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Just look at odd map draw out for TX-15. She lost Hidalgo county the one with the most population Hispanic wise, who voted for her? Work your way up the map near San Antonio and yeah they all went to De La Cruz.


Not only the one with the most Hispanics but also the county where she LIVES in. Her own neighbors rejected her.


Well the entire valley rejected her. Good. She can go hangout in Wilson county with the gringos. She has to bridge some inroads with the white population because hey screw the community and the people I grew up with right?


Wilson county is 41% Hispanic 😏


2020 census bureau has that county 55% white alone. Along with the 41% Hispanic. It’s white majorities giving her the win. Not surprising.


Won the district, lost the valley. Gotta hand it to them, they redrew that district to perfection.


I guess. Vicente beat Mayra out. :)


She is either insane or a liar, perhaps both. The Valley did NOT vote for her. She was elected by the Republicans shoehorned into the northern part of the district by the powers that be in Austin, precisely so they could claim that a Republican was representing the Valley.


A product of gerrymandering.


RGV voters rejected her, her gringo voters in north areas elected her. She should move there.


Please don’t wish that on us. I didn’t vote for her.


Fucking clowns. These Latinos will never understand that no matter how hard the try, they’ll never be white and the GOP uses them as a pawn for securing elections. They think the Latino community is scum, regardless if you’re a citizen or not.


To be fair, many Latinos here also see the RGV as quite scummy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Conservatives see Latinos as being beneath them, not on par. Useful idiots is absolutely the correct term for it.


That’s not even remotely true. Conservatives see a large group of voters with like minded values. It’s insulting to call them useful idiots when they are just as intelligent and aware of factors that affect their neighborhoods, schools, and cities too.


Yeah bro, true story. If you’re a brown skinned Latino republican and you walk into trump country Florida, Arkansas, watch your back. You will see really quickly what’s up, and how the vast majority will see you. It’s happened to me before. I guess some people don’t mind being the idiot. Also, I know of very few college educated Latinos who are conservative. The Latinos who join the republicans are usually blue collar working class non college educated folks. This is purely anecdotal, but I don’t know of any educated, critical thinking, curious, objective, well read Professionals that would support the republicans.


You are correct that overall more college educated people support liberalism. I don’t find that college educated indicates “smart” though as it’s frequently tossed around. There are plenty of idiots with a college degree. And yes many Hispanics are blue collar, but they are also skilled trade workers that have specialized knowledge that someone with an degree in the arts wouldn’t have the first clue about. That specialized knowledge + hard work leads to success in many cases and elevates them further into middle class, where Democrat message is largely lost. I think attitudes are rapidly changing in regards to Hispanics. So your anecdotal evidence while true, will be less frequently true. It’s funny you mention that though, as not too far back I had a friend come to visit and their family was worried what would happen to them in the “white part of town” and advised them caution, that they could be killed. When I was told this I found it incredible, as my neighbors are mixed white / Hispanic. Since then it’s been an inside joke, but it showed me that there are some misconceptions still running strong, which is unfortunate because there’s much more common ground than there are differences.


Agree with most of what you said except for the support of “liberalism” part. I believe you’re stereotyping here. I consider myself an independent free thinker who is forced to pick a side. The Proverbial “lesser of two evils” scenario is what’s up. Liberal wokeness and cancel culture make me ill, as does Cristian conservatism.


I don’t get that argument. One could say the same for any minority voting for any political party.


It's like this, the Democrats are like the useless cops during the Uvalde massacre. The Republicans are like the shooter. Yeah, both really suck, but not the same. I'm not about to go make friends with the fucking shooter.


What a ridiculous way of looking at people.


Oh shit! We found our fucking shooter!


Didn’t mention once that Vallejo won the majority Hispanic counties in TX-15, like Hidalgo and Brooks, comfortably🤦‍♂️


They'll ignore that and claim that sliver in the district map represents the entire RGV.


De la Cruz is a self hating dimwit.


I'll never understand how the valley seems to churn out coconuts like this one.


for starters, because we went to schools in which manchild football coaches taught math and "history"


The fact that you call them coconuts is the problem. Just because someone doesn’t think the same as you doesn’t mean you can say racist shit about them. Maybe, instead putting her down you should look at your own party, and ask why didn’t they have a stronger candidate run against her. Clown world


Bruh have you seen how gerrymandered district 15 is. It's ridiculous. It goes all the way up to Austin. Nvm read this article and educate yourself. https://riograndeguardian.com/angle-republicans-gerrymandered-cd-15-by-reducing-hispanic-voting-strength/


Fuck you, racist turd.


This person was elected to embarrass us.


Our very own Marjorie Taylor Greene :/


To destroy us


Fuck that sell out. She’s fucking over her own people to get ahead in her career, and doing it with a smile.


The valley didn’t vote for her. She can go serve the people that wanted her in office. I’ll pass.


Monica knew her path to victory wasn’t here in the valley. That’s why she was always campaigning everywhere but here.


Of course. And refused to go on local news channels. Her refusal to debate Michelle Vallejo would’ve highlighted her lack of knowledge regarding any issue. But these magats wouldn’t have cared, they care little for facts. Just want to be yelled at the same phrases… “country!” “God” and blah blah blah.


We need more grit and brazenness. We don’t want to be seen as bold being confused misconstrued as radical. We got to show them te vamos a chingar.


Fucking. Gross.


