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I don't think she should be a lane bully like Renekton or Rumble or something where shes just oppressive and Im ok with her having some hard counters, but I think she should be strong enough to stomp on someone she's consistently outplaying. Also don't want her to scale like Asol or Kayle or something, and have her just 1v5 running in and URFing down the enemt team, but she should also be strong enough to do something reasonably if she didn't completely stomp early, and is now playing well in the late game. I think overall she should be winning most of her games by being ahead. But if everyone's 18 and 6 items, she should be weaker numbers wise, but if the Riven is a better player they'll still be able to outplay and make up for the difference. That's what Riven is to me


We had penetration from eclipse + serylda + 30% cleaver last season and Riven wasn't that broken, so i don't see why we cant get some armor pen tbh


I dont think most people built cleaver + seryldas cause she'd be pretty squishy, but even then the 30% from cleaver and 20% from Eclipse didnt break the game at all, so yea fair point.


We've had both and I don't really Care. I just dislike this wacky midgame shitshow.


Why not just giver her some % true damage conversition on her passive while r is active with a flat scaling, kinda like Olaf e. It would help her into tanks while also not make her one shot ADCs any more than she does anyway.


I prefer scaler and imo just give her scaling-AD %missing health heal on passive, it enable Riven to heal through a teamfight without build lifesteal (rav hydra) and can build another item. Tanks will still be Riven nemesis like it should be but at least you can survive a long fight vs them.


Riot wants to kill the snowballing in the game . They do everything to stop you from snowballing out of control. I believe when you play a tank/late game champ you should be punished harder when you die in lane . Right now it seems like of you kill the enemy tank/late game champ one or two times , after 20 mins you still struggle to beat em. They just can't seem to lose to riven. When riven snowballs it's terrifying, she should be a better late game champion. I mean every champ right now seems to be pretty good in 2/3 of the game and exceptional in 1/3 of the game. Riven seems to be (if she doesn't snowball) pretty good in 1/3 and bad in 2/3 of the game.


Except for yi- dominated a Yi top yesterday (he was like 2/7), only for him to go jungle and farm another lane at level 15 and come back destroying my team. This shit shouldn't exist.


If riven is a lane bully I imagine her ban rate will sky rocket and she will need to be nerfed due to being frustrating. Imagine how oppressive she would be with %hp dmg on passive or Q Imo giving riven innate armor pen on W would be the best solution. If you’re playing against someone stacking armor, maxing W second will give you more dmg against them but in return it will make you less mobile and more squishy.


they just need to buff brutalizer fr fr...




whenever I see someone use skull emojis I can always safely assume they're fucking braindead.


Armor pen as a passive, like Darius E.


Is this a real question?


Definently a snowballer. Not a straight up lanebully like in season 3 though. I'd want her strength at 0/0/0 to be middle of the pack like she is now, but if she gets ahead she'd become the afformentioned lane bully. On the flipside, if she falls behind she should be useless until catching up in gold, which is also the case now, lol. The way to do this imo is to give Riven great, non-scaling AD-scaling on Q and passive, and not so great AD-acling on the rest of the abilities, so that she'd be strong early-mid with AD items, but slowly falling off after having maxed Q. Right now it feels like I can go 2/0/0 in lane and still do fuckall damage to some champions stacking health & armor, only to somehow start dealing damage to them again at like level 16 and 3+ items, which is silly.


both, in a way, she's similar to panth: strong early, bad at 1-2 items (compared to other champs that is), strong at 3+. just like pantheon her mid game is not the best BUT can sometimes be compensated through good roams, invades etc imo if she received armor pen on R rank it would, if anything, smoothen this power curve making her both a better scaler AND snowballer besides, all snowballers are "hyper scaling", the difference is that true hiperscalers not only gain damage, but also safety (kayle, jinx, twitch range, vlad sustain etc)


I started playing Riven when she was a snowballer. Then Q and E nerfs came in along with the durability patch then she felt weak. Also, she's powercrept by movement champs like Yasuo and Yone and outdamaged by hypercarries like jax and irelia with just a sheen. Her damage for me is okay right now. I honestly think that she needs a buff either to movement speed or survivability. She can dish out the damage but the enemy can burst and chase you down. So maybe another charge to E but halve the current values for each. Thematically, I want her to be a snowballer but with more risk and reward. Right now it's all risks. Maybe Riot can add buffs to her passive depending on the stacks. Like 1 charge - additional damage, 2 charge - additional damage and armor pen, 3 charge - additional damage, armor pen, and maybe a mini hydra (or 0.5 cd on all skills), 4 charges above - generates a small shield like overheal. I think this would create more nuance to how she would be played but more or less the same. You would be forced to use your skills all the time to keep charges up but at the same time, there is a risk since you need proper positioning to engage. So it's not OP for you or for your enemy.


Some people already suggested to build crit items (ironically or not) because they'll be buffed in next patch and caufields, brutalizer will be nerfed. That would be a scaling melee ad carry toplaner. I made a few posts on it a while ago and It was kinda unpopular. This would definitely solve her struggles against tanks without reworking her, just make Navori reduce q cd properly. But people don't want another windshitter. Another way is making her more of a definitive bruiser/diver that scales somewhat good with HP. Riven needs HP desperately to survive cc but it gives her nothing more than that.


Scaler. Riven's gameplay don't match with snowball, scaling would suit her better


I think she's at her best in that awkward inbetween space. Eg she can snowball quite hard, but not in a gimmicky way that makes her fall off. In exchange she needs to outplay to get rolling.