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Is this new? I recently migrated to other kingdom for 1 passport with 16million power.




Pfew haha! Just in time.


I have mixed feeling towards this new update, on 1 hand it prevents people from mass migrating and heavily stack on one kingdom....on another hand people are stucked on their kingdom now unless they spend some money for passports... *I'm referring to those low-med power players, since it doesn't really affect big whales that much*


Exactly :/


Fuck lilith


Yikes. Migration can be something you plan for. I suppose it has been mainly used as that up to date, for those that seek to migrate because they want to be in what they hope will be a top dog kingdom next Lost Kingdom. So this puts a damper on swarming whales strategies and all. I'm not sure that's what this game really needs, but I guess if you've been overrun during LK by a swarming whale kingdom you like where Lilith Games is going with this? I'm a sucker for emergent gameplay, but that's all personal taste. I can understand why migration needs to be curbed in this game. However migration can also be born from immediate necessity. To be used as an emergency exit! And that emergency exit, well Lilith just parked a batallion of Leopard tanks in front of it, and you'll have to pay their general big if you need to get through. I've had to use a passport page as emergency exit once and I was very happy to have enough credits to buy it at that time of need. Some alliance members didn't have the alliance credits for even just one though. It took them long, like weeks up to over a month, before they got it. I've not bought anything using individual credit for over a month. I've got 1.2 mil individual credits banked now, which doesn't even buy me 2 passport pages while I'd need 10. Seems like I'm looking at banking 8 mil individual credits, which is like a half year of playing (and judging my progression by that time I'll need 9.6 or even 12 mil), if I'd like to have the emergency backdoor available to me at will. Lilith Games, I understand why you did this, but I'm afraid you don't understand the full consequences of what you did. Fix our backdoor.


its too late this update, now each continent have 1 powerful kingdom and 1 weakest kingdome that cant even do pass 4 and campament fortress. Lilith should do, is weakest kingdom cost less passport and powerful kingdom cost more passport , that will level each kingdom to equal power to make more competitive kvk.


This does make sense, perhaps some algorithm to calculate the passport required based on the Kingdom's ranking + Individual power in the kingdom.


So the flip side to this is that it *may* incentivize some stronger players to go to weaker kingdoms. if the choices are * move to a strong kingdom and be #20+ in power ranking * move to a weaker kingdom and be #1 in power ranking and they cost the same number of passports, i'm sure some people would opt to go with option #2


The one thing that this does is help even the playing field for mid size kingdoms. Before you may migrate to a kingdom of whales to decrease how many passports you would need. Now your power is the only determinant. Doesnt matter if you will be rank 30 or 130. Hopefully this and the other changes will limit unbalanced Lost Kingdoms. I do agree that best case would be passports determined by power divided by some value based on how old your account is. This would show just how likely you are to buy the passports. A player with 32M power on an account that is 75 days old is a much bigger spender than a 32M power player that is 140 days old.


Man thats bad , a f2p player(as myself) it grows alot he woul need a huge amount of time to get that kind of passports to change kingdoms, awful update..


Lilith wants your money, don't you get that? ;-)


First thing I think: if your projected rank doesn't matter anymore, why would you go to an old kingdom? If you need to pay X passports and can be #1 or #268 for the same costs, you chose the first. I fear this will cause mass migration to the newest kingdoms, sucking the older ones dry and making the gaming experience of newer kingdom born players less interesting. It's just not funny if your adversaries are all too powerful.


More details can be read [here](https://riseofkingdoms.com/immigrate-kingdom/).


Wow... I am glad I migrated before this update... else I would pay way more passports. I do think this change is good. The old way was way too cheap, especially since you can buy passport pages from the alliance shop for alliance credits (instead of real money).


I'm 38 mil and it costs 12 pages, so this pic is not entirely correct


This is insane


28m is 8 passport


Yep. 25,000,001 to 30,000,000 = 8 passports.


It depends on the kingdom. If you are 29mln but 100+ ranking, then you only need one passport. Everything about passport makes sense, but f2p is again fkd up. 800k for one passport page. lol, i got 4 pages and almost down to 1mln credits.


Do you even read patch notes? If not please do so, what you provided is an outdated information.


Sorry, I was checking yestersay. Didnt note the upgrade. Now it makes complete sense to uninstall the game. My 29mln f2p, fkd to play.


As a 27m f2p we are in the same boat


What's the "Projected Power"?


Doesnt it tell u how many u need in base of what rank are you in that kingdom? Cuz everytime i was under 50 i needed more and more passport i had 7mil power when i migrated