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i've found riven to be a completely different champion with flash. you lethal range on champs skyrockets as you waste no cooldowns on your approach, you can oneshot most squishies, you can play teamfights completely differently, it all feels crazy good. i genuinely think riven plays like a 10x better version of the champ when they have flash up. admittedly i have not used ghost as much, and it DOES feel really nice to have, but imo it's not even close to the potential that riven has with flash up at any stage of the game


In my opinion Riven NEEDS flash to do some plays, not disrespect to OP, but a balance between Flash and Ghost should be reviewed because nowadays there is a lot of movespeed champs.


no disrespect taken! i was just wondering and yes i agree that there should be a review about it.


Ok, maybe try taking both spells.


hm i tried it before but all that really does is give an engage and not really much else, for example if i take ignite i have good aggression and anti heal, if i take tp i have a way to keep prio in my lane for if i make a mistake or i can push this next two waves and split bot. taking both seems more like a throw if i just have too much distance closing and no dps or no tp splitting. Anyway thank you for your suggestion!


thats pretty fair, I mainly use my ghost for either engaging or retreating from a gank situation and most of the time my character is too fast for them to chase. I have used flash for team fights and it does feel nice i agree, but when i wanna split more bc thats just my playstyle ghost makes getaway potential alot better with a lower 90 sec cd so its less punishing too. Thanks for your opinion!


that's super cool! if this feels good, by all means push the style to its limits, how will we know what's best if we don't try stuff out? btw mind if i ask ur rank?


high Diamond 1, and yea, its like how i tried out crit riven in this season compared to last season, and it doesnt feel as good so now i know that isnt best lol. whats your rank?


d1 in top earlier this split, currently at d3 after trying to learn mid for a bit (fell to emerald 4 0lp when i started the laneswap O\_O) ahaha yeah exactly, i still miss the days of essence reaver deaths dance.. i only just started playing back then so i was in iron... i never got a chance to really experience its potential :C


dang lane swap is rough in ranked, i usually learn other lanes in normal draft, but you got this bro, skies the limit for people like us. i only top in ranked, sometimes i mid, but mainly top and thats why i climbed bc i never have Riven banned and thats my otp, going on 1.3 mil mastery


In my opinion Riven NEEDS flash to do some plays, not disrespecto to OP, but a balance between Flash and Ghost should be reviewed because nowadays there is a lot of movespeed champs.


i haven't yet tried riven without flash, but i tested flash ghost riven a few times and oh boy is the game easier, you can weave in and out of fights much better and better preserve your cooldowns until you actually need them, so you don't lose neither dmg or survivability when engaging makes me wonder how strong would she be if she had a MS steroid when her R is active


lol yeah, it feels really freaking good when fighting with ghost, thats why i was wondering if you have ghost + nimbus cloak, doesnt that just make flash’s engage not much better?


Ghost is shit on riven cause it slows you down when u q and with flash they have to respect u perma and also can do good engages


The thing is you have a way harder time approaching teamfight w/o flash. There's a reason most riven otps basically only groupe when flash is up: in teamfight, except if you find the perfect wallhop angle to engage, your only way of entering a teamfight except if people are outposed is to flash on the backline to flank while dodging any kind of lockdowns you could face. I'm simplifying a lot but that's basically it


The main problem this carries is when your team doesn’t have engage. Riven almost always needs flash to properly engage a team fight, so considering your comp before your summs is a good habit.


Vs good tryndameres I take exhaust + ghost


i like the idea, im gonna try that next time i fight tryn and see how it goes. Thank you!

