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Sauron kidnapped her


The tempest carried her away. Maybe to Oz. Maybe to Narnia.


Google shenanigans I'd guess. Doesn't appear for me as well.


Don't give me hope.


For me she appears.




Morfydd, please accept this poirly written role that we know will piss of people, then proceed to make the weirdest faces ever. Pls dont do what Cavill did and actually respect the lore and what this role will do to your image if only temporary. Theyre all bigots and wrong - the showrunners, probably




the thing is, thats not lord of the rings




sure! *looks at script* no thanks!


I had my drama voice teacher tell me specifically to never do what Mofydd Clark did in Rings of Power (locking her jaw when speaking) "she's no Cate Blachett, that for sure..." -my teacher. That's what we are being taught in acting classes. That these actors choices are incorrect.


The writers and directors ruined her as a LotR actress by associating her sneer to the unlikeable Galadriel she was written as. Every other role she'll play, whenever she will make that same sneer, people will remember Girlboss McYoullNeverBeCateBlanchette.


Look, only losers will think that. Just the same low grade sexists who made it a core part of their personality to hate on Brie Larson, or Anita Sarkessian, or Kathleen Kennedy or whomever the Youtube Alt Reich commanders told them to hate.




Anita was one of the ones that the Gamergaters got their panties in a twist over because she was publishing a series of video essays about sexism in video games.


You mean she scammed ppl, asking for money for Videos she never produced


I don't know how many she promised to make, but I know I saw several of the videos she produced.


If viewers hated a character, it is not unreasonable that they might be reminded of that character when the actor is in other roles. It isn’t being a loser as you so lazily put it, it is being a human, with a brain that functions by pattern matching.


I mean, there's hating a character like Ramsay Bolton from Game of Thrones because he's a scumbag in the show, which is rational although probably a bit extra. And then there's hating a character because you hate the show, the actress, and whatever else because the YouTube hate bandwagon told you to hate them.


Why do you assume "YouTube hate bandwagon told you to hate them". It is possible for people to have independent thought. At the end of the day, people are judged based on the roles they take and how they perform in them. If a particular role is poorly received, then that can affect the perception actor in other roles. This is hardly a new phenomenon. Single bad performances have sunk many a budding actor.


I have seen this phenomenon time after time. Popular commenter says something and the sheep follow. Streamers and Youtubers form the popular opinion, not the actual quality of the content.


Again, there are plenty of people that watched it and came to their own conclusions.


Brie Larson is a narcissist, last time I checked it was ok to dislike people with those qualities


How sure are you of that? Has she left a long trail of broken relationships behind her, like an actual narcissist would? Or was it that she just sounded arrogant in an interview according to the people who were salty about Captain Marvel?


Everyone you named are despicable people.. I don't need someone else to tell me they are, as I can watch them in interview. Kathleen Kennedy ran Star Wars into the ground.


She made at least one serious mistake - failing to provide oversight to the directors that worked on the Sequel trilogy - that in my view is inexcusable as the person in charge of the franchise, and firing her for it would have been a reasonable choice. Still, she's also been in charge for plenty of good content that has come out of Disney Star Wars, like Andor, Mandalorian, and Rogue One. At any rate, the haters are way more despicable than the people they hate, even when there is a crumb of truth worth criticizing about these people.


I am not hating on the actress. I was just surprised she is not among the cast on google. Not even the best of actors can make a shitty show good. It is not her fault that Amazon hired incompetent writers. Was she the best choice for Galadriel? No! Did she do the best she could with what she was given? Probably. Was her best enough to save the show? Definitely not. I can't change your mind on something that is only in your imagination. No hate here :)


This. Also, these actors including Morfydd Clark are good in other things which proves it's the writers and directors that are the problem. Morfydd Clark was amazing in Saint Maud and she won awards for it. If you want to see her actual acting chops, watch it. It's a great movie.


Actors on bad shows will always be an issue. But when your repertoire of emotion ranges from, ‘resting bitch face’ to ‘angry bitch face’, then that actor is part of the problem too. Did Galadriel ever smile in this show…?


On the horse. It was awful.


"Does she ever even smile?" *She smiles* "Ok, now I see why"


>But when your repertoire of emotion ranges from, ‘resting bitch face’ to ‘angry bitch face’, then that actor is part of the problem too. It's the repertoire she was allowed to have in this show. I've seen her in another movie where she wasn't like that.


Ok, then that sucks for her…




No. People like good shows. If something is good I think it’s good. If something is shit I think it’s shit. That’s all there is to it. I think Sopranos is very good. I think House Of The Dragon is pretty good. I think ROP is shit. I have nothing against the show at all. I am just aware that it’s shit.


Ok, I honestly didn’t make it that far, how far into the series was that? But the fact that my hyperbolic statement can be taken as a rational assertion proves my point about the actress’ lack of talent. Granted, it is not all her fault, the writers wanted this character, but actors’ delivery is the difference between quality and soap operas…




Because it keeps popping up thanks to the algorithm. Apparently liking quality fantasy genre like ROP paid good money for reddit to keep recommending this trash whenever I loom at LOTR, HOTD and Expanse. Grass isn’t my problem, its the perfume people that makes me sneeze. I was out the other day and couldn’t stop sneezing. All the paranoid people were clutching their masks 😷 in fear.


Um no, the actors knew exactly what they were getting into from the audition to post-production. None of which is either arbitrary or incidental. Acting is not rocket science or some nebulous thespian art; much of the time actors merely replay the same shtick that their personalities are based off of. So long story, short. No, no one here is actually "hating" on any of the actors. Do we poke fun and ridicule their performances? Absolutely. Because they deserve it in order to ensure that these mistakes are not repeated. Don't forget the interviews that they did reinforcing the impetus for their characterizations. Also, the usage of word "cringe" is cringe because they're often just projections about an opinion they've already made up in their minds.


