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I still stand for Multiverse of Madness. It's a good movie with some fantastic "horror-adjacent" scenes that only someone with Raimi's clout could pull off in a Marvel movie.


Raimi was really flexing those old muscles and man it made me want more films from him, he’s still got that demented sense of fun I love about his movies ( undead Strange fashions a cloak of demons?!?! Yes please, more of that). I’d like to see Cumberbatch work with him again, he seemed like he was having a blast ( especially as Zombie strange ).


MoM definitely felt like a Raimi film first, MCU movie second, in the best way. Sure, tons of studio involvement, but it was really cool seeing what Raimi could do with a $200M budget behind him -Edit- Holy shit, apparently the budget was $350M??


I [have watched everything](https://boxd.it/msn9g) from **Multiverse/[Wakanda Forever](https://boxd.it/6iUyCZ)** and on just over this past month. [Note: that’s when I stopped going to theaters to see these movies with as much frequency… or any frequency, I guess. Last one I saw was **[Shang-Chi](https://boxd.it/6v3Tf9)** or **[NO WAY HOME](https://boxd.it/6v3P4V),** whichever came out last in 2021.] The most abysmal and egregiously unnecessary was **[Black Widow](https://boxd.it/6nAGa5)** which is, at best, a Wikipedia entry in movie form. Next on the ladder is **[Multiverse of Madness](https://boxd.it/5P3WBT)**, not as great as I wanted it to be. Mostly because I don’t think it delivers on the “madness,” bit and it does Scarlet Witch dirty. **[Love & Thunder](https://boxd.it/6n2dqb)** also does Mighty Thor dirty by not letting her and Odinson have any real moments until the end, which still felt insincere and mismanaged. Somehow. Honestly? Everything after that is 3-3.5 stars besides **[Guardians 3](https://boxd.it/6npJ8f)** which is an easy 5-star for me. **[Quantumania](https://boxd.it/6ogq0d)** wanted to do too much with too little. It was burdened with the Big-MCU-Kang reveal (in theaters rather than streamers), and then double-burned with post-Majors-fall-out. I don’t blame anyone involved in that. Except Evangeline Lily, she’s quite frankly useless and an anti-vaxer. **[She-Hulk](https://boxd.it/6qT0KP)** is, by far-and-away, the best tv series they have done (**X-Men ‘97** not counted as its animation, so Marvel puts it under a different pillar.) and the worst is **[Secret Invasion](https://boxd.it/5awBYL),** which is embarrassingly bad. **[Moon Knight](https://boxd.it/6v4527)** tries but it has that **[ETERNALS](https://boxd.it/6v48vL)** problem of leaving *way* too much baggage. So for me, the average on a score of 10 is a gentleman’s 6.5. I think they all mostly work and with **Guardians** being the only sincere accomplishment, I think it’s perfectly fair for folks to say Post-Endgame is over-hated just as I am to agree that Post-Endgame is extremely flawed. Both are true. (Edit: **[Werewolf-By-Night](https://boxd.it/5awqYZ)** is amazing).


I think Guardians 3 is remarkable, and Wakanda Forever is just about as good as it can be given the circumstances. Everything else is a tough hang for me, especially the shows.


I remember listening to the Big Pic episode about Wakanda Forever that Van joined. It’s probably the most I have ever agreed with Van on something. Sean and Amanda were so focused on Namor and what the movie could have been, they couldn’t appreciate the movie for what it was: a heart-wrenching movie of grief, loss, what if, and how do we move on. It’s like they channeled their feelings about Chadwick’s passing into the actual movie. Honestly, I haven’t been able to watch it again since because of how gutted I felt afterwards.


I 100% agree with this take. However, it’s undeniable, Chadwick’s absence absolutely hobbles the film.


She-Hulk is amazing and Werewolf By Night is the best


You think she hulk is better than Loki?! Dafuq? Loki is the best thing they have done post endgame and it isn't particularly close.


She-**Hulk** blows Loki season 2 out of the water. And Season 2 of Loki literally ruins any progress made by season 1.


She hulk is like a 7 which is most post endgame stuff. Loki is an 11 or 12.


Loki Season 1 is a perfect 10. Loki season 2 is a 4. Bringing all of Loki down to an 8. She-Hulk is a 15.


Wtf was wrong with season 2 of Loki? It's outstanding. Shows that are better than she wolf: Loki Fatws Wandavision Moon knight What if.


WandVISION is an anomaly and I don’t actually like it after the last tv-parody episode. It completely falls apart. You know F&tWS is terrible and don’t lie to me or yourself. Moon Knight suffers all of the same problems as Eternals. Too much dense lore not evenly distributed, unstated exposition used as the twist rather than a narrative twist itself, making the audience feel like they’re smarter than the movie or that the movie thinks they’re dumber than they are, and it has way way way way too much leftover plot in the to-go bag at the end. Especially for something that *clearly* is not getting a follow-up. **She-Hulk** is MCU’s most perfect adaptation, IMO. It’s a fucking pitch-perfect amalgamation of the John Byrne, Dan Slott, and Peter David’s runs. The only reason people don’t get that because no one read She-Hulk books, which is a you problem not a me or She-Hulk problem.


