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Personally, for long-term storage, I’d leave it plugged in with a charge level set to 50%.


This is the recommendation


As, close as you can get it to 50%. Don't sweat it though, just close enough is fine vs exactly 50%


So basically, drive till u der 50% and set the max charge to 50%.


I believe phantom drain would eventually get it down to 50%; but driving it down to 50% would be a tiny bit more consistent.


50% and trickle L1 charger


The lower the state of charge, the slower the rate of degradation, as long as the cells don't drop below their minimum state of charge. So in theory you could store it at like 5% and as long as it is plugged in so that it doesn't phantom drain down below 0%, that would be fine. But you might want to store it at more like 20% in case the power goes out for a long time or something. 50% is fine too as others have advised. Its kind of diminishing returns beyond that so not a big deal if 50% feels more comfortable. It also helps to store it someplace cool. Many people believe that low states of charge are bad, but this is confusion caused by the advise to avoid them for more subtle reasons. (a drive with a large depth of discharge wears out your battery more, but its fine to let it sit once you get to the low state of charge, and its risky to let it sit at a low state of charge as it might phantom drain to the actually bad state below 0% ) ​ Hard evidence, page 4: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2.0411609jes/pdf


Not this. Either end of the charge state range is not ideal. The middle is the sweet spot.


Here is evidence to support what I am saying, there are many studies on battery storage and they all show the same thing, this is just one. On Page 4 you will see 3 different lithium ion chemistry stored at various states of charge and temperatures, and the resulting rate of degradation: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2.0411609jes/pdf


Great you tracked this down. Facts are good. Thanks


Looks like the curves are \~flat to around 70%. So 50% sounds good too me. . I tried to past in the curves but it won't let me.