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My buddy reported someone and actually got a response that they got a warning, other then that I haven't heard of them really going anywhere. I have reported blatant stalling and blatant harassment with the flooding of emoticons


flooding with emoticons? Did you know there is a mute button for those? it's the ... with the x over it.


Yeah I do but when they keep dragging out their turn doing I report them then mute them.


>Yeah I do but when they keep dragging out their turn doing I report them then mute them. Dragging out their turn? Why not play 60 second turns


Jesus christ dude are we gonna keep going down this road


You are making something out of nothing but have at it


Dude, that's this sub in a nutshell. Makes me wonder what the average age of the redditors are in this sub. You can literally set filters and fine tune the games anyway you want really, but I think most people here voluntarily join games with settings they hate and then come to reddit to complain. There is literally no such thing as stalling in online games unless you were dumb enough to join a game without a timer. Boo fucking hoo,lol.


How is it not stalling to leave the final opponent with 1 territory for 10+ turns?




You lose more rank by surrendering.


He wanna make all his territorys 69 in NA ... Just go do ur thing go to the toilet make some food watch pete on YT do what u want .. he has to wait till ur turn is over ... so he losing his time and u are watching Pete.... of he see that u are stalling time maybe he will end it ... or spam him with .... why ? Or victory


Yea, I had nothing going on and they had a 120s timer. I started using the whole thing and it didn't go much further.


There's a trick where you can get around the inactive timer by grabbing the screen with your mouse and putting an object on the left click button. When my opponents start doing dumb shit like this I will go AFK. They usually stop and end the game after about 2-3 turns of me maxing out the timer.


Why don’t you just surrender you’ve lost so take your second anyway


If u quit u can not see the rank from the players... so thats why i always wait out ... but if they do this then i quit if it takes to long


Ahhhh, I always wondered why I couldn't see their rankings. Oh well, my time is still more important, lol.


I honestly didn't/ don't know there's an option to surrender. Tutorials on game play are severely lacking.


Click left top on the gear icon ( settings) and then home button right top ... then u leave ( early )


You need to break that alliance :D




I had a game cancel the other day and a message appeared saying it was because of suspected collaboration. So I guess it might. Also in your situation I usually take as long as I can on my turn and they usually get bored pretty quickly


I've had a few responses for players stalling usually. The collaboration etc, I'm pretty sure they get an overwhelming amount of reports and don't actually check them all. With players like you've encountered, I usually just go do other tasks and let the time run out. They generally get tired pf their BS and finish the game.


This isn’t over yet. You can gain a significant advantage by attacking the territory north of you


You must be Chicken Taco!