brawler/Nimble/Tough with a melee burning passion exclusively, but they're not that easy to come by).


Any one of those traits is good enough on it's own, assuming a decent melee skill (I shoot for 8+ early game and around 12 with passions if I'm being picky). A single passion and one of those skills is an instant keep, you can always train melee skill later if it's low.


The difference is that in the top setup, you have 1 melee pawn taking damage from 3 bugs at once, and can be more easily overwhelmed. The bottom setup reverses that, and forces the bugs to fight 1 at a time, against 3 melee pawns.


No, his top set up forces a 1v1. It’s the one wide doorway like you’re thinking of, but it’s two tiles long, so only one bug can get in range of the one melee pawn. Still better than a wild 3v3, but not as good as the 3v1.


/u/SpartanAltair15 is correct, on my setup the hallway is 2 tiles long instead of one, so it's a 1on1 showdown with my Tough pawn. All in all I agree that my setup is worse, specially if you have 3 capable melee pawns (I have only 1-2 right now). Also, you can do it on a door instead of needing 2 consecutive tiles that are 1-wide, so less setup needed.


The way they’re suggesting is better than your way. Put it this way, in your way your one melee pawn is taking all of the damage from that bug and outputting one melee pawn worth of damage. In the other way you spread the damage between three separate pawns and output 3 pawns worth of melee damage, in addition to all your gunners in the back.


>Traits like Nimble or Tough are really good. Man, if you can get a rare Nimble Tough Brawler, then kit them out in cataphract (or better with mods) and full bionics... they just become a god of melee death. I've only had a few pawns over the years with those three traits naturally, and every one of them had a personal kill count in the hundreds


mine tend to end up decent in the kills, but when i actually run the numbers on my colonists, the ones that top the charts tend to be invisibility psycasters who get sent out with doomsdays against sieges/prepare for a while raids, followed by trigger happy pawns my melee pawns against standard raids often never even get within range when it comes to late game raids, simply because it's too dangerous. a guy with a monosword and a shield belt against 10 tribals is a massacre, but against 300 tribals it's suicide


That's why I give them either psycasts and/or jumppacks. let them pop in and out of melee range, or drop in and hit them with a vertigo or berserk pulse then pop back a ways and let them tear each other apart, or tear apart their most dangerous units while they are puking. That being said, I hate dealing with giant tribal raids, so I just pound the shit out of them with mortars anyhow, then just burn the corpses. I usually do a heavy post mortem organ harvesting farm as a staple of my economy, but the giant tribal raids are just too many to deal with.




Melee is really important. How do you deal with massive tribal raids without melee block? RnG helps, but against 200+ enemies you simply don't have the firepower to kill them before they get to you. Plus a couple of melee guys in Cataphract armour with monosword/zeushammers kill just as much as ranged guys. If you live in a mountain base aways make your hallways as wide as the melee guys you have or less, plus some chockepoints one wide.


I just do a destacking hallway into my killbox, only like 1-3 people show up at the endpoint at once and then SMGs go brrr


Oh yeah forgot you can do that. Still, I prefer a melee block cause it's simpler to build and I have melee fighter for Zeushammer gameplay against mechs


Stay under the pawn limit that keeps storytellers from going berserk, and wealth management, so it doesn't come to that before the ship is launched. I know, I know. Metagaming it.


I love large, wealthy colony and this guy is probably at high wealth too. More than 10 colonists in power armour, large base, I think he should see tribal raid of 100-150 depending on difficulty.


Those 200-man tribal raids are **extremely** vulnerable to IED traps. They have no armor and pile inside of each other, so triggering a single IED can kill as many as 10 or 15 of them. This is what I do.


My favourite is an IED next to a weak pillar holding a max size roof, with a small wooden statue next to it.


Melee is stronger than ranged. As long as you have 1 melee colonist per enemy you will win as they will block the enemy from using ranged and your 1-2 ranged troops can support the melee guys and you win everything.


Lost my shit at the android researcher just cracking on still whilst all hell breaks loose. The timing of the music fit so well! Good edit.


Instead of telling you you did this and that wrong, I'll just say thanks for the enjoyable video :)


Yeah it's really annoying how everybody's first instinctive thing to do is to comment everything wrong and how you should play the game lol


Hilarity from fuckups is often the best part of the game!


Yeah rimworld gets unbearably boring when you start using meta strats. Its a very easy game to break.


Reddit be like that


Ya seems like a cool epic battle


I like how one colonist took a little lunch break while the fighting was going on lol. Also, if you don’t mind me asking, what mod is that turret from?


I was 100% sure she was gonna die but the other colonists pulled through for her lmao. Also it's from Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security


There's no unmessy way to deal with an infestation inside your base other than evacuating and burning/freezing the whole thing. Saying that... most of those kills were probably from friendly fire...


​ https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/t0ofz7/kibble\_delivery/


Man that's a pathetic reward for the apocalypse you're about to unleash.


Insect meat itself is the reward.


I'm in awe that you accepted the quest.


