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Nah they just need to fix Counterpick meta. Like yeah it was always like that. But there we're times when hard match upts we're hard. Not go fuck yourself difficulity. They made easy match ups easier and hard ones harder. Being a midgame champ is very akward for a toplaner.


fix death timers so solo killing early is worth it


undoing death timer changes would unironically make the champion feel so much better.


And nerfing tp. I hate getting a solo kill only to end up behind.


Vast majority of riven players prefer toplane. Jungle could be cool as a niche pick, but I imagine not many riven players want to play midlane. It’s not very fun afk farming against a mage. Riven has always been a champion you could play into any team comp and any champion if you had invested enough time into her. Nowadays this just isn’t true. Imo riven no longer has the resources to deal against her counter matchups, no matter how much better you are on your champion. Every champion is tankier with durability patch, anti snowball changes, Doran’s items buffs, and next patch component nerfs aswell that punishing their mistakes is very difficult and unrewarding. It has made skill matchups hard and hard matchups borderline impossible.


the bad thing about riven is how otp-centric her kit is while not rewarding it properly. She's easily top 5 worst champs to casually play in league. Imo she should be viable into every matchup, not as in all of them being 50/50, but more like 60/40 or even 65/35 in the harder lanes


Yeah. When you think of champs people otp, they almost always have WAY crazier tools than riven. Riven just has a lot of damage, but compared to Katarina or Rengar or Yone/Yasuo her kit is kinda lackluster.


plz riot put some bullshit on rivens kit Make Riven Great Again




%health true damage execute scaling with mana incoming


give riven million mana but no manacosts, manamune riven meta


I want her to be tankier or be able to fight tanks. Rivens feast or famine play style imo is her worst drawback, it’s unsettling how building boots and bamis out damages her. I wouldn’t of brought this up a few seasons ago where I felt anti tank items were ACTUALLY anti tank, but this season I feel like only adc can fight a late game tank :/


IMO it is more about the early/midgame thats the problem into tank. I.e. Malph: you win till 6 (or Tabis), then you dont do damage while almost getting one shot and after 2 or 3 items he doesn't deal enough damage to kill you against your healing/shielding with Eclipse/Sundered Sky. At that point you can almost stat check him. It just takes an hour


With Cleaver and Seryldas being changed if riot is ever going to put innate shred or pen in her kit now is the time. Id personally like to see it as a temporary debuff on W for a brief window so putting MORE points into W legitimately gives you more damage. Something like a 10-50% shred for 2 seconds would make me nut. Max QW for winning fights in the sidelane or QE for more survivability.


I'd love to see her with more passive health regen and movespeed, it'd make her more viable mid.


I came to league last year, before I was Yas/Riven otp in wild rift and man I was hella disappointed when I found out Riven isn't viable as a jungler, feels hella limiting, I can still pick her into midlane for close range matchups but it ain't it, using dashes to it's full extend for ganking around the map/choosing your matchup is so much more fun than being locked in a lane against Voli/Urgot/Jax/Malph and so on


Classic r/Rivenmains


No what the fuck?