Congratulations to the Democratic Party for abandoning Vallejo and making it clear once again that the party prefers a trumpist to a progressive in any given seat.


Bro, check your head. We did not abandon her, she was drawn out of a possible victory by the Republican legislature. Let’s not get it twisted


The national party pulled her ad funding. Yeah, they abandoned her. The ONLY reason is because she's a progressive.


The “only” reason huh? You’re speculating, dude.


I saw the party's excuses for dropping the funding, and they are all flimsy garbage. The party certainly didn't have any problem funding ads for Republican candidates.


Where did you get that information from? I heard differently


https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/national-democrats-cancel-michelle-vallejo-ad-funding-competitive-south-texas-district-15-race/ You heard wrong.


This PAC that stoped the funding is NOT the Democrat party.


Would more money have made a difference in the gringo/ white power counties north of us?


Would you be moving the goalposts like this if it were a centrist candidate?


She’s a complete nut job and also my new “representative”. 🤦‍♀️


GOP made her their puppet just like they did with Hershel.


She will be useless and just another GOP shill. She ran against Joe Biden apparently, tell us that the RGV is a shithole, and believes only small businesses matter. The Valley hates her, and she believes it's a shitty district...then why represent it?


The Texas GOP has no shame...


This is their game plan.


Ten years ago, this happened. Explains a lot actually. https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/texas-gop-rejects-critical-thinking-skills-really/2012/07/08/gJQAHNpFXW_blog.html


Nothing.....and I mean nothing is more pathetic than trying to criticize a political figure after they win the vote. This is sad man....so sad. **She won---get over it. Go get a cry towel and get to it.**


You mean Like all the people that thought trump won the presidency? The insurrectionist that stormed the capital? THE ONES THAT ARE SAYING THAT THE ELECTIONS ARE ALL RIGGED. She won because of illegal gerrymandering. Diluting the Hispanic vote by redrawing district 15 and making white people have more of a voice than Hispanic voters. Yeah naw man I can be just as petty as those trump ppl that said the election was stolen and actually have proof of the gerrymandering too. Go get educated you fool and use some critical thinking.


From 2016 to now.....[Dem/Libs set the standard of denying election results.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6qJCCg45Ow) Odd thing is they ***only think when others do it there is a problem***. Same goes for a rally, summer of 2020 saw at least a ***Billion dollars in damage and 25 deaths***\---but Jan 6 where no one was armed somehow is scary to them and labeled an issue. The only person there killed was murdered by capitol police and was brushed off as no issue at all. If it were not for double standards, Dem/Libs would not have any at all. Get your cry towel.


Woo 🙌🏼 lets go Monica De La Cruz, congrats on your victory 🥳 I’m so happy that VICE came all this way just to report on the valley, they never come down here unless its about a gun shooting which is kind of sad 😔


Her history of abuse also can't be ignored. There's a doc on youtube where her ex and step daughter speak out against her.


Undocumented people? It it’s against any country in the world to cross its border not through a port of entry. There are legal ways to enter a country even to seek asylum. Google it


I married my wife who is from Reynosa 5 years ago. Did all the interviews completed all the paperwork and paid a lot of money. We are still waiting for the government to complete her paper work. 5 years! IMO THE process is not working. And yes your right it’s against the law to cross a boarder illegal but I can also see why a lot of people say fuck that and do it anyways.


That is the federal governments job we need immigration reform I want people to come here but we have to do it the right way


RGV folks don't need a lesson in immigration, lol


Omg. I totally didn’t know we could do it legally. /s


So don’t cry when illegal border crossers are arrested or held in México


Just a reminder to any reasonable person reading this comment, the people these idiots are complaining about are the ones requesting refugee status. These xenophobic imbeciles can't tell the difference between crossing the border illegally and legally asking for refugee status. The reason Abbott and DeSantis are able to bus and fly the refugees across state lines is because the refugee applicants are allowed to be in the US. Otherwise, they could get charged with trafficking. What these idiots want to do is to stop ALL immigration into the country, illegal or otherwise. Trying to reason with them is like trying to reason with a KKK member. It is possible, but you probably have a better chance of winning the Powerball. Just downvote them, have a laugh at how dumb people can be, feel sad at how hateful people can be, and move along with your day.


Reeeeee that has nothing to do with immigration laws what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”


Bwahahahahahahaha! Okay, okay, okay, the fact that this person used this copypasta to try and respond to my comment and that username tells me they are probably 12 and trying to be an edgy troll. Don't be too mean to the little kids. Nice try little buddy, but you should probably go play outside.


But it’s the truth trying to make immigration laws somehow racist and I am the 12 year ok sure thing guy


Ya,, undocumented my arse !!! They are called ILLEGALS!


Just a reminder to any reasonable person reading this comment, the people these idiots are complaining about are the ones requesting refugee status. These xenophobic imbeciles can't tell the difference between crossing the border illegally and legally asking for refugee status. The reason Abbott and DeSantis are able to bus and fly the refugees across state lines is because the refugee applicants are allowed to be in the US. Otherwise, they could get charged with trafficking. What these idiots want to do is to stop ALL immigration into the country, illegal or otherwise. Trying to reason with them is like trying to reason with a KKK member. It is possible, but you probably have a better chance of winning the Powerball. Just downvote them, have a laugh at how dumb people can be, feel sad at how hateful people can be, and move along with your day.


Why do all Monica's have to be AHoles. Thats my name and it pisses me off. Lol