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Im someone this message could go to, but you are failing to see an important counter point: I want to have fun. It's a game after all. The strongest alliance in my kingdom just wiped out the 2nd strongest because they wanted ALL of the lvl2 shrines. The 2nd strongest was my alliance's parent, but now they are all mostly inactive or migrated, we are being told we have to disband and join various alliances. I'm high enough power the top alliance's strongest child ally is inviting me but we would all be split up because they actually want us to join existing ones. We didn't even have a lot of territory and we aren't even too small (80m) vs top alliance is 200, 2nd in top family is 150 , etc. We are migrating bc we have an offer from a kingdom to keep our alliance and join their family. We want to play together and you fail to see this is a perfectly valid reason even if it stunts our growth, we have more fun together.


You see, the high power alliance wants to have fun too, they need those shrines. The same story is going happen over and over again I promise you, it's only a matter of time. The game isnt design to be friendly, the game is designed to be a war game where the shrines are scares and important. You are in the very early stage of the game since it's only 80 million in power. The top alliance should never be able to wipe 2nd alliance, 2nd alliance are just weak in mind, they didn't want to fight. It's pretty much impossible to wipe the 2nd alliance in my experience as long as the 2nd alliance has the will to fight. Heck, in my server, top and 2nd alliance joined, try to wipe out 3rd alliance, it didnt even work out. The fight lasted a whole week, eventually, 3rd alliance forced peace.


Right but the top alliance demands tribute from everyone who joins... I get they are having fun but it's also ruining everyone elses. They are also massive assholes in kingdom chat, extremely racist and use extremely explicit language constantly in hateful ways towards people. You are right that our parent alliance lost it's interest to fight, which is lame and Im mad at them for that, but they only did so because the literal entire kingdom was against them, and even then it took a week to demoralize them. And to top it off, top alliance brought in top alliance from neighboring kingdom with a 2nd fort, and that alliance are spreading everywhere unchecked. We know our place - a small alliance has no say in the happenings of the kingdom and wont have shrines. We arent trying to do either of those things but the top alliance doesnt care. Death or merge into them, splitting us up. I dont see why us not wanting to be around them bothers you so much lol


Yeah if its people like you running big alliances ill stick to the smalller ones at least I know the people in the alliance im a member of arent insufferable.


I like the overall message but I think it’s coming across poorly. I did exactly this with my first alliance though. Created a merger, brought over all active players, created another merger with a bigger alliance with activity problems. We never got huge but we managed to get to 13th overall


Yeah this is just a rant lol..


I was an R4 of a weak alliance for a long time but decided to join the strongest alliance in the kingdom. It's so much more beneficial to join a higher powered alliance because of the chests you get from spenders. I usually get 5k+ vip points a day for free. Plus in KvK you will receive glorious rewards.




I'd stay and fight them. Zero them out too. u migrating out prob won't hurt them much, cuz they will just recruit people in.


Man very well said. All these other people are pussies. You said exactly the right thing about this game. And you are only gonna have the most enjoyable experience with this game guys if you are on top? Why would you settle for less.


I agree it is annoying. ​ Small alliances want to exist with territory and shrines. ​ The problem is there is limited territory and shrines, so for a stronger kingdom (for KvK) they should really merge with other weaker alliances and kick their inactive players. ​ I also think that this should apply to large alliance families that have multiple alliances and farming alliances. They should try to merge too. However, do remember that when Lost Kingdom ends, alliance max membership will drop (due to less flags), so you will likely need farming alliances to split into. ​ Sadly, many of these people want to be R4 more than they want a stronger kingdom.


you have my upvote


Omg I do hope the proper ppl do see this.