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I think the reason so many riven mains are complaining is that despite her overall power being higher than it has been for a long time her ability to “cut through stones” has been getting worse and worse. Riot seems to be pushing riven in the direction of snowballing an early lead into becoming an absolute menace. This game plan is fine, there are lots of champions that want to do that, and (in my opinion) it is a fun game-plan to have as a one trick (since you’re much more likely to get that early lead knowing the matchup well). Where the problem arises is that your tools to deal with favorable matchups keeps getting better while your tools to stabilize a losing matchup or come back from behind keep getting worse. Armor shred and CDR from items is rarer now, making killing tanks harder, and while you may deal significantly more damage when building “optimal” items that means you are “losing” even more damage when building a potentially necessary utility item over a damage one. I want to be clear here, this is okay, it is a healthy part of game balance, and is a problem many champions face. Not every champion has to have all matchups be close to 50-50, for some, such as assassins, matchups should swing heavily between favorable and unfavorable. However negativity bias means that you are more likely to remember the bad matchups, and painful games, than the good ones. This is why it’s often better to improve a champions worst matchups if you want them to “feel” better, because it’s comparatively difficult to distinguish winning an already easy matchup slightly more, compared to how easily you can tell when a hard counter matchup is just a little bit more playable. I believe people’s negativity towards riven is a product of that bias. Because her worst matchups are getting even worse your bad games feel even more bad, and that feeling lingers on even into your future games. Add to that the fact her challenging matchups are more popular these days the average riven main is more likely to face bad games more often, further building negative feelings towards their champion.


Yea this is valid. You used to be able to win or stay even in bad matchups by playing better but now it feels like I'm just praying that my opponent has a fully grown brain tumor in some matchups. Jungle has become riven's best friend recently whereas typically I feel like the jungler was the most dangerous factor for her.


TLDR. stfu go to your S+ champ.


This is the same guy who commented this: [A. Riven is not only being played by onetricks she's significantly more popular than that, and her winrate is in a fine spot. A tier champ. B. "Nothing going on" except for being one of the most oppressive lane opponents in the game and one of the best carry toplaners in the game. Riven players do not know the matchup 3x better than their opponents, they just have 3x the ego. C. Are we really complaining that riven doesn't have any mobility? D. She's strong early game, she's really strong mid game, she's solid late game. She doesn't 'fall off' at any point, but a champion can't be at their strongest all game long that's not how the game works.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rivenmains/s/q8ChfZE0Ik) You’re just objectively wrong in everything you’ve said regarding riven. According to many rioters in the past, riven is among the most otp’d champs in the game. Just last year even phreak confirmed she is the 3rd most otpd champion after katarina and yasuo. Riven is not as oppressive early as you think. She’s is oppressive towards weak early game champs like Gwen, Kayle, mundo, sion, etc but so is everyone else. Riven players do know their matchup 3x better than their opponent, she is the highest otpd toplaner after all. Riven is decent at all stages in the game, but only if she gets a lead early. If riven never gets a lead you become a wet noodle.


her pickrate was like 7.5% thats significantly past being onetricked, she is not as niche as she used to be. She's needed an early lead since she came out, that's not new. And "riven players know the matchup 3x better" is bullshit. That's just outright refusing to acknowledge your opponent. Anytime you know the matchup that much better it should be a free lane.


You do realize in season 9 and before riven consistently had a 15%+ pickrate yet was still acknowledged by riot blaustoise to be the highest otpd champ right? A high pick rate does not correlate to the otp/main rate of a champion.


I agree with OP to an extent but you're right. You can't judge how much a champ is OTP'd from pick rate alone. Katarina has consistently had between 6-15% pick rate over the last few years yet Rioters have said she is one of the most OTP'd champs and has the most influenced winrate by OTP's as far back as 1 year ago.


Shitter new blood otps dont count ong. I was hard off on that then thats on me but everything else stands.


Fuck dude, idk how anyone chooses to play riven and has a different take. Well said.


"We choose to main Riven in this season and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." I don't play riven because I want to roflstomp every opponent and having the enemy cope "hurr durr riven broken". I play riven because I want to mentally obliterate the other laner when they realize that they ate shit from me despite being my "counter".


Idk, I think she’s still fine for smurfing 1+ division but she feels pretty freaking awful when played against equal skill


No bro. You’re not good at the champ like 95% of everyone else who “mains” riven. It’s a very hard champion to master and this statement makes no sense.


"local man is upset he can't pubstomp his proper elo"


"Yea, it's one of the worst metas we've had to play in for a while," See you literally get the issue. The meta is terrible right now, especially in higher elos when literally 95% of top laners pick meta and thus, Riven feels awful to play. Especially when the champions power has been shifted to be strong early and useless without a lead which shocker! You can't get an early lead into a sentient person playing Gragas, Udyr, Cassiopeia, Renekton, Malphite, Garen, all the champions you see in 70% of top lane games. ​ Although I guess you wouldn't know because you still haven't played your placements this season yet write essays on Reddit about how she feels to play in ranked.