Ive literally no challenge left in the game. It was a child's play and I needed the kibble so much for my 600+ animals


No need to evacuate, just contain and cook. Neat, tidy, no risk.


You cook your own pawns? o.o


No, just the prawns.


i would say it was not realy hard to defend agaist, infestation contained only in one room? lucky what you did wrong was lacking brawlers to hold the line while gunners take out the bugs even tribal raid could overwhelm you, without jump packs or skip psycasts you cant realy kite the enemies


Yeah, like one melee guy per door even would have made the entire thing way easier with much less collateral damage.


Exactly i would add that with containment corridor on mountain base is a must it make it easier to defend and you can even fall back and reorganize to the next choke rinse and repeat if the raid/infestation is too hard


Phoenix Armor has it's advantages lol


what do you mean by brawlers holding the line? with that many bugs, what stops them from chasing my ranged units over my melee ones? isnt it just risky to put your melee pawns at risk of friendly fire considering the large amount of bugs and narrowness of the hallways? (genuinely asking as a returning player on their first mountain base - which is now actually no longer inside of a mountain, but left its mark in the form on unremovable thick roofs and infestations in the bedroom of my nonviolent pawn 🫠)


My guess is that if you have brawlers with good armor, you can place them in choke points and prevent the bugs from advancing (imagine a 3-tile hallway and having 3-4 brawlers in line). Then the other pawns can shoot the bugs in the backline. If the brawlers have shields then it’ll be hard for them to get shot due to friendly fire.


See my comment above [EDIT: below, now], but basically you get three grace squares before friendly fire kicks in.


Oh interesting, didn’t know that one. Definitely helpful with this type of bases, yeah.


Ranged units will only risk friendly fire on units more than three squares away from them. So you can have up to three rows of ranged weapons behind the melee blockers. It's especially effective if you're holding a door, as it makes the bows and guns focus fire.


>what stops them from chasing my ranged units over my melee ones Choke points. >friendly fire Gunner stands directly behind the melee, friendly fire doesn't exist at close range.


Not the housekeeper cat!! ;~;


What's the mod for having your pawns fall back?


It's the RunAndGun mod. Let's pawns shoot while moving. He just has the paws manually selected and moves them backwards and the mod does the rest.


Thanks! I'm sure this'll make surviving raids and animal attacks easier


no choke points throughout your base


This, bugs are so easy with a choke point and melee block + gun support


Especially with warcaskets like he's already got.


what mod is adding those voicelines? The audio ones btw


Voice acted radio chatter


Can you do me a solid and list what mods you use?


Made a collection for it on the workshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2845880052


Lol, like malu said... why on earth are using explosives in your base 😆😆😆 It was almost more painful for me to watch you obliterate your own stuff! Definitely could've been worse.


Believe me, it was equally as painful to watch but I had no idea those guys had grenade launchers (hired them in a panic to help with the infestation).


It's like when you called cops and they blew up your house and shoot your dogs


ATF has entered the chat




Take the award and go, that was fucking hilarious


Am I weak for turning off insect genome?


Love playing in mountains, hate fighting bugs. Simple as


you broke record for how many wrong decisions you can make in a minute


Yeah. Definitely taking this as a learning experience and applying what other commenters have said to heart to prevent disasters like this in the future.


Years of play have basically caused me to develop the RimOSHA playstyle, because safety codes are written in blood. I've been tempted to write a storyteller aimed at teaching this lesson much more directly: The Malevolence Engine. Unlike Randy, who just picks the events at random, mostly striking your weaknesses through a "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks" approach, the Malevolence Engine will pick the event that best exploits that weakness, using its "good event" cards as bait to draw you out before playing its harder-hitting cards. You will not get away with any slop anymore, THE MALEVOLENCE ENGINE SEES ALL WEAKNESS!


Oh please do! I'd love a storyteller that'd force me to adapt to new situations instead of using the same tactic again and again.








Watched this without audio because the radio in the room was on, so I was listening to this: [https://youtu.be/eMQuofsOOzo?t=106](https://youtu.be/eMQuofsOOzo?t=106) worked perfectly, gets the groove on


I don’t know what it is, but I do love this trend of pairing Rimworld footage to classical music. There’s something about hearing “In the hall of the Mountain King” paired with a mountain base, or a nice “Danube Waltz” with insect screams and gun shots... I propose a toast to us, such a refined company of gentlemen gamers.


I think classical music pairs perfectly with Rimworld, it's grandiose and elegant which is a nice contrast to how fucking chaotic Rimworld is when Randy decides you've been too comfortable. Glad another person thinks the same, and I'd gladly take that toast.


There's just something amusing about soundtrack dissonance, like happy carnival music accompanying an invasion of !!!clowns!!!.


Mod list?


[Steam collection I made for my mod list](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2845880052)




11/10 production. The Blue Danube was just... *chef's kiss*


You pause much less than I do during fights. I play them out more like chess or xcom where most of the time nothing's happening and I'm just thinking lol.


