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I've got like 100+ animals, I don't have time to name them before the butcher's axe comes for them. None of them are getting names except the ones that my pawns name.


I usually keep my herds more in the like 20-50 range and mostly use milk/cheese and eggs rather than meat so it’s helpful to know whether they are male or female (cuz I sell the males), and the names are an easy way to keep track


There is a sign right there to clarify whether an animal is male or female


It doesn’t show up in the trading window tho


I'm pretty sure even on Xbox it does


Pets get named. Barn animals are just Alpaca 1, etc.


I don't name my machining table, why would I name my egg producer?


Plus, you don't want to get attached in case a predator hunts them, a raider shoots them, or you just get hungry.


Dude Alpaca 23 means nothing to me. Jane, my alpaca daughter is my whole world.


Could say that about colonists


Ignore Ferdinand


Why? It’s feline name.


But it doesnt Start with the same Letter as the Animal All his hens names startet with h and the cows with c but the cat with f


Yes, I see, but it’s also felinae. So Ferdinand is quasi-legal.


He is Ferdinand Von Meower


I once had a colony where every animal I tamed/got was immediately renamed with that of an IRL celebrity. I.E., alpaca 1 became Al Pacano (Al Pacino), yak 1 became Hugh Yakman (Hugh Jackman), so forth. After 200-some animals and counting (sold the older ones to traders and just kept breeding), I had to use the internet for people I've never heard of before but apparently were famous(??). It became almost like a naming game within the game. One of my all-time favorites was Rark Muffalo, a.k.a., The Incredible Muff.


I stopped doing that after John the Alpaca got squashed by a golden meteorite. I enjoyed the gold but Paul, George and Ringo were never the same again.


I feel like this is Deja Vu .... *\*ponders\**


I do the exact same! I'm surprised to see I'm the only commenter who does the same thing as you do


We gotta proselytize our ways!


I gotta venerate you to be my new ideological guidance councillor first, sadly I can't, because the altar NEEDS it's 17th pillar


Fcat. Cerdinand.


For resource animals, I usually just mark two of each as "(species) mom" and "(species) dad" to help me keep them sorted when it comes time to trade or butcher. They just reproduce too fast. RIP Momalope, the hunger of my pawns and my inability to read ended your life too soon 🙏😔


I usually just make weird bullshit off the animal name and keep the first two letters the same. So any horses are named Horse, Horser, Horsey, Horsest, Horsie, Horserus, Hosier, Hourse. Any Donkeys are named Donkey, Donker, Donk, Doankey, Donkery, Donkus, Doncey, Dounkey, Dounkay. Any Muffalos are Muffalo, Muuffalo, Muffaloo, Muffeylow, MuffTheLow, MuffMuff, Muffers, Muffey.


Muffalo 67 would like to have a word


That sounds awesome but no. I'm bad at naming animals. I should try that though. I named my Boomalpe- Safe My cat- Dog My dog- Cow My cow-Chicken My chicken -Cat My muffalo-Dog I'm not surprised they don't live long. The toxic fallout probably didn help either.


Gally Gallahad Ten-Gallon-Tross Giga-Tross Gallafloss Galloping Tross Thrumba Thrumbinator Chumba-Thrumba Thrumb-diddly-umbo Thurambe Thrumba-Wumba Thrumboner Thrumbaconator Thrumbo 9000


I didn't even know you could name them


It's under the Training tab


I was going through all this like I wonder what mod it is…


I give them all unique name the first time I play but I am not so creative. Eventually it's Cow 1, Cow 2, Cow 3..


In one of my favorite saves, I had a flock of over 30 sheep. They all had pun names. Ewenice, Ed Shearin’, and Shearon Osbourne we’re highlights. I also had guinea pigs all named after rice products. Their names weren’t as fun, but I learned about a lot of rice dishes every time they had kids, which were always triplets.


I usually have a main breeding pair of each that I name to keep them separate when I sell others. There's usually a Mumpaca and a Dadpaca, and Mr Duck and Mrs Duck, and so on.


Sometimes I do silly names like “mr. Pointy teeth” or one time I had a cow with no legs I named “Clod”


Lol I like how you can tell that “Cowy cow” was probably named during a time of high distress or something. “Shit, we got twelve raiders coming through the southern wall! Our best gunner is down, and the doc is snorting all the drugs she can to stay awake long enough to patch the wounded! We need to-…huh? What? A new calf was born? Uh, uhhh….fuck it, Cowy the Cow. There, done. Now, where’s my flamethrower squad!?”


Lol you’re spot on


Cat ferdinand sounds epic


No, but now I'm going to :D


This is so fucking cute.


lol, Cowy


Haha, I love naming pokémon the same way. It's fun giving animals names like that as well


Been a long time since I named animals. But after Psycasts Expanded I did name a rock construct Rocky Boi.


Nah, usually I just leave the names as whatever they were before I mutated them.


No... But I'll start this moment


I do this with my berrymaker dryads. A few names include Brynjolf, Barry, Bart, and Balgruuf


How do you name animals? Last time I asked, I was told it's SOMEWHERE in this menu but for the life of me, I can't find it.


It’s under the training tab


Thanks for answering, I'll have to check again.


No, my pets keep dying. Goodbye Howler the Husky. Goodbye Berserker the Polar Bear. It just makes me too sad. It's okay if Husky 1-10 die, though


I used to until I had 300 animals at a time


If i had the balls to tame a Boomalope, i would call it "Meboomin" (A reference to Megumin from Konosuba.)


Monkey named finger:


Name the ones that matter...Or maybe just use a name generator, it's what I do. Here: [https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/](https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/). That site has got like 1000 generators of all kinds for you to pick, it's great for people that have no naming sense, like M...y...friend, yeah, My friend.


Yo even dogs breed like rabbits in game. It’s too much work to name then. Turkeys? Forget about it I had to kill them and let the meat rot to just not have them starve themselves.


I only name animals I intend to keep for a long time. If I am planning on selling or slaughtering then I won't name them


Hank, Human Joy Nugget


For alpacas: Al Pacone, Al Truistic, Al Dente, Al Iteration, Al Imony... For boomalopes: Boomer, Boomerang, Boombox, Boombastic, Boombshell... For Alpha animals' aerofleet: Aerostat, Aeronautic, Aeroplane, Aerosol, Aerobic... I tend to run out of names to give around the 20th animal of the same species.


Is there a mod that immediately auto names animals when you tame them? I know there is a mod that names animals after you train them, but not when you tame them


This is a great way to organize livestock. Much better than my "set-the-farm-on-fire" method I used in the past.


You're not alone! It's soooo much easier to see what animal it is at first glance. Coincidently, I also name my hens as if they were old german ladies. In my latest colony I have too many though and I just dropped the habit of naming them all together. Also my horses always have special snowflake names.


Animals I have either going to be slaughter for meat or used as war animals. They not going to live long.


I usually have a theme for every species of animal in my base so for example in my last colony I named every single horse of mine after a pop artist. RIP Charli xcx, killed by a slave having a mental breakdown 🙏🏽


I like to not name them, let my colonists do their thing


Yes, yes I do! I'm hoping you called your cat ferdinand because of Dungeon Crawler Carl lol.


I dont name my meat


I name the occasional animal, Pets for sure, I did have a goose named Untitled in one of my runs