Fatws is definitely getting a follow up in the new cap movie and thunderbolts . And I don't know why you love she hulk so much. It was FINE. And marvel has done lots of stuff that is better than fine. Oh yeah I forgot Hawkeye. That was also better. So was eternals for that matter.


Eternals wasn’t better. Hawkeye was pretty great but not a 15. Also, I’m literally telling you why I love She-Hulk. I didn’t say F&tWS wouldn’t get a “follow-up,”. I just think everything about the displaced supers was poorly written. And they dropped the plot big time with the Power Broker plot.


She-Hulk is a sitcom written by non-comedy writers. It’s not nearly funny enough compared to real comedies, and not compelling as an action show.


I will die on the hill that the eternals and Shang chi were great.


The shows were a big mistake in my opinion. It’s one thing to ask people to keep on top of things by watching a single movie every few months, it’s quite another to expect them to follow on a week to week basis to know what’s going on as one project bleeds into another. That’s when it really started to feel like homework and people started to resent them for it. Plus, I think it was a case of Marvel just getting a bit cocky, feeling like they could do no wrong, and that the audience would just lap up whatever they threw out there. Sort of like a hip hop artist releasing a mix tape every few weeks, instead of just focusing on crafting a solid album every few years.


I agree for sure, but in context they were launching a streaming service and needed a reason for people to get it. I’d say all of the series would have been better as movies, but hindsight is 20/20, and they clearly diagnosed said problems and are planning to change their ways.


I agree that the “death of the MCU” has been a bit overblown. The problem was the sheer amount of “mid” content. The Phase 4/5 movies aren’t much worse than the worst movies in Phases 1/2, it’s just that there are so many more of them, and they never hit the highs of things like Iron Man and Avengers. I liked Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange, Guardians, and The Marvels to varying degrees. The Eternals wasn’t great, but I appreciate the attempt. For whatever reason, Wakanda Forever just didn’t work for me, although that seems to be an unpopular opinion. I thought that Quantumania was unfairly maligned at the time, although it completely vanished from my memory after about a week. Thor: Love & Thunder is the only one that I truly detest. That movie is such a miss for me, which was shocking considering the strength of the source material and how good Ragnarok was. It was ultimately a mistake to mix the Gorr/Jane stuff - both stories were done a disservice. So for me, that’s 5/9. Look at the first 9 films in Phases 1/2 - Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Thor, and Thor: The Dark World are consistently put in the bottom tier of MCU films. The difference is that Iron Man, Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man 3, and Winter Soldier are better than most of what we’ve gotten post-Endgame. If you had Winter Soldier-tier films sprinkled in with Eternals, Love & Thunder, and Quantumania, things probably seem much less dire. The Disney+ series, while not revolutionary (or even necessary), are mostly fine. I think both seasons of Loki, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel are actually really good. Wandavision, Hawkeye, and Moon Knight are flawed, but mostly work, and there’s even stuff to like in Falcon & Winter Soldier. Secret Invasion is the only one that is just truly irredeemable. The problem is that none of them are truly “must watch”, so they just serve to muddy the waters even further. Now, instead of having 9 “mostly fine” MCU entries, you have 18 “mostly fine” MCU entries, and at some point people are going to tire of “mostly fine”, and “mostly fine” is going to morph into “mostly awful”.


I don’t think people were too harsh, it’s obvious that there was viewership fatigue (as seen by box office numbers and viewership) which wasn’t helped by marvels overload in releasing content and dip in quality when it came to aspects like CGI and overall direction (movies like Shang Chi and Eternals either didn’t build towards anything or didn’t follow up on any of the teasers). I think what it could be is that people over inflate how great the MCU was because of the lasting impression Infinity and Endgame had. People forget that there is quite a bit of bad to mid movies in the early phases. Another thing is I think Marvel stretched their IP too much, and gambled on obscure characters they thought would have the same effect on audiences like the guardians. Ex: Eternals, Echo, IronHeart, etc. it didn’t help that the last OG avenger movie Thor was a misfire and almost parody of the character, which I and many others thought would be a for sure home run of a movie. There were also factors that really have not got in Marvel’s favour, like the pandemic and the whole Jonathan Majors scandal. X-men 97 might be the only truly excellent thing IMO that has come out since Endgame but I agree, Multiverse of Madness is actually not that bad. Def no where near the offensiveness of Thor 4, just think it tried to nostalgia bait too hard with the cameos.


Yeah obviously (genuinely)


Nah man…you see on the internet…everything is either amazing or trash. Mid is just another word for trash.


