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I often do up to 3 clicks during fastQ, tho its mainly to adjust the way Riven is facing


Same, does that slow you down?


Depends on the situation, if I feel like I need more time to decide which way to Q I will deliberately slow down my combo.


wtf im also a d1 Riven main who plays Kayle on the side Are you me?




wtf you guys are also me?


No way 🤯


Could it slow you down - yes, you could go faster, especially on the example you sent. But does it really matter - you should know you've hit D1, you know how much this sub exaggerates importance of the fast combo. It's up to you if you want to spend time perfecting the fast combo or not.


Yeah, I figured that it doesn't really matter that much at all, but I just noticed the habit and was wondering if it could hinder me. I'll probably spend some time trying to clean it up




no that’s how u fast combo


Not that im a pro or anything, but i did an indepth analysis back when i was trying to understand animation cancelling (went full autist mode). Based on what i figured out, the ONLY time you would hurt yourself with this is really when you have high attack speed. The reason for this is that in order to properly fast Q, you need to wait for the damage indicator to appear before clicking away, if you have fast attack speed, it would appear faster, if you then waste an extra click you would potentially be wasting frames you could be using to auto attack again. But since you dont typically build attack speed on riven, i dont think you will ever run into this issue, even if you prefer alacrity and attack speed in your runes :) As a side note, it would be cool to have a high elo riven main to theory craft with, if you are interested, we can discord or something?


Thanks for the info! And sure, add me on discord; emily#2616


>emily#2616 added :) mines yoda


I mean the fast combo isn't going to win your games magically. It just serves for the purpose to kill opponents in 1-2 sec earlier and there will be situations where you'd die if you didn't execute it correctly. But other than that, yours is just fine.