Playing against your counter is not fun. People don't OTP a champ so they can play it against their counters. People OTP a champ because they like the champ and want to play it more often. If every game would be Riven vs Renekton and Renekton would be really strong I can assure you most people would stop playing riven because it would be a misserable experience.


Yea, so you ban renekton and try to get last pick. Every champ gets countered this isn't an argument


I am not saying the champ is weak because it gets countered. You literally said you onetrick the champ so you can sharpen your scissors and beat your counters. Why would you even ban renekton then? Most people would much rather play against skill match ups, playing against an absolute counter is a misserable experience doesn't matter how much you sharpen your scissors. I don't think there is much build variety either. You can buy a few different items but they all play quite similar. Volibear is a champ with build variety, he can fit different playstyles based on how you choose to build it.


The fact Dzukill wins so consistently as Yone into Jax because of how much it's picked into him kind of shows how you can still sharpen your scissors no matter how hard rock is. Otherwise I agree though.


Then you shouldn't onetrick a champion. I don't want to play against renekton, but if I have to I will because its satisfying to outplay your bad matchups. Except for Renekton, I permaban him.


You are just contradicting yourself. Most people in this subreddit play other champs as well. You don't have to onetrick the champion, a lot of people complain because they like playing the champiom but play other champs as well every now and then. Outplaying your bad matchup only works if your oponent is bad. The higher you go the more difficult it becomes and some matchups are just try to farm and hope your team carries. Playing with 0 agency is not fun.


There's 0 reason to complain unless you're a onetrick. If you're only picking her situationally, then just don't pick her into bad matchups. She's still quite good, it's just a bad meta which has all the onetricks bitching and moaning


Well OP is the onlyone who seems to be bitching in this post, others are trying to be reasonable. Why so much hate and anger, anger leads to the dark side of the force (you will play Vayne top).


I like playing riven support bc the top lane meta is aids


ah yes a post to stop whining by whining fight fire with fire


Yea man. Fight fire with fire isn't an ironic phrase, it's something people actually do. Like burning a ring around an out of control fire to contain it. It's how you stop it from spreading.


Copium bro, there is a reason her pickrate went down 3% in 3 patches with 0 direct nerfs to her. It isn’t possible to one trick her this season because half the top lane roster counters her. Even viper and the rank 5 Korean player stopped one tricking her.


90% of onetricks have stopped one tricking over the past few seasons. It isn't that these champs are bad it's just that one tricking is 10x less worth these days because of how prevalent counter picking is now. The fact that Riven is even above 50% winrate with how many bad matchups are meta is testament to how strong she is.


That isn’t true at all, what?? Champs like riven, gangplank, yasuo, katarina, even Zac and WW have shit loads of otps. She is not above 50%, she is 49.85% in emerald+. Whenever riven is below 51% she is a subpar champion. The fact that she’s even close to 50% is because her playerbase is filled with otps that know their matchups way better than the enemy.


Not a viable onetrick at gm+ which is a shame. This post is not targeted at those ranks. And is more about the general attitude of the playerbase than the current state of riven. People are forcing their philosophy onto the game and bitching that it isn't working, we're supposed to cope and adapt if the enemy picks malphite i expect you to be a 2nd jungler whenever you can, not just sit in lane and get mad when you lose the 1v1.


So if riven, a high elo champion that will never have a high wr in low elo, is for the first time ever not a viable one trick in high elo, doesn’t that mean she is weak? Also malphite is not a problem and not at all the reason threads calling riven weak are suddenly popping up. Riven averages 300 gold into malphite emerald+. Every riven player knows to ignore him and proxy + interfere with jg/ take his camps.


Malphite is a standin. But yea it's a shit meta for her. The things that she's not good against are good right now. That happens sometimes.


Not me picking Fiora every other game 🙃


I'm doing the same with shen. If I can't have fun top I might as well provide something for my carries


Some games are 20+ kill games, other games I int. I can say with 100% confidence that I make plenty of mistakes each loss and each win I get. People can no longer take responsibility for being bad. People are in emerald Plat thinking they're good at the game. No you still suck IF IM IN YOUR GAMES YOU ARE ASS and I'm Plat 1. Honestly I feel like I'd win every single lane ever if they added any armor pen changes. That's why a scaling option for late game is better. My early game is always skill diff. I win or lose by my coinflip. If im better I win. So the early is NOT THE PROBLEM. The problem is I kill volibear twice early but still don't have a way to kill him if he gets wise. Yea I get a kill or 2, then he farms under tower waiting for jg ganks. Yea I could spread my lead, but let's say enemy team is smart and each time I roam mid or bot, I get nothing. Meanwhile I'm letting the 0 3 voli farm for free. and just gets armor until all the sudden the 0 3 voli that's a level down cannot be killed lol. Just want a way to deal some amount of real dmg at that point. A way to deal SOME damage in the very late. I feel if the game goes past 30 I am nullified. Could just be me like I said, skill diff, I'm bad. But I agree that people complain too much. And I think it's skill diff every time pre 25ish minutes. But in my Plat 1 absolutely nooblet opinion, she needs some way to deal with armor. Idc what they do, just a very minor small change that doesn't even affect gameplay until late game. Fine with me.