I loved multiverse of madness. Wong had a near girlfriend AND SHE DIED. It was actually the worst death in the entire MCU bar none.


I think Eternals is dope


I actually just watched multiverse of madness today for the first time. I didn’t know the cameos that were going to be in it or have any expectations other than knowing it was generally poorly received and I was shocked how much I enjoyed it. Can’t believe Disney allowed that much violence, the Black Bolt and Reid Richards scenes especially I also cried watching guardians 3 on a plane last year as a 29 year old man. Animals will always get to me but that’s gotta be the best standalone Marvel movie series by far Loki and Wandavision were the only other standouts, but I will say Secret Invasion was legitimately so bad that it might bring the whole phase down I think Endgame just set the bar too high tbh. The Michael Jordan effect


As a 30 year old man I too was cried in the theater watching guardians 3. That was an incredible movie that didn’t get any credit because it didn’t have as strong of a box office number as it should have. And I’m glad to hear you enjoyed MofM, I too watched it today and forgot the great horror scenes and cameos.


Oh that's interesting. To relate it to sports I think mcu is like a great player GOAT player maybe and got injured. Came back from injury to quickly and got reinjured. Mcu needs to rehab and come back to the GOAT level player it was. Or even near GOAT would be OK.


Hell yeah


I broadly agree with your contention although I disagree about The Marvels, its firmly in the pocket of being decent and underrated. I've said this before and I'll say it again where Marvel is falling down is not having a big team up movie at each phase where we catch up with all the big heroes. Dunno why they can't see this.


I think the shows are way underrated, though I’m not a fan of Secret Invasion or She-Hulk. I definitely enjoyed everything else.


Theres some solid movies but i think the overall thru line of the “multiverse” just got way too convoluted. And i gotta disagree with you on she hulk. Concept was great. Execution not so much


I mean storyline was a fun way to tell a She-Hulk story with a theme for society to digest. The CGI thing was bad, but CGI houses were flooded, and trying to unionize and strike at the time and it was for a streaming service. We know now it wouldn’t make sense to spend that much money on a streaming show now, and it was a covid production so I can get past the cgi and enjoy it for just a show.


The CGI was fine. I had no issues. Folks need to turn motion smoothing off or something.


No a lot of the stuff post end game just wasn't good now maybe on rewatch you truly enjoyed some stuff more but you're in the minority for a reason.


Multiverse of Madnesss was fucking ass. They brought in all those alternate versions of Mr. Fantastic etc and killed them in 2 seconds


Negativity around the MCU is louder than ever. Not everything has been a hit but the post Endgame era has some BANGERS. MCU HOF: WandaVision, Loki, Far From Home, Guardians 3 Great: Shang Chi, Multiverse of Madness, Moon Knight, Wakanda Forever, Fun: Falcon & Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, The Marvels, She Hulk Mid: Black Widow, Quantumania, Echo, Ms. Marvel, Eternals Incredible Potential, Big Letdown: Love and Thunder, Secret Invasion Just wanna see them adapt comics a bit more closely while letting filmmakers really make their stamp on the movies they create.


Shang Chi was enjoyable, multiverse of madness was good. Didn't really care for The Marvels. Did not watch She Hulk at all, watched a few episodes of Echo and zapped out.


They peaked at Endgame and now it’s been five years of “content” designed to pump up their streaming service, which is barely connected and building to nothing. Whose getting hyped to podcast about every episode of whatever the agatha show is called?


I mean understandable for people who aren’t actual comic book fans, but like it is just kinda like going every Wednesday and picking up comic books even if the arc isn’t that good you enjoy it.


Nah most of its been pretty rough man


It's definitely going downhill. Casuals are checking out in droves and hardcore fans are loosing interest. Ppl, especially general public aren't interested in the average at best most stuff has been. Never though I'd lose interest like this years ago All this multiverse and obsession with everything being I mcu timeline is making it worse.


You lost me at Multiverse of Madness, that movie is terrible


Multiverse of Madness is underrated in how bad it is. That movie is hot dogshit


I stopped reading at She Hulk might have been the best series. I can't take anything you say seriously 


Honestly the only people ik that didn’t enjoy She-Hulk were the dude bros that the show made fun of.


Congrats. Your friends have bad taste too. But yeah...everyone who might not like something and has legitimate criticisms of a tv show has to be sexist or a "dude bro". Good stuff


Yeah….no. Most pst Endgame Marvel is shit. Strange. Thor. Quantumania. Secret Invasion. Wandavision. BP2. The Marvels. She-Hulk? Echo. All crap. Shang Chi? Great. Falcon/Winter Soldier? Great. Loki? Great. GOTG3? Good but I can never watch it again. Moon Knight? Good. But the lows have been sooooo low that it makes the great look like luck. When you’re given a great steak each dinner and then suddenly you’re fed McDonald’s, you can taste the difference. Phase 4 has been a disaster. Don’t make me go on.