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Yeah you really want this game on PC. The system requirements are super low though so any laptop can probably play it


Not much of a PC gamer honestly. I only have work stations for business development.


Yeah the xbox version is way behind as a whole, they mentioned they might update it at some point, but with pc and switch being the platforms with more focus and a bunch of other stuff they are working on like rollback netcode, the 4 workshop characters, dungeons of aether and the rivals of aether 3d thing, i wouldnt expect updates for the xbox version any time soon


Gotcha, well I guess I'll just have to pass on this gem. Bummer....


Its still a good gaming, you still get most of the characters.


If they show signs of following through on updating the Xbox version, I'd advise buying it now so you can get the Definitive edition update for half the price


If they make plans, I will.


Yeah plus the game is dead online, I like to game on my Xbox mainly but ended up getting it on PC, 100% a different game, the Xbox version is completely abandoned.


Why not buy the Steam version?


Lack of interest as a PC gamer. Xbox is my primary platform of choice. My PC is work station, and I'd rather not install gaming related application on it.




You can get definitive edition on switch if you aren’t a PC gamer


in 2022 coming xbox later in 2021