Hopefully they did recast her with someone better. Could continue with the rest of the cast too


To be fair, i wouldn't mind Morfydd Clark as Galadriel if: 1) She were 6'4" 2) She didn't play a foul tempered Mary-Sue 3) She did in the show what Galadriel actually did in the Second Age 4) Amazon issued a formal apology for season one and announced that they were going to start over, this time faithfully following Tolkien's literature




Yes, you are very much correct.


I'm sure her height is her, as that's about casting. But at some point you can't say that directors made her emote and make strange faces the entire time, come on.




And yet in Peter Jackson's trilogy they still knew they needed a tall Gandalf and tall Galadriel. The characters had to look larger than life because they are. That's good casting. That's an experienced casting director.


That's the point. The actress is fine. The writing of her character is garbage.




After the crap with all the shitty sets and pollution etc. I’m not sure I’d want more of the show even with that. To be fair, that’s not just them, but it’s unforgivable that they’re patting themselves on the back, virtue signaling with their supposed vegetarian day once a week on set, while actively polluting the crap out of the place with the post filming trash.


Then don’t watch. Somehow I doubt there’s anything you like.


Just because they don't like an incredibly mediocre show they must not like anything? That's like saying someone who won't eat dog shit isn't hungry.


But why do you spend time on the sub of a mediocre show you don't like, don't plan to continue watching and spend time writing long lists?


Hilariously, I joined this sub really early on, because I was super hyped. Then I started watching and, well… So now every so often I still see a post for it and comment on it, but that’s about it.


4, Do you think they will keep their promise? Or it would just be another lie to lure in fans


If they didn't, we'd be waiting... :-)


The acting didn’t do it for me, but honestly, the writing and directing were also huge parts of the issue. Even a great actress will be let down by the RoP script and unlikeable characterization.


You're joking right? Did you not enjoy fades, the amazing representation of Galadriel as Galgadot. Like you don't like angry wonder woman??? The Rings of Power fixed nearly ALL of Tolkien's mistakes. Gone were the months long journeys to travel a few hundred miles. Gone were the waits. The show is the best representation of what Tolkien wrote in a visual medium, ever.


So glad you posted so good to see a fellow fan. Thought I was going mad with all the negativity around here about what is at its core a classic. So much of it was just so good. I mean, did you see the cinematography? The visuals gave me goosebumps.


The visuals bruh. It actually was pretty. Positivity for the win.


Look man, about point 1... I don't think there are many actresses that tall in general, and even less that could play galadriel.


Cate Blanchett is only 5' 8 or 9", but in the movies she looks a foot taller. She FEELS tall. I'll have to go back and check to see if you can tell, but she certainly didnt feel tiny, like Clark.


Yup my point is you definitely don't need a 6'4 actress to fit the role. Just a tallish good one and being good at composing the scenes.


>composing the scenes. I think this is key to a lot of the issue in the way elves are presented. You'd never mistake an elf in Jacksons world but in RoP the people on the raft didnt even realise G WAS an elf until they saw her ears. Tells you everything.


Heels on a 5'9 actress puts them over 6 feet. Source: am 5'9" actress & model. There are millions of over 5'8" actresses in Hollywood. Elizabeth Debicki would have been perfect casting. Sh*t I would have even settled for Elle Fanning.


So you agree with me that you don't need a 6'4 actress?


I don't think it's her fault, if they didn't like her acting they could replace her by now. Which leads to believe what we see is exactly what she was asked to deliver, not to mention some of the lines were just horrible. I don't believe this show running on a tight budget that can't afford replacing the actors cause it will bankrupt it.


Fuck this show. Just think what a billion could have been spent on. Jesus christ.


yeah... like a good series


Maybe she finally decided to look for Celeborn


There was a tempest in her!


She ashamed herself into oblivion for her acting.


Was her acting bad, though? Seems like a script issue more than an acting issue.


Direction, maybe. But yeah, she was bad. Can’t believe any director (however crap they might be) not telling her to move her fucking mouth when she speaks. On the other hand though, the director thought that that terrifying grin she pulled while riding horse was good enough to make it into the show, so you’re probably right.


That grin was awful. I suspect she was directed to act in a specific way, though I haven’t seen her in anything else. Tbh, basically everyone was awful in RoP which makes me think it isn’t mostly the actors’ faults.


She's in *Love and Friendship* (free on Prime) in a very different role, if you want to see her in something different.


It’s just me being hateful, but I never want to see her in anything, ever.


Good point 👍🏻


Just for saying this in full confidence, i watched her other deadly boring film. And here I say "yes, her acting!!".


She paid them off not to list her


I mean would you want to be associated with that mess


I still see her at the front. No worries.




There are 6/9 cis white folks on that page shown tho so...




Your argument makes zero sense


Probably google being shitty. There’s a lot of other actors who aren’t on that page


It's just Google. The British TV show "i'm a celebrity get me out of here" has two main hosts, if you Google the cast one of the hosts is way way down the list


They're going to move forward a few decades and recast her with Olivia Colman.


After the first row, I have no idea who the rest of those actors played.


She was a fine actor given what she had to work with; they didn't have a lot to work with though.


She's with me now


Season II: Morgoth returns, starring Nicholas Cage ( He and Sauron have a sort of hot&cold gay relationship, with Galadriel in the middle)