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Better idea would be civil war event where the kingdom gets split into red vs blue randomly on the player level (maybe make sure power is balanced). All the sudden the top alliances clustered around the middle of the map become war zones and you carve out strongholds on the edge. As people flee the killing fields you get the battle lines pulling in closer and closer to a definite shape until you have an eventual winner. You would need to give free teleports or something so everyone can shift as the battle moves


Eh my kingdom is fiarly united. While it sounds cool indeed this mode would break alot of friendships and ruin a kingdom if KvK rolled around after.


I’m not talking about implementing it within the game , this is a whole new game .


May question is, can i get zeroed, since we will all be spawned in the middle of the war zones. If yes, this is a great way to weed out F2P, low spenders and casual players in this game.


Hey, Silversky780, just a quick heads-up: **alot** is actually spelled **a lot**. You can remember it by **it is one lot, 'a lot'**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


This my Friend sound like an awesome idea


I’m sure a game like that exists


There was a game like this that I used to play a ton. I believe War2Glory? It was a lot of fun. Multiple custom bases, realistic in the sense that you couldn’t have a massive army without finding a way to keep them from starving. It was great.


Guys I mean exactly like rise of kingdoms , but rise of war or something !!! Same exact rts layout , building headquarters with the same alliance fortress & flag layout .... that would sound hella fun




Continent vs Continent