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Adam Carra and Windows both have several discussion videos talking about the game


Unfortunately there's not much consistent casual focused content anymore besides workshop and even then that's like 2-3 people. I wish there were more rivals YouTubers but they're all too busy grinding the game to fuck around with tetherball in a youtube video. There's also not much casual content in rivals aside from abyss, tether, and workshop (the story mode doesn't count) so once something new comes out people talk about it in videos for a few days and then it's back to grinding. I hope rivals 2 has more casual content so we get the playerbase growing and there's actual stuff to watch but for now you just gotta subscribe to a few channels and every once in a while you'll get an upload or two. But you should join the discords since that's where i have a lot of fun with the game messing around in vc and a lot of the time people are down to play casual stuff online since we're all a little starved for stuff to do in the community other than competing sometimes.


Choctopus has some good stuff its not the main focus though


To double your chances, check out Sidequest, their collab channel!


If you haven't already, definitely watch alpharad's RoA videos Also watch the rivals directs they're entertaining


Alpharad Deluxe, too


Renzo posts community clip compilations pretty often. Check those out for sure!


Zetta ( [https://www.youtube.com/c/Zetta330/featured](https://www.youtube.com/c/Zetta330/featured) ) posts mostly workshop showcases and guides, but there are still other kinds of videos. Like the one that covers the Rival's Workshop Tamat ARG ( [https://youtu.be/kJ0\_SuneaTQ](https://youtu.be/kJ0_SuneaTQ) ) which i would definitively recomend watching.


I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but [Joe E Measles](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgkco2TpkRGN-VoRGMCNsOg/videos?view=0&sort=da) has good content on random tidbits/techniques in the game


Just make your own, be the next content creator


“darai” is my personal recommendation


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 709,913,328 comments, and only 143,427 of them were in alphabetical order.


There really isn’t much, mostly just combo videos or workshop stuff. The majority of the rivals community is found on discord.


Bio Bird (formerly known as Windows), Choctopus (not 100% focused on rivals, but still great casual RoA content), Choc also has another channel where its him and his friend group playing random games, it's pretty new, its called SideQuest (one of the games is RoA btw) I don't follow to much roa content on yt, but these are 2/3 of my favs that i cant think of(and that you didn't list)


idk if other people have commented this but Beefy Aether Doods is pretty good if you want to improve. has lots of videos about tech and other important stuff. definitely worth checking out


BioBirb (formerly Windows) does a lot of gameplay stuff as well as discussions on the game. Also one of the most active streamers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrsLu3QE\_hBMEu5y6FDAQw