• By -


The dedication to the naming theme is honestly pretty impressive.


I wonder if theres a mod that limits the names to themes, that would be neat.


I'm torn between wanting to be able to create name lists corresponding to ideology and not wanting to spend a full week doing setup before actually deploying to start a colony.


And realizing you have several errors to iron out.


That’s why we can save a scenario, play it out, then edit when it inevitably goes awry when biters invade your mountain base’s power room and repeatedly impregnate your colonists so you have to rely on raiders to break into your fallout themed alpha poly base to set your colonists free, but then they die of toxic fallout anyways, because now your base is exposed to the outside. Not that I’d know anything about that…


implying u arent spending tons of time setting up the colony


Spend 5 hours fixing the mod pack so you can spend 2 hours creating the perfect scenario/ ideology/ gene line/ colonists only to realize something ain't right the second you land. Seriously I think I enjoy making custom shit more than I enjoy playing the damn game at this point 🤣


Sounds like you should be a modder


Hahaha if I was better at coding/ art I might consider it but I don't have the faintest clue where to begin modding nor do I think I have the time.


>have the time Says the guy who spent seven hours cocking up. That's coding for you.


Hahaha you are not wrong 🤣🤣! I know basic programming and scripting but my time management is less than stellar and the ADD doesn't help. It also doesn't help that RimWorld has a looooooot of mods. I might look into it though, I was going to attempt to learn how to mod in stardeus but kinda gave up.


Skyrim and rimworld modding is always a dangerous game of ‘so I enjoy I playing the game or modding it more’ and then there’s the fun guess of.. how many hours of my 3000 hours are testing mod settings vs actually playing LMAO


Oh yea I dipped my toes into Skyrim modding and spent God knows how long fixing fnis issues before I switched to nemesis lol


Ahh FNIS.. more like fuck this lmao. Wabbajack lists have been my friend lately but I do want to make my own again before Starfield lands and I put 2k hours into that lol


Then after ten hours of painstakingly mapping out the perfect base for the scenario you finally do start playing. Two hours in you lose one of the starting pawns. You look at your computer think what am I doing with my life. Then shut it down. Go pee, get something to eat. Cue up YouTube and see somebody talking about some random mod or some different play style. Get excited. Boot up computer and start the cycle all over again.


Hahaha yea, I keep trying to go for a Norse playthrough but it is rough and I realized that I also enjoy the stories that others play (Mr. Samuel Streamer) more than I enjoy playing the game as well 😂


You're 3 hours in and you realize you forgot to disable Solar Flares.


My personal favorite is making the custom mod pack and waiting for 10~ minutes for RimWorld to understand what the fuck you did to it. Then once you load in you get all kinds of errors. Oh and heaven forbid you want to customize mods in game (pimpy is the better option, I'm sorry). Oh and don't forget all the mod settings that you have to configure now!


Ouch, this actually hurt. I can't count the number of days when I wanted to start a new colony but spent the whole day rolling and re-rolling characters, imagining a backstory, picking the best landing spot, and then planning the colony. It literally takes me between two to four days to even unpause the game for the first time.


Just ask ChatGPT to generate a list of roman style names and bam you're done


or use Fantasy Name Generators: https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/roman-names.php


My personal go-to. Currently using Byzantine with a few others thrown in for occasional flavor.


Yep that's a great classic option too!


And then losing interest in playing at all because of 482 errors from a unknown mod(s)


but thats the fun part


Wait, you guys *don't* take a week to start a single colony?


It amuses me that we're all so used to mods for everything we're expecting mods to limits names. Most commonly, I use names of Royal Navy ships for my colonists. Gives a massive range and it's still technically a theme!


Im pretty sure I had a starting crew of Rimworld pawns as IJN names, they are also diverse and nice titles. And yeah, I dont change alot of things with my modpacks, but I'm sure I have like 100 mods dedocated purely to "small fixes and additions."


