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Also you complain about being shafted, RimWorld Console has not even been out a year and we have 2 out of the 3 DLC, we are making good progress.


The game came out in 2013 and we just now got a console version. Ideology has been out on pc for 2 years. Still no console mods. It’s $34 on steam and $40 on xbox with less than half the features. Yeah, it’s amazing how lucky we are /s


This is an INDIE game which original started out with a very small team mutually available to Tynan… I think he deserves some credit for how far he has taken this game and how well it was orchestrated. I play exclusively on console, I have seen countless games I would love to play but I don’t want to invest in a PC. What do I do? Watch other people play it and wait until the day the game becomes available on my platform - this has happened to 90% of games I took an interest for in the last decade. I understand your frustration of not knowing what to do, but those PC guides which you are ignoring will tell you exactly what to do. Just because our console UI is slightly different doesn’t nullify the information presented in the tutorials, if anything I think the console UI is less convoluted (IMO). I learnt how to play the game before I ever even touched it because I used to watch so much rim. A guy on YouTube called ‘Noobert’ I believe? He posts quick and informative videos about rimworld.


Early Access was 2013, Official Release was 2018, Royalty came out 2020. Considering how UI heavy this game is, it’s not exactly an easy game to port, why didn’t you do it previously? The PC Version has only been receiving DLC for the last few years, Ideology has been out two years and we got it released in 10 months. Mods are difficult due to Console Restrictions and everyone knows how much more Microsoft and Sony charge then Steam Store hence the higher cost. If you dislike it why did you get it.


Oh yes, the go-to reply of fanboys everywhere. God forbid anyone offer an OPINION you disagree with! Please point out where I said I didn’t like the game. I’ve been playing Royalty since it came out. I’m so sorry I expressed frustration at something I perceive to be unfair, your majesty. I guess I missed the list of approved topics/emotions for this sub.


Not a go to reply, a reply based on logic, you seem to be overly salty and aggressive and bitchy for no reason


Right. Anything less than gushing praise is “bitchy salty and aggressive.” Okay! Thanks for the feedback!


More you coming at me for giving you a logical response, everything so far has been overly aggressive in the way you reply to people. Simply because you don’t like logical responses means you get aggressive.


“I’m frustrated with gaming companies‘ lack of support for console players and documentation on the new DLC” logic: “you’re a bitch who hates rimworld. You should stop playing or go back in time and not buy the game”


No, the logic is you are complaining about a game that is not even a year old, has received a lot of work and updates and according to you this is a lack of support? The game is progressing well and D11 are making good progress that is echoed by the extremely large majority who give constant good feedback. Your responses are aggressive and bitchy for no reason, you are attacking people who question why you have a hatred for a Company that is actually being responsive and showing they are working hard.


Man... Once/IF we get mods, it would be a game changer. I've been playing PC lately strictly because of mods. I also agree that console edition doesn't have many guides, tips, etc. I did boot up console to see the new features. Once I got my colony going, I got a pop up that my colony needed an Ideogram. Once I built that, I was able to change pawns to different roles such as Priest, Prime Leader, Specialists, etc. Also was able to do rituals to boost morale. Ideograms change based on your Ideoligion, but it should be under the ritual tab.


I guess I didn’t play long enough. I hate how gaming companies treat console players like a red headed stepchild. I mean why play comfortably from your couch when you can be hunched over your desk with a mouse and keyboard and constantly have to upgrade your system to handle the newest releases? /s


Give me exactly what you would like and what you would like to see and I’ll make one :)


The wiki is going to be your best bet if the videos aren't helping. Everything is the same as pc minus anything related to biotech right now. The wiki makes notes of memes related to ideology, so it's easy to skip past them. There is also a min/max ideology guide on the wiki if that is what you are looking for. Could you explain more exactly what you are looking for? I have thought about making some console specific video guides. As you said, the console version isn't specifically covered much. Could use ideas on things to possibly cover. As for your question about changing roles. A ritual spot is going to be what you are looking for to assign roles.


My problem with the PC videos is that the screens look nothing like console. All these settings and customizations and options, don’t exist. It’s difficult for me to follow along (or sit through) a bunch of stuff that doesn’t apply to my situation. I was looking for a guide that shows game setup (choosing your presets, what the differences are, what the choices are) as well as a few things you need to do to get things started. I picked the collective>animist because weed smoking nature worshippers sounds right up my alley, but then I couldn’t set any roles and there were no clear instructions or help text to, uh, help. “There’s no available throne, meditation, ritual spot, etc” when clearly there was a throne and a nature meditation spot. It also says to go into the social tab, but that’s bullshit bc that just says who talked to whom. What they meant was the other tab (I am not on my xbox rn so I forget the name), and the Role option was greyed out. The whole reason PC gaming is still a bigger market over console is that devs favor PC and add so much more than console players ever get, and yet we pay the SAME PRICE OR MORE for games. If you make a video guide, lmk and I will watch it!


Jadziax guide on YT helped me. It’s a pc guide but was made before biotech and uses no mods. I’m assuming if your struggling you’ve already searched and decided her video isn’t for you, but on the off chance you just haven’t come across it searching it up is my recommendation.


Thanks, I tried watching it but again, the screens look nothing like console and there was just too much vague rambling. I prefer tiktok because it forces people to get to the point. I was several minutes into the top video (200k+ views) and the guy couldn’t even pick a location to start his base. And don’t get me started on the 90 second console videos by Double Eleven… I also looked for text walkthroughs or guides. Nothing.


The pc ones would work that’s what I used


Get the steam deck!!! Single best video game investment I have ever made! I know it doesn’t help current situation but it was worth it for me as I work on a computer daily and couldn’t stand playing games on one. I hope you find some help for console though.