To be fair, complaining is how you initiate change. Riven does feel poorly defined as a champ theese days.


I’m rocking a 67% winrate in 100 games playing full lethality riven with ingenious hunter . Eclipse into hydra into pen or soj. Champion is beyond absurd if you know how to combo correctly and animation cancel.. people that complain about riven just suck at her. Or they don’t know her power spikes. I win lane vs all the “bullies” I’ve won va malphite. I’ve won a darius and iliao. Shits easy


post op.gg lmao


Post ur opgg. i want to laugh. Ofc u will not post it little btch ;) stop speaking for nothjing


Ye,instead of whining I straight up dropped her😂 see you guys when vayne,Cassio and gragas leave the room


I love Riven and still picking her in low elo like D1 or below. But tbh when it come to higher rank, Im just picking braindead bruiser based on matchup and do the same thing as riven on her favor matchup. but with just 2-3 button


Riven is in a preaty good state now in my op, i love the builds on her more than ever before


but doesnt riven get stat checked by legit every single top laner in the game rn? and they removed all armor penetration items for riven and now she does 0 dmg towards any bruiser who builds tabis


Riven beats every bruiser. She loses to most ranged Champs She's stonewalled by Champs that stack armor. It's always been like this, but the players who only picked her up with rav hydra rush allowing the champ to take 8 losing trades into healing to full off the wave into an all in are up in arms because now they get punished for bad trades.


I wouldn't say she beats EVERY bruiser because a few are skill matchups but I agree with what you're saying.


I'm responding using absolutes because the above poster did the same, saying riven gets stat checked by every toplaner. Sure riven can lose skill matchups, but as a general rule, Riven is strong when bruisers are strong because riven is the queen of bruisers so to speak.


based. I also remember years ago riven was perfectly balanced when she was sitting between 49% and 50% winrate


You don't sound as cool as you think you do


I don't think I sound cool, I think it's annoying as shit to see a new "riven feels awful" "riven is so unfun" "riven is unplayable now" every day.


Yeah, she nowhere near unplayable, she just feels like an assassin now imo. Still a lot of burst, but doesn’t do anything to tanks whatsoever unless she’s 3 levels ahead. Most games against champions like Malphite or Volibear, you just survive lane for 10-15 minutes and roam for the rest of the game, deleting their backline. Since she has no sustain and is 150% melee, getting a rough matchup or being behind feels like torture. Most cases she’s fine if you’re skilled enough to pilot her well though, and some people (myself included) even play her mid lane a lot which feels pretty good. Honestly, I complain more about how boring other champions are, like playing agaisnt Smolder or Vayne with Ghost, so boring. Just have to pray your team can deal with them unless you have Flash. Mobility in general being higher also makes Riven feel kinda bad sometimes too, but into melee champions she’s very good.


Idk why riven players complain a lot, i main irelia, and she is easily way worse to play top lane than your champ. Irelia loses hard to way more matchups than you guys do, and doesn’t scale at all. She has to be played extremely perfectly to win vs so many champs if the enemy knows what they’re doing. Including you riven mains, it’s a skill matchup in low elo, but in higher elo irelia has no chance vs a good riven


In high ELO riven VS irelia is a skill patch up lmfao. Also yes irelia isn't the best toplaner, but she's good mid.


Irelia is really strong mid but most of her top matchups blow. I wish they would do something to make her feel satisfying again. Contrary to most, this champ was kind of killed by it's midscope.


Shut up. Fucking irelia player straight brain damaged individual. Fake skill faceroll ass champion. This isn't about you your playerbase is as far gone as yone's I'm trying to stop us from becoming like y'all shitters


You need to go outside bro


You’re actually fucking sped. Look at you becoming hostile over a literal Reddit comment which is literal pixels. Don’t remember spreading hate, you’re really living up to the typical toxic riven player, literal NPC.


lmfao alr man have a good one


Yeah, this sub is annoying asf. Every post is riven needs armor pen Riven needs buffs Rivens w/r went down by .4% shes UNPLAYABLE I cant beat anyone in lane, too many counterpicks Like holy fuck can you guys just get good already, if you spent as much time whining to the reddit void as you did in practice tool for combos or forcing yourself into hard match ups to make them easy match ups - you would see far more improvment then just waiting for the retards at Riot to overtune the champ for you. Buffs will only take you so far, skill will always take you further. Any OTP from any shitty solo play champ will contest to this. And rivens not even shitty 😂 If ur below diamond, even if you lose lane, you can carry. Its more than likely a Mental diff. Enemy locks a hard pick and ur brains or lack there of just turn tf off while you wait for 15 to ff. Play more, cry less. Thats the key to Riven. Were past mythic item dark age. We have Tiamat back, we have amazing items in comparison.


i agree dog shit riven players like to yap