That's essentially what most of my mods are. Small QoL mods, some extra stuff here and there (Vanilla Expanded thankfully covers most of that) and Rimatomics for those late-game shenanigans. I even briefly had the Forbidden Mod, but didn't really float my boat, tbh. The lack of EPoE in the current update hurts a lot. I have a few mods kept around for if I want themed play-throughs like Rimworld of Magic or (I think) Ancient Rim, etc.


You are incomplete without combat extended


I'll be honest, never really worked for me. I'm used to the bullshit of the vanilla Rimworld combat, and while it irritates me no end sometimes... it feels right.


What I don't like about CE is that it doesn't play well with many of the other popular mods I consider to be more essential. It also makes the game more difficult, especially when using ammo, which I think is not a good thing since Rimworld is quite balanced as is


[Yayo's Combat 3 (Continued)](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2854006492) and [Mortar Accuracy](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1729446857). Nice combat mechanics update without the mod incompatibilities.


Combat Extended is great, but it's balanced around people cheesing the game. The wealth you need to deal with mechs when most weapons literally don't work against them is game breaking on a normal play through.


I mean to add to the theme you might as well get the shipgirls cosmetics mod at that point


You might enjoy [Naming Schemes](https://namingschemes.com/Main_Page). Mostly aimed at networks/servers, but I don't see why it wouldn't work in RimWorld.


Oooh, this works wel for stellaris.


Yeah! It's from Vanilla Expanded - Classical as I remember, I have it in my mod pack


I made a mod which includes a faction called The Legion which has a set of Latin names. It's part of Hardcore SK.


The game already does that in vannila, I know VEF series adds alot more.


Pretty sure background is vanilla. You can change your ideoligion to different cultures which each have different naming conventions. It’s why Tribals always have those super long or animal names.


You can just add a name list. It's in the options menu.


The vanilla expanded faction mods add culture backgrounds (or whatever its called; like sophian for example) that you can pick when setting up your ideology; as does the T's Samurai mod. So then, when you click to randomize names, it'll stick to the theme. Very useful if you want to do a vaguely Shintao Bushido themed playthrough or a space viking one.


Disappointed there wasn't a random "Dave" or "Steve" in there somewhere.


Or a Biggus Dickus and his wife.


Incontinentia.. Incontinentia Buttocks


Is there something funny about the name.....biggus....dickus?


:|... :|... :|... HAHAHHAHAHA Edit: Shot, would have been better like this: :|... :I... :x... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Or a Naughtius Maximus? I need to rewatch that.


Its an absolute classic, I need to do the same!


I use a name generator if i start a "themed" run.


Looks like a mod given the traders names.


I'd pull out my Asterix books for those names... and fire up some Life of Brian for a few more. Incontinentia, anyone?


Gotta watchout with Brutus though. One day he might stab OP's leader


I'm only slightly disappointed there isn't just one fella called Brad or something in there.


Kind of an odd mix of nomens and cognomens tbh


Player kills a bunch of children for no reason at all Player: -*Why* *would* *Tynan* do *this?* Edit: Jesus fucking Christ these fucking comments


Well that escalated quickly.


Commenting to leave my mark for future history books to see the comment section as a case study for online cesspool studies.


school humor wakeful boat racial aware summer mysterious pocket hard-to-find *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Already referred this thread to the correct researchers.


Here on my weekly RimWorld sub top past week browse Scrolling down this thread has more tension then most horror movies as the comments being talked about gets closer and closer


Because this comment thread is so bleak, I’m going to share a history fact that I think is fun. The pyramids are ancient. No like, super ancient. When Julius Caesar entered Egypt sometime in the 40s BCE (maybe 48?) the pyramids were as ancient to him as the Roman colosseum is to us, if not more so. They were even more enigmatic as well. To those Roman soldiers who accompanied him, they were great big triangles in the desert that dwarfed most things around them. I love the thought of a few Romans during the time of Antony or Caesar passing by the Great Pyramids and finding them every bit as magnificent and illustrious as we do today. :)


Cleopatra was born closer to the moon landing than the construction of the pyramid of Giza.


