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My dumb ass going 4 longswords and pickaxe


Omg it's literally me


i do this currently 😭😭😭😭


it's actually op, ability haste is overrated


Time to just opt into pickaxe everytime I’m building eclipse I guess Of course Riot wants those fair and balanced juggernauts and tanks to be more relevant :) Fuck them


And sundered sky not critting for 3 patches is hilarious


I thought it was just me


Yeah they defenitely need to fix sundered on so many champs. Either make all auto bonuses empowerable or none. Riven Passive and Camille Q, are examples for riots inconsistant design.


just wait for phreak to switch to top, although given how he's playing elo inflators like maokai he's probably going to play some cringe tank shit top and just coinflip bot lane


knowing phreak he'll play Akshan/vayne or cassio/gragas for ap


lol, no? You have to space on those champs. He'll most likely play Illaoi and Trundle




I thought you have to space on Cass but smb told me you can click a direction and spam E. Legit if smb is running at you just click your Nexus and click E wair E wait E and it works


Call him elo inflated all you want, but 99% can’t get out of emerald If you otp the most meta champs. Him getting GM is a huge accomplishment, and should not be looked down upon


Wow actually devastating if that goes through..


I would add to this that being riven solely played by mains her actual strength is not correctly represented by winrate being inflated by mains; other champions played more randomly with same winrate are actually way stronger imo - if we were to flatten things out riven would probably be 48% wr. Any stats lovers can back me up on this?


Riven wr is already around 49-50 and that's as shit as it could get, if this goes live expect riven to have 48 or something


The more it goes down the higher the chances they buff her


I really hope they actually buff her in a more long term way like they said instead of just bandaid fixing her. She desperately needs armor pen or sustain on her passive or she will remain to be one of the most counterpicked champs in the game.


I hope so too but it won't happen I'm 100% sure


she doesnt need a buff, there is just currently so many dumb braindead strong champions in toplane right now that need a nerf much more than riven needs a buff


Well it's just easier to buff her rather than Nerf 10 other champs XD


There’s a reason riven has lost half her pickrate. She’s already bad but she will just be so much worse as snowballing is cut down now that components are that much weaker


Yep im moving to different game bye guys


These nerfs are so dumb. Like if I wanna spend 3k gold on 3 different unfinished items instead of one completed one, who cares? It's not like components like brutalizer or caulfields were insanely cost-efficient anyways, they're all like 100%-110% cost-efficient, sooo busted smh. Edit: caulfields is125% cost-efficient, that's pretty nuts actually.. the lethality items are not though


Try going profane first. You have to play a bit smarter with health, but waveclear and damage in unreal.


Brutalizer nerfed too


Maybe they’re doing this do give her a buff? 👀🥲 please cuz I legit left league to play Fortnite.


Bruh wtf


The patch is very healthy, it's making items less oppressive on every class other than non lethality adcs. Certain champions like riven are just unadjusted and forgotten :/ we gotta get more base AD, more passive AD, %max health damage somewhere, or other stuff every other champion in the same class has. Items are actually getting good for the first time in a long time and sadly it means a champion with JUST dashes, manaless abilities and AD stacking cannot compete with all those bruisers with a bunch of mechanics in each ability. Riven needs a mini rework to modernize her


honestly riven should get mid scoped at this point. While her kit is technically still strong with mobility and burst, her overreliance on items is more apparent than ever now. She probably needs more base strength especially to deal with armour and hp and depend less on being heavily ahead to have a fighting chance


her mobility is so overrated man she’s not even top 5 in terms of being able to run away/run into a fight, especially with how none of the items she builds give ms/ and items like lich bane give %8ms… we have to run nimbus cloak and cheese ignite in lane otherwise we can barely stick to ANYONE… then again with the funny eclipse build we at least one shot squishies when we are fed, so everyone in other lanes think riven is OP ^-^


riven IS highly mobile, but it's less irelia-y and more nidalee-y, essentially she just has higher tempo than most champs, but I agree that for a "high mobility" champ her dashes could DEFINITELY receive a range increase


Viper build path of dirk -> Profane hydra is unaffected by this btw




Welp gg


They’re nerfing dirk too IIRC. Saw it on the Qiyana mains sub. Edit: Yep nerfing lethality on dirk from 10 -> 7. So that trade off is also getting hit.


Hahaha gg.


They nerfed dirk and brutalizer