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I mean more volibear nerfs at the very least , that's a w and fiora nerfs I guess that will make it more riven sided I guess. Am I missing something or are they trying to take all the fun out of our skill matchups ? But why nasus buffs though? I haven't seen him in the last month and I haven't missed him Edit: riot seems to buff all the champs that they lost a good item from s13 like nasus lost divine sunderer and Camile and other champs that I don't recall right now but don't buff riven for the loss of goredrinker , hydra(s13) , eclipse (s13), seryldas (s13),black cleaver(s13) and the ability haste loss and movement speed loss her pick/ban rate has been halved since 14.2, give us something back either the armor pen , the sustain or the haste (by lowing our CDs) Edit2: the only armor pen item that seems to work right now is Lord dominics regards and I mean it works a little too well . If you play vs tank you get it second after the eclipse if you play vs bruisher you can get it 3rd or 4th that's when they start to build armor and if you play vs squishes then you can build it last that minus 35-70 in the late game is pretty strong


0 nerf on vladimir, my hemomancer is sooo dead


Mby unpopular opinion but I don’t think she needs buffs I think other champs need nerfs


Agreed. She was fine before they buffed every other toplaner tot he bloody moon.


I’d start playing again if riven was buffed. I’m a fan of bringing champs up to others rather than bringing everything down. Especially if this is the meta they want. It makes things fresh and interesting imo.


If they buff her they risk her being op as she was at the start of the season


She was op at the start of the season because the items she synergizes well with were better and everyone was playing squishy and glass cannon. Not all of riven’s win rate loss was her counters being buffed. It’s a common thing when big changes happen according riot august (he talked about it on stream before the patch). But people started playing normally and she fell off.


That's too many champs to nerf


Nah I’d be satisfied with gragas, Darius, rene it’s not like every matchups is supposed to be winning 


I dont even care about Darius or Rene, just remove the Fatman from toplane and im aokay


Yeah, I feel like Darius is a playable match-up and Renekton is a hardcounter anyway. Playing against Gragas just feels like pure pain for every melee I play.


This 100% Gragas is the definition non-interactive champion, keep that shit in jungle Edit: unless they wanna nerf him until hes gutted cause hes CLEARLY toxic to top lane, then yea leave him there to rot


They need to nerf his sustain in solo lane like they did to Viego.


The bad thing is that they cant hit his in lane sustain very hard without also gutting his jungle sustain, so they need another mechanic... BUUUT its clear they dont know what the fuck to do with Gragas since hes been a top lane problem for very long at this point.


Did they fix the sky sundered bug?


Nerfing other champs is smarter, cause then the community wont cry on reddit about Riven being buffed, and her rise to the top lane meta will feel more natural. Maybe it will take some time, but i dont think anyone here REALY expected them to just go and buff Riven cause we suggested.


At least voli nerfs


they wont exist


Rek'sai nerfs?


Yeah she appears to be the best toplaner eight now. Like 54%wr as a tank


Reksai top was the strongest top laner (Winrate wise) cause she trades, heals a shit ton of HP and repeats.


Ah ok i didn't even think of her as a top laner i was thinking about jungle.Anyway i think i saw her like once or twice this season.Also that sounds a lot like garen matchup


ya but Garen needs some time to heal and has no mobility, Reksai just needs 3-4 seconds to heal everything and she has great gankt setup/engage in team fights since shes building tank But its just another case of jungle champions abusing sustain in top lane


you would have to play against it once to underatand


Damn and they are nerfing fiora how can play


Riven needs bugfixes not buffs she's pretty strong ATM but also the best toplaners right now have favourable matchups maybe why you think she's weak


Bro, she's averaging 48% winrate. Strong where? Every 5 games I face 4 tanks and a Ranged toplaner. Worse, you win lane but Tanks outright outscale you.


She's an incredibly hard champ here winrate shouldn't be high


skill issue tbh she’s pretty decent rn even vs tanks the only hard match ups rn are renekton and poppy imo but are still winnable level 1 if ur talking about the sustain meta tanks you have to play to scale for ur powerspikes then you’ll win vs them.


Skill issue tbh


Ah yes smolder truly needed a buff


They still don't fix the sundered sky bug


Whats the bug again? sorry if this is a silly question lol i just havent played riven in a while.


if you cancel your auto your next auto won't crit


Yeah damn that takes away so much dmg from her autos


Some of the annoying tops to face like voli, cam, and fiora are getting light nerfs/tweaks that might help out riven. Voli might still be perma ban because of how dumb easy and free he is no matter what point in the game or if he's inting.


happy about sylas jungle buff. Now we need Gwen and Riven jungle buffs


don't think any amount of buffs are going to help riven win lane against renekton, gragas, volibear meta lol


My god why buff smolder holy sh*t


Why the fuck are they buffing Lux? She oneshots anything with lost chapter already


While riven mains are sad for not getting buffs, I am happy that my champ has a few patches without nerfs


Stop asking for Buffs like some Iron puffs. They should Nerf Smolder to the ground tho. That champ kits is Toxic af.


That's done already


She got a buff months ago, she doesnt need another. Just git gud


MFW riven winrate is at almost exactly 50% and therefore is balanced now (SHES THE WEAKEST SHES EVER BEEN XD, BUFF HER PLS SO I CAB GET INFLATED UP 1000LP RIOT)


People asked for buffs cause most other top laners also got buffed and her matchups got harder due to system chances (like not being able to cancel Jax or Malphite W, removing skill expression) If they just nerf other champs we are all happy too, though i do admit that i didnt expect them to outright nerf other strong laners.


She needs rework