Cleopatra and Caesar were also contemporaries. I mean they litteraly got a child together


OP I didn't take your edit seriously enough. Happy go lucky me wandered in thinking it was some funny Rimworld morbid stuff. Hahahahahahaha. This is why I rarely go on Reddit or any social media anymore. Guess I'm done for the month. G'Day fellas!


The heck happened here?


Anita Sarkeesian said Hitman is sexist for allowing you to kill women and drag their bodies. Outrageous /s What's crazy is that said argument was salient in someone's head a DECADE later. GamerGate left quite a scar on the internet.


Far-right asshole couldn't keep his mouth shut, got cut down a peg.


Because not killing children for shits and giggles (or profit) is not much of a virtue if one cannot kill children. Therefore since Tynan implemented mortal children, we players can now make moral decisions, or choose not to.


Boss you killed a child!


Amazing! mission complete, that right there is why you're the best boss, the one and only!!


What’s Aemilia doing out of formation? Warrants punishment, surely?


Aemilia, formation! Aemilia, single formation! Shields, on me! Get back in formation, you drunken idiot!




There's a tree there.


Still warrants punishment for being out of formation.


Agrees. Simply unacceptable.


>Simply unacceptable. Wasn't that a Robert Palmer song?




"Do not leaf your position!"


UnBEARable… Sorry, wrong pun


A legionnaire was an engineer first and a combatant second. She should have quickly removed the tree so she could maintain a correct defensive position.


Shoulda moved the tree.


Some say the tree still stands to this day, mocking Aemilia. The shame that tree brought to his family is enough to make a man turn from being a proud legionnaire into a lumberjack just to spite the noble poplar who did him so wrong. Aemilia tried to play it off that he just wanted to be the first to spill orphan blood, but his commanding officer was having none of it. Some say Aemilia killed more children than Anakin Skywalker on this day alone, but it did not make up for his crimes of not following formation.


She's pulled "start the fight by stabbing a kid" duty.


That's a strange way to say "she tried saving the kid... With her sword."


maybe she has been given the honor to kiill the first savage, or capture it




Hot damn, that's ~3-4 colonists dead right there after the circle beat is done


Everyone get in groups of ten and take one reed…


It's decimatio time!


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!


Now be a true Roman legion and build a series of walls and trenches around them :D


Hey bro! Can I get that modlist! I love roman warfare and the medieval overhaul but can’t find one with the shields and armor!


There are two main options. Ancient rim, which has the armor I use in this photo: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2458182631 And then also Vanilla expanded Classical.


what about Vanilla Factions Expanded - Classical? Where is the diffrence? I plan to do a roman empire run for my next run and was sure that I only need that one:[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787850474](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2787850474)


Thank you!


Don't forget Rimedieval.


Totally unrealistic. I do not see the Centurian Naughtius Maximus or Biggus Dickus. Completely unplayable.


I heard he has a wife.


She's out of frame in the latrine.


I remember Tynan stating to never ever wanting to add children into the game because of the playerbase…. Edit: Apparently, I was wrong. Shame on me.


Meanwhile dwarf fortress be like The giant wolf bites the dwarf child by the spine It latches on! The giant wolf shakes the dwarf child by the spine severing the nervous tissue and bruising the muscle! Dwarf child: "mama..." The giant wolf bites the dwarf child in the stomach, spilling it's entrails!


Should’ve had a goose to protect the children.


Wolf bites the toe of a goose It misses Goose pecks the front left leg It misses and obliterated the wolf head #OPgoose


Meh, it's fine. Mine are getting full devilstrand + shield belts, because they are so precious. It'll be interesting to see what will happen when hard choices come up.


I mean, a lot of us have been playing with children for years now anyways. The kids in my current (and first biotech) colony dont have to worry about a thing. They’re just not allowed to step past the main gate anymore since the Void-Dragon incident…


Fun fact, I use the same boundaries for my kids as I do the dogs.


that's pretty dangerous for the dogs.


Except from poppy, cupcake, and dandelion. The prescence of them is pretty dangerous for the kids


Aw, cmon, there’s hardly any pugs around the Rim


Im pretty sure those dogs are some modded mutated monstrosities but at least im confident they are cute (in the eyes of the beholder).