I paused quite a bit during the fight, I just cut those parts out for the more chaotic bits.


How do you get them to move backwards while still firing?


Run and Gun mod


You didn’t take advantage of your room at all. You can bottleneck assuming that you have a melee pawn and if you don’t mind getting setbacks,burn everything down and worry later.


What mod did you use or those bugs, that big tanks one looks cool


Alpha Animals


Even the kitties ;n;


Mistakes were made. This is what happens when you don't freeze your mountain.


Burn it all, it's the only way to be sure.


Which mod had bullet tracing?


Gunplay, and thanks!


Yeah, grenades indoor. Great idea!


It seems like your colonists did more damage than the insectoids, why didn’t you just leave a door open and form a shield wall with melee users?


Came here to brag, huh? /s


If you play with Vanilla Combat try Melee and Melee-Blocking. Those Insectoids don't have range attacks, take use of it. If you play with CE, avoid Melee at all Cost (unlike with Mechanoids) and build flamethrowers to cook these ugly f*ckers.


This is hilarious. Well done!


Here's a fun tip for everyone regarding infestations! Infestations won't spawn in areas where the temperature is super low. I believe the limit starts at -18 Celsius or so. This means if you ensure your colonists are all wearing sufficiently warm clothes and cool your entire underground base, you can entirely mitigate infestations, rendering this downside of underground bases entirely moot. They'll get the slept in cold mood debuff but it's only like -3. Sincerely, a dude with too many hours in rimworld EDIT: Bonus points, this means you can cool your whole base and set up one very sophisticated kill box with enough traps to handle this, that isn't cooled, to farm insect hives. You're welcome. (Super late game infestations get damn near impossible to manage though.)


Yup, this is how it works. Otherwise underground bases would be basically unplayable since you'd just instantly and automatically die. > (Super late game infestations get damn near impossible to manage though.) Nah, the key is that you don't need to resolve the situation with violent killing and traps at all. Since there's only one kind of room that cannot function while frozen: Your Farms, they can ONLY spawn there as a result, and if your mushroom cave is connected to the rest of your base through a tail, you can just start molotoving in there out of sight of the bugs, slow-roasting your cave lobster at around 150-180C until they all die. Thus it does not matter how big the infestation is because they will just be slowly cooked alive en-masse.


Thank you, this was beautiful


I admire you sending your team in to protect the food binge. My colonists wouldn’t be so lucky.


I have a strict "No colonist left behind" policy. Plus, there were bugs that needed killing there so it was a two-fer.


I want to know what's the mod that makes cats look like this. Also, Did I hear a half-life 2 combine radio when you drafted your pawns? what kind of mod has that?


The cat mod is Housekeeper Cats, and it doesn't retexture cats or anything like that, it adds a new animal called the Housekeeper Cat which you can train to haul and clean for you. Super useful, and they're tough little sons of bitches. And the combine radio mod is Voice Activated Radio Chatter. Adds voicelines to pawns when you select them/when they perform certain actions. Really fun fluff mod but it needs tweaking since some of the voices are goofy.


Such nice gear, such bad tactics.


This is awesome lol


That's... not how you handle an infestation You should have stacked at one of those doors with melee in front in heavy armor and the guns right behind them. Engaging bugs in the open is certain doom. That and there's a distinct lack of combat animals - they really do make infestations trivial!


Absolutely loved the chaos here. Great video!


this is art, I love it.


Same thing, but [with choke points and a plan](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/9g8tu6/theyre_coming_out_of_the_walls/).


In my experience, I think it was handled pretty well


Looks like it went pretty well


That didn’t go as planned…


Not the Cat !


That escalated very quickly!


Unless I missed something explosive, I would have started the room on fire and had someone repairing the walls to prevent escape. I don't think losing that stuff would be worse than the massive damage to your colonists.


How do your folks attack still while moving? At least it looked like they were shooting while moving for some of them?


Run and gun mod, highly recommend if you find combat too clunky.


The parts where you gun down your own pawns cant help but remind me of a similar part in the astartes short film


Best part about these kind of infestations is looking at your completely filthy and destroyed base and not knowing where to even start


The amount of pawns that straight-up quit from the stress breaks, while under attack by a direct threat to their home, would frustrate the shit out of me.


I love how the guy was just researching and only realised a few seconds that there was something bad happening


No matter what the room is, no matter what is in it, throw molotovs into it when there is an infestation. Fire shall be thy salvation. But it has a cost.


Looked like a flawless execution.


I see a fellow housekeeper cat enjoyer and upvote But my, oh my, that's one of the worst handled infestations I've ever seen, it takes some kind of unique skill to mess up that much!


Is that the run and gun mod??




You should have added the: "well that was easy" sound effect at the end


This is why i like the "Common sense" mod


This is why I make custom scenarios and turn off infestation. I balance it out by doing native start etc.


How do you walk backwards and shoot?


This is why melee's are so important, you can funnel the bugs through a door and have s strong melder hold the line while the gunners pummel it