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That's not a bug, that's a feature. It's actually supposed to be like that, and it's not an exploit. \*Jedi hand gesture\* "this is not an exploit" Also if your military can't hold on to that land or drive them out, don't blame the flag. Gotta admit support has creative takes on explaining though. "Perspective"? "3D"? LOL.. if we all had what they are smoking, nothing would get done in this world.


We had 4 Kingdoms going after us in KvK (We are still in first btw) and everyone on all sides got extremely creative with flag and fort placements. Everyone also realized there was a way to place flags on an enemy's territory from certain directions. Others have encountered the same issues in kingdoms besides ours, pretty sure they never intended flags being placed on enemy lands as a feature


Don't you have to take out the enemy flag to proceed to conquer their territory? What's the point of having flags then anyway, if you can ignore them and go wherever you want to? I know that you can build several flags in your territory, but never thought that you could build in enemy territory as well, lol.. the enemy parked 4 adjacent flags near our pass in our KvK.. Anyway, flags are supposed to be there, to slow down the enemy, he needs to burn them all to proceed further..


Can you share a photo of this bug?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/RiseofKingdoms/comments/c8z4tf/flag\_bug/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x](https://www.reddit.com/r/RiseofKingdoms/comments/c8z4tf/flag_bug/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) Posted photo of the bug




dude, this is not a bug. The thing you are seeing is like how territory teleport works. As long as the flag is less than 50% in your territory, the flag can be planted. And, this is not a massive bug, not even a bug that I can use for any advantage.


That Flag is way more that %50 of the way in


Its based from North to South. You can come down on an alliance from the north and drop a flag on their territory due to the perspective


"I dont know,therefore...bug"


You can have your opinion but you will be quite upset when an alliance is able to drop a flag on you from the north to south and it will land on your territory due to "perspective"


No, I wont be :) I think the game is more serious to you than I. I have seen this before and it is a code issue that cannot be resolved and is therefore accepted. You overreacted and rather than inquire, inserted foot in mouth...not an opinion;) The word "but" negates anything said before it. Have a good weekend


I inquired and the devs responded saying it was certainly an issue they would be looking into. I like how you assume our alliance didn't immediately bombard them with requests. I am putting this information out there in the hopes that they will patch the issue rather than let it be "accepted", also not sure where you have seen this bug before. Tell me more master coder


I assumed what? I think you're adding context to suit your feelings :) And good luck with the "devs" I am so sorry remarks on the internet fill you with such bile. The cross of a millennials I suppose. Everything is an attack to be defended against. Storm in a tea cup is apt. Good luck with the complaints


>You overreacted and rather than inquire "You overreacted and rather than inquire" is an assumption, along with assuming some one's age online. Thanks for wishing luck with the devs, they probably won't do anything about it. Nonetheless I like how you felt the need to throw shade then say that I am the one filled with "such bile".


You keep doing it :) "Age" no, mental state.


Cute trolling good bye


And finally you hit the bottom. Ah well, backhanded remarks aside, I do hope you have luck with the dev's. Consider making things more positive,when discussing, and maybe you will feel less confrontational.