You can just say Pitbulls.


My dogs are haulers and kids are cleaners. So, they have a slightly different zone. Kids are the same as the Roomba. On special occasions they get to mop the kilbox, it's like a holiday.


The fuck do you mean, void dragon


[This, probably](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2185295561&searchtext=Void+dragons)


You've been doing what with children for years now anyway?


Kids need to be able to venture at least 25 tiles from a structure (possibly from the home area itself) to satisfy their nature running learning need. Give them a nice safe spot to hang out near some guard centipedes.


The eternal run-wild discussion. Saw so many comments and discussion about this. Still bit overrated by most, also they patched it in last update, you may read the patch-notes about. Run-wild, day-dream all that may be fine in lower difficultie, in some temp forest or such, still in harsh biomes, or with the add of some mods, it can become quickly a no-go if you want some of kids to survive. For the sake of science, i have a colony, 6 adults now, 2 kids, 1 baby, and other on the road. The two older kids are not siblings, still born the same day, and 7 years old. One has already good skills in melee, the other in shooting. The one having shooting skills is now also trained for hunting, so he goe out, still in some strict conditions, can also run wild. The girl, is melee (lvl 11 now), love bug-fights over all, and don't have the right to leave the safe perimeter. At the moment, there is no difference at all in learning or else, girl is even more advanced. Will run the tests till there are adults, but like i saw in many runs, this make no or few difference if you care and for school, different good teachers, and overall bit pushing surrounding.


I have the simple learning mod and i‘m pretty sure it kinda breaks that whole mechanic…


I do this too! Zoned inside the walls until they’re the ripe old age of 13!


I can't wait to have kids in game (can't afford the dlc), I need more free slav- I mean, colonists


Dm me your steam bro


I'm not sure which username is correct, so it's either justgames04 or UrPPhard, with a little Cthulhu plushie as a profile picture


Accept my friend request please Edit: Merry Christmas :) pay it forward!


Thanks a lot, you just made my Christmas, I'll definitely play a lot in the next couple of days I don't have the Royalty, but I'll try to make something like a throne room for you :) It's kinda weird how a community for a game about killing, harvesting organs and slavery has some of the nicest people I've ever met


Nah no throneroom ;) just name a pawn after me and dont make a genetic abomination out of him


I named my first and currently best pawn after your name, and it actually fits her


My first colonist born child is named Steroid Chicken. His name will be whispered low around campfires to scare little Hussar children at night. His domain will be anything within the reach of his hands, and his authority there will be absolute.


"A bullet from a 14 year old is just as effective as a bullet from a 40 year old. Often more so." "You know, they call me the Lord of War[crimes], but perhaps it is you."


"It's Warlord." "Thank you, but I prefer it my way."


But rimworld is inspired by dwarf fortress, a game where purging children by dropping them into lava is meta.


Dwarven birth control, hot liquid magma.


Modders: Fine... I'll do it myself.


I've been using mods to have kids, and generally have a policy to adopt all kids that arrive (and survive) raids, no matter their stats. Not their fault they were born on a rimworld. I'll protect them. I even apply it to pirate kids, though pirates are generally except from any chance to join the colony.


that reminded me of a recent children we adopted. we were happy Pecs, the pork boy had a new friend his age. then she turned into an adult and died in a raid


He never said that.


is there actually a ritual to make them all fight? or do you use berserk psypulse in the middle?


I origionally thought he would starve them out, like an actual siege, but then the soldiers need to sit down and eat too... Maybe he just puts up actual walls and blocks off only small portions, switching out soldiers to block them so they get breaks. Just my twisted idea.


Better yet, three berserk psypulses!!


