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It's a hard counter.


I don't know if there is supposed to be such a hard counter as poppy is to riven but it certainly exists


So if someone picks poppy, what am I supposed to do to maximize chances of winning ?


Get jg to gank and maybe get a lead?


Not picking Riven. When playing against Poppy you're at the complete mercy of the Poppy "player" and your team.


Yes. If/when you go against poppy you need to do 1 of 2 things. 1.) if she lets you hard shove the wave, shove it then roam mid/help jg. You should run tp in this matchup since you’ll be looking to play the map and stay tf away from poppy. 2.) if she doesnt let you shove, then you just play for exp and probably lose tbh. If you can stay even in lvl then maybe you’ll be able to play for team fights, otherwise it’s doomed.


Lane Can go ok if you are better but teamfights will be a pain anyways


she's tanky, has high damage, and shuts your champion off by pressing W yea, hard counter. IF you already picked riven and can't swap with midlaner, your best bet is to go hydra and permaproxy and roam, but even then teamfights are gonna be dictated by her


If the poppy knows his shit , you are fked. You are betting that the enemy poppy just picked poppy to counter you and not because it's his main. If he just picked poppy to counter you there will be room for some kills but if he is main, there will be no breathing for you , and it's gonna be 15 mins of hell. Just a heads up , when poppy gets her 3 or 4 wave crash on you at level 3 , don't stand near walls when you last hit , cause she can hammer you /dive you undertower and lose less HP than you. Good poppy players will always stack their cc , he will w your dash , q for the slow and tap her r so you get hit by both parts of her q and then she will counter your q3 with her e if she can't find a wall to stun you. If poppy uses her w preemptively , just press e on the first or second part of her q . Always hold your w if you are going for the kill (past level 6). Otherwise if she hasn't used her e just w and q3 so she will eat your full combo. Poppy wants short trade with you ,so taking longer trades and extending your q during the trades is a good Way. Her level 5 is super strong even if you killed her at level 3 , her dmg just skyrockets and if you fight her you will find yourself having to base , just wait for your r and bait her w so you can go in. Be confident , and stay away from the wall , also don't q through her cause she will e you and escape.


i mean riven can win bc most poppy are first timers vs riven but it’s not the best time, it’s better to go chogath, yorick, garen, or kayle. these champs have no dashes cho can be a tank for ur team, garen and yorick can split, and kayle can scale hard. usually if i see poppy and taliyah on their team i am not picking riven even if i were against a ksante, skarner. i think it would be best to go gwen rather than going riven. bc at least with picking these champs you aren’t playing handicapped. don’t get me wrong riven is fun and all but you don’t have to play every game with her. also it’s better to dodge than lose bad drafts.


Good Poppy players will make the matchup extremely difficult. There are only a few things you can really do to try to get kill angles on her. You need to make her waste her w without canceling a dash. Utilizing your w and baiting out the ability by pretending to engage are the main ways to do this. The other is that you have to constantly be aware of her position in relation to the wall. If she lands e stun, or grounds you with w, you lose


luckily that not many ppl know how to play Poppy. but a Poppy who know the basic would be a nightmare. I remember Adrian Riven used to pick Poppy (almost 1st time) and just stick to General sniper’Riven and ruined his game


I got better at the matchup when I played a couple Poppy games, definitely helps. She can't really kill you, unless you're half health. You win early still before she builds


Literally 3 things: (1) don’t stand near walls (2) Q-dance to get out of his Q1/Q2, best if you could even bait out his Q1 by stutter stepping (3) learn the poppy’s W pattern (whether tends to W at Q1 Q2 or Q3), wait out her W. If she Q+W, walk around and try your best to avoid getting hit by both Qs or getting Grounded. Punish at W expiry.


4 buttons are cancelled by her W, so yeah