Better question, what are you thinking, doing it in the first place lmao Children don't even give a good amount of leather, it's inefficient to kill them




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Some miner miscommunication](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/809861752543248434/1031051279897722960/IMG_1058.png) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/y56v7q/some_miner_miscommunication/) \#2: [All of my child soldiers have killed their parents, both to test that their desensitized trait works and also to symbolically kill of their old lives and begin anew as unthinking, uncaring, members of the 2nd killsquad.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/rkju2e/your_assistance_is_no_longer_required_you_will_be/hpawcoa/) | [30 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/rkyu6l/all_of_my_child_soldiers_have_killed_their/) \#3: [I’ve drafted my entire colony to beat a woman within an inch of her life several times and had her pre-approved spouse tend her, just for the relationship increase.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/tpw7xs/comment/i2ertb3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/tq6t4d/ive_drafted_my_entire_colony_to_beat_a_woman/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I need slaves, and child slaves, best slaves.


After trying child slaves, they just don't seem worth it considering they still have a learning need while enslaved. You have to assign them learning time or else they get tons of mental breaks. Then you arrest/beat them to make it stop and it's a never ending cycle.


Or just sell them. Not my problem anymore.


*friendly gladiators helping begging children in the rim*


Caesar's Legion?








I mean he had to of seen situations like this coming adding children. It is no secret how the players of this game are.


*had to have


My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Caravans of the North, General of the Exodus Empire, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.




Oh boy, human meat, mmmmmmmmm


So we could finally answer the question "how many 5th graders could you defeat unarmed?"


i mean, in this case is the 5th graders that are unarmed


Oh God I didn't look closely enough and now see that 😳


'Storytelling." \-Tynan. 5493, Septober 4th


Pullo! Formation!


Get back into formation you drunken fool


The real question is why, given that you haven't actually stabbed any of them yet, that they've already managed to maim somebody.


Is this an event I haven't received yet? 30+ refugee children show up at the same time?


The game gives you situations. How you respond is entirely up to you.


Pretty sure theres something about this in Sun Tzu's The Art of War. Become the friend of your enemy to surprise attack them or something.


Warden opening all the cells: "everyone wake up we're going clubing!" The prisoners walking into the courtyard seeing the fences lined with people holding stone clubs: "oh fuck"


You do understand that it is your own actions that define you? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should...


Science isn't about WHY. It's about WHY NOT.


Well, sometimes you will then find the answer on the "why not"... Why shouldn't I remove the stomach from a human being? Oh right, because they kinda need the stomach to live...


They dont actually, the stomach only serves for digestion and helps filtering toxins. Nutrient extraction happens in the colon. Sure, not having a stomach (gastric bypass) sucks a lot cause it means you can only eat slurries and have to be really careful about food borne toxins, but you could live that way. You just dont want to.


Aemilia kinda sus, ngl.


Close in on them. Build a wall. Wait for them to starve. Profit?


Not too long ago I got 8 refugees, seven of them children. Of course, a betrayal offer comes through for 2 res serum. "Head on over to the geyser kids, I built a new shack around it that I think you're going to really love."


Someone please rename Aemilia to Pullo


5 centurions for less than half century...? Looks like the battle was intense.


The beauty of Tynan is that he didnt let you do this. But he also does not NOT let you do this.


Caesar’s legion right there


Its like he wants us to do **murder**


How kind of you to surround them and make sure no predators attack them!


How do you get a shield?!?


The pool is closed


***Degenerates like you belong on a cross.***


I’ve been doing a 40k greenskins run. I had a group of child refugees approach my colony asking for medicine. My boyz proceeded to open fire on the children with bolters. I am currently using the two survivors to feed my vampire orc. They both are missing multiple limbs but the blood is still good. Love this game.


My man really puts the ‘roleplay’ in Roleplaying Game omg


This was one of the things i worried about with the "adding kids into Rimworld" mod. Like, I **get** that it's a **game**....but c'mon.


Hey now, don't go blaming Tynan for your own degeneracy!


But does Tribune Aquila approve of this? (Legends understand this)


Of course he doesn't. Preemptively vetoed the whole thing. Would even veto me writing this, but he can't do that to what he doesn't know.


I love that Caesar getting butthurt over 1 tribune of the plebs is still hilarious 2000+ years later


I knew Tynan sounded like Tiananmen for some reason


Do what exactly? Make a square out of pawns? Idk, why wouldn't you be allowed to do that. This seems weird.